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Chapter 1325: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass, Trees, Early Pedestrians

  Chapter 1325 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass, Trees and Early Pedestrians

  Fu Shi arrived at Rongguo Mansion early.

   After confirming that Feng Ziying would visit the mansion and have a banquet, Fu Shi became excited.

   This is a golden opportunity, he must seize it.

  The past few years of his career as a general judge in Shuntian Mansion gave him a lot of insight. It turned out that he was the right supervisor of Shanglin Yuanjian, and later became the deputy of the right supervisor through his qualifications.

But the work of Shanglin Yuanjian is too poor and leisurely. It is mainly to plant and breed vegetation, fruits and vegetables, livestock and poultry for the royal family. In a word, it is to provide various daily needs for the royal family, mainly the palace. In modern times, it means a certain research institute, but in this era, it means arranging some idle people to get a free salary.

It took Fu Shi a great deal of effort, and he set up a line through Wang Ziteng, and spent a lot of money, so he jumped from the supervisor of Shanglin Court to the position of Tongju in Shuntian Mansion. Officials, but the Wutong Judgment of Shuntian Mansion is a well-known and powerful position, each in charge of a piece of affairs, even the prefects and prefects of the prefectures and counties in the mansion should respect them a little bit.

After only a few years of working, Fu Shi also admitted that he had a lot of money in his pocket, but after Wu Daonan became the Governor, the government affairs were almost neglected. Everyone knew that the court was very dissatisfied with the situation of Shuntian Mansion, almost every year. The assessment is not good.

   As expected, the three-year "big plan", Shuntian Mansion and Dazhou's overall "big plan" ranked at the bottom. If it weren't for Wu Daonan's strong backing and background, he would have been dismissed if he had changed to someone else.

  But Wu Daonan can continue to be his governor, but the others feel bitter.

  Except for a few officials who were old and frail and almost retired, other officials in Shuntian Prefecture, including those in Zhuzhou and counties, were extremely depressed.

   It can be said that the general is incompetent, exhausting thousands of troops, and the governor is incompetent, dragging down the entire Shuntian government official group.

  You Wu Daonan no matter how good your literary talent is, your poems and prose are famous all over the world, that is all your personal business, what does it have to do with the officials of Shuntian Mansion?

  The Ministry of Officials will let you down or raise a grade in the performance appraisal of your subordinates or magistrates because of your outstanding poetry and classics?

Fu Shi was one of the victims, he was only thirty-five, he finally ran from Shanglin Court to Shuntian Mansion, he just wanted to do a lot of hard work and strive to be successful in his official career, but unexpectedly he met With a governor like Wu Daonan, the past three or four years have been delayed, how could this not make Fu Shi anxious.

  But he couldn't get out of Shuntian Mansion. Firstly, the position of the general judge of Shuntian Mansion is really rare, and secondly, he has no qualifications to expect anything else, so the only hope now is to see if the court can adjust Shuntian Mansion Yin.

   Unexpectedly, although Fu Yin made adjustments, Fu Cheng came to a celebrity, and the key point was that this celebrity could barely get along with him.

  My benefactor can be considered to be related to Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan by marriage. His second wife and third wife are both Jia Gong's inner and outer nieces, which can be regarded as a very close relationship.

   If you can get the appreciation of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, it will be a great opportunity.

Relying on Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's influence in the court in recent years, plus his mentors are Qi Ge Lao and Shang Shu, and his benefactor is Youdu Yushi, the second person in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the current official Chai Ke, the left servant of the Ministry, also had a good eye for him, and the emperor attached great importance to him, otherwise the court would not have allowed him to be a fourth-rank official in Shuntian Fu Cheng at the age of twenty.

   It can be said that if he makes some achievements in Shuntian Mansion, the imperial court will definitely not be able to ignore it, and the official department must take it seriously when he recommends any officials.

Because of this, Fu Shi has already made up his mind to hug this thick leg. He has nothing to do with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, but Jia Gong has a lot of relationship with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan has just arrived , You must also have trustworthy and competent subordinates, and you must be the first to take effect, and you must stand in the front of the team to win the greatest return.

Fu Shi also knew that as soon as the news of Feng Ziying's arrival in Shuntian Mansion spread, countless people must have already set their sights on this very popular little Feng Xiuzhuan, and there would be countless officials who had the same thoughts as himself waiting for the opportunity hair.

However, it is said that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan did not see many guests at home in the past two days, except for a few big bosses, and most of them were his original classmates of the same year, and he hardly saw outsiders. Someone posted it, but Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan probably didn't see it.

   This also made Fu Shi a little lucky.

  Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's door can not be accessed by anyone, and he himself can not be seen by anyone, but the line of Rongguo Mansion is very rare.

   Seeing Fu Shi's restless appearance, Jia Zheng also sighed in his heart.

This student of mine used to be the one I was most proud of. In his early thirties, he was a sixth-rank official. Now he is a high-ranking Shuntian government judge. Although Pin Yi is a little lower than himself, a member of the fifth rank, everyone knows that The real power in his hands is not comparable to that of Yuanwailang.

  Last year, Fu Shi also bought a mansion in the city, and moved his mother and unmarried younger sister to the capital city. He is quite filial, so Jia Zheng is also very optimistic about the other party, and the other party is also quite self-motivated.

   I just didn't expect Fu Shi to come to the mansion to wait early in order to see Ziying, which made Jia Zheng, who originally thought he had to maintain a normal mind, a little restless.

   "Qiu Sheng, what about it? Ziying is a very kind person, and it's not like you haven't met her before..." Jia Zheng comforted Fu Shi.

"My lord, the situation is different. I did meet Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan before, but at that time he was only a student of the academy. The last time I saw him, he had just passed Qiuwei, and I was just the supervisor of Shanglinyuan. The idler, now the student is the general judge, he can be regarded as Master Feng's direct subordinate, his perception of the student will directly determine the student's future career in the future."

   Fu Shi's words were sincere, but Jia Zheng couldn't understand, "Isn't there a governor above Ziying? Logically, the governor is the one who decides Qiusheng's career and destiny, right?"

"If it is true according to the common sense, but Wu Fu Yin is a person who does not like common affairs, is not good at government affairs, and specializes in literary affairs. That's why the imperial court asked Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan to serve as the Fu Cheng. The people below actually understand that this is the imperial court. It's a very vague move of dissatisfaction with the government affairs of the Shuntian Mansion. How the official affairs of the Shuntian Mansion will be in the future depends on Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's performance. .”

  Fu Shi’s words displeased Jia Zheng a little. The words seemed to be playing to his liking. The King of Chu was so thin and starved to death in the palace. How could this be proper?

   But although Jia Zheng didn't like it, he could understand Fu Shi's mentality. You don't know what the chief officer likes, so how can you stick to the idea in the next step?

Sighing, Jia Zheng stroked his beard, "Qiu Sheng, Ziying is not what you imagined. Since the imperial court arranged for him to take the position of Shuntian Mansion Cheng, it was naturally a deliberate decision. Shuntian Mansion has not performed well in recent years. Jia, then you must do something to turn the situation around. I know your talent, and I will truthfully recommend it to Ziying. After he comes, you can also tell him more about the current situation in Shuntian Mansion. show yourself,…"

Fu Shi also understood the meaning of Jia Zheng's words, and sighed: "My lord, the student understands your thoughts, but the Master Feng you know may be the Master Feng from a few years ago. In your mind, he may be It’s still that nephew, but you have to know that your nephew has suppressed the rebellion in Western Xinjiang, proposed the strategy of opening the sea with troops, and organized the "Internal Reference" in the Imperial Academy. Excellence, won the high praise and recognition of the princes in the court, even the emperor is full of praise, otherwise how could he take up the important position of Shuntian Fu Cheng?"

   Jia Zheng was stunned, as if he didn't understand what Fu Shi meant.

"My lord, he is no longer the young man who came and went to the house a few years ago. Maybe he has been paying respects to you in the past few years, but this does not mean that he will treat other people like this. On the contrary, he is so Years of performance is enough to earn him the respect of subordinates, peers and superiors."

Fu Shi further clarified his meaning, "If anyone still thinks that he is young and deceitful, or doesn't take him seriously, then he will make a big mistake. In a sense, he is even more accommodating than Wu Fu Yin." The officials of Tianfu respect and value it."

  Jia Zheng pursed his lips, as if his mouth was bitter, but he was relieved.

This is the real Feng Ziying, and also the grown-up Feng Ziying. What he did before is just his immature performance, and his kindness and closeness to the Rongguo Mansion and the Jia family does not mean that he will do the same to others. .

   "Qiu Sheng, you are right, I was confused." Jia Zheng cheered up, "You also need to seize this opportunity, and I will try my best to explain it for you..."

"Thank you, sir." Fu Shi bowed sincerely, "Student, I hope that I can have such an opportunity to sit alone with Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, talk about the affairs in my own hands, and get Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's approval. and be satisfied."

  Jia Zheng nodded.

   This is what it should be.

  Feng Ziying couldn't just say a few words to confide in her heart, but also depended on Fu Shi's own performance, but Jia Zheng knew that Fu Shi was capable, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sit firmly in the position of general judge for several years.

  The key is as he said, what you do must be in line with the tastes of your superiors and officials. Only in this way can you get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise you will get twice the result with half the effort.

  The two of them were talking, but they heard Li Shi'er come to announce that Chen Ruiwu from the Duke of Qi had arrived.

Jia Zheng frowned. Chen Ruiwu also said that he wanted to see Feng Ziying before, but Jia Zheng definitely wanted to give priority to his protégé, so he postponed Chen Ruiwu's affairs until the afternoon to see if Ziying was free, but he didn't expect the other party to be like this eager.

  (end of this chapter)

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