Number of People

Chapter 1316: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Tree Girls' Thoughts

  Chapter 1316 Xin Zijuan The thoughts of the girls in the grass and trees in the setting sun

  Wang Xifeng couldn't answer this question for a while. Are there fewer good girls in Jia's mansion? But how many have found good people?

  The eldest girl entered the palace and struggled in the cold rain and wind. Outsiders didn't know it, but Wang Xifeng knew very well that it was an abyss where there was no return.

  The future of the second girl is still uncertain. If she really wants to marry into the Sun family, it will be a den of tigers and wolves.

The third girl is heroic and masculine, but it's a pity that she is a concubine, and the master and wife don't pay much attention to it. She is sixteen years old, but she hasn't been caught yet. Aunt Zhao is also a fool. Do you still expect your wife to find out for you? Will Chun find a good family? Once this master went to Jiangxi, he would not be able to come back for two or three years, so he might have to leave his wife to deal with the fate of visiting the girls.

  Si Yatou is still younger, but with the temperament and virtue of Jia Zhen and Jia Rong's father and son, I am afraid it will be difficult to find a suitable one for her. No one can predict where the fate will be.

There is also Yun girl, the Shi family is really tossing around now, the Shi family brothers don't have the heart to take care of Yun girl's affairs, so they just leave Yun girl here and ignore it, maybe just find someone to send it out Just don't come to fight for the family property with the two brothers.

   Even Li Wan's two cousins ​​came to Beijing because they wanted to find a suitable family? But given the situation of the Li family in Jinling, it should not be difficult to find, but if you want to come to the capital city to find a better one, you may not be able to meet your expectations.

After a long time, Ping'er thought of something and said: "Grandma, Uncle Feng is going to come to the house for a banquet tomorrow, and both the elder and the master will accompany him in person. I heard from my wife that there are many people outside who have heard about Feng's marriage." The uncle is coming to Jia's mansion, and he wants to take the opportunity to visit the door, looking for a chance to meet with Uncle Feng, which makes the old man and his wife very embarrassed."

"Things like this happen everywhere. You follow the trend and see the wind. Brother Keng is a nostalgic person, so he came to Rongguo Mansion. Outsiders can't do everything they can to see him. Naturally, they can think of any idea. Come out, the master is a temperament that cherishes face and is reluctant to reject others, so that's all there is to it."

  Wang Xifeng saw Jia Zheng's temperament very accurately, and if he couldn't lose face, he had to bite the bullet and suffer.

   "Grandma, what about us?" Ping'er looked over, "Uncle Feng is back, Second Master Lian heard that he will be back at the end of this year, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye, what shall we do?"

One sentence asked the key point, which is also a reminder to Wang Xifeng to find a way out and resettlement as soon as possible. You can't wait until Jia Lian has come back. If you are still here and refuse to leave, it will be even more embarrassing. Wang Xifeng can't tolerate this situation. fall upon oneself.

   Sighing lightly, Wang Xifeng's lonely and gloomy expression was fully revealed.

  Easier said than done, after living in this Rongguo Mansion for so many years, how could it be a matter of saying and doing to leave?

   Many aspects are involved, especially this lonely run away. Could it be that he only brought a Pinger with him? How is that different from being kicked out?

  At least everything must be prepared properly.

The mansion, the manpower, the business, and even the follow-up relationship, all of these must be carefully considered one by one. To maintain the current status and maintain the current momentum so as not to be left behind, all aspects need to be considered and prepared, none of which is easy .

  The mansion is simple, just find a suitable one and buy it, but manpower is a big problem.

  Once I leave Rongguo Mansion, apart from Ping'er, Feng'er and Sister Shan will most likely go with me. Wang Xifeng still has some confidence in this.

   And there is Lin Hongyu.

   This girl asked to come to her room on her own initiative, but she didn't expect to be here for a long time, but she didn't care about the big account of the public, but she didn't feel any sense of loss.

His parents are both in the Rongguo Mansion, so they can see the situation clearly, and his current situation is not good, so his parents should be unwilling, but judging from the performance of this girl now, it seems that she is very close to her. If you are willing to go with yourself, you have to say something.

   This girl is also a character with a dexterous mind and a high vision. It probably depends on the situation, and she has to see her own prospects to make a decision.

  Among the male servants, Wang Xin needless to say, he came from the Wang family with him, and he is nothing without him, and the Jia family will not keep him. Laiwang and Laixi also came here as companions, so they should follow him.

On the other hand, a young man from Jia's family who used to live with Jia Lian didn't go to Yangzhou with Jia Lian, but stayed in the mansion. It's hard to say how.

  But it is a good thing that Feng Ziying has returned to Beijing. At least Wang Xifeng will not be helpless when encountering something. He can ask for news and advice at any time.

   Just when Wang Xifeng was full of worries, Daiyu, Tanchun and Xiangyun had already returned to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, and Zijuan and Xueyan had also returned.

   Li Wan naturally had nothing to do with him, so he agreed to bring his two younger sisters to the banquet.

  Sister-in-law Liu is still the cook in the back, and she has always taken good care of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. When I heard that Daiyu was going to treat the new "Huimen" Second Grandma Keng, the original Miss Bao, I had nothing to say.

  Even Xueyan refused to accept the sling of copper coins that Xueyan gave them before. Later, Xueyan forcibly kept it, and then reluctantly accepted it, patting her chest and saying that she would definitely prepare the best lunch.

Leaning on the bed, Shi Xiangyun simply took off his shoes, revealing a pair of natural feet wearing only silk socks, curled up and got on the bed, closed his eyes: "I didn't sleep well today, it's because of you two. One is to be tossed, one is to treat guests, and the other is to be in charge, but what does it matter to me? I just bring a mouth to make a living, why bother me like this?"

   "Hmph, how long can you live like this?" Tanchun said coldly, "You are also sixteen this year, so don't your historians think about you at all?"

"Hee hee, how can my second uncle and third uncle take care of me now? I went back last month, and my third aunt cried poorly when she saw me, saying that she owed a lot of debts. Now my third uncle has disappeared without a trace. I heard that Which temple did you hide in? I’m tired of hearing it, so I have to endure it? Isn’t it just to sell those things in the house? I haven’t asked for my opinion, and now I’m just telling me to let you know. It's just a puppet."

Shi Xiangyun lay on his back on the kang couch indecently. Although there was a hint of laughter in his words, his eyes were looking at the roof with an indifferent expression, "Second uncle went to Shanxi, and second aunt avoided seeing each other. The third aunt has fought a battle, and the whole family has become like this, where can I go? What can I do? Who can take care of me?"

The age of sixteen is a barrier for girls. Generally speaking, according to the folk customs of Dazhou, girls should be engaged between the ages of fourteen and sixteen, and it is also common to get engaged at the age of twelve or thirteen. It is not uncommon to get married at the age of fourteen, and it is basically necessary to talk about marriage at the age of sixteen.

  This discussion of marriage is not just about getting engaged, but about completing various preparations after the engagement, including various procedures and dowry gifts, etc., and just wait for the time to pass.

But Shi Xiangyun's situation is indeed a little rare. The second uncle went to the other side of Shanxi, so it should be the third uncle to take care of it, but Shi Nai is a gambler and heavily in debt, so he can only run away and hide in the temple. Dare to show up.

  The two aunts both regard Shi Xiangyun as a burden. They want to push Shi Xiangyun out, but they are unwilling to do their best. Given the current situation of the historian, it is indeed difficult to find a suitable one, so they just prevaricate.

"Then you should write a letter to your second uncle and ask him to think about it." Daiyu also added: "It's always so procrastinating, it will be hard to find you when you turn sixteen, and your reputation will not be good. .”

  Shi Xiangyun is the first daughter of the historian family, after all, she is also a descendant of Wu Xun, so she still needs to talk about her reputation.

"My second uncle's side, I'm afraid it will be a month after I receive the letter, and I'm afraid it will be a year of the monkey when he has the heart to reply." Shi Xiangyun is aware of these people in his family, and said casually: "If you count on them, don't worry about it." It's better to rely on myself. There are always some people who care about me in Rongguo Mansion. If it doesn't work, I will ask my ancestors to point out a marriage for me. I will marry a chicken and a dog. I will admit it. Just learn from Sister Miaoyu, and go to a nunnery to be a nun with long hair."

"Nonsense!" Daiyu's face sank: "Sister Miaoyu is just talking in a moment of anger. When will you be an aunt for the rest of your life? You are thinking wildly all day long. Even if you historians don't care, the ancestors always want to care about it." Yes, why are you so frustrated?"

Daiyu usually doesn't get angry very much, but among her best girlfriends, she occasionally shows her true nature. Hearing about Miaoyu, Daiyu feels a little blocked, and Xiangyun is also like this. I couldn't bear it anymore.

   Both Xiangyun and Tanchun were taken aback. It was rare to see Daiyu get angry face to face so straightforwardly. In the past, this girl was usually angry and sulky and made sarcastic remarks, but this one is a bit rare.

  Tanchun feels that Daiyu has changed a lot, especially in today's situation, it seems to be stimulated by something, um, maybe it's because of Sister Bao's return?

Tanchun is the smartest, immediately caught some changes in Daiyu's state of mind, and intentionally eased the atmosphere: "Young girl Yun is just joking, sister Lin, don't be angry, if you say that I will be sixteen soon, isn't it the same? "

"You are different from Yun girl. Even if my uncle wants to go south, my aunt is still there and cares about you all the time, and maybe my uncle and the others invite Brother Feng to visit the house tomorrow, just to invite Brother Feng to discuss your life-long affairs. .”

  As Daiyu retorted, her tone softened a lot, and she made fun of the other party.

Tanchun was startled, and almost jumped up from the kang couch, but quickly realized that Miss Lin didn't mean the thing that Brother Huan told her, but that the master asked Brother Feng to find someone for her. The matter of marriage is right, how could she say that kind of thing so frankly.

  (end of this chapter)

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