Number of People

Chapter 1361: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees (Continue to make up the day before yesterday)

  Chapter 1361 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Trees Into the Dough (continue to make up for the day before yesterday)

   "Then what can you do by going to Xiuyan?" Yuanyang frowned.

"Hey, I have to take care of it. I also thought that if it was two or three hundred taels of silver, I would go and beg grandma. Grandma might add one or two hundred taels to make up five hundred taels, but I heard from Xiuyan that If it costs about two or three thousand taels of silver, it’s too far away.”

  Ping'er sighed.

"The situation this time is also a bit weird. It is said that if there are three to five hundred taels of silver to be repaid first, those loan sharks outside should accept it first, and then allow a period of time. I never thought that this time, but they refused to agree. She Mother was crying at home all day long, which made Xiuyan feel anxious and at a loss,..."

   "Then how much can we get together?" Yuanyang also found it tricky.

"Forget it. Among the girls, only Miss Lin can afford some money. It's not easy to ask for help from Grandma Zhu, like Second Miss, Third Miss, Fourth Miss, and Miss Smith. There are only thirty or fifty taels, and my grandma may have them, but your grandma may be going out soon, and it is time to spend money, so how can you be brave?"

What Ping'er said was true, the ones who really had money were probably Li Wan and Wang Xifeng, but Li Wan was a widow with one and a half children, so he would definitely save money for Jia Lan's consideration in the future, not to mention Wang Xifeng's side. After going out, they have no relatives and no reason, and they have to make a living by themselves, and if they want to live decently, they also have to support a large group of people, and the time spent money is like water.

  Maybe Miss Lin has some, but Miss Lin is going to talk about marrying someone soon, so the money should be a dowry,...

   "Uncle Feng..." Ping'er and Yuanyang both thought of the same person.

"It is said that the old man and the old lady also meant the same thing. They said that the gang of usury lenders are ruthless. Even if they hand over the money, they may come up with many other tricks. They make a living on this. It's better to tell Feng Uncle, please ask Uncle Feng to come forward and solve it." Ping'er nodded and said.

   "This is also an idea, but Xiuyan doesn't want to?" Yuanyang frowned.

"Xiuyan definitely doesn't want it in her heart. You also know that there were some rumors in the first place. Xiuyan avoided suspicion. Now she doesn't want to see Uncle Feng. Who would have thought that such a bad thing would happen again? Isn't it..." Ping'er shook his head , "But this is my father again, and the girl can't ignore it, but the old man also said that if the government is rashly asked to come forward, it is a fact that Uncle Xing owes money. I am afraid that the government will not allow other things, but your money But I have to pay it back..."

There is no way to keep any secrets in this Rongguo mansion. Earlier it was said that the second girl wanted to be a concubine for Uncle Feng, but the old man didn’t want to because he lost face. Later, it was rumored in the mansion that he was actually reluctant to accept the tens of thousands of grandpas from the Sun family. two silver.

Later, it was said that the Eldest Master and the Eldest Wife wanted Xiuyan to replace them intentionally, and being a concubine to Uncle Feng would also give the Xing couple a place to rely on, so as to avoid a bleak future, but this undoubtedly made Xiuyan a little unacceptable, at least it was How could an innocent girl's family become a substitute for someone else?

It turns out that the earliest news in the mansion that the second girl was going to be a concubine for Uncle Feng was when Uncle Feng was editing in the Imperial Academy. Not to mention that the masters of the mansion felt ashamed, even the servants thought it was a bit incredible, but when Feng After the uncle was suddenly promoted to the fifth-rank Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion, the attitude of the servants changed. They felt that it was not unacceptable for the second lady to be a concubine for Uncle Feng, but the masters still felt that they could not save face.

When Uncle Feng defeated the Mongolian soldiers in Yongping Mansion, and single-handedly negotiated with the Mongolian noble chiefs to redeem the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp, his reputation was known to everyone in Beijing, even Jia Zheng and the Wang family, who cared about face, felt that It doesn't seem so unacceptable anymore.

Now that Uncle Feng was promoted to Shuntianfu Cheng and became everyone's parent officer, the servants all cheered and felt that Jia's family finally had a reliable relative in the capital city, instead of the kind of martial artist with a false name. I am home, and when I meet other family members after I go out, I dare to say that I have someone in the Shuntian government office, so I have a lot of courage.

  As for the second girl or the Xing family girl, being a concubine for Uncle Feng has become a natural "marriage made in heaven", and I am happy to see it come true.

   "Then what does the old man mean?" Yuanyang asked puzzled.

"It seems to be asking Xiuyan to ask Uncle Feng to come forward personally. Those loan sharks are just low-level characters. Uncle Feng can make them docile if he shows up casually. Not to mention the interest, maybe even the capital is worthless." Can..." Ping'er suddenly stopped talking, probably feeling that this was a bit inappropriate.

  Yuanyang glared at Ping'er, "Is Uncle Feng that kind of person?"

   "Uh, yes, yes, Uncle Feng in your heart is a saint,..." Ping'er pursed his lips and smiled, "But a saint must also be exposed to mortal fireworks, right?"

   "What does Xiuyan think?" Yuanyang bit her lip and said, "You can't keep dragging it on, can you?"

"It is estimated that Xiuyan should go to find Uncle Feng. After all, these matters can only be resolved by the elders. You can't let Xiuyan face those people, right?" Ping'er took Yuanyang's hand, "What do you say?" This is the way of the world, when a man does something wrong, his daughter has to find a way to solve it, hey..."

  While Yuanyang and Heping'er lamented the sorrow of their daughter's family, Xing Xiuyan was indeed full of sorrow and didn't know what to do.

She has long known that her father is gambling badly outside, but she and her mother have persuaded countless times, but there is not much effect. In addition, there is nothing to do in Beijing, so when she meets some cronies, she drags them to drink, drink and gamble. It became Xing Zhong's greatest hobby.

It turned out that there was not much money, so it was still restrained, and it was okay to lose a little, including in Ni Er's casino, where he lost a lot, and in the face of some people, he could still save a little, but as time went by, the old man became more and more wanton Well, in Ni Erye's casino, they refused to let him gamble.

He then went to gamble elsewhere. People in other places would not be used to him, and even pulled him into the water. This happened again and again, and the debt quickly rose from tens of taels to hundreds or even thousands of taels. Later, Xing Xiuyan I didn't dare to inquire about it.

  People also know his identity, know that he is the elder brother-in-law of the Rongguo Mansion, and even hope that he can borrow more and borrow longer, anyway, the interest is calculated on a daily basis.

To be honest, Xing Xiuyan also knows that even stingy people like uncle and aunt have paid off the debts for his father a few times. Although it is not much, it is worth a few hundred taels of silver. It can be called rare.

  Some time ago, it was said that my uncle helped my father pay back hundreds of taels of silver, which made Xiuyan suspicious.

  With my uncle's personality, two or three hundred taels of financial help is already the limit. I know that this is a gambling debt owed by my father, so how could I help repay the debt? And it is obvious that my father is unable to repay the money.

Later, I heard some clues from some gossip, saying that Brother Feng fell in love with the second sister and wanted to take the second sister as a concubine, but my uncle deliberately promised the second sister to the Sun family, and he took a large sum of money from the Sun family , but also felt that the relatives of the Feng family could not be abandoned, so he deliberately let himself marry into the Feng family instead of the second sister, and became a concubine for Brother Feng.

   This made Xiuyan feel humiliated.

Because of her relationship with Sister Miaoyu, it's not that Xiuyan hasn't dreamed of the beautiful situation of serving her husband with Miaoyu, and judging from the various images of Brother Feng, he can also be praised as a heroic man. Look at the young man in the capital city Feng Xiuzhuan's compliments made it absolutely not shameful, even glorious, to be her concubine.

  But Xiuyan could not accept this practice of being a concubine as someone else's substitute.

  If Big Brother Feng really likes him, values ​​him, and wants to take him as a concubine, Xing Xiuyan thinks that he can't consider it, but if he can't settle for second because he wants to take his second sister, then Xiuyan can't accept it.

  Because of this, Xiuyan has been avoiding seeing Brother Feng during this time to avoid embarrassment.

   Unexpectedly, such a matter was in front of him. All the uncles and aunts said that they could only ask Brother Feng to solve the problem once and for all, but Xiuyan refused to believe it.

  Without him, her father was like this after he arrived in the capital, and she had lost confidence in her father.

No matter begging for persuasion or begging with tears, it is useless, if you agree face to face, you will forget about it when you turn your head, and when you meet a few friends with wine and meat, they will be like hungry horses rushing to the trough. Can't live.

  But she can't ignore the situation now. If you really want those bachelor assassins to hand back things like daddy's fingers or ears, then what if these bachelor assassins plead guilty in the end? Is it possible to put a broken finger back together?

  A few thousand taels of silver is not a small amount, Xiuyan felt that if she put down her face to borrow it, it would not be impossible for her to borrow it, but she couldn't do it.

   Both sister-in-law Zhu and sister-in-law Lian have difficulties, why bother to embarrass others, and when will they pay back after borrowing? Can I pay it back?

  My uncle and aunt were unwilling to borrow so much, but if they could, I was afraid that I would become the reason why they gave me to Brother Feng as a concubine.

  Miss Lin might do it, but because of Miaoyu, she doesn't want to.

  After all the calculations, it seems that the only way is to go to Brother Feng and ask Brother Feng to help.

   Moreover, Xing Xiuyan also had a thought in his heart, with Brother Feng's ability, maybe there is really a way to solve his father's daily drinking and gambling problems once and for all?

  Xiuyan stood up, walked to the dressing table, looked at her pretty face in the mirror, and couldn't help sighing.

   But don't make brother Feng look down on you because of these things, this is the biggest obstacle in Xiuyan's heart.

  Standing firmly in front of the mirror for a long while, Xiuyan retracted her gaze, brushed the black hair on her forehead, and finally stepped out.

  (end of this chapter)

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