Number of People

Chapter 1367: Hidden dangers looming in the setting sun, grass and trees in Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1367 Xin Zijuan Hidden dangers looming in the grass and trees in the setting sun

  After learning about this situation, Feng Ziying also immediately became interested.

  Reminiscent of Renqing's somewhat abrupt and strange identity as the deputy capital of the monk Gangsi, coupled with Baoqin's observation and suspicion, Feng Ziying had to wonder if there was something weird about this Master Renqing.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Feng Ziying rubbed her chin and paced the hall for a long time before asking: "Yaoqing, it seems that Master Renqing is not simple. You said that he lives in a simple place and rarely goes out, but According to the investigation, he was very active ten years ago, and he often went to the high-end mansions of dignitaries, isn't the contrast too great?"

"This is also something that Yaoqing finds strange, or Master Renqing thinks that the status of Hongqing Temple is now solid, and there is no need to deliberately manage it? Or he thinks that the status of Seng Gangsi and Deputy Capital Gang is so extreme that there is no chance of advancement. gone?"

  Wu Yaoqing was also puzzled.

"This argument is unconvincing. The scale and status of Hongqing Temple in Beijing are far from the top. As for those who like to pursue fame and fortune, few people let go of their pursuit. Renqing is not too old. Is there any reason for not wanting to make progress?" Feng Ziying shook her head.

   "That can only show that this person has other plans." Wu Yaoqing agreed with Feng Ziying's opinion.

"Well, I still can't see what's wrong with this person and Hongqing Temple, but I have a feeling that it's probably not very pleasant." Feng Ziying smiled lightly, "Since I'm here Tianfu, the plants, trees, bricks and tiles under my feet are all related to my own family, so I dare not be slack or negligent, if this Hongqing Temple or Master Renqing can do something for me in the future Come on, I already felt a little bit about it myself, if I caused an incident because of my negligence, then I would be guilty, Yaoqing, I'm afraid you will have to arrange someone to watch over this matter, you have to give it to me. I just need a reasonable explanation."

This can be regarded as Feng Ziying's assignment. Although Wu Yaoqing doesn't think that Master Renqing can do anything earth-shattering, but even the **** things about chickens and dogs are related to Feng Ziying, so it is necessary to put some thought into it. Exposing the shady tricks behind this master Renqing may also make this master Renqing useful to adults. After all, he is also the deputy capital gang of a monk gang.

"Well, my lord, I'm thinking of arranging people to watch Renqing first to see his activity patterns. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and I can always find some clues. In addition, I plan to arrange people to take care of this. The other monks in Hongqing Temple combed and combed to see if it is possible to find something from other people, this group of people has such a unified background, maybe they can break through a little bit, so as to make a difference?"

  Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying nod in satisfaction. Back in the capital city, Wu Yaoqing became more active, and the familiar place obviously allowed them to quickly enter the state, especially with the cooperation of Wang Wenyan and Cao Yu, who have been fighting side by side for a long time.


Leaning on the throne, Emperor Yonglong adjusted his breathing, then slowly sat upright, put his hands on the imperial case in front of him, pondered for a long time, and seemed to remember something: "By the way, Feng Keng will be appointed as Shuntian Mansion Cheng has been there for two months, right? How is the reaction from the outside world?"

  Lu Song responded immediately: "Su Daqiang's murder at night made the Ministry of Criminal Affairs somewhat embarrassed, including the Metropolitan Procuratorate who also attacked the Ministry of Criminal Justice, thinking that the Ministry of Criminal Justice handled the case poorly, and the two trials did not find any flaws in it..."

"Hehe, this has increased Feng Keng's reputation a bit. I've also heard about it. The outside world is rumoring that he is Da Zhou Bao Wenzheng." A smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Yonglong's mouth, "Won't Wu Daonan be embarrassed too? "

"Master Wu doesn't seem to care much about this. Maybe it's because he doesn't care about it on the surface. I haven't heard of any other reactions." Lu Song hesitated. Other chores don't help much,..."

Shaking his head, Emperor Yonglong disagreed: "You can't say that. Feng Keng is just here. How can Shuntian Mansion be compared to Yongping Mansion? If he has no prestige, even if he is the Fucheng, he is afraid that no one will listen to what he says. He has done well. Very smart, at least the officials and people below will respect him somewhat."

Lu Song thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's entry point is indeed very good, but I observe that maybe Xiaofeng's intention of Xiuzhuan is not limited to this, he went to Tongzhou not only to Su Daqiang's murder at night, It should be that I talked with Fang Kezhuang about the grain storage in Tongzhou warehouse,..."

  Emperor Yonglong remained silent.

Tongzhou Cang and Xishan Kiln, these are the two major chronic diseases of Shuntian Mansion. The latter is easier to say, but it is a problem caused by the imperial court, or the indulgence of the father, and it is actually not too harmful to the imperial court. The internal contradictions are more prominent, but the former is different. This is a chronic disease that has been repeatedly investigated and banned and repeatedly committed. At that time, many important officials of the court also retired for this reason.

Tongzhou Warehouse involves the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of War, Water Transport, Shuntian Mansion and even the cabinet. It involves many scholar-officials from the north and the south. A lot of unexpected people and things will be involved, and in the end it may be difficult to ride a tiger, and you will suffer almost every defeat.

But Emperor Yonglong also knew that the **** in Tongzhou Warehouse would be squeezed sooner or later, otherwise, he would have to wait until the critical moment, and there might be a big mess, and even endanger the stability of the Great Zhou Dynasty. He just had to choose a suitable time and let the court take the lead , is the most secure, but Feng Ziying is obviously not willing to follow the rhythm of the court.

  The cabinet is also making arrangements. For example, it is a move to arrange Fang Kezhuang, who has always been tough, to Tongzhou as the magistrate, but Emperor Yonglong still needs to consider whether now is the best time.

  Thinking for a long time, Emperor Yonglong said slowly: "Now is not the best time to move the Tongzhou warehouse. The Southwest War has not made much progress. Both Sun Chengzong and Yang He have failed to live up to my expectations..."

  Lu Song couldn't help defending the two of them: "Your Majesty, you can't blame Lord Sun and Lord Yang entirely. The Guyuan army performed badly, and the Denglai army..."

  Emperor Yonglong's face became more gloomy, "The Guyuan army is not acclimatized, it's understandable, I can give them more time, but Wang Ziteng..."

  This topic is too sensitive, and Emperor Yonglong is a little afraid.

Recently, the boss is sometimes active and sometimes low-key, so that Emperor Yonglong can't see the situation clearly. In addition, after the Beijing camp has been greatly weakened, the reorganized Beijing camp is slowly recovering. At this time, Yonglong Emperor knows that he still needs to bear it. .

   As long as his group of generals gradually seized the military power of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion, at that time, neither the father nor Chen Jixian should think about influencing the situation in Beijing.

  Emperor Yonglong roughly estimated that according to the current supplementary reorganization progress of the Fifth Army Battalion and the Shenji Battalion, the reorganization of the Xinjing Battalion will be completed by August or September at the most.

  By then, Chen Jixian would no longer be able to single-handedly control the Fifth Army Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion was under his control, plus the Shenshu Battalion under the control of Qiu Shiben earlier, at that time, he would have to see what his father would do to protect the boss.

Lu Song understands the emperor's thoughts, and now everything needs to be stable. The emperor hopes to successfully complete the purge of the Xinjingying and take the military power of the Xinjingying into his own hands. would like to see.

Coupled with the fact that the emperor's health has been poor during this period, the emperor really doesn't have much energy to take care of other things, and once the warehouse incident breaks out, no matter what it is, it will plunge the court into a period of turmoil. The emperor may not have this With the emperor's temperament, he is definitely not willing to hand over the power of disposal to the cabinet.

  So it’s better to postpone the warehouse until next year, so that you can deal with it with ease.

"This guy, Wang Ziteng, is now proud of being favored and arrogant. He thinks that the Denglai Army has won two battles and will be invincible. He has repeatedly refused to fight on the grounds of insufficient supplies, or stopped fighting, and even privately in Huguang. Recruiting soldiers on the spot is simply out of control,..."

   Speaking of this, Emperor Yonglong couldn't help gnashing his teeth, but the situation in the southwest is very delicate now, and he dared not act rashly.

  Denglai Army was able to fight, but refused to go all out, while Guyuan Army was not acclimatized, even not worthy of its name. Several battles resulted in loss of soldiers and generals, and even dragged down Yang He's Jingxiang Army, which made Yang He full of complaints.

  The number and combat effectiveness of the local guards collected by Sun Chengzong are not satisfactory, and it is difficult to take on the big task. This has also made the entire southwest situation into the current stalemate.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry. Although the Yang family has hooked up with other chieftains, its terrain and supplies make it difficult for the rebels to come out of the mountain. At most, they will harass the surrounding area where they are entrenched. The imperial army only needs to adapt and adopt a step-by-step strategy. Completely annihilate this gang of rebels."

   As a military commander, although Lu Song could not get in touch with the real battlefield in Long Jinwei, he still has vision.

  Now the rebels can rely on their geographical advantages, but now the imperial army has surrounded Helong, and this group of rebels can be consumed if they continue like this. The rebels who have no food can only be captured without a fight.

On this point, Lu Song actually agrees with Sun Chengzong's point of view. There are many sources of troops in the imperial court, and a unified command system has not been established. Moreover, many troops are not suitable for the geography and climate of the Southwest, so some setbacks in the short term are also It is inevitable, but as long as we persevere, chieftains like Yang and An will bow their heads and surrender sooner or later.

The only thing that makes Lu Song uneasy is the unstable factor of the Denglai Army. He is in charge of the Long Banwei, and he knows very well that the relationship between the Wu Xun headed by Wang Ziteng and Prince Yizhong is relatively stable in the court. That's all under the circumstances, once there is a change, what will happen to Wang Ziteng and the Denglai Army?

  (end of this chapter)

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