Number of People

Chapter 1358: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees, endless aftermath

  Chapter 1358 Xinzi Scroll

  Factually speaking, the government still has a "unique" advantage in solving cases in this era. As long as the flaws are identified, it is relatively easy to obtain evidence.

  Under the three trees, what can you ask for? Before waiting for the severe punishment, Sun Zhengren, whose defense had been broken, collapsed and confessed the whole case truthfully.

The situation is not much different from what Feng Ziying expected. Although it seems to be a temporary idea, Su Daqiang's wealth and extravagance have long aroused the envy of his friend Sun Zhengren. Moreover, although Su Daqiang is rich, he is not generous to his friends. , He was also fussy about the charter fee, which also made Sun Zhengren very dissatisfied.

  Sun Zhengren's jealousy, jealousy and other mentality mixed with Su Daqiang led to his early evil thoughts, but he never found a suitable opportunity.

This time, Su Daqiang and Jiang Ziqi were going to the south of the Yangtze River to reconcile accounts and order a batch of silk by the way. Sun Zhengren had already learned that when he found that Su Daqiang had come to the boat ahead of time with gold and silver, and was dozing on the boat waiting for Jiang Ziqi, Sun Zhengren had a bad idea. He asked his own guy to strangle Su Daqiang to death, and then drove the boat to transfer the body, and then returned to the pier to wait for Jiang Ziqi.

   As a result, Jiang Ziqi kept coming, so Sun Zhengren went to Su's house to make a false inquiry.

The follow-up situation is known, and Sun Zhengren is not clear why Jiang Ziqi has not arrived, but a few days after killing Su Daqiang, Sun Zhengren was worried that his buddy would betray him, and the buddy kept clamoring to share the gold that Su Daqiang carried with him. Because the guy was about the same size as Su Daqiang, he changed Su Daqiang's clothes with the guy's and threw the body into the water. He was not found until many days later. , and the guy's body was buried in a remote place.

In this way, it seems that Su Daqiang was discovered and killed after missing for many days. Sun Zhengren thought he had a plan, and the complicated situation of the three people involved in the case, the Zheng family, the Su family, and Jiang Ziqi, did bring a lot of trouble to the government. The great perplexity and restraint made the top ten people unable to determine their direction because they could not find Su Daqiang's body.

After the body of "Su Daqiang" was found, and because the body was too decomposed, it was difficult to judge, and finally began to target the Su family, the Zheng family, and Jiang Ziqi. After a long time, Sun Zhengren was not listed as a suspect from the beginning people.

   It cannot be said that the direction of the government's early detection was wrong, but that these people are more or less suspicious, and this is not a suspicious point specially created by the criminal, but a coincidence of these complicated factors.

Feng Ziying herself sighed a little, thinking that she could use careful logical reasoning and elimination methods to solve a strange case, but she didn't expect that there was nothing like that at all. If she had carefully reviewed the case files and documents from the beginning, she might have discovered it a long time ago. The flaw was discovered, and the case was solved.

However, for Feng Ziying, this can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune. The preliminary elimination work is not without some benefits. At least the suspicious candidates are eliminated, so that more energy can be transferred to other things, so that he can discover doubts. Bian and Zheng Chongjun bowed their heads and gave in. In a sense, they can be regarded as getting acquainted with an available resource.

As for Jiang Ziqi's doubts in the warehouse, because he led Sun Zhengren to find the place where Su Daqiang's body was buried and the clothes of the staff next to Su Daqiang, the case was settled, so the matter on Jiang Ziqi's side was not investigated in this case. content.

  However, after the case was settled and handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, both Jiang Xuchuan and Jiang Ziliang visited very politely, expressing their gratitude to Feng Ziying for his mercy.

  If Feng Ziying wanted to stand up and arrest Jiang Ziqi as soon as he took office, the Jiang family would have nothing to say. Now that the case has come to light and the reputation of Jiang Ziqi and even the Jiang family has been preserved, they will naturally have to accept a sympathy.

  Feng Ziying felt that with the case of Su Daqiang solved, the unexpected perpetrator Sun Zhengren pleaded guilty in court, and his prestige and reputation in Shuntianfu Yamen and Tongzhou had obviously risen a lot.

Even Fang Kezhuang said sourly that he would not have sent someone to Hangzhou if he knew it earlier, not to mention mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people to waste money, and offending the Zheng family, but in the end it was Feng Ziying who stole the limelight, which once again proved that Xiao Feng's writing was incomprehensible Impossible reputation.

In Feng Ziying's opinion, such a case is actually accidental. If it hadn't been for his unintentional inspiration or touching his own sensitivity, it is not known whether the case will be solved after the suspicion of Jiang Ziqi is ruled out. Then I went back and checked again and again to find the flaw.

  If you are unlucky, you may not be able to break through the inertial thinking and realize the flaws even after repeated several times.

  So sometimes it takes some luck and opportunity to solve a case. The idea that every case must be solved and every case will leave clues is beautiful, but in reality, even in modern society, it will also encounter various challenges.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shen." Shen Yixiu smiled faintly and gave a blessing, "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan just took office, and his smart eyes solved the night murder case alone. This story has now become the headline of "Today's News" and has aroused countless people's pursuit Woolen cloth."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was slightly surprised, "So fast?"

  Both Wang Wenyan and Cao Yu established the idea of ​​using this case to help Feng Ziying gain momentum. Feng Ziying also agreed that if he wanted to gain a foothold in Shuntian Mansion as soon as possible, he had to take advantage of every possible opportunity, and the Su Daqiang case was undoubtedly an opportunity.

Because the case has been delayed for a long time, no matter which party it is, it is hoped that the case will be finalized as soon as possible, so after the case was reported to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Ministry of Criminal Justice quickly reviewed and finalized the case, and the "Daily News" who got the news would naturally begin to shoot, and the whole The case was made public.

The people in the market are naturally most concerned with the bizarre stories of such cases, especially the key to solving the case is that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's insight to see through the contradictions in his words has become a highlight, which instantly made Feng Ziying a worthy in the hearts of the people in the capital. Than Bao Qingtian's parents.

"Sanggong has been busy with other things these two days, so he didn't pay attention to this case?" Shen Yixiu's smile became more obvious, "Not only "Today's News", but also "Northern Business Daily" and "Jiangnan Xunkan". A lot of space has been dedicated to writing about how Mr. Xiang solved this case."

Needless to say, "Today's News" is a news media created by Feng Ziying. Newspapers with regional characteristics.

   "Northern Business Daily" is a newspaper established with the support of the Shanshan-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce and supported by some northern gentry. It is published every three or six nines.

The "Jiangnan Xunkan" is a newspaper established with the support of Jiangnan literati and merchants living in the capital. It is published on the fifth, fifteenth, and twenty-fifth of each month. Its content is similar to "Today's News" and "Northern Business Daily " is a little different.

"Today's News" has gradually developed into a comprehensive daily newspaper, while "Northern Business Daily" has a much more commercial atmosphere, mainly focusing on business-related content, while "Jiangnan Xunkan" is more literary and artistic, mainly Introduces the current affairs of the imperial court and the capital, as well as the local conditions and customs in the south of the Yangtze River, and the legendary stories of poems and songs.

Now it is said that Jia Baoyu intends to terminate the contract with "Today's News", and his new works are intended to be published in "Jiangnan Xunkan", but "Jiangnan Xunkan" only publishes one issue every ten days, which also makes Jia Baoyu hesitate. Although the style of the publication seems to be higher, but the publication time is too long, the readers are far less than the "Daily News", and the influence is much smaller, which is not conducive to the spread of one's own reputation.

News such as the imperial court trial is normal in "News Today", and it is also a strategy discussed by Wang Wenyan and Cao Yu, but "Northern Business Daily" and "Jiangnan Xunkan" also take the initiative to publish it, which is a bit rare This is enough to show how much Feng Ziying's popularity and the "Su Daqiang Murder Case" have attracted much attention in Beijing.

It can be said that currently the three major publications in the capital city, "Today's News" monopolize 70% of the market, "Northern Business Daily" and "Jiangnan Xunkan" each account for 20% and 10%, and the entire number of subscribers has exceeded 6,000, and there are still continue to grow.

Except for officials, gentry, tribute students and supervisors, royal family members and dignitaries, and merchants, almost all teahouses, restaurants, inns and hotels list subscriptions to these newspapers as "standard equipment", and slightly larger inns and hotels have subscriptions. It is two or three servings to meet the needs of hotel guests.

   "I didn't expect a case to attract so many people's attention." Feng Ziying was also touched.

  This is the case in this era. If you do too much other practical work, you may not be able to bring Ali's influence to a case you just broke.

Yesterday, even Master Qi called himself to Haosheng to praise and encourage him, saying that he handled this case very well. Except for Jiang Xuchuan and Jiang Ziliang who were very happy, they were the backbone of the scholars in Beizhili. Li is also the basic board of Master Qi, and the Su family is also very satisfied. The Su family is also a prominent family in Tongzhou and has a relationship with Master Qi.

  The reason why Master Qi kept quiet was to observe how he would handle the case. As a result, Feng Ziying's performance made Qi Yongtai overjoyed, thinking that Feng Ziying had really matured.

   "Sir, this is not an ordinary case, murder for money, and the Jiang family and Su family involved are high-ranking families in the Gyeonggi area. If they are charged with murder and illicit goods, it will have a great impact on these rich families."

  Shen Yixiu is obviously very aware of how much this famous family attaches importance to honor. The Shen family is a famous family in Suzhou. If something like this happens in the family, it may not even be possible to eliminate such influence within a generation.

  (end of this chapter)

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