Number of People

Chapter 1327: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees Decent, Difficult

  Chapter 1327 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass and Trees Decent, Difficult

Seeing that Feng Ziying refused to let go, and that his hands were still persistently digging into the skirt of her embroidered jacket, she opened the skirt of the embroidered jacket in twos and fives, and got into the small coat, and her slightly cool fingers touched the skin of her lower abdomen, and she panicked calmly. The son hurriedly curled up to hide, and then pressed Feng Ziying's clutches with both hands, begging for mercy.

   "My lord, please spare the servant girl, this is in the mansion, if outsiders see it, the servant girl will have to hang herself."

"Hmph, who is so bold as to force my master's woman to hang herself?" Feng Ziying snorted coldly, dismissively, "Even if the old ancestor or the people around the two masters ran in at this time, they would just pretend to be blind and not see, let alone , who would be so uninterested to disturb you at this time? I don't know if the two masters are entertaining you, do you need to rest for a while after drinking too much?"

   Feng Ziying's wild domineering made Ping'er fascinated for a while.

  She didn't know why she was becoming more and more like her grandma.

A few years ago, I thought that Jia Lian was my hope, but my second mistress refused to let go. Later, I hoped that it would be great if I could become a concubine for a gentleman like Baoyu, but with the appearance of Feng Ziying, Jia Lian was certainly depressed. Dust, and Baoyu was thrown into the dust all at once.

  A legitimate son who can't protect the family from wind and rain and carry the burden of the family, ignores the difficulties the family faces, but only knows how to hang out and have fun, and even needs the help of outsiders to find a way to write legendary novels to gain fame, which undoubtedly makes her very contemptuous.

Looking at the Feng family again, it is far less glamorous than the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion in terms of family background, but Master Feng can have ups and downs a few times, and after being dismissed, he can rise again and be promoted to governor again; Comparing the two comparisons, the contrast between being an official, gaining fame in the Imperial Academy, and finally having a dazzling performance in the official career, winning the favor of the court and the emperor, is too great.

  Not only Baoyu, but even the Jia family are in stark contrast to the thriving Feng family, and the reason why the Feng family can rise so rapidly is undoubtedly the key person in front of them.

  In contrast, although Baoyu was born with a good skin, but it is really out of gold and jade. I don’t know how I had such thoughts a few years ago. Thinking about it, Ping’er finds it incredible.

  Of course, when meeting Baoyu on the public face, he would be warm-spoken and amiable, but his inner perception has changed a lot.

"Master, that's what I said, but if people see it, they will whisper in their hearts..." Ping'er couldn't resist the other party's clutches, so he could only let the other party's palm move on his warm belly, even like it was tied to the waist of his trousers. Feeling the attack from the sweat towel on the top, I can only clamp my legs tightly, and my heart is beating violently.

"Hehe, muttering to yourself? They can only mutter to themselves, and they even have to accompany the smiling faces on the surface, don't they?" Feng Ziying took advantage of a little alcohol, and said more presumptuously: "Besides, I didn't do anything, your family Grandma has divorced, so you are considered free,..."

"Master, a servant girl is not free. The servant girl came here with grandma. Now she is considered to be the royal family..." Ping'er hurriedly explained: "Grandma called the servant girl here today to see when the master is free. We need to think about the next step.”

  Feng Ziying's hand stopped on Ping'er's lower abdomen, neither climbing up nor exploring down, but thinking about this matter.

Now it may be time for Wang Xifeng to consider follow-up issues. Jia Lian also mentioned in his letter that he will definitely come back before the end of this year. Find a way out.

But leaving is not an easy matter. Wang Xifeng values ​​face the most. If she wants to leave, she must leave with her head held high. She even wants to show the people in the Jia family. You can still live a nourishing and bright life, even better than in Jia's house.

   This is not a simple matter, but I seem to be "duty to do so" in this matter, who can't control my lower body and make promises all over the place?

   Thinking of this, Feng Ziying also had a headache.

When Wang Xifeng left, she didn't just want a mansion or a group of servants. She wanted status, or power and respect. Feng Ziying saw this very clearly, so she had to shoulder such a "burden" after a moment of pleasure, Feng Ziying I also have to admit that riding a fierce horse is a pleasure for a while, and you will have to pay the price if you can't control your belt.

This is not something that can be solved by giving tens of thousands of taels of silver. With Wang Xifeng's temperament, if she doesn't satisfy her enough wishes, I will never want to touch her again, but I really can't bear to take this one. Thinking of Wang Xifeng's enchanting plumpness Feng Ziying couldn't shake her body and stiffen.

   "Then Sister Feng is leaving, besides you, how many other people will follow her?" Feng Ziying needs to make some calculations to see Wang Xifeng's popularity.

"Except for slaves, Xiaohong, Feng'er, and Sister Shan will follow along, as well as Wang Xin, Laiwang, and Laixi. They all came with grandma, and they will definitely not stay. In addition, Zhu'er also revealed that The meaning of being willing to follow grandma,..."

   Ping'er said carefully.

"Oh? Zhu'er is from Jia's side, right? So he followed Lian's second brother?" Feng Ziying had an impression of the few servants around Jia Lian. This Zhu'er was plain-looking, and he didn't look like Long'er, Zhao'er, etc. Jia Lian didn't like Jia Lian very much because of her sharp tongue, but unexpectedly she became a fan of Wang Xifeng.

  It seems that Sister Feng still has some tricks, and she was able to pull the members of Jia's family over. Considering that even Lin Hongyu volunteered to serve Sister Feng, it is enough to show that Wang Xifeng is not a "weak person".

"Well, the second master Lian went to Yangzhou, but he didn't go with him, but expressed his willingness to stay with grandma, so grandma asked him later, and he also said that he had no relatives in the Jia family, and he bought it when he was a child. Boy, I am willing to follow grandma..." Ping'er explained.

"Well, there are only so many people?" After all, there are only ten or twenty people. If you really want to go out, it will be much more shabby than in Rongguo Mansion. Feng Ziying really doesn't know whether Wang Xifeng can accept this sense of gap, "Ping'er, You and Sister Feng have to figure it out, if you really want to go out, life will not be as easy and leisurely as here in Rongguo Mansion, and you have to face many things by yourself."

"Master, it's been so long, you and grandma have been like this, don't you know her temper?" Ping'er sighed softly, her body tensed up, her voice began to tremble, and she tried her best to calm herself down. Thinking back to business.

  She felt that the man's clutches that had already stopped were swaying restlessly again. She wanted to stop it, but she couldn't do it. She twisted her waist, and the itch deep in her heart continued to accumulate and spread.

It is absolutely impossible in such occasions, so she can only suppress the shyness in her heart and not let the other party untie her sweat towel, lest if she really wants to take advantage of the situation, something will really happen. As for other directions, For example, climbing up through the apron, that is only up to him, anyway, sooner or later, his body will be his.

   "She has a strong temper, she can't accept the eyes of the people around her, and she can't accept the situation that her family will be in trouble after leaving Rongguo Mansion, that's why she is so nervous. Master, you have to be considerate of grandma's state of mind,..."

I have to say that the word "loyalty" is too accurate for Ping'er. Not only is she loyal, she is not that kind of foolish loyalty, but she will take the initiative to think carefully for her master, seek the best solution, and try her best without losing anything. In principle, to safeguard the interests of the master.

  Wang Xifeng has a lot of flaws, but it is because of Ping'er that she is in the current situation, otherwise her situation in Rongguo Mansion would be much worse.

"Ping'er, you also know that I will be very busy for a long time after I return to the capital city. Even if I can spare time to meet Sister Feng, I'm afraid it will come and go, and I won't stay for long. What you said I can understand that Sister Feng wants to leave Rongguo Mansion and maintain a decent life after leaving Jia's family, a status that is not inferior to the current status, not just food and clothing, affluent life, but Is it?"

  In the words, Pinger nodded again and again, and said "um", even the man next to him climbed up to her as the most precious weapon of her daughter's family, she didn't think it was so important, she just curled up and snuggled into Feng Ziying's arms.

"It's not easy." Feng Ziying leaned her chin on Ping'er's hair in the back of her head, smelling the fragrance, "Money is not a problem, but if you want to win others' respect, recognition, and even envy, Sister Feng really gave it to me." There's a problem."

"It's a problem for others, but it's nothing for Grandpa, right?" Ping'er resisted the tingling all over his body, clenched his hands tightly, almost sweating, and gasped, "Grandma It's like this to me, can I help her?"

If Feng Ziying was in Yongping Mansion, Wang Xifeng's wish might be fulfilled, but it would be much more troublesome and complicated, and it would easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings. But now that Feng Ziying is going to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, the The resources are more than ten times more abundant than those in the government, so the operation must be much easier.

While lamenting the tolerance and indulgence of the moral rules of this era for men, and unscrupulously enjoying the beautiful feeling brought by the trembling and tense body of the beautiful woman in her arms, Feng Ziying felt that she could not refuse at all, "I see, it will be up to you master and servant It’s my master’s nemesis. If I can’t do it, will I disappoint both of you, master and servant? I don’t want my impression in your mind to be greatly discounted, but since I agreed, Ping’er will fulfill my wish today... "

   "Ah?! Lord, sooner or later the servant will be yours, but now it is..." Ping'er was ashamed, happy and afraid, but Feng Ziying felt that she was eager to welcome but refused, and her heart was burning with desire.

  (end of this chapter)

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