Number of People

Chapter 1368: Xin Zi Scroll Setting Sun Grass Tree Xu Guangqi

  Chapter 1368 Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass Tree Xu Guangqi

  What Lu Song can think of, Emperor Yonglong can also think of. If it drags on, the court will undoubtedly win in the end, but the premise is that there will be no changes during this period.

  There are many variables, and his body is the biggest among them, but Emperor Yonglong is sure that his body will be fine within a year or two, so he is quite confident.

"Now that's the only way to go. People who are chronically ill in the court need to be relieved slowly with tonics, and can't be solved overnight with the medicine of tigers and wolves..." Emperor Yonglong leaned his body on the throne, his eyes dim: "The ministers of the cabinet It’s also the same idea, but it’s rare for me to agree with them.”

  Lu Song couldn't answer this question, coughed awkwardly and said, "Then what does His Majesty mean to be the same in Shuntian Mansion?"

"Well, Feng Keng is a capable minister. He does seem to be much stronger than Wu Daonan, but he is too young and too sharp in his actions, leaving no room for it. Even with the support of Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia and others, it is inevitable that the court will be torn apart. , it would be fine if it was postponed for two or three years, but this cannot be the case now."

Emperor Yonglong is still very accurate in seeing the problem. Once the warehouse is opened, it will be too turbulent, and it is easy to be taken advantage of by the boss. endure.

   "I'm afraid Mr. Feng will find it hard to understand, and insist on going his own way." Lu Song smiled wryly, "I feel that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan came to Shuntian Mansion and wanted to do a big job, and his desire for fame is more than others."

"If you don't have a heart for fame and fortune, then I won't dare to use it." A strange smile appeared on the corner of Emperor Yonglong's mouth, "However, this son is not a person who doesn't know the current affairs. If Qi Yongtai reminds me, I will also greet him , he should pay attention to the court's difficulties."

  Lu Song nodded: "Shuntian Mansion has complicated affairs, so even if Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan doesn't care about opening warehouses, he must have other affairs to tempt him."

  Emperor Yonglong also laughed, "Many people in Beijing are a little bit alarmed about the Xishan kiln. For this alone, I think Feng Keng is the right one."

"I think that Xiaofeng's compilation may be more useful in other matters." Lu Song does not agree with Emperor Yonglong's point of view, "I heard that he has been traveling in several counties these days to promote Xu Guangqi in Tianjin. The several new crops that Wei has tried to plant, even to the point of sparing no effort, have also caused dissatisfaction in some states and counties."

"Hehe, it's not a bad thing. As long as you do something with your heart, even if you make some mistakes, it doesn't matter." Emperor Yonglong was very open about this, "This Great Zhou really lacks those who want to do things with all their heart and have the ability to work hard." If Feng Keng, who can see the key to the problem, is not too young, he would really be suitable for the governor of Shuntian Prefecture."

  Emperor Yonglong's praise was not too high, even Lu Song was a little moved.

  Gyeonggi originally relied on water transportation from the south of the Yangtze River for its food supply, but everyone still hopes that the surrounding areas of Suncheon Prefecture can avoid relying too much on water transportation for supplies as much as possible.

  After all, this throat lifeline still has its fragility. Whether it is silted up, damaged by floods in the Yellow River and Huaihe River, or even military disasters, it may cause the water transportation to stop, but Beijing and China cannot do without water transportation for a moment.

  Everything else is easy to talk about, except for the food issue, especially when no one knows how many holes are hidden in the Jingcang Tongcang. It is of course a good thing if the self-sufficiency of Gyeonggi is stronger.

  Feng Ziying is indeed planning to popularize several new crops that Xu Guangqi has painstakingly cultivated and introduced in Tianjin in the past few years.

In fact, there is no shortage of land around Gyeonggi. Areas like Gu'an, Yongqing, Dong'an, Wuqing, Baodi, and Liangchengsuo have a large population, but there are more flood land, saline-alkali land, and tidal wasteland. It is also the reason why Xu Guangqi chose to introduce and test new crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes introduced from overseas in Tianjin Wei.

It should be said that Feng Ziying has heard Xu Guangqi's name for a long time, and has been friends with him for a long time, but although she wanted to visit him many times after going to Yongping Mansion, she never had the opportunity. Compared with the greatest agronomist and water conservancy scientist of this era, Feng Ziying doesn't know much about his accomplishments in astronomy, mathematics and translation. He only knows that his achievements in agronomy and water conservancy are It was enough to benefit Da Zhou a lot.

  The meeting with Xu Guangqi was still in Tianjin Wei Xu Guangqi's hermitage.

This former Tuntian Secretary is now living at home. He is from Songjiang, but now he is focusing on introducing and cultivating potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn. The exchanges also gave him a lot of support. At least he realized that there are still many local officials who want to do something.

"Master Feng, please see that this piece of land was originally a saline-alkali land. Because it is close to the coast and not far from the mouth of the Wei River, the salinization was very serious. Later, after the old man came, he spent some time cleaning and improving it. But generally speaking, the soil quality is still not good. If you look at it, there is a rolling hill, about ten hectares. The soil is barren and the gravel is too broken. Even the local people are unwilling to cultivate it. It takes too much time to plow. And labored,..."

After getting in touch with Xu Guangqi, Feng Ziying felt that it was really extraordinary for him to be famous in history. Just this demeanor and conversation were very heart-wrenching. There was neither that kind of arrogance and unyielding, nor that kind of restraint and flattery. , just like a group of ordinary friends and acquaintances, allowing you to easily integrate into it.

"Grand Xu, you should call me Ziying. In front of you, I can't afford to be called Mr. Feng." Feng Ziying smiled, took a step back, and walked forward, "You say this adaptability, I probably don't care about it." I understand, but can the yield per mu be stable?"

Xu Guangqi stroked his beard under his chin, and finally shook his head: "It's hard to say now, after all, I have only tried planting for three seasons, and I still need to look at the changes in soil quality, fertilization and seedlings, but in my opinion, it's true In terms of soil quality and fertility, as well as the demand for sunshine and water, it is sufficient for any part of our Shuntian Prefecture, and this advantage alone is worth it."

"What Xu Gong said is true. In my opinion, not being picky about the land is the biggest advantage of this type of crop. As for the other disadvantage that many people criticize, it is the unpleasant taste. It is not a problem at all. On the one hand, in terms of yield per mu It is far beyond Mimai, especially some hills and hills are not suitable for Mimai at all, when it is time to eat Guanyin soil to survive, do you still care about the taste?"

Feng Ziying walked with Xu Guangqi and said: "Besides, in my opinion, as long as you persist in adapting for a long time, whether it's potatoes or sweet potatoes, you can completely change everyone's ideas slowly. In addition, you can also consider using different methods. It can be adjusted according to the production method, which is suitable for everyone's different tastes."

  Xu Guangqi glanced at Feng Ziying and nodded approvingly.

   It's no wonder that this person has gained a reputation, and is also valued by the cabinet ministers and the emperor. Not to mention his extraordinary knowledge, he is also extremely good at finding ways to propose solutions to problems.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are two of my most valued crops. In terms of yield, they are much higher than rice and wheat, especially in dry land, mountains, and hills that are not suitable for rice and wheat. I am not picky about the soil quality, but the only thing is the taste. eccentric.

Sweet potatoes are better, with a sweet taste, and heartburn after eating for a long time, but if they are usually paired with rice and wheat, they can greatly save staple food, but everyone thinks the taste of potatoes is a bit strange, and they don’t like it. Of course, as Feng Ziying said, they all When it's time to eat Guanyin soil, do you still care about this?

  But in normal times, everyone is not too happy to plant this.

  Feng Ziying suggested that steaming, frying, frying or adding salt to change the taste of sweet potatoes and potatoes is a way to consider, but in the final analysis, it is still not the most difficult time, so everyone is not very enthusiastic about planting.

   "I don't know Ziying how you plan to promote the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes in Shuntianfu?" Xu Guangqi asked the most critical question.

   "Ziying has some ideas about this, but the key depends on whether Xu Gong's seedlings can keep up." Feng Ziying nodded.

   "Well, this is also a problem. The old man organized people to plant three or four hectares here. The harvest has been harvested for several consecutive seasons. There are quite a few seedlings that can be used for planting hundreds of hectares of land,..."

  Xu Guangqi tried his best to promote the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes earlier. For Feng Ziying who is willing to take the initiative to plant, he is naturally very welcome.

"Well, I know they have already started planting in Yongping Mansion, and I plan to try planting in Tongzhou and Yutian in Shuntian Mansion..." Feng Ziying thought about it, "In addition, my Feng family also has a few plants in the suburbs of Beijing. Zhuangzi, my mother and uncle also have a lot of land in Datong, and I would like to let them take the lead in planting it as an example."

Xu Guangqi was overjoyed when he heard it. In fact, this kind of official planting on his own farm and field is the most effective demonstration. He also demonstrated it in his hometown in Songjiang, and it also played a very good role. But in the northern region, There is a lot of resistance, so it is extremely difficult to promote. Xu Guangqi is already very excited about the progress made in Yongping Mansion in the early stage. Now Feng Ziying is also willing to promote it in the suburbs of Beijing and Datong in Shanxi. The effect will definitely be better. Feng The influence of the family is not comparable to that of ordinary families.

"Also, I also intend to let my father try planting in Liaodong. They consume a lot of supplies there. If potatoes and sweet potatoes can be used by the local troops to supplement the food shortage, it will not only be of great benefit to the army. It is big, and it can also greatly develop the local folk reclamation.”

Since Feng Ziying has made up her mind to go all out to promote it, she has to do everything possible: "The people from the Anfu Chamber of Commerce also have some friendship with me, and the reclamation in Dongfan has a great demand for food. You can try to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes when you are reclamating in Dongfan."

  (end of this chapter)

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