Number of People

Chapter 1384: Xin Zijuan Baoqin move

  Chapter 1384 Xin Zijuan Baoqin move

   Taking a deep breath, Bao Qin felt that it was time to test her own wisdom.

  She settled down, and her mind suddenly became active.

It seems that the matter of the second sister has not gone away. Based on my understanding of the old man of the Jia family who got into the eyes of money, it is nothing more than reluctant to part with the money given by the Sun family earlier, so I dragged it there, a bit waiting for a price. And put the taste.

Being a father and mother is for this purpose, if it is a poor servant from a small family, that's fine, anyway, he is also the eldest son of the Jia family, General Wei Lie, but he is so filthy, it makes people feel very contemptuous, that is Now some of the Xue family, whom they look down upon, say they are imperial merchants, but it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing.

   In the final analysis, this matter will also fall on Xianggong. If Xianggong really likes the second sister, then tens of millions of taels of silver will not matter at all.

  After marrying into the Feng family, the two Baochai and Baoqin sisters gradually learned about the Feng family's family background.

Although the Feng family has one family and three families, and the sisters of the Xue family only inherited the second house, but because the eldest house and the second house are both extinct without heirs, that is to say, the two lines of Hulunhou and Yunchuanbo, the father-in-law of these two houses in name That is to say, the wealth left by the uncle Feng Qin and the second uncle Feng Han after decades of hard work was given to the family of Feng Tang, the third-bedroom house. Conspiracy and evil.

The cruel reality is right in front of us. Originally, the three brothers of the Feng family should be in a state of spreading branches and leaves, but because Feng Qin died early, Feng Han died of illness, and all the male heirs died before they grew up, they ended up in this generation. Feng Ziying was the only one left, how could this not make Feng Tang panic?

Think about it, if Feng Ziying's lineage is also not prosperous in male heirs, once they get older, male heirs will have three ups and downs. In this age, it is too difficult to say about premature death, accidents and diseases. It will be two or three male heirs, as long as they do not grow into adults. They are all equally unstable. Once that kind of situation really happens, wouldn't it make the older generation of the Feng family cry at each other.

  With no one to take over the incense, the entire line of the Feng family may be extinct, and the huge wealth of the Feng family may be taken away by those distant relatives who can't beat it. How can this be reconciled?

It can be said that the Feng family has three households. Starting from Feng Qin, he served as the commander-in-chief of Datong Town for eight years. After Feng Han and Feng Tang, he served as the commander-in-chief for six and eleven years respectively. He has been in the army for more than twenty-five years, and that doesn't even count how many years Feng Tang served as the general soldier in Yulin. It is not an exaggeration to say that half of the generals in the Datong Army Town are from the Feng family.

The town commander-in-chief here has been working for three years, not to mention, one hundred thousand taels of silver should be safe and sound, the contribution of the caravan, the sacrifice of the barbarians outside the side wall, and some internal work to make a living, it is easy , This is still a little more rigorous. If you are bold and wild, you can do it with 200,000 yuan.

  The Feng family is relatively cautious, but it is also quite famous in Datong because of this. In addition, Feng Tang went to the daughter of the powerful Duan family in Datong. This strong marriage made the business even bigger.

After the Xue family sisters married, the mother-in-law Duan clearly informed the two families that the Feng family's family property was basically distributed according to the ratio of three three three one, and was not combined according to the original long house, second house and third house. The assets are calculated, because the operation of the parties behind it is really difficult to calculate.

Three houses each with three, the Duan sisters kept 10% as their own private houses, similar to the Jia family Jiamu left for herself to be managed by mandarin ducks. Of course, before Lin Daiyu married in, the Duan sisters took care of Lin Daiyu for the time being. I mean, when Lin Daiyu gets married next year, this property will be handed over to Lin Daiyu.

Now Baoqin is in charge of Erfang, and I made a rough estimate. I only count the part I am in charge of, not counting the farm, but only the shops and various businesses in various places, the shares of Haitong Yinzhuang, the purchased bonds of Tonghai, Daguan Lou's shares are worth more than 400,000 taels.

The reason why the farms are not counted is because although the farms in Datong, Suzhou, Jingjiao, Linqing, and Yangzhou seem to be large in size, they are actually used more to raise those soldiers and guards who followed the master because of injuries. After going to the battlefield, they will be given a good income, which can ensure that their family has no worries about food and clothing. Basically, the mansion will get some local products during the festivals and festivals.

Those who follow Feng Tang’s personal guards all the year round can no longer go to the battlefield. Those who want to stay in the north or go back to their hometown can go to Datong, Linqing, or the suburbs of Beijing. Those who like the prosperity of the south can go to Suzhou and Yangzhou. All in all, there are hundreds of acres of land in the north and dozens of acres of land in the south, and people are hired to take care of them. A family of seven or eight people is enough to live a very well-to-do life.

The assets held by Baoqin alone are quite frightening. In addition, Baochai and Baoqin sisters also have tens of thousands of taels of silver in dowry. .

  The dowry should be combined with the second room, but Feng Ziying told them not to use it, but kept it as private money.

Because considering that the manpower of the second house will inevitably expand in the future, the public house belongs to the public house, and Baochai and Baoqin should also have some private houses of their own. Emboldened more hard.

  Feng Ziying's generosity also moved Baochai and Baoqin very much, which shows that Xianggong is really thinking about his sisters' long-term stay in Feng's house in the future.

After all, there will inevitably be concubines in every room in the future, each of which will have maids, wives and servants, and even children. There will inevitably be differences between closeness, laziness, diligence, and laziness. , if some people are sophisticated in private, then they have to take their own private account.

   In this way, we have a foundation first, and it can be said that in the future, no one can poke their own spine in the back.

  The money of the three houses is clearly divided, but where does the husband get the money he wants to use?

  Although Baoqin doesn't know much about her husband's official affairs in the past few years, but looking at the large number of staff and subordinates around Xianggong, and these are all recruited by Xianggong privately, simply calculating the expenses of these people is definitely not a small amount.

Where did her husband's income come from and where did she spend it, but she never told herself. Baoqin believed that even Shen Yixiu and Lin Daiyu in the future might not know it clearly, but Baoqin had a vague feeling that it should be with Haitong Yinzhuang and It has something to do with the cooperative business of those Shanshan merchants.

If the husband doesn't say anything, including Baochai and Baoqin, of course he won't ask. As a wife, what he has to do is to take care of the family's belongings. If you don't talk, but what to do outside, the woman had better pretend not to know, and don't care.

  All kinds of considerations and considerations are complicated, but in Baoqin's heart, it is just like a clear spring and flowing stone, gurgling past, and it becomes clear in an instant.

   "Is Xianggong going to take a test to compare concubine status?" Knowing that she had lost points for her previous words, Bao Qin wanted to win back the lost points, and smiled crisply, but the expression on her face became more and more cheerful.

   "Where did my sister say that she is, her husband is just..." Feng Ziying couldn't find the right words for a while.

   "Is it just out of feelings, or is it because of anxiety?" Baoqin smiled slyly, that fox-like brisk smile fell on Feng Ziying's eyes, but it was so cute and cute.

   Couldn't help holding Baoqin tight, Feng Ziying said in a casual voice, "Whatever my sister says, that's what it is."

"Well, if it's the former, the concubine also has sympathy and empathy. After all, before the concubine's identity was revealed last year, the concubine was suffering like a sleepless heart. Sometimes I asked myself to be clean and self-conscious all my life, but how could I meet people who were unkind? , is it really fate?"

  Bao Qin's words were full of emotion, "It's also fortunate that my sister pointed out the path for me, so that my little sister can meet a lover and serve the towel festival. I also thank my sister for her tolerance,..."

  Seeing the tears welling up in Baoqin's eyes, Feng Ziying was also quite moved, "Okay, let's let the past go, let's live our lives well now,..."

"We want to live our lives well. It's just that my younger sister thinks of the situation where I was suffering all night and couldn't sleep, so I also feel the same for the second sister and sister Xiuyan..." Baoqin smiled gently, "So the younger sister said that if It's out of feeling, that concubine really hopes that my husband will not be a heartless and ungrateful person."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying's heart was slightly shocked. He really didn't expect Baoqin to be so magnanimous. Qin's love is sincere, not like a fake, maybe it's because she has had the same experience before, so she feels sorry for each other?

Seeing Feng Ziying's expression moved slightly, although she didn't speak, Baoqin is so alert and intelligent, she immediately sensed her husband's intentions, and finally regained the point she lost earlier, and immediately struck while the iron was hot: "If what your husband said is the latter, Well, I'm uneasy, that's really unnecessary, my husband must have underestimated the Shen family's elder sister, elder sister and younger sister, if he entered Feng's family and became the wife of Feng's family, if he didn't even have this kind of heart, how could he really be over there? unworthy of…”

   These words were so straightforward that even Feng Ziying wondered if she was really suspicious, because she didn't know enough about her wives, or maybe they didn't care how much threat Yingchun or Xiuyan could bring them?

  Feng Ziying was silent, but Baoqin was very clear that she had completely regained the initiative, at least she scored first in front of her husband.

"Sister, don't think too much, let's rest early, these things are just a matter of course, sister Xiuyan and sister Miaoyu have a very good relationship, I'm afraid they may not be willing to come to the second room, they must be with sister Lin , if Second Sister really has such intentions, if she does not give up, I am willing to regard Second Sister as my sister,..."

  Even if it was just an impossible gesture, it was enough to move Feng Ziying. She patted Baoqin's jade back and said softly, "Why is this? The second sister is an honest person, how could she fight for such things?"

  (end of this chapter)

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