Number of People

Chapter 1326: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees, Rongguo Mansion is equal to another house?

  Chapter 1326 Xin Zijuan Setting sun, grass and trees, Rongguo mansion is equal to another house?

   The conversation with Fu Shi was quite interesting, but he didn't have much in common with Chen Ruiwu.

  The purpose of Chen Ruiwu's visit is still for Chen Ruishi.

  Chen Ruishi became a prisoner in the Battle of Santunying. Although he has been redeemed now, it can be said that he has lost all face when he encounters such a thing.

And more importantly, for Qi Guogong's lineage, Chen Ruishi's position in the Beijing camp is already considered a very important position, but now he has been deprived of it all at once, and he may even be held accountable by the Three Law Departments in the future. For the Chen family, this was simply an unbearable blow.

  Even Chen Ruiwen was very nervous about this, and it was because Feng Ziying had just returned to Beijing, and she was still attending a banquet at the Rongguo Mansion, and she was embarrassed to wipe her face to pay a visit, so she let her brother come to meet in such a disregard of etiquette.

  Feng Ziying didn't respond much to Chen Ruiwu's flattering and pleading words.

Even if Jia Zheng was on the sidelines to help Huan Che and make peace, Feng Ziying did not give any clear answer, only saying that it was difficult for him, as a local official, to intervene in such matters. Opportunities will be considered.

  Feng Ziying did not push this point.

The redemption of so many officials with martial arts backgrounds is involved, almost all of them have gone through the doorway of Jia Amnesty, Wang Xifeng, Jia Rui and Jia Rong. This can be regarded as sharing the pressure for the emperor. If they come to the door at this time, it is natural to intervene It is impossible, but it is possible to make some suggestions through speeches.

This is not aimed at each person, but at the entire martial arts group. Feng Ziying does not think it is wise to direct the grievances of the entire martial arts group to the court or the emperor. It is about to face that these martial arts will become hostile to the imperial court.

  When Chen Ruiwu left, he was a little dissatisfied, but he also kept some hope.

Feng Ziying promised to help to recover, but he will not interfere with the investigation of the three judicial departments such as the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which means that he will only advise from the policy level, rather than expressing opinions on specific individuals, but this is finally someone who helps to speak It also gave Wu Xun a glimmer of hope.

  Based on the information received when they first came back, these redeemed generals would all be deprived of their official positions, or even sentenced to prison for their crimes.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's somewhat dissatisfied and troubled expression, Jia Zheng was also a little embarrassed. If it wasn't for his own introduction, Feng Ziying probably wouldn't have met the two, at least Chen Ruiwu.

  When meeting Fu Shi, Feng Ziying was in a normal mood, but when she saw Chen Ruiwu, she was obviously not very happy.

Of course, since it is impossible to refuse people thousands of miles away after meeting, Feng Ziying still maintained the basic etiquette, but did not make any substantive promises, but Jia Zheng felt that even so, Chen Ruiwu seemed to feel quite With the appearance of gaining, not to mention very satisfied, but still left happily.

   This made Jia Zheng think twice.

  When did the direct descendants of Qi Guogong need to be so humble when they saw Feng Ziying?

   Knowing that Chen Ruiwu is the direct brother of Chen Ruiwen, the princess of the Qi State, and is considered Feng Ziying's father, and has some reputation among the martial arts group in the capital city, but he is so cautious in front of Feng Ziying, and he is afraid that he will offend Feng Ziying by saying the wrong thing.

   And Feng Ziying also behaved very calmly, without any discomfort, even a natural posture.

"Ziying, Uncle Yu did a poor job today and I'm causing you trouble." Jia Zheng had a look of embarrassment on his face, "Grand Duke Qi also has some friendship and relationship with our Jia family. Uncle Yu refused several times, but the other party kept saying no. Insist on pleading, so Uncle Yu..."

"Second brother, I'm not talking about you. Ziying's status is different now. You say that it's okay for you to help someone like Qiusheng. After all, Ziying's subordinates will still need people who can do things in the future, but people like the Chen family , I used to be arrogant in front of us, and felt that within four kings and eight kilometers, only their Chen family and Zhenguo Gongniu's family were superior, and we were all inferior. How is it now? If you let it go, you may be punished by the court in the future, you bring it here, how will Ziying deal with it?"

  Jia Amnesty sat on the side, looking displeased.

"The Pardon Shibo is serious, but that's not the case. It's the court's business to deal with Chen Ruishi and the others. The court is still happy that he can be redeemed. Wu Xun is also the court's honor." Feng Ziying said lightly. : "As for the imperial court asking for my opinion, I will truthfully state my own views, and I will not be influenced by the outside world. Everything must be based on maintaining the prestige and face of the imperial court."

   Seeing Feng Ziying soften his cheeks, Jia Zheng felt even more grateful, and felt more and more that it was a pity to lose such a son-in-law.

   It's just..., uh...

"Ziying, you don't have to pay too much attention to the Chen family. They are just paper lanterns now, which can be broken at the first poke, and they are just pretending to be bright." The family, talking nonsense: "Chen Ruishi lost his teacher and lost his land. The Beijing camp is now in turmoil. The court is very dissatisfied. How can we not punish severely? Ziying, if you intervene at will, aren't you asking for trouble?"

Feng Ziying didn't understand Jia She's thoughts at all. This martial arts group was prosperous and all lost, and the four kings, eight princes and twelve lords were even more so. But in Jia She's eyes, the Chen family seemed to be more glamorous than the Jia family. If he is defeated, he will only gloat over his misfortune, completely forgetting the story of the death of lips and teeth.

However, he didn't intend to remind Jia She of anything. The current situation of Jia's family is like a sunken ship sinking. Whether you can catch a few nails depends on whether you are willing to reach out. Well, of course the girls are not here. in.

   "What Uncle Xi said is right, my nephew will consider it carefully." Feng Ziying casually perfunctory.

"Well, Ziying, you don't have to worry about Qiusheng, Uncle Yu still has some confidence in him..." Jia Zheng didn't want to have an unpleasant fight with his brother because of the Chen family's affairs, so he changed the subject: "Qiusheng is in Shun Tianfu Tongdan has been in the position for several years, and he is very familiar with the situation. You have talked with him just now, and the impression should not be bad. Even if you use it boldly, if you have the opportunity, you can also support it,..."

These words are the limit of Jia Zheng's ability to speak for others. Even he himself feels feverish in his ears. He has never been so blatant even when he begged for an official for himself. It's still a weapon, so Jia Zheng also put his old face on it.

"Uncle Zheng Shi, don't worry, if Mr. Fu is determined to make progress, Shuntian Mansion will naturally have a place for him to use. With Uncle Shi and his guarantee, my nephew will naturally use it with confidence. Shuntian Mansion is the most benevolent place in the world, where the center of the imperial court is. As long as you can make one point here, you can get three points in the court. Of course, if there is a mistake, it will be the same. My nephew sees that Mr. Fu is also a cautious and diligent person, and he will not disappoint Uncle Shi. ..."

  Feng Ziying has long been able to handle these official scenes with ease, but he also said a few truths, as long as Fu Shi is willing to serve and work diligently, why can't he support him? Anyway, there is also Jia Zheng's origin in it, at least in terms of loyalty, it is better than outsiders who have nothing to do with it.

  Jia Zheng could also understand the reasoning. He was a guarantor for Fu Shi.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and Jia Zheng felt relieved, and he had an explanation to Fu Shi. After all the relatives and old students around him, it seemed that besides Feng Ziying, Fu Shi was the only one who still had a chance to make his mark. And Brother Huan...

  Thinking of Jia Huan, Jia Zheng also felt complicated. The concubine is like this, but the concubine is not good enough, and he was confused for a while.

  The banquet at noon was very intense, except for Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng, Baoyu and Jia Huan were the only companions. Jia Lan and Jia Cong were too young to be seated, so they could only meet and talk after dinner.


  It feels good to be a little drunk, at least Feng Ziying is very comfortable, Rongguo Mansion is becoming more and more familiar and close to me, and even has a feeling of another house.

With the soft and flat bed and the warm bedding, Feng Ziying felt sleepy and relaxed when he lay down, until he woke up feeling refreshed, and the fragrance from his side also made him feel like he didn't want to sleep. eye impulse.

   Who is the fragrance on the body? Feng Ziying's head was a little confused, but she didn't want to think about it seriously, just like the feeling of body odor between half-dream and half-awake.

   Seemingly sensing the movement around her, Feng Ziying stretched out his hands, and there was a slight exclamation, which seemed to be deliberately suppressed, as if it was afraid of alarming outsiders, so familiar, Feng Ziying laughed.

"Ping'er, when did you come here?" With his hands hooked around the opponent's waist, Feng Ziying took advantage of the situation and placed her head on the opponent's lap. Feng Ziying didn't even bother to open her eyes, so she just put her head on her legs and put her face on her belly. The intimate and ambiguous gesture made Ping'er restless and wanted to struggle, but Feng Ziying's hands hugged her waist extremely resolutely, as if she would never let go.

  Pinger was secretly delighted that Feng Ziying could guess her without even opening her eyes, but she remained reserved on the surface: "Master, please be more self-respectful, don't let outsiders see the joke."

   "Well, outsiders saw the joke, so no outsiders came in, so no one would laugh at it?" Feng Ziying played a rogue: "Does that mean I can do whatever I want? We are insiders."

  Ping'er was so ashamed that she couldn't help but struggled, "Master, this servant is here by grandma's order. I have something to talk to my master about..."

   "It's not a big deal like this. It's important for Master to get a good night's sleep." Feng Ziying didn't care.

   I have something to do in the past two days, so I have been delayed, so I will try to make up for it tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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