Number of People

Chapter 1332: Xin Zijuan An Ordinary Day in Shuntian Mansion

  Chapter 1332 Xin Zijuan An Ordinary Day in the Setting Sun, Grass and Trees in Shuntian Mansion

  Feng Ziying came out from the back mansion, and looked at the Fuyin Yamen, which is the so-called Shuntian Mansion Yamen Main Hall.

   This is used by the governors in daily sitting, but in fact more office governors are still in the back hall of the governors.

There is a terrace below Danchi. The terrace goes south all the way to a wide corridor. Next to the corridor is the sixth room of Lihuli, Binggong and Xinggong. There are separate walls, and there are several small courtyard rooms behind each.

On the east side of the Fuyin Yamen is the Fucheng Yamen, commonly known as the Qing Army Hall, and to the west is the Zhizhong Yamen. Penitentiary.

Compared with ordinary prefectures, Shuntian prefecture is special in that there is one more administrative center between the Fucheng (Tongzhi) and the general judge, and the number of general prefects is several times that of ordinary prefectures. This is also because of the special nature of Shuntian prefecture. determined by status.

  More than 20 states and counties, with a population of more than 2 million, some people commented: the land of the city, the five directions are chaotic, the affairs are constrained, the people are poor and the taxes are heavy, the population is poor, the service is troublesome, and it is difficult to govern.

This can be regarded as a relatively objective and fair evaluation. Although it is not enough to describe the complete situation of Shuntian Mansion, it at least gives a rough description of it. Torn down, taxes and duties are heavy, the people are poor, public security is unstable, and it is difficult to govern.

Moreover, due to the location of the center of the imperial court, a large number of bureaucrats and their dependents, and even the merchants and gentry from all over the world, together with the people serving them, made the capital city present a deformed state of polarization. Those who do not eat three meals a day, sell their sons and daughters.

Under the guidance of several officials from the Experience Department and Zhaomo Institute, Feng Ziying first went to the Fucheng Office, which is the Qing Military Hall, and briefly checked the so-called place where she was promoted to work. This is actually a reduced and simplified version of the Fuyin Yamen, some important affairs that need to be discussed with other colleagues will be discussed here, which can be regarded as a formal court.

  After looking at the Qing Army Hall, Feng Ziying went to her own Fu Chenggong in the back hall, which is equivalent to a study for office use, but still belongs to the nature of a public house.

The windows are bright and clean. Although simple and unadorned, there are all kinds of furniture. A semi-new and old pear wood desk, the official hat chair is not made of any material, and the desk is complete with pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Each has two chairs, which should be prepared for guests, that is to say, it can accommodate up to four guests.

   Meetings with a small number of people, work talks, or handling daily official documents are all here, so this is the place where Feng Ziying stays for a long time.

  There are two side rooms next to it, which are mainly used by the officials' accompanying officers and servants. They stay here when boiling water, making tea, answering questions, and running errands.

   There is a small attached courtyard behind the Fucheng Palace, which is the back house for rest and accommodation.

   But there is only one entrance, the scale is small, and there are only a few rooms in the area, and it is quite simple. Although it has been tidied and cleaned, it can be seen that no one has lived in it for a long time.

"My lord, these are mainly prepared for officials whose families are not in the city and whose relatives have not come here. If you want to save two silver coins, you can live here. Apart from yourself, one or two long-term servants can still accommodate you." Got it, but..."

  The person who led the way was a governor surnamed Zhao from the Experience Department. Feng Ziying didn't know his name yet, but he was also very kind. There was also a procurator surnamed Sun from the Zhaomo Institute next to him.

Although the experience department and the photo mill office are branch offices, many specific tasks are inseparable, so the two offices are close to each other, and most of the officials are veterans who are very familiar with the newcomers. .

   "But almost none of the previous Fucheng lived here?" Feng Ziying smiled and spoke for the other party.

   "Your Excellency is a lesson." The governor surnamed Zhao also nodded with a smile.

It is indeed true, in the position of Shuntian Mansion Cheng, he is a senior member of the fourth rank, and he is upright and honest, so he can't even afford a house in the capital city. problem?

  Who would huddle in this cramped small yard, and if you say something rude, you can hear a fart on the opposite side, how decent is that?

"Well, there is a high probability that I won't live here, but I would like to thank Mr. Zhao and Mr. Sun for taking care of me. I think I can take a break at noon, and I can still use it. I'm not that delicate." Feng Ziying smiled, "Let's go, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Sun. By the way, let me introduce the basic situation of our Shuntian Mansion."

The director of the experience department and the photo mill of the photo mill are basically equivalent to the director of the general office and the director of the secretary. They are busy every day. Although Feng Ziying is a new official, they can only simply accompany Ying Mo, and then Just leave the follow-up affairs to your subordinates, such as the two governors and the inspector.

  In Hyundai Prefecture, there is only one governor in the Experience Department, and only one inspector in the Terumo Institute, but in Shuntian Prefecture, the establishment has been expanded to three. Of course, there are more than a dozen officials in both the Experience Department and the Terumo Institute.

  The boundaries between officials and officials are clear, but in fact more specific affairs are undertaken by officials, and even sons inherit their father's business. It has formed a practice in all levels of yamen, just like Shaoxing masters.

Knowing the basic situation first-hand is the first task of every new official after he takes office. Feng Ziying has been ups and downs in the officialdom in his previous life anyway, so he naturally understands the truth of this, but he did not expect that he would end up doing things similar to those in later generations. In the role of deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and executive deputy mayor of Beijing.

However, the situation of this era and even the responsibilities of being an official are completely different from those of later generations. In a sense, the previous life was to make drastic development, but in this life, it is doing its best to do a good job of paperwork. Going wrong is the best performance.

  Theoretically, I should also go to the countryside to follow the customs and conform to the times. This is also what the masters and teachers have taught, but Feng Ziying is very clear that she can't do that.

  If he only wants to stay here for three years to seek experience and qualifications to be gilded, he can naturally follow their suggestions, but he can't do this when Da Zhou may face unpredictable turmoil in the next few years.

  He must establish his own unique political philosophy and method, and succeed in the future full of challenges and crises, and even make the court realize that he is indispensable, in order to prove that he is worthy of entering the capital at the age of twenty.

   Throughout the day, what Feng Ziying did was to frequently talk to someone to understand the situation.

   But he did not directly seek information about the situation from the center of governance, the general judge, and the judge.

   Firstly, they all belonged to the "important ministers" in the Shuntian Mansion. Although Lun Pinyi was inferior to him, in theory, like himself, they all belonged to the Second Official of the Mansion Yin, and I was not the direct superior to them.

Secondly, Feng Ziying does not want to be influenced by these people to get a preconceived situation, but prefers to communicate with the Experience Division, Zhaomo Institute, Prison Division, Confucianism, Tax Division, Miscellaneous Bureau, Liufang, Hebosuo, Officials from the Delivery Office, Senggang Division, and Daoji Division came to talk and listen to their reports to get a first-hand understanding of the situation.

  Feng Ziying is also very clear that in a short period of time, her main job is to be familiar with the situation and the position, to figure out what she should do, what she can do, and what her short-term and medium- and long-term goals are.

  He has some ideas, but they all need to be based on being familiar with the situation and recruiting a group of officials who can be used by him.

There are hundreds of officials in a yamen, all of which have different ideas and desires. Some hope to improve their official career, some hope to make their pockets richer by doing their best in office, and some prefer to live a happy life , The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world's hustle and bustle is for profit. This sentence is also applicable to the officials of the Yamen, but the meaning of this profit should be broader. Fame and profit can be attributed to profit.


  Wu Daonan picked up the teacup, took a sip relished, then closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair, singing leisurely opera.

  Usually he doesn't stay in Fu Yin's residence much, but he may have to stay a little longer during this time, Feng Ziying may come over at any time.

  In addition, he also wanted to have a good look at Feng Ziying's style and methods, and see what is so special about Feng Ziying, a young man who has risen to fame but also brought a lot of controversy.

  He disagrees with many Jiangnan officials in the DPRK, and even disagrees with Ye Fang and others.

  Having Feng Keng to serve as Shuntian Mansion Chancellor is not necessarily a bad thing, this is his point of view.

   Some people may think that this will give Feng Ziying a chance, but Wu Daonan thinks, if you don't let him be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, won't he find a chance? Looking at his performance in Yongping Mansion, even the emperor has to rely on it.

  Ye Fang and Ye Fang also felt a little helpless and had a cold-eyed onlooker mentality. They reached such a compromise with Qi Yongtai, and I am afraid that they were also a little nervous, because they were not sure what Feng Ziying would bring when he came to Shuntian Mansion.

But only Wu Daonan himself knows that if this Shuntian Mansion drags on like this, there will really be troubles. At that time, the board will hit him hard, and he will be in vain if he takes care of him in the position of Shuntian Mansion Governor for a few years. He absolutely didn't want to see it, so when Ye Fang asked for his opinion, he agreed after a little consideration.

   This will definitely bring about some negative effects, and some of my political shortcomings will be magnified, but so what?

I didn't intend to continue working as a magistrate. I aimed at the Six Departments. This kind of complicated and trivial affairs entangled him in a daze. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no suitable place for him, why would he be willing to stay in this position forever? go?

  (end of this chapter)

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