Number of People

Chapter 1333: Xin Zijuan setting sun, grass and trees have something to do

  Chapter 1333 Xin Zijuan The setting sun, grass and trees have something to do

  Wu Daonan also considered that young people like Feng Ziying may have several endings when they come to Shuntian Mansion.

   One possibility is that Feiyang is domineering and rebellious, thinking he did a good job in Yongping Mansion, and he continued his style to Shuntian Mansion, but in the end he was beaten badly, and even resigned.

The second possibility is that you follow the rules and follow the customs when you go to the countryside. After you come here, you choose some simple and easy things that are easy to get results, and pretend to be hello, me, hello, everyone, and then wait until the three-year period is over, and everyone will be happy. .

   This is the most sensible and most likely. Wu Daonan does not believe that Feng Ziying has no one behind his back to plan and operate for him during the period from the Imperial Academy to Yongping Mansion.

No matter how powerful Feng Ziying is, he is still an inexperienced character who has just entered the official career. His father is also a military commander. Beautiful, it must be people like Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia and Guan Yingzhen who are making suggestions for him.

And Feng Ziying also strictly followed the instructions of Qi, Qiao, Guan and others, so she was able to do it so beautifully. Of course, Feng Ziying must have some ability, at least in terms of execution, so now Qi, Qiao, Guan and others Now people will definitely remind Feng Ziying to act cautiously and prudently, and polish his qualifications first.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Feng Ziying is really capable. He can come up with a set of effective countermeasures based on the current situation in Shuntian Mansion. Like the first one, he will insist on going his own way and follow his own intentions, but will make achievements according to local conditions and the actual situation of Shuntian Prefecture.

  If this is the case, Wu Daonan feels that everyone has nothing to say. If this can be done, Feng Ziying can shine at any place and at any time, like a cone in his pocket, and no one can hide it.

  In that case, Wu Daonan didn't think that anyone who blocked and suppressed it would have any good results, and it would even be counterproductive.

  Wu Daonan can sit in this position, even though he may have some shortcomings in political ability, but his emotional intelligence is not too bad, otherwise Ye Fang and others would not firmly place him in this position.

  Wu Daonan did not do badly in terms of supporting and making arrangements for the sons of Emperor Yonglong in advance. Whether it was King Shou, King Fu, King Wang and King Lu, Wu Daonan was quite respected and treated by the princes.

  Because of this, Wu Daonan showed a normal cooperative attitude on the issue of Feng Ziying coming to Shuntian Mansion to serve as the Fucheng. Of course, this should be based on the premise that Feng Ziying also respects her status and influence.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, Feng Ziying has come to visit her since she returned to Beijing, and she is very polite and polite now. Both parties are still in a state of limited contact and limited cooperation.

  A sound of footsteps came from outside the door, Wu Daonan did not stop his singing while shaking his head, but slowed down the rhythm.

   "Dong Weng!"

   "Xintong, sit down." The person who came was a middle-aged scholar in his early forties, with vigorous steps and serious eyes. Although Wu Xintong had the same surname as Wu Daonan, he was not related to him, but was Wu Daonan's right-hand man.

Wu Daonan lacked experience and ability in government affairs, and his own energy was not focused on it, but he had to completely let go of the complicated and complicated government affairs, and even knew nothing about it, so Wu Xintong took on this aspect of affairs, mainly responsible for docking the governance, Judges and Judges


   Now that Feng Ziying is here, Wu Xintong's main job is to observe and understand Feng Ziying's style and means of doing things, and at the same time cooperate according to Wu Daonan's limited cooperation opinions.

"Dong Weng, as I expected, Mr. Feng didn't have too many novel measures. In the past two days, he mainly dealt with the Experience Department, the Zhaomo Institute, the Prison Department, the Sixth House, the Miscellaneous Manufacturing Bureau, and the Taxation Department. Waiting for the heads of the various ministries to discuss and listen to a group of people about the government’s situation last year and some plans for this year, it’s fairly standard, and listening to their introductions is also modest and pertinent..."

Wu Xintong's words didn't surprise Wu Daonan much. In his opinion, even if there were to be unconventional and independent actions, it wouldn't be the present. Without three to five months of familiarity, Feng Ziying's policy strategy would not be able to come up .

  Furthermore, Feng Ziying's prestige in Shuntian Mansion has not yet been established. There is himself above him, and his subordinates are governing, judging and pushing officials. How can he do such shocking things? Even if it is to be promoted, no one can believe it.

This kind of behavior is the most normal now, Wu Daonan even has some small thoughts, Feng Ziying has to touch some nails that he doesn't buy, and even be cold and stern, and only then can he understand the huge gap between Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion , I understand that things in Shuntian Mansion are not so easy to do.

   "However, Mr. Feng seems to be a little ignorant of the rules of doing things. Like some officials, he also summoned them and asked about the situation..." Wu Xintong frowned.

   "Oh? He's a bit taboo." Wu Daonan smiled, "I'm afraid the heads of the ministries are not satisfied?"

   "Well, but he didn't ask deeply, it was more like a gesture, approachable." Wu Xintong thought for a while.

"Well, it's also in my expectation, so let Ziying get to know him well." Wu Daonan smiled, "Ziying's calmness in doing things makes me feel relieved, but I'm worried that he is eager to get things done. , that is unwise."

Wu Xintong also stroked his beard and nodded: "Five prefectures and twenty-two counties, Mr. Feng needs to get familiar with it slowly. It will take some time. I heard that when he went to Yongping Mansion, he went to one prefecture and one county one by one to understand the situation. He can hold his breath, but there are only six states and counties in Yongping Mansion, while our Shuntian Mansion has more than twenty, he needs some energy and patience..."

"Let him go." Wu Daonan looked at the teacup leisurely, "Mei Zhiye, you need to get in touch with me more. It is said that Feng Ziying took the daughter of the Xue family who retired from the Mei family as his concubine, which is a curious story. Wonderful thing, I don't know if the two of them will be embarrassed after meeting?"

   Wu Daonan and Wu Xintong laughed almost at the same time.

  While Wu Daonan and his staff watched Feng Ziying's actions after taking office with cold eyes, Feng Ziying did carry out "research" in a regular manner as they said.

  According to the practice of modern officials taking office, this is research, a department-by-department panel discussion, through conversations, not only to understand the work content and situation of each department, but also to understand and analyze the status and mentality of officials through conversations.

  This is slightly different from the common practice of officials in this era.

Officials in this era take office, more often they summon their subordinates directly, and then put forward their own intentions and ideas, so that subordinates can do things according to their own intentions. As for whether there are any mistakes or inappropriateness in the process, it is all in the process Zhong Zailai will solve it slowly, and the pre-investigation and post-event conclusions are not normal, but it is easy to give people the impression of being cautious or lacking in courage and responsibility.

  Of course, this does not mean that the officials have no preparations. Generally speaking, the staff of the officials will do some preparations, but it is a taboo to ask the opinions of subordinates, especially the opinions of officials.

However, Feng Ziying didn't think there was anything wrong with this. He also knew that his actions might be a bit taboo, so it was very clever to mix some officials among the officials to understand the situation by the way, not so deliberately, even so, Still drew some criticism.

  Back to the mansion, Feng Ziying also felt a little tired after taking off her official uniform.

The situation in Shuntian Mansion is more complicated than imagined, and the situation is even worse than imagined. It can be said that in the past few years, Wu Daonan has almost adopted the strategy of procrastinating. For unavoidable affairs, then find a peaceful strategy to deal with them. Basically, there are not many strategies that can really solve practical problems.

There are many things involved here, from taxes and taxes to the construction of water conservancy facilities, from urban construction and municipal management, from the cleaning of hidden households to population data, from post administration management to horse affairs, from public security conditions to granary storage, almost every day For the same job, Feng Ziying can hear many problems just by simply listening to it, which can be described as shocking and hard to sleep on.

Over the past few days, Feng Ziying felt that the reason why Ye Fang and the elders agreed to take over from the Shuntian Mansion was because they really felt that the Shuntian Mansion would not be able to continue like this, and they were unwilling to let Wu Daonan leave. , then it is essential to find a character who will not pose too much threat to Wu Daonan's status, and even needs to be solidly polished to top the tank.

  He has known for a long time that this position brings both challenges and opportunities, but he did not expect that this challenge is all-round and extremely difficult.

   Seeing her husband's preoccupied appearance, Shen Yixiu put his daughter in his hands. The deep expression on Feng Ziying's eyebrows finally relaxed. Seeing his daughter's gradually stretching eyebrows, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

   "Well, she didn't make a fuss today, did she?"

   "He's very good. He sleeps after eating, and eats after sleeping." Seeing that her husband's mood gradually returned to calm, Shen Yixiu sat down next to her husband and whispered, "Is it because the business is not going well?"

"Well, I was mentally prepared for this, but I didn't expect it to be so bad." Feng Ziying teased her daughter's face, "It's no wonder that the princes of the court let me sit in this position so readily, maybe they just waited for me to hit a wall or even cause trouble. Let me go wild."

   "Really?" Shen Yixiu was taken aback, and sat up straight all of a sudden, "Is it that bad? What should we do?"

   "Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil. Once they come, they will be safe. They will never be able to fulfill their wishes." Feng Ziying raised her mouth slightly, "It will be very difficult to make me bow my head."

  (end of this chapter)

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