Number of People

Chapter 1376: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Tree Cultivation

  Chapter 1376 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass and Tree Cultivation

   Of course, it is impossible for You Shigong not to help Feng Ziying.

As an old subordinate brought out by Feng Tang from Yulin Town, he was promoted by Feng Tang to such a prominent position as the commander-in-chief of Ji Town. For this reason, Feng Tang not only consumed a lot of contacts, but also caused dissatisfaction among other old subordinates , such as Cao Wenzhao.

  If you don’t even help this little under such circumstances, you will definitely be attacked by people like Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong, and even brothers like You Shilu and You Shiwei will be dissatisfied.

   Besides, this is not a big deal.

There are many garrison guards in Jizhen, such as Yingzhou Zuo Tunwei in Shunyi, Yingzhou Zhongtunwei in Pinggu, Xingzhou Houtunwei and Yingzhou Right Tunwei in Sanhe, Yingzhou Right Tunwei in Jizhou, and Yingzhou Right Tunwei in Xianghe. Yingzhou Qiantunwei, Xingzhou Zhongtunwei in Fangshan, and Xingzhou Qiantunwei in Yutian are all Tunwei.

The number of military households under the jurisdiction of these garrison guards varies, mostly between 3,000 and 5,000 households. Of course, this is all theoretical or on the roster. Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty for so many years, those who have annihilated the registers by various means have fled. Yes, I don’t know how many, it’s not bad to be able to maintain the original 60%, so these guards are basically between two and three thousand households.

They are the source of supplementary forces for other non-garrison guards, such as Dongsheng Youwei and Zhongyi Zhongwei in Zunhua, Zhenshuowei in Yingzhou, Zhuolu Sanwei in Zhuozhou, and these non-garrison guards are Jizhen The main force selects the source of supplement every three years.

The main responsibilities of these garrison guards are twofold. One is to garrison fields to supplement the shortage of food, oil and cotton in the military towns, but this has increasingly become the private money of the senior generals in the military towns. The officers basically don't ask about planting, as long as you pay a certain amount of money or grain every year according to the regulations.

  The second duty is to recruit soldiers when necessary, and supplement them into the non-garrison guards.

This is the bottom line, no one can avoid it, but there is still a lot of room for maneuver. For example, some military households with rich families simply bribe officials in private, modify their military status, let others replace their children in the army, or directly "sick" their children. "Death", re-registered, and avoided joining the army.

  Of course, if you have no money or power, you can only join the army honestly and fight for your life.

So at any rate, there are still eight or nine guards under Jizhen's command, and there are still 20,000 to 30,000 military households under its jurisdiction, so it is not difficult to arrange this matter for Feng Ziying. Planting these potatoes and sweet potatoes well will have a demonstration effect, that is another matter.

However, Feng Ziying also has other arrangements. As long as people come to plant, he will naturally have other ways to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people. As long as the first and second seasons are planted, everyone will see the high yield of these two crops, and bring The benefits, you don't need to say anything in the future, these people will eagerly plant it.

  You Shigong was very busy, and Feng Ziying only met him once at Gubeikou. After discussing the business, they parted ways. As for the specific matters, the people below will naturally handle them.

  Feng Ziying ran very hard in this big circle. In a sense, it was a pretext to promote new crops. It involved several counties in the north, Changping Prefecture, Miyun, Huairou, Pinggu, and Sanhe.

  This is similar to the investigation of the appointment of new officials in the previous life. It is necessary to understand the general situation of several states and counties.

  Of course, the first thing to do is to get in touch with the officials of the prefectures and counties, not only to let them know themselves, but also to be familiar with them. In addition, it is necessary to understand the people's livelihood and public security situation in several prefectures and counties.

   People's livelihood focuses on population, land, water conservancy, and taxation, while public security is about litigation and banditry. Of course, the situation of local gentry and clans must also be grasped, which is often closely related to the first two.

  However, the difference between Shuntian Prefecture and other prefectures including Yongping Prefecture is that here is an important place in the capital, where the gentry and clan forces are under great constraints, or they are all "pro-government" and more obedient to the government's orders.

However, the situation of "investigating the bottom line" is not very optimistic. Except for Sanhe, these states and counties suffered the most losses during the Mongol invasion last year. In addition to the large-scale displacement of the population, many places were occupied by the Mongols. Burning, killing and looting have become a wasteland. It will take a while to rebuild and restore the original state. In Feng Ziying's view, if there is no special strategy, it may not be able to recover in five or ten years. This is also the evil result of war and disaster. .

For this situation, Feng Ziying has no good solution. Apart from appeasement and partial relief that the government can provide, this situation can only rely on time to slowly recuperate. However, the situation in Miyun is slightly better, and the damage in the mountainous area is slightly less. In addition to Feng Ziying's establishment of a coal and iron base in Zunhua, Miyun is another.

Of course, we can’t expect that a Miyun coal-iron compound base can solve many problems, but at least it can alleviate the problem of some refugees who have been displaced and lost. In addition, the mining tax income brought by this coal-iron compound base is according to Feng Ziying’s idea. , is to prepare to tear up and tear up with the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households. Shuntian Mansion suffered such a major military disaster last year, so there is no need to talk about the mining tax in the past, but the mining tax and business tax that new mines and workshops need to pay should be within a few days. Staying in the locality within a year solved the difficulties for the locality.

Coming back from several states and counties in the north, Feng Ziying also felt that Shuntian Prefecture was indeed too large compared to Yongping Prefecture. There were more than 20 counties and counties, which were almost five times that of Yongping Prefecture, whether in terms of population, economic development and social livelihood. They are all very different, but now I have to shoulder this burden.

  Like running around the counties in the north, staying in one state for two or three days, the time will be gone in ten or so days, and it will be half a month after returning home.

  This is only a rough understanding. Feng Ziying feels that according to this posture, if you want to be really familiar with all the states and counties in Shuntian Prefecture, you will not be able to do it without two or three years of hard work.

Fortunately, the government affairs of officials in this era are far less complicated than when I was an official in my previous life, and there are only a few items in rough calculations. With the changes of the times and the development of society, the content of governance in this place will only continue to expand , then the number of officials can only expand accordingly.

"My husband has worked hard this round, so it's time to take a break." Baochai couldn't help feeling distressed when she saw her husband's tanned face. Shall I share it with you?"

Feng Ziying's heart moved slightly, Shuntian Mansion has five judgments, but according to the regulations, Shuntian Mansion can set up six general judgments at most. Although Shuntian Mansion has maintained the standard of five general judgments for so many years, it does not mean that it cannot set up six. General judgment.

  Although Fu Shi is available, he has too many things to do now. Fu Shi is responsible for cultivating the fields and implementing the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes, as well as cleaning up the current barren fields and wasteland, which is already under great pressure.

Because of Wu Daonan's absence, officials in Zhuzhou and counties lack the necessary respect for the government, and even have some resistance and contempt. This is also reflected in their attitudes towards such things as governance, general judgment, and promotion of officials. .

Lacking a strong governor, these state and county officials naturally tended to be semi-independent in their hearts, especially in the past year when the governor was not in charge and the governor was absent, these state and county officials changed from below. After becoming the local emperor, the situation of self-righteousness is very prominent. Feng Ziying was aware of this before he began to use the Su Daqiang night murder case to establish his prestige and began to "inspect" states and counties one by one.

The purpose of the inspection is to understand the situation, grasp the virtue, ability and diligence of these officials, prepare for the annual assessment, and at the same time give them a wake-up call. Even if it is a bit of an overreach to perform duties on behalf of the governor, Feng Ziying must convey this meaning to the officials of the states and counties.

Even so, Feng Ziying still felt stretched, and she felt constrained in doing such affairs, and lacked more capable people to help her. This was even more prominent than in Yongping Mansion. At least in Yongping Mansion, Zhu Zhiren fully supported her. One or two If the leaders have the same attitude, no one of the lower officials can take advantage of it and can only obey, but in Shuntian Mansion, Wu Daonan's indifference and evasion also let some people see the differences between the two, which is even more difficult to do.

"Well, my lady reminded me, maybe it's time to think about finding a helper." It's not that Feng Ziying has never thought about this aspect. It is not impossible for the five-pass judgment to become the six-pass judgment, but this addition must be selected well. One can be used for two.

   And it's not just limited to general judgments, officials in lower states and counties can also be considered.

Although Shuntian Mansion is also a locality, it is very different from Yongping Mansion. Among my classmates, I am afraid that they will hesitate to go to Yongping Mansion, but if they go to Shuntian Mansion, the resistance will be much smaller. In the capital, the chances of making achievements to be seen by the bigwigs in the DPRK and China are much greater, and you can usually get in touch with the princes in the DPRK and China.

The general judgment of Shuntian Mansion is the sixth grade, and the officials of prefectures and counties are one or two levels higher than the officials of other prefectures. identity.

   "Xianggong is planning to find a way among your classmates?" Baochai immediately thought, "Brother-in-law, is it possible?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Uncle Fang's temperament is not suitable. The affairs of Shuntian Mansion still need to be delicate and flexible. It is more suitable for Uncle Fang to polish it for a few years in the Ministry of Criminal Justice."

  Fang Youdu is not suitable, at least not yet, and Feng Ziying doesn't want to get a reputation for cronyism for the time being, but there are still a few suitable candidates among the other students, so you can think about it.

  For example, Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, Wu Wei and even Zheng Chongjian.

  (end of this chapter)

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