Number of People

Chapter 1331: Xin Zijuan Xiyang Caoshu takes office

  Chapter 1331 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Caoshu takes office

  Shuntianfu Yamen is located on Shuntianfu Street in Lingchunfang, close to Andingmen Street in the east, and adjacent to Chongjiaofang.

   On the front, there is a straight road leading directly to the gate of the government office. Looking from a distance, the momentum is extraordinary.

  Sunlight hits from the east, forming a shallow shadow, making the function of this straight road appear three-dimensional and deep. There is no gate opening on the white walls on both sides.

   According to Feng Ziying’s impression, the capital city of Dazhou was a slum composed of dilapidated rural courtyards.

The soil is covered in sunny days, and the feet are muddy in rainy days. Various smells of livestock manure and human excrement spread everywhere. Mosquitoes and flies breed in summer, and rats run rampant at night. can be found here.

Of course, this does not mean that the situation in several streets and palaces in the inner city, and even a certain section of some streets will improve intermittently. It is unrealistic to expect Shuntianfu or Gongbu Street Office to solve the problem. See if there are any large households in a certain section of households who are willing to give charity to improve it.

  Shuntianfu Street and Andingmen Street are undoubtedly the few worthwhile streets in Feng Ziying's impression.

At any rate, it is also where the government office is located. The stone-paved roads are polished brightly. It is said that the planning and construction of the capital city began in the Northern Yuan Dynasty. The same is true for the lower streets of the Drum Tower, etc. The clear stone slabs are paved. Although many parts have been worn out after hundreds of years, overall, they are still the best.

   After three days of rest, Feng Ziying knew that it was time to officially take up the post.

  First go to the Ministry of Officials to go through the official certification procedures, and accept the talk from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials according to the usual practice.

  Gao Panlong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is also an old acquaintance. Although the relationship is average, there is no suspicion.

  When Feng Ziying was in the Imperial Academy, Gao Panlong took over the affairs of the Imperial Academy. Now when Feng Ziying was appointed as the Chancellor of Shuntian Fu, he was already the number one person under the cabinet ministers.

   Then apply for official uniforms from the Ministry of Rites, scarlet robe tuan collar shirt, plain gold belt, embroidered cloud goose, and finally enter the scarlet robe from the green robe, which can be regarded as the real entry into the era of officials.

   The whole time didn’t take much, but it took some time to travel from the Ministry of Officials to Shuntian Mansion almost through the entire Beijing city, so when Feng Ziying arrived at the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion in her good clothes, it was already time.

   It is definitely impossible for Wu Daonan to meet his subordinates. On the contrary, after Feng Ziying communicated and coordinated with everyone, he still has to take the initiative to visit the other party, even if the other party is actually just going through the motions every day at the government office.

   Seeing this serious-looking man with clear eyebrows, Feng Ziying was also a little embarrassed, but after thinking about it, as long as she was not embarrassed, it would be someone else who was embarrassed, so she changed her mind instantly and stepped forward calmly.

"I've seen Mr. Fu Cheng." With Mei Zhiye's cupping of hands, a bunch of officials behind him also cupped their hands, which also marked that Feng Ziying had formally entered the central nervous system of Shuntian Mansion Yamen, the entire Shuntian Mansion. become one of them.

   "Your Majesty Mei, you are welcome." Feng Ziying bowed solemnly, "My lords, Ziying is new here and she is not familiar with many things. If there is anything wrong, please give me some pointers. I hope everyone will forgive me."

  Mei Zhiye watched coldly.

  Ever since he heard that this guy suddenly leaped from Yongping Mansion to Shuntian Mansion to serve as the Fu Cheng, he was in a panic.

To be honest, it's not because the other party married Xue's daughter who was divorced by his son as his concubine. Speaking of which, Mei Zhiye still feels a little guilty.

  It is only related to the life of the son and even the Mei family. It is true that this kind of matter cannot be done by one's temper, so the resignation of the engagement also made me bear some infamy.

   Fortunately, Xue's family was protecting the reputation of Xue's daughter, and they didn't care too much about it. People who knew about it were also controlled within a relatively small range, which made Mei's family heave a sigh of relief.

   Now that Xue's daughter is acting as concubine to this son in front of her, Mei Zhiye's heart is full of mixed feelings.

  If Xue's daughter could be his son's concubine, of course he would be happy to see it happen, but that is obviously impossible.

Feng Keng was also married to Xue's daughter's cousin, the first daughter of the Xue family, the fourth eldest family in Jinling, so she could let Xue, a second-bedroom daughter, be a concubine. Make a wife.

  Mei Zhiye also had mixed feelings about Feng Ziying's arrival.

On the one hand, Wu Daonan's slack in government caused the entire Shuntian Mansion officials to be poorly evaluated by the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which has seriously affected the interests of the entire Shuntian Mansion official group. It may not be affected, but the people below will suffer.

   This delay is three years, how many three years can you delay in your official career? And once the impression is formed, it is really not easy to reverse it in the minds of the bosses.

On the other hand, Feng Keng's dominance in Yongping Mansion and the officials of Shuntian Mansion are not unheard of. Yongping gentry's complaints poured into the Metropolitan Procuratorate like snowflakes, but none of them responded, which shows that this person has a deep background. A series of actions directly pushed his reputation to the peak, and it was only then that he entered Shuntian Mansion directly.

  It's really hard to say whether such a young and sharp official will be a blessing or a disaster for the big guys. Even Mei Zhiye is also worried and worried.

As for the little things about himself and the other party, Mei Zhiye really didn't think it was a big deal. If Feng Keng was still obsessed with that little trivial matter, then it can only be said that the situation is too small to be a cause for concern. .

  After a brief exchange of pleasantries, everyone will return to their respective positions. For the first time, even though he is number two as the governor, number one is still there. Even if he doesn’t care much about daily affairs, as long as he is there, he is number one.

  Officials from the Experience Department and Zhaomosuo were waiting by the side.

  These two departments, how should I put it, one is a bit similar to the general office and supervising office, which is mainly responsible for the daily affairs of the government office, and at the same time supervises the official affairs of the six offices, and the other is a bit like the secretariat plus the archives bureau, which handles the daily entry and exit of official documents and filing.

In fact, Feng Ziying felt that in the government-level yamen, the division of labor had begun to take shape, such as the Experience Department and the Zhaomo Institute, which took on the responsibilities of the General Office, the Political Research Office, the Archives Bureau, the Confidential Bureau, and the Secrecy Bureau. The Prison Division is responsible for the Judiciary Bureau and the Prison Administration Bureau, Confucianism is equivalent to the Education Bureau, the Tax Department is naturally the Tax Bureau, the Medical Department is the Health Bureau and Public Hospital, and the Miscellaneous Manufacturing Bureau is the General Manager of the Weapons Industry. The company, the Seng Gang Division and the Dao Ji Division are the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau,...

Add the Sixth Office and the Third Division of the Criminal Workers of the Official Household Salute Army, the Organization Department and the Personnel Bureau, the Finance Bureau and the Grain Bureau, the Propaganda Department, the Armed Forces Department, the Public Security Bureau, the Development and Reform Commission's Processing and Information Bureau, and the Agriculture and Water Conservancy Bureau. The river park office, delivery office, etc. can be regarded as the customs, transportation bureau and post office.

Just like the staffing of officials in this government office, the governor needless to say, the secretary and the mayor shoulder the responsibility. The governor is similar to the deputy secretary and executive deputy mayor, but focuses on certain aspects of work. No, only the capital has one, similar to the deputy mayor, focusing on the work of people's livelihood.

The Tongpan is similar to the mayor's assistant, because the Beijing government is different from other prefectures, and there are three to six people in the establishment of the Tongpan. Currently, the five Tongpans established in Shuntian Prefecture are mainly responsible for food transportation, water conservancy, In addition to affairs such as horse administration and farming, plus the promotion of officials in charge of criminal names, officials at the government level are basically established.

  Compared to the shabby Yongping Mansion, the officials and officials in Shuntian Mansion are much larger, as can be seen from the layout of the entire mansion.

Whether it is the area of ​​Fu Yin Gong, Fu Cheng Gong, Zhizhong Gong, Tong San Gong and Tui Guan Gong, plus the layout specifications of the Qing Army Hall, Supervising Grain Hall, Judgment Hall, and Six Rooms, you can It can be seen that Shuntianfu is different.

  Feng Ziying followed Wu Daonan's elders into the Houfu, and then went to pay a visit to Wu Daonan.

  Although I have visited before, but this time the meaning is different. This is an official visit to Wu Daonan as a subordinate, so it seems very solemn.

  The officer's certificate was handed over to the experience department for safekeeping, and then tea was served before entering the conversation procedure.

  Wu Daonan was actually not as lofty or mean as he imagined, but he could feel the complex emotions of his counterpart Feng Ziying's arrival, including some anticipation, some helplessness, and some vague disgust.

All in all, Feng Ziying feels that if she is Wu Daonan, she probably feels the same way. She is unable to change the current situation of Shuntian Mansion with her own ability, and hopes that the situation will improve in the future and she can earn a good reputation. But I am a little apprehensive about the appearance of such a powerful figure as Feng Ziying, and because of the arrangement of the court, I may feel a little sad and lost.

   The conversation lasted only half an hour, and then it was to serve tea and see off the guests, and each bowed and left, each returning to his place.

Feng Ziying also has no intention of staying too long. Wu Daonan may have such emotions, but Feng Ziying thinks that as long as she can handle it well, don't over-irritate the other party. In addition, she will tell the other party some of her planning ideas, clarify what she is going to do, and where the bottom line is. And what benefits can be gained by doing these things well, he believes that Wu Daonan will not embarrass himself or set up obstacles for himself.

   At most, he just watched with a cold eye, to see how real he was.

  In Feng Ziying's view, as long as the other party has such an attitude, he is satisfied, and he also has the confidence to do the next thing well.

  (end of this chapter)

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