Number of People

Chapter 1369: Xin Zijuan setting sun, grass and trees, haste makes waste, step by step

  Chapter 1369 Xin Zijuan Setting sun, grass and trees, haste makes waste, step by step

Feng Ziying is not sure which years the extreme weather brought about by the Little Ice Age encountered in the late Ming Dynasty in the previous life, but he knows that the continuous drought should be an important factor that contributed to the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty in the previous life, especially in the Shanshan area. The drought in China directly led to agricultural harvest failures. The farmers who were already suffering from hunger and cold had nowhere to go, so they could only raise the flag to rebel.

The Great Zhou is not the Ming Dynasty, but according to his observations over the years, the Great Zhou seems to be better than the late Ming Dynasty in terms of court governance, but the various internal conflicts are still fierce, especially the imperial conquest that did not exist at the end of the Ming Dynasty. In the Great Zhou Dynasty, it became a big problem, and it seems that the conflicts at the lower level are not so intensified, but the potential threats from inside and outside seem to be more serious, such as the Japanese, the southwestern chieftain rebellion, and the proliferation of the White Lotus Sect. I feel that the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty may be almost the same as that in the late Ming Dynasty or even the late Ming Dynasty.

In this case, once a large-scale natural disaster occurs, like Shanshan and Shanxi, which is located in a frontier area and has to face the pressure of the Mongols. Because the unrest turned into a rebellion, a peasant uprising similar to that of Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong might sweep the entire Northland.

In this case, in order to avoid the outbreak of such disasters, it may be unavoidable, but with enough food relief to fill the belly, the degree of war chaos will be kept to a minimum, so no matter how much you value this kind of yield per mu than wheat millet The promotion of crops with much higher yields is worthwhile.

Datong has always been a place short of food. The two towns of Shanxi Town and Datong Town have as many as 200,000 troops. The annual consumption of food transported in alone is an astronomical figure. If potatoes can be grown on the hills inside and outside the side walls Crops such as sweet potato and sweet potato, even if used as supplementary food, can greatly reduce the logistics pressure of the Ministry of War, especially in the case of drought, these grains that can fill the belly do not know that they are better than grass roots, bark or even Guanyin. Where did the strong soil go?

  The same situation can also be realized in Liaodong. As for Dongfan, if sweet potatoes can be planted to a certain extent, it can also greatly reduce the food pressure in the early stage of reclamation.

   All in all, this is a good thing with all benefits and no harm. The only problem is that not many people can realize it and accept it. Of course, Feng Ziying must lead by example and practice it, so that more people can follow suit.

  Feng Ziying had a premonition that this week seemed to be facing unprecedented turmoil, and Prince Yizhong would be the protagonist in it.

Look at King Jing and Tang Binyin who are very active from the north to the south, Jia Jing who hides quietly in the dark, Zhen Yingjia who runs around the south and north of the river, and Prince Teng who accumulates strength in Huguang and stands still. Niu Jizong, who is extremely low-key but firmly grasps the military power and never lets go, all this seems to be moving towards a certain node with the passage of time.

   It's just that when this time node is, this year, next year, the second half of the year, the beginning of next year, or the middle of next year, this is not what he can predict.

He believes that Emperor Yonglong and the cabinet should be aware of it, but they can't consider and deal with it with the worst plan, can they take into account the risks and harms that may be caused by the superposition of all internal and external factors? Feng Ziying was suspicious.

But in my position, if I put forward some "scaremongering" suggestions too much, not only will it not be effective, but it may even have a negative impact. If the government does one or two things, it will be supercilious.

   Counting up your fingers, I am only twenty years old, it is really hard for people to believe that I can excel in every aspect and make achievements.

  No matter how much they approve of themselves on the surface, the distrust in their hearts will still be deeply rooted. This prejudice can be reversed through repeated failures in judgment and being slapped in the face.

   Regarding her own premonition, Feng Ziying certainly would not sit still and do nothing.

  He judged that the biggest risk still comes from the cut-off of water transportation materials. Once the grain and other materials from Jiangnan Huguang are suddenly interrupted, the capital city will definitely fall into chaos.

However, the current military layout of the imperial court has always been that the north is heavy on the south and the south is light. The nine sides have gathered the elite of the entire Great Zhou army. All of them have been reduced to similar roles as local garrison teams, and it is difficult to use them in war. In this case, the establishment of Huaiyang Town (Jiangbei Town) is very suspicious.

If we look at the current military structure alone, it is ridiculous and absurd for anyone to plan to rule the north and the south side by side in the south. Randomly dispatching one or two troops from the nine frontiers to the south can easily destroy the south. The defense line, there is no army in the south that can resist.

  Especially in the current situation, if Prince Yizhong wants to stand up against the flag, there is no righteousness at all, and he is definitely looking for a dead end.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying also felt that she was worrying unnecessarily.

But it is never wrong to take precautions before they happen. Now that Yuguan Port has been opened and has become a hub for cargo in and out of Jingdong and even the entire Gyeonggi and Liaodong regions, Feng Ziying is also considering that the main goal of opening Yuguan should not be It is limited to Jiangnan, Fujian and Zhejiang, but should extend south to Guangdong and Guangxi.

  As long as the channel of Guangdong and Guangxi will not be blocked, even if Jiangnan really cuts off water transportation on a certain day in the future, it can still rely on materials from Guangdong and Guangxi to support it for a period of time. Of course, this premise is that Guangdong and Guangxi are not controlled by the regime that may appear in Jiangnan.

However, based on Feng Ziying's understanding of the current court affairs, the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River have never included the scholars from Guangdong and Guangxi. The proportion of scholars in the Dazhou imperial examination can be known.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying suggested that Qi Yongtai and the others should work hard to recruit scholars from Southwest China and Guangdong and Guangxi, and gain the approval of these scholars who are regarded as marginal systems as much as possible.

  Similarly, Feng Ziying arranged Duan Xigui to sit in Guangzhou, of course because of the increasing status of Guangzhou's maritime trade, but also because of the consideration that if there is a change, Guangzhou can serve as an important material supply center in the north.

Everything has to be done slowly, and Feng Ziying is also very clear that Rome cannot be built in a day. Such a big week has accumulated evils for a hundred years, and chronic diseases spread all over the body. Anyone who comes will feel helpless, like Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai. Could it be that he is an incompetent person, and he has to shrink back and look around when facing such a situation?

It's not a word to move the whole body, especially when external troubles and internal troubles are deepening, when doing things, you have to consider the pros and cons. Whatever the situation, there is still the court who can come to the bottom.

Feng Ziying set herself a few things that must be resolved when she came to Shuntian Prefecture. According to the priorities and conditions permitting, they include food security in Gyeonggi, the spread of the White Lotus Sect, and the industrial and commercial development of Shuntian Prefecture. This issue also includes By the way, resolve the refugee problem left by Shuntian Mansion last year.

   These three big issues are almost indistinguishable, but there is a slight priority.

Food security is the most important thing. Feng Ziying has never said this to anyone, including Qi Yongtai, but people like Wang Wenyan and Lian Guoshi may have noticed something, but this issue is very complicated. One is the problem of Jingtong warehouse, and the other is The third is to improve self-sufficiency through large-scale promotion of crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

To solve the problem of Jingtong warehouse, we need to choose the right time and at the same time obtain the support of the court. This matter cannot be resolved by Feng Ziying herself; the water transportation is even more unpredictable. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is left to fate. As for the last matter, Feng Ziying can use administrative means and some personal connections to advance.

Regarding the spread of the White Lotus Sect, Feng Ziying handed it over to Wu Yaoqing, how to dig out the development of the White Lotus Sect in Shuntian Mansion through various channels, especially clues from Yongping Mansion and Shandong. But it takes time and effort.

  The local industrial and commercial development in Shuntian Prefecture is the easiest to say. Businessmen from Shanxi Province are interested, and Shuntian Prefecture also has local resources. However, this can only be advanced after Feng Ziying is familiar with the situation and has a firm foothold.

  This also involves the issue of Xishan Kiln. To develop the coal and iron industry, the coal issue involves Xishan Kiln. Now we also need to find a suitable entry point.

After all, there is still a lack of people, lack of time, and not enough people available at hand. There are many things that I have more than enough energy to do, so I can only watch helplessly. Similarly, there are some things that you can't expect to solve all at once. Well, enough time is needed to settle the buildup.

In fact, he has done a very good job now. Going to Yongping Mansion to practice state affairs will immediately support the situation in Jingdong. Xiao Gui and Cao Sui's Xiao is certainly wise, but Cao is just as wise. At the same time, Cao's tolerance needs to be tested. It can be seen from the news from Yongping Mansion that road paving is progressing smoothly, and the number of ships entering and leaving Yuguan Port is increasing day by day. The entire Yongping Mansion is almost based on The speed visible to the naked eye changes.

  Now what Feng Ziying longs for is to have more helpers like practicing state affairs to help her, but how many of her classmates can reach the level of practicing state affairs? In the end, we must base ourselves on reality and start with those who can use it.

  (end of this chapter)

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