Number of People

Chapter 1357: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees Wisdom Breaking

  Chapter 1357 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Tree Wisdom Break

  As long as the movements of Ye Nan Yiyuan and Su Zhengshi can be found out, and the suspicion of murder by the two can be ruled out, why is Feng Ziying willing to offend someone like Zheng Chongjun? It's too late to make friends.

Facing Zheng Chongjun's request, Feng Ziying also solemnly promised: "Master Zheng is serious. If it can be ruled out that the two of them have nothing to do with Su Daqiang's death, is Feng a person who has passed on secrets? Naturally, I will do my best to avoid such a situation." The privacy leaked out, but Mr. Zheng should also understand that there are a lot of people in this government office, and even if I try my best to control it, it may not be satisfactory. At that time, Mr. Zheng should not blame Feng for breaking his promise."

   "As long as Mr. Feng has such kindness, Zheng will be grateful. In fact, as long as the case is found out as soon as possible and the murderer is found, many rumors will naturally disappear..." Zheng Chongjun reminded the other party.

Of course Feng Ziying understood what the other party meant. As long as the real murderer is found, the public's attention will naturally focus on the murderer, and the matter of Nan Yiyuan and Su Zhengshi will be quickly diluted, and then slowly withdraw from public attention. As long as this point is reached, the Zheng family will be satisfied.

   "Master Zheng, don't worry, Feng knows well, and will solve the case as soon as possible, and give justice to the deceased as soon as possible." Feng Ziying responded calmly.

  After talking about the business, Zheng Chongjun and Feng Ziying talked for a while about some intertwined affairs between the Shuntian government office and the Wucheng Bingmasi in the city management.

In Gein, many public security issues in this city, especially at night, are in charge of the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion, but the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion only have the right to deal with them on the spot. It should be handed over to the county government of Wanping or Daxing County, and if it is serious, it should be handed over to the Shuntian government office.

In many cases, in order to make money, some of the Wucheng Bingma Division and the patrolling battalion simply lock these criminals in their own big prisons first, and wait until they get what they want through extortion, and then transfer the criminals and the case to the prison. government or county government.

  After Zheng Chongjun was sent away, Feng Ziying felt more at ease. If what Zheng Chongjun said was true, then Su Zheng's side can basically be excluded, and the rest are the Su family brothers and Jiang Ziqi.

  According to the agreement at the time, Fang Kezhuang of Tongzhou was responsible for finding out the movements of the Su family brothers and eliminating them. As long as the Su family was ruled out, then Jiang Ziqi's doubts would be the biggest.

Soon Nan Yiyuan returned with the arresters sent by Tongzhou. Tongzhou did not embarrass him, and Su Zheng also truthfully explained the situation that night. Some detailed evidence can basically rule out the possibility of the two committing the crime.

The suspicion of Su Lao Si was also quickly ruled out, because through careful visits and investigations, the Tongzhou side finally found a private house bustard at the time and confirmed that Su Lao Si was indeed lying drunk on the edge of the haystack next to her that night, at least When she was in Yinshi, she also saw Su Laosi still sleeping soundly with an armful of straw in his arms. If this was combined with the time when he came out of the casino, it could basically be ruled out.

  The rest is how to determine Jiang Ziqi.

   But Jiang Ziqi is probably the most difficult to deal with.

Apart from Jiang Xuchuan and Jiang Ziliang's problems, the key point is that Jiang Ziqi's words can basically be justified. The only thing that can't be proved is that he was resting alone in the warehouse during this period, but at least someone saw him during Zishi, but there was nothing between Zishi and Yinshi. Evidence.

  Under the light, Feng Ziying read through the entire case file carefully again.

To finalize Jiang Ziqi, it is necessary to carefully polish all kinds of materials and find a breakthrough from them. Otherwise, the time has dragged on for so long now, and Jiang Ziqi, relying on his uncle and elder brother in the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Dali Temple, has long been in his heart. Prepared, maybe even mentally prepared to endure a round or two of torture.

Now doubts are gradually focused on Jiang Ziqi's net worth. This guy has been in and out of casinos for a long time. He has sold and mortgaged many family assets in recent years. He is close to bankruptcy. A lot of money was received, this time Su Daqiang originally wanted to go to Jiangnan with him to reconcile accounts, and clarified the holes here face to face.

  In terms of motive, this guy has the most murderous motive, but Feng Ziying also feels that because the motive is too obvious, Jiang Ziqi will not fail to understand that if something happens to Su Daqiang, he can easily get away.

After bearing the brunt, the government will list him as the number one suspect. In a case like this, his uncle or cousin can at most help him avoid being framed and tortured. If he really wants to get rid of the crime, it is Don't think about it.

  Since this is the case, why did Jiang Ziqi make such a bad move?

   This is also what Feng Ziying finds suspicious.

Feng Ziying's eyes flicked along the case file page by page. Just as she closed the case file, she suddenly seemed to notice something. She was taken aback, and quickly opened the case file. She quickly found the target, read it carefully, and immediately found Xiangying After reading Su Zheng's case files word by word, he suddenly became enlightened.


  The owner of the ship, Sun Zhengren, stood in front of the hall a little uneasy.

  He didn't understand why he was suddenly caught and sent in by these police officers, and the trial began immediately.

   "Sun Zhengren, are you convicted?"

   "My lord, I am wronged. The villain has been honest and responsible since he was a child, and his neighbors know it. I don't know where the crime comes from?" Sun Zhengren was startled, and subconsciously argued.

"Hehe, you guys still dare to quibble. I asked you about Su Daqiang's death, but you did it?" Feng Ziying sneered, staring at the other party. shocked.

This has just ruled out the suspiciousness of the Su family brothers, and it is said that the possibility of Zheng's side has also been ruled out, but Mr. Fu Cheng has not produced enough evidence. He only said that it involves private affairs, and it is not appropriate to express it to the outside world, making Song Xian also skeptical .

Jiang Ziqi is undoubtedly the most suspicious. Song Xian has been trying his best to investigate the possibility of Jiang Ziqi, but he has not found a breakthrough. He did not expect that Mr. Fu Cheng would decide the case so rashly, and actually set his target on the captain's grandson. On Zhengren.

   "My lord, the little one and Su Daqiang have been friends for many years. Most of the time he went to the south of the Yangtze River on a small boat. He and I feel like brothers. How can we do such a thing?"

  Sun Zhengren wasn't too panicked. He also knew that he would have to ask himself the question in the end. After all, if all possibilities were gradually ruled out, everyone involved would be brought to court that night.

  He felt that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan must have no other way out to deceive himself, which is too ridiculous.

   "Really?" Feng Ziying's eyes were clear, and she smiled faintly: "What you said is true?"

"My lord, the state government and the government office have asked the younger one several times, and the younger one has explained clearly and clearly what he saw and heard that day, and the younger one doesn't understand. The matter of the disappearance of the big brother is still The little one will only go to inquire when he sees that he hasn't come after the appointed time, if the little one really killed brother Daqiang, how can the little one pretend not to know, wouldn't it be better to avoid suspicion?"

  Sun Zhengren is confident and confident.

   "You are a cunning person who can argue. Hmph, you said that what you have seen and heard has been explained clearly in several inquiries?" Feng Ziying asked calmly without much arguing with the other party.

   "Let's make it clear, sir, just check the case files." Sun Zhengren became more calm.

   "Well, let me ask you, what did you say in the state and government offices?" Feng Ziying continued to ask.

"...The little one went to the door of Brother Daqiang's house. Seeing that there seemed to be lights in the room, the little one asked: "Miss Su, didn't Brother Daqiang make an appointment to take a boat to Jiangnan at Maochu today? Why are you still here at this time?" Haven’t seen Brother Daqiang?’”

   "Oh, how did Mrs. Su answer?" Feng Ziying nodded with a smile on her lips.

   "Miss Su said her husband Yin Zheng went out and left..." Sun Zhengren answered in an orderly manner.

  Feng Ziying smiled, "That's what you said at the time, and there are no changes or inconsistencies in the words?"

   "That's true, there is no increase, decrease or inconsistency." Sun Zhengren almost swears.

  Looking around, the people around did not understand what kind of medicine Feng Ziying sold in her gourd.

   "Well, this is consistent with what Mrs. Su said..." Feng Ziying nodded expressionlessly.

  Sun Zhengren was overjoyed, "My lord, how could the little one lie? At that time, there seemed to be some movement in Su's house, but the little one was outside the fence and couldn't hear it clearly, but inside..."

  Sun Zhengren shook his head while talking.

"Bold and unreasonable, you dare to lie and deny in front of this official. This Su Daqiang is clearly you who murdered Su Daqiang for money and killed him. Come here, give me 50 big boards first..." Feng Ziying's face changed suddenly, and everyone around her They were all shocked, and Sun Zhengren didn't know what went wrong, so he pretended to be dazed.

   "Why did your lord make such a statement? Even if you beat the little one to death, you should make the little one a fool." Sun Zhengren repeated his grievances.

"Hmph, Sun Zhengren, you don't cry when you see the coffin, I'm here to ask you, since you said that Su Daqiang made an appointment with you to come to the pier to board your boat, and you said that you waited until Maoshi to see him for a long time, Then you went to Su Daqiang's house to look for him, but when you arrived at Su Daqiang's house, you opened your mouth and asked Mrs. Su why Brother Daqiang hasn't come yet, but didn't ask if Su Daqiang was at home? That means you already knew when you arrived at Su's house Su Daqiang is not at home, how do you know that Su Daqiang is not at home this early in the morning? Apart from the reason that you have met Su Daqiang and know that he is not at home, what other reasons can explain that you knew about Su Daqiang in Su's house in advance No, only Mrs. Su is there?..."

  Sun Zhengren was struck by lightning, tongue-tied, slumped on the ground, unable to argue, beads of sweat gushing from his forehead.

  One word awakened the person in the dream, and Song Xian, who was sitting beside him, suddenly realized, couldn't help clapping his hands in praise, and at the same time he was furious: "Bold and unreasonable, as expected, if you hadn't met Su Daqiang in advance, how would you know that Su Daqiang is not at home?"

   This is actually a fixed mindset. Everyone subconsciously knows that Su Daqiang is dead, so he is naturally not at home, so they all take what the ship owner Sun Zhengren said as a matter of course, but only by jumping out of this rut ​​can you perceive the abnormality.

  Even Feng Ziying discovered this problem inadvertently after reading it several times.

  (end of this chapter)

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