Number of People

Chapter 1337: The Aunt Zhao's Sneak Attack

  Chapter 1337 Xin Zijuan Aunt Zhao's sneak attack in the setting sun grass tree

   After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Jia Zheng was in a good mood, and he became more cheerful and unrestrained than usual. This was mainly reflected in the amount of alcohol, and he seemed to let go of his drinking.

   Even Fu Shi seldom saw Jia Zheng so heroic, he almost refused all comers, and he did it with a toast, which made Feng Ziying quite tongue-tied.

   Regardless of Jia Zheng's drinking capacity, today's posture is different from usual. In the past, Jia Zheng was just a taster, so why didn't he care about it today?

   Could it be that he really felt that being in Rongguo Mansion was too oppressive and aggrieved, and that going to Jiangxi would bring him back to nature?

  However, the host’s family is so "magnanimous", of course Feng Ziying and Fu Shi can only sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman. After drinking this meal, even Baoyu and Jia Huan, who were sitting next to them, drank a lot.

  The wine was hot here, and in Jiamu's courtyard over there, Jiamu also made an exception and summoned Wang and Aunt Zhao, who was about to accompany Jia Zheng to Jiangxi, to the courtyard to confess.

The content of the confession is naturally to ask Wang to take good care of the affairs of the mansion, especially after Wang Xifeng left, Li Wan and Tanchun took charge of the affairs of the mansion to ensure stability; over there, Aunt Zhao accompanied her son to the south and also took good care of Jia Zheng's life In daily life, don't provoke disputes outside.

"The old lady is right, the maidservant knows about it, but the maidservant accompanied the master to Jiangxi this time, and I am afraid that she will not return for a few years. The third girl is now old, and the old lady and the wife have to consider the important things in the life of the third girl. It's gone." Aunt Zhao said boldly.

In the past, Aunt Zhao would never have dared to mention such things in front of Jia Mu, but this time, Jia Huan's status in the mansion is getting higher and higher, and she is about to go south, and Tan Chun is indeed old, sixteen Even if she has not been engaged, if she drags on, she will really become an old girl, and it will be difficult to marry a good family.

  A few days ago, she inadvertently brought up this matter in front of Jia Huan, but Jia Huan didn't take it seriously, saying that the third sister had a marriage of her own, and no one else needed to worry about it.

   Aunt Zhao was quite keen in these aspects, and she immediately heard the clues, and immediately turned to Jia Huan to ask clearly.

Jia Huan didn't want to say more before, but later he couldn't help it, so he could only mention that the third sister was interested in Feng Ziying, and Brother Feng was interested in the third sister, but now that Brother Feng has married a wife, if the third sister wants to go, he can only be a concubine.

  Aunt Zhao naturally didn’t want her own daughter to be a concubine.

She was also born as a concubine, so she knew how weak and pitiful the concubine was in front of the main wife. Of course, she also knew that she was born as a lowly concubine. It's a bit difficult to be a good family of the right kind.

  So she also hated Jia Huan's words, scolded Jia Huan first, and then went to Tanchun Haosheng to teach her a lesson.

However, Jia Huan has never been the master who is used to Aunt Zhao. He may have to restrain himself from Jia Zheng. Now he can occasionally contradict Wang. The mother, who can only be regarded as my aunt, retorted unceremoniously.

Jia Huan unceremoniously asked what would happen if the Wang family married the third sister to so many idle and downtrodden Wuxun children, and also talked about Feng Ziying and the third sister The third sister is married, the benefits to the Jia family,...

Not to mention, this immediately moved Aunt Zhao. In her mind, the third girl is certainly a piece of flesh that fell from her body, but Jia Huan and herself are more important. How much influence does Feng Ziying have in Rongguo Mansion now? Aunt Zhao It is also deeply felt, even the master has to make friends and often mentions that the ancestors and wives have to make friends deliberately, Brother Huan depends on him to have a better future in the future, even if the third girl is gone, as long as she is a concubine. Gao Ming, if he can coax Uncle Feng well, Jia Huan and himself might not be able to feel proud at Jia's house in the future.

As for whether the third girl can be favored in the past, Aunt Zhao believes that the girl she gave birth to is well-known in the mansion. In the past few days, she has specifically talked to the third girl, but Tanchun turned pale and kicked her out. , but Aunt Zhao felt that she had listened to it somewhat, but the girl's family had never allowed anyone to be shy, and the daughter's family, which one passed that level?

  Hearing Aunt Zhao mentioning this abruptly, both Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang were a little surprised. When is it the woman's turn to ask about such things?

   This kind of thing has always been qualified by the aunt. Even if you are an aunt, you are not qualified to visit the girl's biological mother.

But thinking that she was about to go south with her son (husband) and might not be able to come back for a few years, Jia Mu and the Wang family could barely hold back the anger. Jia Mu cast a glance at Mrs. Wang and said indifferently: "Do you think about spying on the girl?" What should I do?"

"How dare the slaves teach old ladies and wives how to do things? But the third girl is also the meat that fell from the slaves. She is sixteen this year, and Bao girl, Qin girl and Lin girl who are the same age as her are either married or betrothed. , even the second **** the Eldest Master's side, I heard that there is also an arrangement, I don't know how long the servants will leave, if the matter of the third girl is not implemented, it will still be hard to feel at ease."

   Aunt Zhao's words were so logical that both Mother Jia and Mrs. Wang were a little surprised. Who taught this?

  Jia Huan or her own son (husband)?

  But my son (husband) was afraid that it would be impossible, so even if he wanted to say it, he could just tell him directly, so why would he need to find this woman to re-talk?

  If Jia Huan had such insights, he would be in trouble in the future.

Mother Jia pondered for a while, Aunt Zhao chose a good time to make a sudden attack at this time, and she will leave tomorrow anyway, even if she wants to have an attack, she can only endure it, it is impossible to make a fuss over this matter The chickens and dogs were restless, and there was no place for his son to feel frustrated.

Moreover, what Aunt Zhao said is not unreasonable. Tan Yatou is sixteen years old, and she should get married if she changes her family. But now Tan Yatou has not even found her. People will not blame Aunt Zhao as her biological mother, but There will definitely be pointers behind Wang's back.

Mother Jia is not very close to Wang from the bottom of her heart, but she is the son's first wife after all, and she gave birth to Baoyu, so Mother Jia has to support her no matter what. It's not done properly. The aunt should have planned for her daughter long ago. Whether it's a aunt or a concubine, they are all your daughters. Do you have to worry about such a thing as a master or a grandmother?

   "I know about this matter, then her mother will naturally find a good marriage for the third girl, so you don't have to worry too much." Jia Mu said flatly.

"What the old lady said is true, but the servants are also thinking, our Jia family is also a family of martial arts, and the three maids are also there. Not to mention one in a thousand, but they are also outstanding. I am afraid that it is not suitable for ordinary people. At last I wish I could ask for someone from the right family,..."

Mrs. Wang couldn't bear it any longer. My own Baoyu couldn't find a suitable person for her. Although these three maids are not bad, it's a pity that they were born in the belly of you, a lowly servant girl. What a nice family? Purely daydreaming.

"According to what you say, you can only find one for the third girl in the homes of the four kings, eight princes and twelve lords?" Mrs. Wang said coldly: "It's a pity that the status of the third girl is still a little bit worse. If you want to be a real wife Well, let me put the ugliness first, I'm afraid I can only be the son of a concubine of these families, and it may not be so beautiful. If you want to find someone with a higher status, I'm afraid it will only be a concubine. I'm afraid it's you again If you feel that I raped the third girl inside."

   "Madam only needs to think about Sanyatou in her heart, how dare the slaves complain that Madam has abused Sanyatou?" Aunt Zhao wondered whether the Wang family didn't want Sanyatou to marry into Feng's family.

This Xue Baochai is her niece, and Lin Daiyu is the master's niece. Comparing from Wang's heart, I am afraid that no matter where you look at it, they are closer than Tanya. Worse? Naturally, the Wang family didn't want the third girl to marry and compete for favor.

   But the old lady may not have as much thought as Wang.

  As far as she knew, the old lady was not too close to Baochai and Baoqin. If the third girl married into the second wife as a concubine, she might not be able to win a good chance to come out.

  If it is Sanfang's side, Sanyatou and Linyatou have a close relationship, and there is a great chance, especially Linyatou's body is obviously difficult to give birth.

  Although there is still a concubine named Miaoyu who is going to be his concubine, but seeing Miaoyu's cold and arrogant temperament that her grandmother doesn't love her and her uncle doesn't love her, even if she marries into the Feng family, it's hard to get Uncle Feng's love, and it's a chance for the third girl.

"Hmph, why do I feel that what you said inside and outside is implying that I seem to be treating Sanya badly?" Wang's face became more and more cold, "Forget it, the old lady is here today, and the master wants to go to Jiangxi with you. The mountains are long and the rivers are far away. If there is a chance, I am afraid that we may not be able to communicate in time. Anyway, there are old ladies here, even Sanya herself. , Sanyatou is also an assertive person, you might as well ask Sanyatou herself, so as not to get married in the future, but still feel that I have tampered with it..."

  Aunt Zhao was waiting for these words. Of course it is good for the old lady to make the decision, and the third girl is also quite liked by her. Moreover, the third girl has always been eloquent and used to please the old lady. If she can impress the old lady, she may not be unable to fulfill her wish.

Of course, there may be joints here, Aunt Zhao may not be able to figure it out, but since Brother Huan mentioned it, I'm afraid she has already thought about it, maybe Feng Ziying's instruction, I can do this step, It can be regarded as doing my best.

  (end of this chapter)

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