Number of People

Chapter 1334: Exploration of Shen Yixiu on Sunset Sun, Grass and Trees in Xinzi Scroll

  Chapter 1334 Xin Zijuan The Exploration of Shen Yixiu in the Setting Sun and Grass Trees

  Seeing that although her husband's brows were a bit gloomy, but his gaze was undiminished, and there was even a little eagerness to try, Shen Yixiu felt a little settled.

I have been married to my husband for more than a year, and she knows more about his temperament. The more challenging things, the more interested he is, because he feels that he has a sense of conquest and accomplishment if he succeeds in doing so. On the contrary, he lacked interest in ordinary affairs.

"Master, Shuntian Mansion is no better than other prefectures. My father also sent a letter to mention it to my concubine. I want my concubine to remind you not to be careless. Many things here seem ordinary, but in reality there are many high-ranking families in the city, gentry families, and more deeply involved. I'm afraid there are important officials in the court, if you don't pay attention, you will offend people,..." Seeing her husband's expression was a little displeased, Shen Yixiu smiled slightly, "I am not persuading my husband not to do things, but I hope that my husband can do these things well." It's more ingenious and more artistic, I believe that my husband has this ability,..."

  Very tactful and subtle, but without hurting her own face, Feng Ziying has the same perception of her wife, always so springy, sneaking in with the wind, so that you will not be dissatisfied and disgusted.

"Well, thank you Wanjun for reminding me, I will pay attention." Feng Ziying nodded lightly, "After a few days of contact, there are still a lot of talents in the government office, but what surprised me is that many officials behave mediocrely, but many officials But the staff is very familiar with the situation, has good ideas, and is experienced in doing things, which makes me quite emotional."

"Mister, the barriers between officials and officials are clear. I heard my father once said that most of the officials have been in the business for many years, and most of them are from local middle- and lower-level households. It is reasonable to be familiar with the situation. As for what Mr. Now, from the point of view of a concubine, as the Liuyi layman said in "The Oil Seller", only the hands are familiar."

What Shen Yixiu said made Feng Ziying purse her lips and nod, but then she shook her head slightly: "What Jun Wan said makes sense, but officials are better than officials. Officials are too busy to do things, and if they are not good enough, they behave mediocrely and are not liked by the superiors. Under normal circumstances, they can be transferred after three or six years. It is rare to be dismissed, but if the officials are not good at doing things, they can be replaced It's also caused by stress,…”

However, Shen Yixiu refused to easily agree with her husband's point of view: "What Xianggong said is only one aspect. Most of the officials are from humble backgrounds, and there are many who seek profit. In other words, most of the officials who are willing to be officials are for profit. , his actions are selfish, his integrity is far from that of officials, he may indeed have rich experience in doing things, and he has more methods, but we must prevent him from profiting from it,..."

  Shen Yixiu was born in a scholarly family, so naturally he didn't think highly of these low-level officials, which is also reasonable. Feng Ziying had no intention of arguing with his wife on this issue, and what the wife said was not unreasonable.

However, Feng Ziying knew that it would not be easy for her to quickly win the respect and support of the officials when she was new here. It may be a good path to slowly open a gap among the members.

Of course, Feng Ziying knew that to gain a firm foothold in Shuntian Mansion, it would be difficult to achieve her goal by relying solely on one aspect or only starting from a certain field. The fastest way to achieve a breakthrough, but now the situation is unclear, his main job is to familiarize himself with the situation and lay a solid foundation.

Seeing that her husband didn't want to talk about official business any more, Shen Yixiu also knew that her husband must be a little tired after a hard day's work, so he wisely stopped talking and changed the subject: "I heard that the next day will be the sixteenth birthday of the third sister of the Jia family. Birthday,…"

Feng Ziying was surprised. He had forgotten about this incident. Baochai's birthday was on the first day of the first lunar month, and Daiyu's birthday was on the twelfth day of February. , but Shen Yixiu is so clear, and even came to remind himself, what does this mean?

  However, Feng Ziying also knew that Shen Yixiu had always been grand, so he didn't want to play tricks on such things, so he turned his head and nodded slightly: "The meaning of Wanjun,..."

   "I have met my sister Tanchun a few times, and my sister Tanchun respects me, she is a girl who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and I plan to give a gift too,..." Shen Yixiu smiled lightly.

  Shen Yixiu gave gifts to both Baochai and Daiyu on their birthdays. Of course, Feng Ziying also quietly gave gifts alone. It was an exclusive thought, which is not enough for outsiders.

"As it should be, Wan Jun can do as he sees." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "I heard that Uncle Zheng Shi will leave for the south on the fourth day of March, and it is not easy for me to see him off. Going there can be regarded as a gift for Uncle Zheng Shi."

  Shuntian Fucheng's status is too sensitive. He has just taken office, so it's really not good to see Jia Zheng off in an open and aboveboard manner. It's a good idea to say a few words at night and say goodbye.

  Shen Yixiu laughed, she didn't expect her husband to find such an excuse to go to Jia's mansion, which made her a little funny.

  In fact, from the day Shen Yixiu married into the Feng family, she realized that her husband seemed to have an unusual relationship with the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion, or in other words, had an unusual affection for the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion.

Before, she thought it was because of Lin Daiyu. Lin Daiyu was the granddaughter of the old ancestor of the Jia family, and the two masters of the Rongguo Mansion were Lin Daiyu's direct uncles. Lin Daiyu's mother died early, and then her father also passed away. Those who have no one to rely on can only rely on the Jia family, the uncle, so they have lived in the Jia family since childhood, so it is reasonable to have a deep affection for the Jia family.

  In addition, her husband and Lin Daiyu met at a time of crisis, and she can understand this specific close relationship, so although she is a little jealous of Lin Daiyu's different position in her husband's mind, she can accept it.

   But later, she felt that her guess might still be a bit off, and Daiyu was fine, but what happened to the Xue family sisters being candidates for the second room?

Although the sisters of the Xue family are outstanding in appearance, they are definitely not up to the mark in terms of family status. If you want to marry the Feng family and become a second wife, there are many ladies from famous families in the capital city. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for the sisters of the Xue family. But the Xue family sisters just got married like this, and even the mother-in-law couldn't win over her husband, which surprised Shen Yixiu.

Of course, she can't care about the marriage of the second wife, but she can also see that the Jia family is not simple, or how deep the bond between her husband and the Jia family is. The names of the Four Great Families are nothing in this capital city, but they are able to enter the house and become the master of the second house in a grand manner. Even Shen Yixiu admires the means of the Jia family and the Xue family.

Reminiscent of her husband's personal maid, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er sisters, who came from the Jia family, and Xiangling, the common house girl, was also a gift from the Xue family. Shi Xiangyun, who has never been married, belongs to the historian. The fourth son of Xue Jinling, king of Jiashi, is full of glory and loss.

  Qingwen went back to Jia's house from time to time, and would naturally bring back some news. For example, there was a rumor in the Rongguo Mansion that the Jia family intended to give the second girl from a concubine to the husband as a concubine, which made Shen Yixiu feel incredible.

   This is a family of princes and lords at any rate. Besides, it’s a bit of a downfall, and it’s a girl from a concubine, but there is still a girl from a concubine who is a noble concubine in the palace. This sister can’t be a concubine, right?

  Of course, Shen Yixiu also vaguely understood that the situation of the eldest girl of the Jia family was not good in the palace, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was left in the cold.

   But the face of the Jia family should still be wanted. This girl is a concubine, and she is a husband-in-law, and she is well-known in both civil and military affairs in the capital. This is a bit beyond imagination.

A few days ago, my husband went to the Rongguo Mansion, and Qingwen's face remained gloomy. She wondered if her husband was promiscuous in the Rongguo Mansion, and Qingwen noticed it again. Shen Yixiu asked sideways, but Qingwen didn't Said, Shen Yixiu didn't bother to ask any more, Qingwen's loyalty was unquestionable, but she also knew the rules, most likely her husband told her to, so she refused to say it clearly, if she asked again, her feelings would be hurt over there. On the one hand, Shen Yixiu is very measured.

   As for the entanglement between her husband and the Jia family, Shen Yixiu didn't really care much about it.

The third-bedroom lady has been decided, even if some other women in the Jia family want to covet her, at most they come here as a concubine, which has no effect on her, and even in a sense, only It should have an impact on the Xue family sisters and Lin Daiyu. Not to mention that I am happy to see the results, but it is definitely not worth caring too much about.

Her husband's suaveness is not a secret in the capital city, and it was even passed down as a good story. When Qingwen came back from Yongping Mansion, she told that there was a noble girl from Haixi outside Guanwai who had some entanglements with her husband, and that Jiangdongqin **** Su from the south of the Yangtze River Miao even chased from the capital city to Yongping mansion, Shen Yixiu was very clear about these situations.

  But these women are limited by their identities, and they don't have the strength to challenge themselves. On this point, Shen Yixiu knows very well that being yourself is the best strategy for solid pets.

Of course, being good to yourself doesn’t mean you don’t do anything else. Like the Xue family sisters going to Yongping, I have to arrange for Qingwen to go, because she knows that her husband treats Qingwen differently, and Qingwen has such a vicious personality. Her appearance is completely different from her nature, perhaps it is this contrast that makes her husband feel unusual towards Qingwen.

Never thought that Qingwen came back intact after going to Yongping for more than a month, which made Shen Yixiu couldn't help covering her forehead. This girl is too arrogant, she doesn't even know the tricks that women usually use. On the one hand, it is far behind girls like Jin Chuan'er, even worse than Xiangling and Yunshang.

  (end of this chapter)

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