Number of People

Chapter 1318: The gap between grass and trees in the setting sun of Xin Zijuan, "Entry"

  Chapter 1318 Xin Zijuan The gap between grass and trees in the setting sun, "Entry"

"Sister Bao came back today, and we are all looking forward to it. Girl Tan and Girl Yun have been muttering that Sister Bao will not hear from her as soon as she leaves, as if she has forgotten our sisters. The second and fourth sisters often Mentioned,..." Daiyu smiled sweetly, looking forward in her eyes, "..., if Sister Bao doesn't come back, our garden seems to have lost a little bit of vitality, and it will dim a lot."

   Baochai held Daiyu's hand, felt the intimacy and slightly hidden playfulness revealed in the other's words and demeanor, and his heart warmed.

  In any case, this girl is still relatively close to herself in her heart. She had always had good intentions before and tried to get along well, but in the end she still received some results.

Moreover, Lin Yatou is really not the kind of narrow-minded person, at most she is narrow-minded, and sometimes she is vindictive, like the youngest in the family being spoiled by others, but after careful consideration, her current identity Isn't she the first wife of the third wife, the youngest youngest?

"Aren't I coming back?" Baochai's pretty cheeks are like jade, her pink cheeks are flushed, and her gentle and charming temperament mixed with that graceful and gorgeous temperament after changing from a girl to a young woman has been further sublimated. Daiyu, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Yingchun, Xichun, and Xiuyan girls on the side were a little dazed.

   Could it be that this girl changed so much when she got married?

It turns out that although Sister Bao is also beautiful, she doesn't have such a charm that impregnates her mood. But in today's situation, even if several girls are proud of their appearance and bearing, they are all a little bit of Baochai being overwhelmed by sex. Qunfang feeling.

The feelings of Daiyu, Tanchun and Xiangyun are particularly prominent. The three girls used to have the most contact with Baochai, and the four girls often travel together. Standing together, the four women can be said to be beautiful and beautiful, full of beauty and full of beauty, regardless of their grandeur.

  But standing together today, even they themselves, can feel completely suppressed by Baochai's intimidating appearance.

And Baochai's joy and happiness from the heart can be truly felt by the girls, which is enough to show how happy Baochai's life in Feng's family is, which adds to the love of Daiyu and the girls. Baochai was curious about the living conditions in Feng's residence.

After Baochai and Baoqin got married, they didn't have much time and opportunity to come back except for returning home. After all, the bride was married and returned too frequently. The misunderstanding of the husband's family is that the bride is dissatisfied with the husband's family.

Even when they came back, it was because most of them were with the elders, and it was rare for so many juniors to get along with them when they were young. Then Feng Ziying quickly took Baochai and Baoqin to Yongping Mansion, so Baochai really got along with Baochai. The sisters hardly had the opportunity to talk openly, and Baochai had not been married for a long time at that time, so it was impossible to feel too much.

  But this time is different. Not only did she live in Feng’s Mansion for so long, but now she followed Feng Ziying to Yongping Mansion for more than a month, as if she had entered the state of a housewife.

Especially the intimidating demeanor that Baochai showed today made the girls full of curiosity and interest in the life of Baochai's mistress in Feng's mansion. What kind of life would make Baochai feel like this? big change?

Yingchun, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Xichun and Xiuyan also came forward and held Baochai's hand to talk, while Zijuan, Shishu and Cuilu also stood together with Yinger holding hands. Siqi couldn't get used to Ying'er, so he chatted with Ruhua and Xiangling on his own, and for a while, the singing of swallows and Yinger was joyful.

Seeing her daughter talking lively with the girls, Aunt Xue also greeted everyone with interest, and left first, but let Baochai go to Jiamu's yard first to talk to the ancestors, Mrs. Wang finished her ceremony.

   Daiyu and the others also knew the rules, so she surrounded Baochai and first went to Jiamu's yard to meet Jiamu, Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang.

  Mother Jia is also a well-informed and expressive person. She learned that her granddaughter is treating guests today, and that she has not invited the older generation.

   A group of people came out of Jiamu Courtyard, walked through the gate of Grand View Garden and entered the courtyard.

  The sun is shining brightly, and the spirit of spring is strong. There is already a bit of greenness in the green mountains and rocks. The vines can feel the breath of spring most.

  A group of young women and girls who are in their youth are just like this, in twos and threes, arm in arm and hand in hand, looking for the most suitable topics, strolling by the Qinfang River, chatting about the most seasonal stories,...

"Sister Bao has been away for two months. As a bride, she has changed so much that I can't believe it." Xiangyun was the most active, surrounded by Baochai and Daiyu who were walking arm in arm, laughing and laughing. Word.

   "It's not that exaggerated, just two months, how much can it change?" Baochai also felt the same gaze from these younger sisters, and she was also secretly happy.

Before going out in the morning, when she was putting on makeup in the mirror, both Yinger and Xiangling said that she looked very energetic today, her face seemed to have a layer of red and white mixed radiance, bright and radiant, and Baochai stroked her cheek and looked at it For a long time, there were indeed some changes.

"How big a change is, you can see the price. Sister Lin, Second Sister, Tan Yatou, and Fourth Sister and Sister Xiuyan, do you think Sister Bao has changed a lot, and you can smell the kind of smell that is full of sweetness when you smell it? The atmosphere of joy and happiness, it seems that sister Bao is in a good mood at Brother Feng's house, so she forgot about life in the garden, and us sisters?"

  The girls all laughed, but they all had different feelings in their smiles.

   Baochai also knew that this topic would inevitably lead to envy and jealousy, but there was no way to avoid it, so she wiped the ends of her hair on her cheeks.

"Actually, I don't want what Yun girl said. In Feng's house, the elder sister of the Shen family gave birth to a daughter-in-law. The husband also likes it very much. The whole family is very happy. Later, the husband went to Yongping mansion. Baoqin and I went Followed by the past, after arriving at Yongping Mansion, maybe you all know that because the spring break has been delayed for so long, many things have been accumulated. Rumor has it that I'm going back to Beijing, so I'm busy dealing with various affairs, and it's Haishi when I go back to the mansion every day,..."

"Sister Bao, brother Feng is only a few years older than us. He was like that when he came to our house a few years ago. If you say he is an Hanlin in the Imperial Academy, it's nothing more than studying and preparing for consultants. Even if "Today's News" boasted that he is a genius in the sky, and how far-sighted the strategy of opening the sea is, we can all believe it, but he is a magistrate of the same government, but he has to sit in court and deal with various cases and affairs. It's not a simple matter. How does Brother Feng usually deal with it? Did he slap the gavel and then drag the prisoner down and beat him eighty times..."

  Xiangyun's words immediately made everyone laugh.

  Although there is a bit of exaggerated imagination here, it is telling the truth.

  All the girls, including Daiyu, couldn't imagine how the man who usually chatted with him by his side could turn into a black bread man and a ghost-faced Di Qing?

You must know that Brother Feng in Yongping Mansion ruled a group of local gentry until they cried and howled, and sued everywhere, but in the end he knelt down to plead guilty, beat the Mongolian soldiers to death, and fled in embarrassment. Even the court wanted to choose Brother Feng to fight with the Mongols The purpose of the negotiation is to use Brother Feng's power to suppress the power and prestige of the Mongolian soldiers.

   You must know that these Mongolian soldiers defeated tens of thousands of people in the Beijing camp. If Brother Feng hadn't come forward to negotiate the redemption, half of the people in the capital would almost have to pay filial piety.

   To let the girls in Fuzhong know these rough and inside stories, in addition to the most popular "Today's News" in the capital city, Huan Lao San, Feng Ziying's fanboy, also played a huge role every time he came back.

Many details of Feng Ziying's stories were learned by Huan Lao San from Qingtan Academy's lecturers and classmates. Many of these lecturers and classmates were the children of officials and eunuchs. Supplementary processing, combined with the guidance of "Today's News", has become the best amplifier of Feng Ziying's great achievements.

"Girl Yun, if Brother Feng handles the case like this, I'm afraid he would have been impeached and questioned by the censors long ago." Baochai covered her mouth and chuckled, "It's true that he knows the same thing, but there are still judgments and punishments down below." Tui Guan, Tui Guan is a serious official who investigates and adjudicates cases. Tong Zhi is Fu Zun's deputy. He only makes decisions on behalf of Fu Zun when Fu Zun is busy or has something to do, and mainly respects Tui Guan's trial judgment. ..."

   "Since Big Brother Feng doesn't often judge cases, what exactly does he do as a colleague?" Daiyu, Tanchun, and Xiangyun were all a little surprised when they heard that Baochai had clearly divided the affairs of the government.

In the past, Sister Bao seemed to be the same as everyone. Although she came from an official background, at most she knew a little bit about the officials, like the specific division of labor and tasks of officials at all levels in a local government. , or it is not clear at all, this is normal.

But now that Sister Bao has only been there for more than a month, she actually knows everything about the affairs that Brother Feng is in charge of, and she seems to be very clear about the official affairs of the government. It shows that Brother Feng seems to value and trust Sister Bao very much, and he actually talks about these matters to Sister Bao.

   This feeling is especially true for Daiyu, who even has a sense of urgency and anxiety in her heart.

  Sister Bao has only been in the mansion for just over a month. How come the "entry" in this area is so large?

   Continue to update!



  (end of this chapter)

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