Number of People

Chapter 1360: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees, every family has a hard-to-read scripture

  Chapter 1360 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Every Family Has a Difficult Sutra (Updated)

Seeing Ping'er's expression of hesitation, Yuanyang suddenly understood something in his heart. He was a little happy that his best friend had a way out, but also a little sour in his heart. He pretended to be calm and said: "Ping'er, you and I should belong to sisters, why don't you Is there anything you can't say? It doesn't matter if you can't say it, as long as you know it in your own mind."

  Ping'er smiled wryly and shook his head, and grabbed Yuanyang's arm: "If I can't even trust you, there will be no trustworthy people in this whole family, but..."

"But what?" Putting aside the sour emotions, Yuanyang was both curious and a little excited, hooked Ping'er's waist, patted Ping'er's buttocks, and looked up and down, "Look at your appearance, your body is still Didn’t you give it to Uncle Feng? Did your grandma know about it?”

Ping'er was once again defeated by Yuanyang's carefree words about tigers and wolves, and couldn't help but said bitterly: "Little hooves, you used to be virtuous, but why have you become like this now, everything you say comes out of your mouth? The taste has changed,..."

"Don't pull it aside for me, who is Uncle Feng? Who in the whole family doesn't know?" Yuanyang snorted softly, "I heard that girl from Zijuan said that Uncle Feng had spoken to Miss Lin. It is his dream to wake up and kill the human rights, and lie drunk on the lap of a beautiful woman. Listen to what he is talking about? The majestic Shuntian Fucheng, to say such words, is so righteous,..."

   "Yuanyang, there is nothing wrong with what Uncle Feng said." Ping'er asked with a smile: "Could it be that you are not included in Uncle Feng's drunken beauties lying on the knees of beauties?"

"Bah!" Yuanyang was annoyed, and spat, "Stop spraying dung on me, Mr. Feng can describe it in such words, is it something that servants like you and I can imagine? It was said in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Naturally, it's Miss Lin, and maybe Miss Bao and Miss Qin, too..."

Ping'er pursed her lips and smiled, and didn't say much, but Yuanyang returned to the topic: "You haven't talked about your business yet, if Uncle Feng takes a fancy to you, what will your grandma do? Can't afford the big beam?"

   Seeing that this topic could not be avoided, Ping'er was also thinking about how to answer this question.

She doesn't want to deceive Yuanyang, but there are some situations that she must never tell others, such as the affair between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng. , as long as grandma has no objection, it doesn't matter what I do with anyone.

"Yuanyang, it's not as complicated as you imagined. Uncle Feng is indeed a bit interesting. He probably thinks that the housekeeper in their mansion is not suitable. He didn't say it clearly. You know Qingwen's violent temper. Feng's mansion The first room must be a little messed up, the second room, to be honest, Xiangling is too honest, you know Yinger's temperament, she is spoiled, her mouth is not forgiving, she easily offends others, how smart Miss Bao is People, I definitely don't want the Second House to be unwelcome in the entire Feng Mansion because of Ying'er, especially with the Long House as a backdrop, you need to pay more attention..."

  Ping'er considered his words, and said something half-truth.

"I guess this is the reason. Uncle Feng did mention it to me once or twice, but I also said that I want to serve grandma for the rest of my life, but after hearing this, grandma said that I can't delay my life for the rest of my life. She said that she will find a suitable place to settle down when she moves out. Come down, Xiaohong can let me go when she is familiar with the situation, but Yuanyang, do you think I can go?"

   Yuanyang was also stopped by Pinger's rhetorical question, indeed, can this go?

  Ping'er is Wang Xifeng's personal servant girl brought from Wang's house. If she is going to find her own future, won't Wang Xifeng end up alone in the future? As for people like Xiaohong, Feng'er, and Sister Shan, Ping'er is not optimistic that they can stand here forever, and sooner or later they will be separated.

   "Since that's the case, what's your plan, Ping'er?"

  Mandarin ducks also understand their girlfriends very well.

Seeing that she was getting older, but Wang Xifeng was divorced by Jia Lian. With Wang Xifeng's current past experience and status, there must be many people who want to marry her, but those who want to marry Wang Xifeng must be for the Wang family background, Either they came for a piece of property in the hands of Wang Xifeng and Li Hou. It can be concluded that they are all small families who want to climb high. Those with real status and even backbone will never accept Wang Xifeng's situation.

Similarly, Wang Xifeng will definitely not tolerate poorer conditions than himself and ordinary people. It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, especially like Wang Xifeng who has tasted the taste of being admired and sought after by everyone, how can he tolerate the next one? Ruanfan's husband-in-law, under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for Wang Xifeng to remarry.

  But Wang Xifeng can't get married, so what about Ping'er, who is a personal girl?

   You can't stay by Wang Xifeng's side like this for the rest of your life, can you? It seems that it is not impossible, but it is too bleak for Ping'er.

  Thinking of this, Yuanyang couldn't help hugging her best girlfriend.

"What plans can I have? Let's just live and watch one day at a time. Grandma doesn't know what's going to happen in the future. Can I still think about my own affairs? Grandma said that she won't delay me, but I can Can I do something like that? If grandma doesn't have a good home, how can I leave her?"

  Ping'er's answer reassured and moved Yuanyang, and of course he also felt pity, "Why don't you ask Uncle Feng, with his temperament, he won't ignore such things, right?"

"Yuanyang, how do you ask about such things?" Ping'er smiled wryly, "It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework. Grandma's current situation is the most unbearable and pitiful. Uncle Feng is of such a status. In the past, the two families got along as equals. , but the times are changing now, if Uncle Feng can give some advice, will grandma accept it?"

Ping'er almost felt that she was going to be in a play, and she could act better than the actors on the stage, but she would not hide things about herself from Yuanyang, but things about grandma were private, she I won't say it, I can only cover it up in this way.

"But Uncle Feng has taken a fancy to you. If such an opportunity is lost, it will be too..." Yuanyang couldn't help feeling sorry for her best friend, "There are too many people in our mansion who want to enter Feng's mansion,... "

   "Including you? Or the girls?" Ping'er blinked.

   "Little Hoof, you still dare to tease me at this time?" Yuanyang gave Ping'er a white look.

   "Do you dare to say that Uncle Feng is not interested in you? Who can never forget Uncle Feng when he came back from Jinling that year? The news of Uncle Feng's appointment as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion is more joyful than Zijuan's official position in the future?"

  Ping'er's words suddenly revealed the secret hidden in Yuanyang's heart.

In Jinling, Feng Ziying gave a helping hand, and then revealed her heart. Yuanyang's heart was mixed with anxiety and joy. This kind of thing was so heavy in her heart that she had nowhere to say it. She only vaguely revealed it to Ping'er, the most caring girlfriend. She did not expect Ping'er at this time But he came to fight back against himself.

But at this moment, Ping'er didn't hide his secrets, and Yuanyang certainly didn't hide it, and sighed, "Uncle Feng did tell me, but my situation is worse than yours. The situation, can I go? I can’t even mention it. If I mention it, I can only say that I am a white-eyed wolf, heartless,..."

Ping'er was speechless, indeed, this was more difficult than herself, but she still couldn't help but said: "Yuanyang, you are really not young, and besides, Pearl and Amber are not much worse than you. If you are more polite, you should also give people some hope,..."

   This mandarin duck's chief maid in Jia's mansion is not self-proclaimed, it was determined by the ancestors, as long as Yuanyang gets down from the position of the chief maid, countless people will fight for this position.

Yuanyang smiled wryly and shook her head: "It would have been the case a few years ago, but don't you know the situation in the mansion in the past two years? I'm afraid it's not a good thing to be in this position. Now I have to be with Grandma Zhu every day. Thinking about how to live with the third girl, sooner or later the old ancestor's little property will be tossed, and now he is looking forward to whether the second master can make some money to supplement the mansion after he goes to Jiangyou, if things continue like this, sooner or later something will happen .”

  Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and the two daughters are also silent to each other. After a while, Yuanyang suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, you went to Luxueguang, but it was because of Xiuyan?"

"Well, I heard that Uncle Xing's family was arrested. He was short of too much money outside. It is said that he was detained not once or twice, but this time the person who came to bring the letter was very different. If you don't want to pay back the money, you will have to cut off one or two things from Uncle Xing's body for interest..." Ping'er sighed, "Xiuyan is usually such a cold and indifferent person, but this time it is I was so anxious that I cried..."

"Didn't you talk to the Eldest Master and the Eldest Wife?" Yuanyang has never had a good impression of that Uncle Xing. He is addicted to alcohol and gambling. After getting involved in these two things, the man is really hopeless, and he doesn't know what to do with such a rotten embryo Will give birth to such a Zhilan-like daughter as Xiuyan.

"How could you not go? The problem is that you owe too much silver. It's not like you don't know the temperament of the old man. He wants money without risking his life. The eldest wife is similar. She won't give out even one or two hundred taels of silver, let alone that. It's thousands of taels of silver, how can you take it out?" Ping'er shook his head.

  When Pinger said this, Yuanyang also knew why Xiuyan didn't go to Grandma Zhu, Miss San, or herself for help.

Three to five hundred taels of silver, maybe I can get it together with Grandma Zhu and the third girl by gritting my teeth, but they don't dare to make decisions easily for the expenses of thousands of taels. For such a big family, the monthly expenses You have to plan carefully, otherwise the government will not get rid of the pot next month and cannot pay the monthly regulations, then something will happen, and this kind of gambling debt, even the ancestors and wives would not like to see it.

   Make up for last night.



  (end of this chapter)

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