Number of People

Chapter 1391: Xin Zijuan Sun Shaozu Highlights Raiders

  Chapter 1391 Xin Zijuan Sun Shaozu Outstanding Raiders

Feng Ziying wasn't worried at all, Lin Hongyu could still follow Wang Xifeng at such times, maybe not only because of her loyalty, maybe her parents also saw the current situation of the Jia family, wanted to be cunning, and were aware of Wang Xifeng. It's only after the sign that he regards himself as a backer again that he will arrange it like this.

   Otherwise, Lin Zhixiao and his wife had so many years of experience as housekeepers in the Rongguo Mansion, how could they allow their own daughter to follow a divorced Wang Xifeng out of the Jia Mansion?

   "Hongyu's mouth is tighter than anything else, isn't it?" Feng Ziying looked at Lin Hongyu with a smile, "Otherwise, Sister Feng wouldn't be able to call her into the house, would she, Hongyu?"

Surprised by Feng Ziying's words "Sister Feng", Lin Hongyu was only now sure that Uncle Feng and Second Mistress really had an affair. No one in this mansion would dare to call Second Mistress that, except for the original Second Master Lian ?

  The problem is that Uncle Feng doesn't shy away from himself at all, which makes Lin Hongyu tremble a little.

This not only shows that Uncle Feng trusts him, but also has another meaning, that is, he is not afraid of revealing himself, and is even sure that he can seal his mouth. This joint Lin Hongyu can figure it out at once, of course, she has never thought The idea of ​​going to fight Uncle Feng.

"Master, don't worry, sister Ping'er, please don't worry too, Xiaohong understands the seriousness." Lin Hongyu hurriedly said: "Xiaohong is grandma's person, how dare she gossip? Even other people in the yard, Xiaohong has never Hear others."

Feng Ziying laughed, this Lin Hongyu is indeed a well-behaved person, no wonder Wang Xifeng has taken a fancy to her, although she is not as loyal as Ping'er, but it is also because of the short time, if she stays with her for a few more days, she will leave the Rongguo Mansion, It will be safe naturally.

  Seeing Lin Hongyu go out with her legs crossed, Feng Ziying walked into the back room calmly.

Ping'er felt relieved at this time, the yard is now full of people who are determined to follow Second Mistress to go out, they are absolutely loyal, and since the girl Xiaohong has shown her loyalty, and the uncle has knocked on the doornail here, so It can be regarded as certain, and when I go out, I will naturally know how to tell this group of people.

Stepping into the back room, I saw Wang Xifeng leaning on the big red and gold thread python-hang silk brocade cushion, a bed of sky-blue multicolored satin was covered on her legs, and a hot towel was wrapped on her forehead. Feng Ziying was stunned for a little weak and sick.

   "Hey, Sister Feng, are you really sick?" Feng Ziying approached and touched her cheek to see if she had a fever.

  Wang Xifeng was startled, widened his eyes, and blocked it with his hands, "Brother Keng, show some respect, don't make people laugh."

"Who are you making fun of? Ping'er?" Feng Ziying didn't care, since he didn't let it touch him, he didn't force it, and sat on the other side with his **** crooked. Ping'er had already brought a plain cushion of the same color and placed it on him Behind the back, this side also dragged his boots for him, and shrank his feet to get on the kang, "Hongyu seems to be subdued by you to the point of death, besides, aren't you going out soon? What are you afraid of?"

"Hmph, being afraid of people's words is terrible." Wang Xifeng turned over and sat up a little irritatedly, "You men are not afraid of anything, even if I go out, don't you stop dealing with outsiders and your relatives here? Are you walking around? Who can stand being stabbed in the back and run on with sarcasm?"

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, this woman is making trouble out of nothing, she's finding fault.

  When did she, Wang Xifeng, care about this?

   Or, instead, after the divorce, there is an affair, so you care about it?

   This is possible from this. I have never done such a thing before, so I am confident and not afraid of anything, but just because of this kind of thing, I feel guilty and short of breath, and I can't listen to these words.

"Sister Feng, if you can't stand even this, I advise you to admit your mistake to Jia Lian as soon as possible, or beg the old lady and his wife to let you stay in this Rongguo mansion. You can't live here, you can go live. In the Grand View Garden, it’s better to be quiet, so there will be no gossip.” Feng Ziying was calm.

   "Brother Keng, you...!" Wang Xifeng was furious.

"Sister Feng, I'm telling the truth. At one moment you're so ambitious that you want to go out and make a living, and you want to be a heroine, and at the next moment you can't even stand a little gossip. It's a well-known thing for you to be divorced. If the woman who has left with you wants to make a living in this capital city and do something, do you think everyone will flatter and flatter you like before, and let you boss around? Is this possible?"

  Feng Ziying did not neglect the other party, and her tone was even more impolite.

  Feng Ziying's words made her brows stand on end, her phoenix eyes burst open, and Gao Long's chest heaved even more violently. Wang Xifeng said viciously, "Brother Keng, are you here to humiliate me on purpose?"

"No, I just want to remind you that if you don't have this kind of mental preparation, I'm afraid you will cry a lot after going out in the future." Feng Ziying is still calm, "And your current state of mind is not ready to deal with all this. So I will beat you first, so that you can face all kinds of cold rain and wind more calmly in the future."

Wang Xifeng was so blocked by Feng Ziying's words that she was about to vomit and bleed, but at this moment, she, who was always eloquent, didn't know how to fight back, so she could only look at him bitterly. On the topic: "Grandpa, grandma is not feeling well, and I had an argument with the old man in the past few days, and I feel really uncomfortable. Why do you deliberately provoke grandma..."

   "Hmph, such small twists and turns are too much to bear, so why go out?" Feng Ziying gave Wang Xifeng a sideways look, "It's unwise to compete with Jia Amnesty, and you still feel angry. Isn't this just asking for trouble?"

"What do you know?" Wang Xifeng said angrily, "It's all right if he wants to sell his second sister, why is he planning to include girl Yun in it now? It's because I'm afraid that the old ancestor will be angry if he finds out, so I don't dare Tell your ancestors, otherwise the family would have been in trouble long ago."

   "Yun girl?" Feng Ziying was surprised, "Why are you getting involved with sister Yun again?"

  Shi Xiangyun is a member of the historian family, not to mention Mother Jia, but Shi Xiangyun still has two uncles. Although Shi Nai and Shi Ding are in decline now, doesn’t it mean that Shi Nai has now found an official position in the Datong Army? Although Shi Ding hides his debts everywhere, he is still a nobleman after all. This has nothing to do with Jia Amnesty, right?

  Wang Xifeng hesitated to speak, and Ping'er was also confused, which made Feng Ziying even more curious, "What's going on? Is there anything else to say here?"

   "It's embarrassing to say..." Wang Xifeng finally let out a long sigh, "Do you know where Shi Nai is an official?"

"I know, it is said that I entrusted King Shou's door, got through the relationship with the Ministry of War, went to Datong Town, became a general, took charge of a group of people, ate some vacancies, and then found two caravans to hang up. This number, it shouldn’t be a problem to get a few thousand taels of silver a year, right?”

Feng Ziying knows the situation in Datong too well. A guy like Shi Nai, a typical dandy, spends money with Shou Wang and wants to earn back on the border land. It is not a big problem to return to Beijing with ten thousand taels of silver.

   "Then do you know where Sun Shaozu is an official?" Wang Xifeng asked again.

   "Datong Ping'an Prefecture, right?" Feng Ziying calmed down, "I heard that this guy has been promoted?"

   "You also know?" Wang Xifeng squinted at the other party, "Sun Shaozu is already the deputy commander in chief, in charge of this area of ​​Ping'an Prefecture, and Shi Nai is a general under him,..."

  Feng Ziying is silent, he knows the deputy commander-in-chief Sun Shaozu is serving as.

  Datong Town is the most important military town in the Nine Borders, and its flag is divided into eight groups.

Xinping Road (jurisdicting four fortresses including Xinping Fort and Pingyuan Fort), East Road (jurisdicting nine castle villages including Yanghe City, Tiancheng City, Shoukou Fort, Jinglu Fort, and Yongjia Fort), Beidong Road (jurisdicting Desheng Fort , Zhenqiang Fort, Zhenbian Fort, Hongci Fort and other eight fortresses), Beixi Road (jurisdiction over Zhuma Fort, Baoan Fort, Jumen Fort, Yunxi Fort and other nine fortresses), Middle Road (jurisdiction over Zuowei City, Right Acropolis, Mayinghe Fort, Shahu Fort, Niuxin Fort and other thirteen castle villages), Weiyuan Road (jurisdicting five castle villages including Weiyuan City and Yunshi Fort), West Road (jurisdicting Pinglu City, Ying'en Fort and other four castle villages), Jingping Road (jurisdiction over ten castle villages including Jingping City, Shuozhou Acropolis, Jiangjunhui Fort, Yingzhou City, and Huairensuo City).

  Ping'an Prefecture is a local common name. It is located on Xinping Road and East Road. It is said to be named after the characters Ping and An in Pingyuan Fort and Huai'an City.

  The Eight Routes in Datong Town have a commander-in-chief and three sub-defense deputy commanders, and there are eight participating generals and countless guerrillas below.

  Sun Shaozu was originally a general, but this time Sun Shaozu was approved by the Ministry of War for various reasons, and was promoted to the deputy general, but Shi Nai happened to be under his command.

He knew that Shi Nai had gone to Datong Town. He had spent a lot of money on the way of King Shou, and the Ministry of War greeted him directly through King Shou. Wu Xun was born, and Shou Wang personally greeted him, so he agreed.

  But how Sun Shaozu was suddenly promoted from an unknown general to deputy commander-in-chief, Feng Ziying is not very clear.

   Whether he followed the path of Zhang Huaichang or Xu Dahua, he has no way of knowing, but Yuan Keli is the doctor of the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War, and this is not a master who is easy to fool.

It is that Sun Shaozu really has the ability to lead troops, but since he was able to collude with Jia Amnesty to sell embargoed materials to the grasslands, it is enough to show his character, but why both Zhang Huaichang and Yuan Keli would agree to such a guy being promoted to vice president Soldier?

That's all for a general, the gap between a general and a deputy general is not as simple as a line, if you climb up to the position of a deputy general, you can be called a senior general in the army, and the general is good, Be it guerrilla fighters, they can only be regarded as mid-level military generals. Many people are stuck in the hurdles of generals and deputy commanders, and it is difficult to overcome them in their entire lives.

   Just like the school officers and generals in the modern army, the difference between regiment-level cadres and division-level cadres is so great.

  (end of this chapter)

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