Number of People

Chapter 1317: Xin Zijuan setting sun grass trees competition incentives, catalyzed into

  Chapter 1317 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass and Tree Competition Encourages, Catalyzes Maturity (Updated!)

Seeing Daiyu and Xiangyun looking at him with somewhat surprised eyes, Tanchun also felt that he had lost his composure. He flicked the hair on his forehead embarrassingly, and pretended to be calm and said: "Master and wife's consideration It's not my turn to worry about it, as for Brother Feng, why would he care about these things?"

   "I'll find out tomorrow." Xiang Yun smiled half-smile, "Maybe I can give Tan girl a surprise."

Rao is Tanchun's atmosphere, after all, she is a yellow-flowered woman who has not left the court, and she can't stand Xiangyun's teasing, her face turns red, and she reaches out to tear Xiangyun's mouth, but Xiangyun grabs her hand backhand, and the two of them are in love. Tearing up on the kang bed, there was a lot of laughter.

  Daiyu also likes it in her heart. Although she has a quiet temperament, she also likes to be lively with intimate partners like Tanchun and Xiangyun.

People live in groups, and the reason why they like to be quiet is because they can't meet someone who is close and caring. In Rongguo Mansion, they can get along with Daiyu. Tanchun ranks first, Xiangyun ranks second, and Baochai up.

  Like Xiuyan, she was able to talk at first, but Xiuyan and Miaoyu are too close, which makes it difficult for Daiyu to communicate with Xiuyan, lest she become a best friend who steals her sister.

"Okay, don't just worry about having fun, both of you. It's not my turn to remind you of such things, but Sister Bao's 'returning the door' touched me today, so I also want to have some more things together. Gathering, maybe there won’t be too many days like this in the future.” Daiyu was a little sentimental, “Who knows that we will never get together again at this time next year or the year after next? Like you come to my Xiaoxiang Pavilion, I go How much time do you have for Qiu Shuangzhai and Ou Xiangxie to play chess and play the piano?"

   One sentence silenced both Tanchun and Xiangyun. Although the previous words were embarrassing, they hit a painful spot.

  Girls will inevitably have to face the hurdle of marrying someone. Once married, it is naturally impossible to get along day and night like now. All the good things can only become memories.

  Maybe because she realized that her words were a little sentimental, Daiyu wanted to turn around, but couldn't find the right words, so she hesitated to speak.

   There was an indescribable tranquility in the whole room, even the always bold Xiangyun and the hearty Tanchun lowered their heads and remained silent.

"The taste in the world is happiness. This is what layman Dongpo said. We may not feel it at ordinary times. We can only truly appreciate it when we are faced with various unforeseen circumstances. Unexpectedly, Sister Lin realized the Tao before us. Tanchun looked at Daiyu with clear eyes, "Such a beautiful time is what each of us pursues, but it is not up to us to decide, is it?"

Xiangyun glanced at Tanchun in amazement, Sister Lin's words were full of sentimentality, she was originally a sentimental girl, but Tan girl's speech today was so literary and infinitely melancholy, making herself seem like a A layman generally can't get in the conversation.

"Okay, the sentimentality is over, and the touch is over. Let's not mention these unpleasant things today. We are drunk today, and it is hard for Sister Lin to treat guests. Sister Feng will pay the money. It is also rare for Sister Bao to come back for a while." Come on, let's have a good time today, so that we can have a good memory in the future."

Xiangyun stood up carelessly, and waved his hand violently on the kang bed, "I don't want to think too much now, let's just live like this, everyone has their own life, I'm afraid we can't help ourselves,... "

  Although the tone of the speech was relaxed, it revealed a bit of desolation and helplessness, which made both Daiyu and Tanchun feel sad.


   When Baochai's carriage drove into the west corner gate, he couldn't help but glanced through the curtain of the carriage.

  Although the time of leaving is not too long, even with the addition of living in the residence and waiting to be married, it is only two months, but these two months are very different.

I have changed from a yellow-flowered girl in a waiting room to a co-prefect of Yongping Mansion, um, now I am the wife of Shuntian Mansion, the life of these two months, from the initial expectation, to the sweetness in it, and then When I start to feel the pressure and responsibility, only I can understand the taste of it.

  Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, full of five flavors, um, it seems extremely colorful, maybe life should be like this, Baochai is not afraid of such challenges, and is even a little excited.

The eldest family, Shen's scholarly family, with a long history of family education, and elegant and generous people, all of them made her family feel great pressure. Even Ying'er, who has always been arrogant, had to admit that Shen's demeanor showed in her gestures and gestures. Not inferior to himself, that's why he urged himself to get pregnant as soon as possible while going to Yongping Mansion with Xianggong, and gave birth to Lin'er for Xianggong in Japan, so as to overwhelm Shen's daughter.

Baochai was also a little moved, and Yinger even gave up the opportunity she proposed to take her into the house to make her face better. She hoped that her husband would have more opportunities to have **** with her during this period of time. Only the most caring girl can think about it for herself. So thoughtful.

  The pressure and challenges come not only from Shen, but also from Baoqin and the future Daiyu.

  Although Baoqin can't be said to be an outlier, this girl has her own personality and ideas. In other words, even if she is independent, Baochai has to admit that this may be the most attractive aspect to her husband.

  Although Daiyu first became acquainted with her husband and has a unique place in her husband's heart, Baoqin doesn't seem to be intimidated by her husband at all, and even provokes conflicts between the two intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, Baochai couldn't understand, even if he and Daiyu sometimes had some quarrels, he had to deal with it carefully to avoid the impression that the relationship between the two parties was not harmonious, and Daiyu was a high-minded and arrogant person who never would Letting someone else go, but Baoqin seems to be doing the opposite.

  However, Baochai later discovered that it seemed that Baoqin did this, but Daiyu showed some tolerance and concession, which puzzled Baochai.

  You must know that between her and Daiyu, this is often the role she plays. Why does Daiyu seem to be a different person to Baoqin?

  Sometimes Baochai would think, maybe this is tofu with brine, one thing for one thing?

  Of course, the relationship between these women does not mean who surrenders to whom, but it is true that there is a feeling of restraint between life and death.

  This kind of magical feeling makes Baochai feel a little unreal, but the facts are in front of her, so she has to believe it.

  The carriage finally stabilized, Baochai collected all kinds of thoughts, and with the support of Yinger and Xiangling, she got out of the carriage slowly.

  Aunt Xue greeted her a few feet away.

It is reasonable to say that it is inappropriate for this daughter to return home, but this time Baochai is not officially "returning home", it is more like visiting relatives. Aunt Xue herself is living in Rongguo Mansion, and she misses her daughter too much, so she just cares Without a lot of courtesy, I came to the door to greet her, just hoping to see my daughter earlier.

Alongside Aunt Xue, besides Tongxi and Tonggui, there are also a lot of old sisters such as Daiyu, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Yingchun, Xichun, Xiuyan, etc. This makes Baochai a little excited. There is also a feeling of being afraid.

After saluting with her mother, Baochai hurried up and took Daiyu's hand: "Why don't you come out in person? I also said to sit with mother for a while, and then I went to the garden to sit with some sisters one by one. Huizi, who would have thought that my sister would..."

  Aunt Xue's face was full of joy and joy.

"Baochai, Lin girl has a heart. I heard that you are coming back, so I arranged for the kitchen to prepare a few tables early, and planned to have a congratulatory gathering at Tubi Mountain Villa today. She also specially avoided us old people, but You sisters, even your sister-in-law Zhu and Feng girl were called together, Tan girl and the others were also standing on tiptoes looking forward to it, you guys are so sisterly, even I, a mother, can't help it. I'm so envious."

Aunt Xue was really happy. On the one hand, it was because of Daiyu, Tanchun, and Xiangyun's respect for Baochai's "return to the door". On the other hand, she really thought that the relationship between their sisters was unusual. The performance was indeed beyond her expectations.

  She always thought that Daiyu should be jealous and dissatisfied with Baochai's "later come first", or even have a suspicion in her heart, and would treat her coldly, but Daiyu's performance today subverted her perception.

This certainly made her a little worried that Daiyu would grow up so fast that she would no longer be that high-minded little girl, but if her daughter could maintain a good relationship with Daiyu, it would also be beneficial for her daughter to be able to get married quickly in the Feng family. Stand your ground there.

She is very confident in her daughter's ability, but the Shen family is not a simple person. She is from a scholarly family, and her father is a high-ranking member of the dynasty, and has the advantage of being the eldest. Based on the relationship between relatives, if the second and third families get along in harmony in the future and feel like sisters, they will naturally not be left behind.

  Baochai was even more astonished by her mother's words. Was this arranged by Daiyu?

If it was arranged by Wang Xifeng or Tanchun, Baochai could barely believe that this Lin girl showed such a "general demeanor", no, to be precise, she was "a lady demeanor" and a "mother demeanor". She felt that she had gone astray before.

Looking at Lin Yatou's brows again, the old greenness seems to have dissipated a lot, replaced by self-confidence and sharpness, Baochai seems to understand a little bit, it seems that the marriage of herself and Baoqin into Feng's mansion has given Lin Yatou a huge reward. Pressure, this kind of pressure is a catalyst for maturity, which makes Daiyu mature a lot in just two or three months, and the youthfulness of the girl is gradually fading away, replaced by the innate love that was hidden in her heart before birth. Confidence and sharpness began to show.

  The release brought about by this kind of pressure is still brought to the other party by herself, maybe there is a little bit of Baoqin, well, the combination of two swords between herself and Baoqin probably made Lin Yatou have to face this challenge.

   Yesterday I had a temporary business and I was away all the time, so I apologize.



  (end of this chapter)

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