Number of People

Chapter 1385: Xin Zijuan Ziying accepts the move (make up for yesterday's update!)

  Chapter 1385 Xin Zijuan Ziying takes the move (updated yesterday!)

  Bao Qin trembled slightly in her heart. She was still betting right. It seemed that Xianggong had a certain agreement with the second sister long ago, but it was not known to outsiders.

   This also surprised Baoqin.

  Among the group of sisters, Yingchun is undoubtedly the most honest and cowardly one, even more so than honest and simple Xiangling.

  Although the ordinary sisters are also close to her, Baoqin knows that even including herself, she doesn't care much about this second sister.

And in the garden, or in the Rongguo Mansion, if it wasn't for her close maid, Siqi, who was fierce and unruly, and her grandparents, Wang Shanbao's family and Qin's family as the backing, dared to compete with other people in the garden and the mansion. I'm afraid that this girl has been bullied by other people long ago.

  Because of this, Baoqin only thought that Yingchun might be a little admiring of her husband, while Jia She only stared at money, wanting to squeeze a sum of money from her husband, while Yingchun was just passively waiting for the choice of fate.

   But Xianggong's words suddenly revealed that there is something unusual here. Xianggong obviously has some agreement with Yingchun. No wonder the second sister is not in a hurry even though she is eighteen. It turns out that she has such confidence.

  How did Ke Yingchun do this?

  Bao Qin didn't believe that her husband would take the initiative to seduce her second sister.

For a girl from a rich family, this kind of private life is close to having an affair, which is intolerable logically, but the Feng Jia family is a family friend, and they have been in frequent contact with each other. Coupled with their current status as husband-in-law, who is not open-eyed? Will you come to provoke right and wrong and make your husband unhappy?

   But even so, if the husband didn't take the initiative to provoke the second sister, then the second sister took the initiative to show love to the husband. How could it be possible with the almost dull honesty of the second sister? Baoqin absolutely does not believe it.

   It's just that the attitude in today's Xianggong's conversation undoubtedly shows this point. There is a tacit understanding between him and the second sister.

   But Xianggong didn’t mention Xiuyan. Is it because he is too embarrassed to mention Xiuyan at this time, or Xiuyan has not really been taken into consideration by Xianggong, or Xianggong wants to gradually develop one by one.

   Baoqin's thoughts fluctuated for a while, and this incident even disturbed her a little.

Seeing that Baoqin was still looking thoughtful, Feng Ziying pursed her lips, "Okay Baoqin, since you asked about this, you and I are husband and wife, even if I have something private, I don't care." I shouldn't hide it from you, I do have arrangements with the second sister, and I also have a promise to her, but considering that Uncle She Shi's thoughts are too treacherous and changeable, and it also involves the Sun's family, I don't want to make an uproar for everyone to know, so I still I would rather let Uncle She handle things properly by himself."

  Baoqin shook her head slightly, and the black hair in a bun even hung down a few strands of blue silk along with her naked shoulders and neck like suet jade.

   "Master, it's not a concubine who is talking nonsense, then the elder of the Jia family is probably..."

  Baoqin's expression naturally caught Feng Ziying's eyes and nodded.

"Uncle Xi may be a bit of a fool, but when some things really come to a critical moment, he should still understand the seriousness. If he wants to tease me, he has to consider whether he can bear my revenge. I have never done this before. How much patience,..."

   When it came to this, Feng Ziying's temper was already a little cold, and he was obviously not satisfied with this matter.

   Seeing what Feng Ziying said so decisively, Baoqin believed it immediately. My husband would never joke about such things, not to mention that it was reasonable in the first place.

  Now Jia's family depends a lot on Feng's family, even now inside and outside the capital city, no one knows that the situation of Jia's family is going from bad to worse.

   They also felt that at least it was a two-state relationship, so that they would not renege on their debts, so those creditors did not persecute them too much.

However, a role like Jia Amnesty, who was supposed to be the leader, is pulling his hips. Now Ningguo Mansion basically has no one to take the lead in its external affairs, especially after the second master went south to Jiangxi, no one cares about it, so that Ningguo The government's status and influence in the capital city are declining day by day, and it's just a group of people who shut their doors behind closed doors and don't know about the changes in the outside world.

But Jia She is not ambiguous about being busy with his own business and income. He can figure out all kinds of ways. General Wei Lie lacked in virtue, but he didn't care about his face at all.

   After all, it is a matter of money for the second sister. As long as the Feng family doesn't care about this, Jia She will naturally have the means to deal with the Sun family.

"It's good that Mr. Xiang knows well. My younger sister is no better than my elder sister. I don't know much about Jia's family, but I have lived here in Rongguo Mansion for so long, and I still have some feelings." The sisters are all very good, and I am very touched by coming to live for my concubine today,...but the men in the mansion,..."

   "Well,..." Feng Ziying was also very helpless, the men of the Jia family were really lackluster.

  Now, Jia Huan is the only one who can see signs of success, but Jia Huan's temper is too extreme, too strong and easy to break, Feng Ziying feels that it takes several setbacks to truly mature.

   Seeing that her husband didn't want to mention the men of Jia's family, Bao Qin thoughtfully stopped talking, and stopped talking.

   After a long time, seeing that her husband had stopped talking, Baoqin whispered again: "Except for the second sister, what about Xiuyan? What's your plan?"

  Xiuyan? Feng Ziying had another headache. He really didn't have much plans for this girl, and he felt a little resigned.

  After the matter of Xing Zhong was settled that day, after staying for a few days, Xing Xiuyan specially asked the maid to send a carefully sewn bellyband for children.

   At first glance, it was specially made for my daughter Feng Qiwu. Although it is not worth much, it is a thought. The picture of a child riding a fish and playing in the water on the bright red bellyband is very beautiful. Both Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu like it very much.

For a while, Feng Ziying also had a hard time trying to fathom each other's thoughts, because the two of them didn't mention it that day, and of course it was not easy to mention things that will last a lifetime. Logically, no matter whether it was her or Xiuyan's intentions, it should be entrusted to her. people to ask.

  As the man, he naturally entrusted someone to find out what Xiuyan wanted. Well, according to the rules, he should ask Xing Zhong and his wife, but Xing Zhong and his wife are unreliable, so it is better to ask Xiuyan himself.

  But Feng Ziying felt that asking someone to ask about this kind of thing just after solving the problem for the Xing family would be a bit of a tribute, and secondly, he didn't think about who to ask, so he couldn't ask Ni Er to ask, right?

  In addition, during this period of time, I was busy going to the northern states and counties to inspect and supervise the promotion of potatoes and sweet potatoes, as well as Hongqing Temple. I was very busy, so I put it aside.

"My younger sister also knows what happened that day, Xiuyan is very grateful, but if this kind of thing is because I solved her father's troubles, and I said that I want to take her as a concubine, it seems like a villain who wants to repay her favor." ,..." Feng Ziying pondered for a moment, "So I didn't care too much,..."

"But Mrs., how many years are the youth of my daughter's family? Sister Xiuyan is two years older than my concubine, only slightly younger than my sister. Logically, she has already reached the time to get married, but it is a pity that she was born in It’s really a pity in such a family.” Baoqin’s eyes shifted, her red lips glowed brightly, “If Mr. Xianggong really has no intentions, he should have made it clear to Xiuyan earlier; Once said, it also makes the girl feel at ease."

Although Baoqin's words are very indifferent, Feng Ziying still has a little understanding of this girl. Earlier when she talked about Yingchun, she was a little sincere. First, Yingchun is really gentle and honest. It's because of his affection, but he probably doesn't have so many scruples about Xiuyan, and even has some thoughts.

  This is the true side of Baoqin. Feng Ziying smiled in her heart, but she didn't point it out: "My sister is right, I have considered this matter myself."

  The sentence "I have my own considerations" silenced Baoqin, and felt wronged.

   This seems to be not going according to the script I preset. Shouldn't you entrust the concubine with carte blanche? Either you have the heart, and I will take the initiative to deal with it. If you are in the way of embarrassment, then I will cut through the mess for you, but if you say something like this, you will break your excuse for intervening. .

It's a pity that Feng Ziying didn't give Baoqin any more thought, and hugged Baoqin into her arms, "Okay, sister don't have to worry about such things, I heard that too much attention is not good for pregnancy,... "

   "Ah? Where did Xianggong hear such a statement?" Baoqin was startled, "But what Master Zhang said? What is the basis?"

"Uh, that's exactly what Master Zhang said. He said that those who work hard are better than concentrating the essence and blood in the heart, so as to affect the circulation of Qi and blood in the whole body. Especially during the period of time before and after pregnancy preparations, it is necessary to relax the mind, relax the mind, and let the The body's essence, blood, and qi are in the best state, which is more conducive to pregnancy,..."

Although Feng Ziying said these words in faith, but if it is based on modern scientific concepts, it is not without scientific basis. It really makes sense to let Baoqin take a closer look, cuddling like a bird Nodding in the man's arms, I also felt that it was fundamental to get pregnant with Lin'er as soon as possible, and everything else was off topic, so I put it aside for the time being.

  Seeing that Baoqin really listened to it, Feng Ziying was relieved and also a little emotional.

  It seems that this issue of heirs is unavoidable for every woman in the family. Without a son or daughter, women will feel that they lack confidence, even a smart and astute woman like Bao Qin is also unavoidable.

   It's no wonder that although Wang Xifeng was in the Rongguo Mansion for a time, she was in every possible way, but a childless person can knock her out of the dust, which became the basis for Jia Lian's righteousness and reconciliation.

keep it up!



  (end of this chapter)

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