Number of People

Chapter 1338: Xinzi Scroll Setting Sun Grass Tree Double Spring

  Chapter 1338 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees, Double Spring

  After dinner, Feng Ziying also felt a little bit drunk, but he was not out of his composure. He also knew that he had a task to come to the mansion today.

  In addition to congratulating Jia Zheng and giving some advice, Tanchun's birthday also happened to be on this day.

  Fu Jian seemed to want to stay and talk to Jia Zheng.

  Feng Ziying's previous reminder still made Fu Shi feel that it would not be an easy task for his benefactor to secure a tenure in Jiangxi Xuezheng.

  Before, he thought that as long as he kept a low profile and forbearance, his reputation was a little bit bad, as long as he could survive, but now he felt that he might have to do something or not, and there are some tricks here that he still needs to remind.

  Feng Ziying ignored him, and said goodbye to Jia Zheng and Fu Shi. Jia Zheng also knew that Feng Ziying often came and went to the mansion, so he only said goodbye to Feng Ziying in the flower hall, and he was not too polite.

  Baoyu and Jia Huan wanted to send Feng Ziying to the door, but Feng Ziying dissuaded them, saying only that Jia Huan should accompany them.

   Baoyu also knew that Jia Huan had always treated Feng Ziying as a disciple, and although he felt a little envious, he still left knowingly and went straight back to Yihong Courtyard.

   It was Jia Huan who walked around with Feng Ziying and chatted some gossips, and then Feng Ziying mentioned that today is Tanchun's birthday, and he wanted to see Tanchun himself.

Jia Huan was overjoyed, he had worked so hard before, but in the end Brother Feng was a little moved, and the third sister over there said it a few times, although the third sister never let go, but Jia Huan could tell that the three My sister is not as determined as before, at least the third sister acquiesced to the idea I proposed last time.

   "Brother Feng, do you want to talk to the third sister?" Jia Huan was full of expectation.

Feng Ziying frowned, then shook her head: "Brother Huan, you and I made things so clear last time, what else is going on? The matter between me and your third sister can't be broken by just a few words, it's me If you want, you should also consider your third sister's state of mind, so you don't have to worry about it."

Jia Huan hesitated to speak, but Feng Ziying could only sigh: "Okay, Brother Feng is not a person who has nothing to worry about. Since you have promised to do something, you will naturally work hard to do it, but it will take a process, and it also depends on the situation. , Uncle Zheng Shi is going south tomorrow, do you want me to tell your parents today that I want to take your third sister as a concubine? Do you think they think I am taking advantage of the situation to force the palace, or come to oppress? The Feng Jia family But Shijiao, why did you need to do things in such a hurry?"

Jia Huan also knew that he was being a little bit concerned, but Brother Feng's clear statement made him very happy. He had absolute trust in Feng Ziying. As long as Brother Feng agreed, it would only be a matter of time before it would be done Go back on your word.

  The two of them entered the Grand View Garden. Although the door was not locked, it had already been closed. When Jia Huan went to call for the door, the woman at the door came to open the door impatiently after a long while.

  But after seeing Feng Ziying, the two women immediately turned into soft-legged shrimps. Their flattering smiles almost doubled the wrinkles on their faces, and they laughed and talked around Feng Ziying.

  After Feng Ziying said that he wanted to enter the garden, the two wives hurriedly opened the door without even asking any more questions, and invited Feng Ziying in. Jia Huan was also dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

The garden will be locked after the time of Xu, and the door will not be opened unless there are special circumstances. What, I didn't ask when I came out, I just let Brother Feng in, this treatment is even more considerate than the second brother Bao who lives inside.

  Jia Huan naturally knew the reason. The whole mansion was discussing Brother Feng's appointment as Shuntian Mansion's Prime Minister, and everyone talked louder than anyone else.

  Jia Huan could also feel the subtle changes in the situation.

  Now many people in the mansion vaguely feel that Brother Feng seems to be the backbone of the mansion, even the figures of the two masters seem to be faintly shrinking and fading.

Some people even regret that the two cousins ​​married Brother Feng instead of the real lady in the mansion. Immediately, some people said that the real lady is only suitable for the eldest girl, but the eldest girl has long been a noble concubine in the palace. All in all, there are endless voices of regret .

Feng Ziying didn't feel much about it. Since she became a magistrate of Yongping Prefecture, the change in status and status naturally caused a change in mentality. The attitudes of people around her, those below her, and even those she dealt with have all undergone great changes. With the experience of being an official in his previous life, he quickly adapted to this subtle influence.

Of course, he will not become arrogant and haughty, but this mentality of being the superior will naturally be reflected in his daily actions. He may not feel it, but the people around him can feel it. kind of change.

Qiu Shuangzhai was going to pass in front of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. When Feng Ziying and Jia Huan passed in front of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, they subconsciously lowered their footsteps. Fortunately, nothing happened. They passed the Fengyao Bridge, and they were a little more relaxed. .

  Seeing that although the door of Qiushuang Zhai was closed, but the lights and voices could still be seen through the crack of the door, Feng Ziying subconsciously slowed down, while Jia Huan took the initiative to knock on the door knowingly.

Soon someone opened the door. Hearing Jia Huan say that Feng Ziying was coming, Cui Mo, who came out to open the door, couldn't believe it. Jia Huan asked if anyone else was in the courtyard. Cui Mo hesitated before saying that the fourth girl was still there. Talking to the girl, she hasn't left yet, and the second girl has just left, so it may happen to be staggered with Feng Ziying and his party.

Feng Ziying also heard Cui Mo's words, but she didn't expect that Xichun was still here at Tanchun, but it would be too wretched and sneaky if she wanted to sneak away at this time, and she was here to give a gift as a congratulation on Tanchun's birthday. With such an attitude, I'm afraid Tanchun's heart will be hurt.

  After making up his mind, Feng Ziying said calmly: "Cui Mo, go and report, saying that I just had dinner with the second master at the mansion, and today is your girl's birthday, so I'll come and see the third sister..."

   "Okay, the fourth girl is also here..." Cui Mo stuck out her tongue, surprised and happy.

   "It's okay, just talk, the fourth sister is not an outsider, maybe I haven't seen the fourth sister for a long time, and I just happened to talk."

Xichun's presence in Rongning Second Mansion is indeed not very strong, but the young lady of Ningguo Mansion is raised in Rongguo Mansion. But from a distance, it feels like it can't be played with. Although she is a little younger, she already has the appearance of a beauty.

  Feng Ziying didn't have much contact with Xichun, but he also knew that this girl's painting skills were not inferior to Shen Yixiu. Shen Yixiu also mentioned that Xichun said that this girl was very talented in painting, but she was a bit cold-tempered.

  When Xichun heard that Feng Ziying was visiting at night, she almost jumped up in shock, subconsciously looking at her third sister.

  Seeing that the third sister just had a blush on her cheeks, she didn't feel too much panic or anxiety, and she was even more surprised in her heart, and didn't know what happened for a while.

   This is in the Grand View Garden, and after Xuzheng, you can’t enter or leave. Brother Feng is close, and he is also an outsider. How can he enter the garden at such a time, and even visit the third sister?

   "Brother Feng is here?"

  Tanchun's heart is like a deer bumping, suppressing the joy in his heart mixed with shyness, Xichun is still by his side, and it's fortunate that the second sister is gone, otherwise this would be even more embarrassing.

  The second sister's obsession with Brother Feng was vaguely known among the few sisters, and everyone tacitly pretended not to know.

"Yes, Uncle Feng said that he just had dinner at the master's place, um, to congratulate the master on his departure from Beijing tomorrow, and I also know that the girl's birthday is today, so I came to have a look at the girl." Cui Mo lowered her head and whispered road.

   "Why don't you hurry up and invite me in?" Tanchun tidied up her dress, but fortunately Xichun was still there, and it wasn't time for a break, so she was still wearing a skirt even though she was in the room.

In the evening, several sisters had a small gathering in her Qiushuangzhai, which was to celebrate her birthday, but she was not so particular about such things, so before Xuzheng arrived, several sisters left one after another. Xichun was left to say a few more words, but Brother Feng came unexpectedly.

When Feng Ziying came in, Tanchun and Xichun had already got up and greeted him at the door. Although it was not too long since the last time we met, Tanchun felt that the heroic and high-spirited man in front of him seemed to have some changes in momentum, which was different from before. Compared with his vigor and sharpness, he is more deep and stable, but the faint smile on his face has not changed.

   "I met Brother Feng." Both Tanchun and Xichun greeted each other with blessings at the same time.

Feng Ziying also gave back a salute, "You two sisters are polite, brother Yu knows that today is the sixteenth birthday of the third sister, because I have dinner at Uncle Zheng Shi's in the evening, so I came to see the third sister after dinner , I didn't expect the fourth sister to be here too,..."

With a smile on his brows, Tanchun pursed his lips and served tea: "My little sister's birthday, why bother? Brother Feng came here in person, which made the little girl feel uneasy. Brother Feng is now the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. He is busy with state affairs. , don't delay because of such trivial things..."

Feng Ziying laughed, "Brother Yu can still remember the birthdays of the younger sisters. The second sister is on the second day of February, the third sister is on the third day of March, and the fourth sister is on the fourth day of April. The first day of the month, right? What a coincidence."

   Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying remembered the birthdays of the sisters in the Jia family so well, Tanchun and Xichun's faces flushed with embarrassment.

  Tanchun put up his sleeves and half covered his face, and gave Feng Ziying a reproachful look.

And Xichun is Xiafei's cheeks. Although she was young before and didn't know much about men and women, but in the past few years, she will soon be thirteen years old. In this era, thirteen or fourteen years old is just The best time to get engaged, generally speaking, you can get married after two or three years of engagement, but until now the Ningguo Mansion seems to have no intention of this.

  (end of this chapter)

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