Number of People

Chapter 1375: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees Doing Their Own Thing

  Chapter 1375 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass and Trees Doing Their Own Things

  Feng Ziying's guess was correct. On the issue of setting up a governor or inspectorate in the Southwest War, a relatively fierce debate broke out in the cabinet.

  When Zhang Huaichang proposed to the cabinet to set up a governor or inspector to unify the command and coordinate the entire southwest war situation, the five members of the cabinet were taken aback.

The governor and the inspector are both temporary positions in Dazhou. The governor is from the Ministry of Officials, and the inspector is from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they both need the approval of the other party. The governor is generally an official of the fourth rank or above. He mainly focuses on civil affairs. In charge of military affairs, while patrolling only needs to be seven grades, mainly military affairs, official administration, and criminal prosecution, and generally does not care about civil affairs.

  In a sense, the power of the governor is broader, and the powers and responsibilities are greater. The patrol is simpler and more flexible.

Because the Southwest War involved Sichuan, Huguang, and Guizhou, and the land reform was related to civil affairs, it is obviously more appropriate to set up a governor, but before the Southwest War and Jingxiang refugees, the governor of Yunyang had been established. There was a lot of controversy between North Korea and China.

Many courtiers believed that the governor of Yunyang was originally established to govern the Jingxiang refugees, and now Jingxiang Town was established from among the Jingxiang refugees for the Southwest War, which has been transformed into a military town. Yang He, as the governor, has actually transformed into a civilian Now that the Jingxiang army is far away from Yunyang, the governor of Yunyang should be abolished, at least he should be removed from the position of governor of Yunyang.

   Now not only the governor of Yunyang has not been abolished, but the governor of southern Sichuan is going to be established again. The establishment of governors one after another will become universal and institutionalized, which undoubtedly does not conform to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  And Yang He is now the governor of Yunyang and in charge of the Jingxiang army. If Zhang Huaichang's proposal is followed, Sun Chengzong will be the governor of southern Sichuan and be responsible for commanding the entire Southwest counter-insurgency army. Will Yang He be convinced?

   This is also a difficult problem.

In terms of proficiency in military affairs, Sun Chengzong, who has been in the Ministry of War for a long time, is undoubtedly more suitable. However, Yang He not only participated in Ningxia's counter-insurgency, but also served as the governor of Yunyang as the censor of Youqian capital. Sun Chengzong came to command Yang He, so it was a bit difficult to coordinate.

   It was the second day when Feng Ziying got the news, but there was no result.

It was neither determined whether to establish the governor of southern Sichuan, nor whether to withdraw the Guyuan Army. Two in one.

Now the opinion of the Ministry of War is that Sun Chengzong is in charge of the western front, Yang He is in charge of the middle line, and Wang Ziteng is in charge of the eastern front. However, neither Sun Chengzong nor Yang He is able to launch an offensive in the short term. Perhaps only Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army is still capable of fighting. But how much desire Wang Ziteng himself has to fight is unknown.

   Regarding the fierce game between the cabinet and the Ministry of War, Feng Ziying also knew that it was not his turn to intervene. As the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, what he needed was to do his job well.

My foundation in Shuntian Mansion is still very weak and fragile, and my prestige cannot be established immediately by relying on Su Daqiang's night murder case. OK.

  Standing on the wall of Gubeikou, the strong wind blows in spring, the flags dance wildly, and the hunting sounds.

Feng Ziying and You Shigong stood side by side on the edge of the wall and overlooked the mountains outside the wall. There was already a bit of green in the cracks and valleys, and it was completely impossible to see that the Mongols crossed the wall a few months ago. The battleground.

The dark and desolate irregular stones are like crouching tigers, scattered in all directions in the mountains under the side wall, and the branches of swaying shrubs and trees tremble, and the cold wind from the north occasionally brings a sharp whistling, blowing Drilling through the crenellation opening with Xuan'er, people suddenly have a kind of artistic conception in "Dengyouzhou Taige".

   "The Ministry of War didn't say that your Jizhen army would be abolished, did it?" Feng Ziying put her hands on the battlements casually, looking to the north.

"Why, withdrawing the Guyuan army is not enough, the idea of ​​attacking Jizhen is not enough?" You Shigong shook his head disapprovingly, lightly waved the whip in his hand, and the whip tip screamed in the air, and retracted into his rough palm, He let out a muffled sound, "It's probably not Ji Town's turn yet. Didn't you say that Guyuan Town, Gansu Town and Ningxia Town will be eliminated? That's all for Guyuan, but the two towns of Ningxia and Gansu should be merged into one, such a long border Wall, the Hexi Corridor and Hetao, is Da Zhou going to give up? Short-sighted."

   There are a lot of rumors outside, but in the final analysis, it is still directed at the Ministry of War.

  As the Chahar people began to expand, they also put tremendous pressure on the Tumed and Ordos people in the west.

Now the main opponent and enemy faced by the Tumed people is no longer Dazhou, but the Mongolian left-wing tribes headed by the Chahar people. , Ningxia and Gansu towns.

These towns were mainly facing the Mongolian right-wing tribes headed by Tumed people before, but now the power of the Chahar people is constantly expanding. Lindanbatur has gained a lot of momentum, and even Lindanbatur's attitude towards Ordos and Tumed people is also changing, which makes Tumed and Erdos people very nervous.

  Liaodong, Jizhen and Xuanfu cannot be moved, and Jingxiang Town is established, and Huaiyang Town is about to be established, so is it necessary to retain so many troops in Yulin Town, Ningxia Town, Gansu Town, Guyuan Town and even Datong Town? At least for now, in order to save money, it is most important to free up hands to build Jingxiang Town and Huaiyang Town.

   "Short-sightedness depends on how to say it. Now the household department can't afford Jingxiang Town and Huaiyang Town, so what should I do?"

Feng Ziying understands the difficulty of the household department very well. If there is such a big piece of steamed bun, if you want to take away one piece, you will have to find it on the other side. So, otherwise it will be even more difficult.

"Is Huaiyang Town meaningful?" You Shigong sneered, "A few Japanese pirates can scare a group of people to the point of **** off their asses. The Mongols didn't see this even when they beat the capital city. Now, just to deal with a group of Japanese pirates, just If we want to set up a Huaiyang Town, what about the Denglai Navy? Not enough?"

  You Shigong hit the nail on the head, and Feng Ziying also knew that Huaiyang town was not a military issue, but a political issue.

It was the Jiangnan gentry who felt that the elite troops of the Great Zhou were concentrated in the north, but Jiangnan, which they regarded as the most elite place, was powerless to resist. Why shouldn't there be an army to defend the south of the Yangtze River if the tax is more than ten percent?

This proposal almost won the unanimous support of the entire Jiangnan gentry. Even representatives of the Jiangnan gentry who are willing to take care of the overall situation, such as Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, could not persuade these Jiangnan gentry to give up this request, but could only think of other ways. to be resolved.

   "Then Brother You, do you think there is any other meaning here?" Feng Ziying asked suddenly.

You Shigong smiled lightly, "It's not ruled out that some people have some ideas. Don't Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army court feel that the command is a bit too big? Huaiyang Town was established according to this meaning. If you choose a person who makes the imperial court feel at ease, you may cause even more trouble, but if you choose someone who is satisfied with the imperial court, I am afraid that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River will make trouble again."

   Shaking her head, Feng Ziying didn't want to think about these things any more. It was beyond her own control. He still had to do what he was doing right now.

"Brother You, I came to Miyun and Huairou this time for one thing, to use the military households in your hands in Jizhen." Feng Ziying picked up the topic, "Master Xu Guangqi has lived in seclusion in Tianjin for the past few years. I wonder if Brother You knows about it? "

  You Shigong shook his head. He didn't know much about civil servants, especially those who were not from the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Officials, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and he was not interested.

   "Xu Gong is the most famous agronomy master in this dynasty. He introduced some new crops from Xiyi through villagers in Fujian and Nanzhi,..."

   "A new crop?" You Shigong scratched his head, "Is it similar to wheat millet?"

"Well, I can't say that it's almost the same. It should be said that it is much stronger. These types of land can be planted in mountains, hills, beaches, and sandy land. They are resistant to cold and drought, and they don't have high requirements for soil quality. It is several times that of millet, and it is said that it can be five to ten times that of wheat millet if planted well!"

Feng Ziying's words startled You Shigong, "Five to ten times? Ziying, you can't lie to me about such things. Corn and wheat can only be harvested by a hundred catties a season in ordinary hillocks. What do you mean?" Does it mean that those crops can yield a thousand catties? This is impossible."

"Brother You, do you think that I have worked so hard to come here to find you because I am really bored?" Feng Ziying was not polite, "The first season is mainly in a few counties, and I have already arranged a few There are still some prefectures and counties conducting pilot projects, but I hope that some of the military households in your hands can handle this matter seriously, especially now that Miyun, Huairou, and Yingzhou have been ravaged by the Mongols. My son Pantou dare not come back, so I have to find a demonstration for them,..."

   "So it's a military household in my hands?" Seeing Feng Ziying's seriousness, You Shigong couldn't believe it, "Is this kind of crop difficult to import?"

"Not really, it's just that the taste is different from that of wheat millet. As long as you eat it a few times, you may find it more delicious than wheat millet." Feng Ziying insisted, "Brother You, you have to help me. I hope next year, To be able to promote the planting of these crops on a large scale in the mountainous hills and beaches of Shuntian Prefecture, which are not suitable for barley land, so there must be a good demonstration, and it can't be limited to one place, so I can only come to you .”

  (end of this chapter)

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