Number of People

Chapter 1392: Xin Zijuan regeneration branch

  Chapter 1392 Xinzi scroll regeneration branch

   "I really didn't expect Sun Shaozu to be promising. In the next three to five years, he will be able to become a deputy commander." Feng Ziying rubbed her chin thoughtfully.

He also overheard You Shigong's mention of Sun Shaozu's promotion of the deputy commander, but when he asked You Shigong why Sun Shaozu was promoted, You Shigong didn't know very well. Lai is also very desperate, bold and ruthless, very powerful in making money, and clever in means.

  This guy is willing to spend money, and the subordinates are very convinced, and at the same time, he can manage all aspects in place. Of course, there are many people who hate him, such as the caravan that goes there.

  However, to be promoted to deputy commander-in-chief does not depend solely on money or the management of the top and bottom.

  With the temperament of Yuan Keli, the doctor of the military selection department, even if a person with the character of Sun Shaozu can lead troops to fight, it may be difficult for him to catch his eyes.

  Bianguan has many generals who can lead troops to fight, unless the emperor handpicked or the minister of the Ministry of War directly decides, even Xu Dahua, the left servant, may find it difficult to get Yuan Keli to nod.

  But it is not known whether it was Emperor Yonglong's intention or Zhang Huaichang's idea.

In any case, this guy has some skills. Climbing to the position of deputy commander is enough to make him enter the eyes of the high-level soldiers and even the cabinet princes, and the key point is that this guy is only under forty years old. Among the ten deputy commanders, they can definitely be regarded as the young and strong faction.

   "He is now Shi Nai's immediate boss, and Shi Nai is said to be very unpopular in the Datong Army. He made a lot of mistakes, and Sun Shaozu also took some advantage..."

  Wang Xifeng didn't care much about the joints inside, and only talked about the relationship between Shi Nai and Sun Shaozu, "Then Shi Nai jumped over the wall in a hurry and didn't know where to go. First, he found my uncle..."

   "Mr. Ziteng is in Huguang, how can he manage so far away?" Feng Ziying suddenly realized, "So I asked Jia She to come forward to help, because of the second sister?"

"That's not the case. My uncle only said that he was in Huguang and had no time to take care of it. Then Jia Amnesty heard about it from somewhere, probably from Shi Ding, so he insisted that he could handle this matter for Shi Nai... "

  Before Wang Xifeng finished speaking, Feng Ziying answered with a smile: "But do you want some money to manage?"

"Hmph, you know him well enough, but Jia Amnesty didn't mention it this time, and said that it would be best if Yun girl could marry Sun Shaozu, so I went to discuss it with Shi Nai and Shi Ding brothers. The two Nai Shi Ding brothers also thought it was suitable, and they could make good friends with Sun Shaozu, and the grievances that fell on Sun Shaozu's side would be wiped out, and Jia Amnesty was even willing to lend a sum of money to Shi Ding to pay off his gambling debts, so it hit it off,..."

  Feng Ziying was greatly surprised, "How can Uncle She be so generous that he can lend money to Shi Ding to pay off his gambling debt? Could it be that he is planning to come back from Sun Shaozu?"

"Hmph, how much money did Jia She take from Sun Shaozu? Now he has found a better family for Sun Shaozu. Yun girl is the prostitute of Baolinghou and Zhongjinghou's lineage. In terms of status, she must be better than the second girl." Not many, and the historian still has some influence in the army, of course Sun Shaozu is willing to change to Yun girl."

Wang Xifeng glanced at Feng Ziying again: "I am afraid that Jia Amnesty did this because of you. Now that I see you soaring, I want to climb up to you, but I don't want to offend Sun Shaozu, um, or it is because Sun Shaozu's money doesn't want to be refunded." , so I came up with such a vicious trick, Li Daitao is stiff, and he also pleases you and saves money. If you want to take the second girl as a concubine, if he doesn't squeeze tens of thousands of taels of silver from you, I will follow you. Your last name!"

   This pungent energy gave off a taste of phoenix pepper. Feng Ziying couldn't help but glanced at the bumpy body under the thin blanket again, feeling a little hot in her heart, and a certain part felt a little uncomfortable.

   Seemingly feeling the fiery breath in Feng Ziying's eyes, Wang Xifeng immediately retracted her legs, pulled up the thin blanket, and sat upright, so as not to arouse the other party's evil intentions.

Feng Ziying also sensed the vigilance of the other party, smiled, and had already tasted it several times, but when she thought of the plump and moist body, and the enchanting appearance of Chenghuan but unruly under her crotch, Feng Ziying felt that her bones were shaking. Crisp a little.

Wang Xifeng couldn't help but snorted softly, "Ping'er, the ancestors didn't know about this, but Miss Yun probably heard some rumors from her two aunts. I saw her eyes swollen like peaches today. , the spirit is also weak, the third girl seems to be still consoling,..."

"I'm afraid that sooner or later we will let the ancestor know. Miss Yun is also very filial. She doesn't want to bother the ancestor with this matter. The ancestor is old and not as energetic as before, but..." Ping'er shook his head: "And the big The master will not give up, and the matter of the second girl is also related to the uncle, how can the ancestor not understand the whole story?"

  Feng Ziying couldn't help admiring Jia Amnesty's methods. This guy really exhausted all kinds of fancy tricks for money, and the key is that he really played very well, at least he can fool several sides.

Of course, Jia's mother and Shi Xiangyun are definitely not willing, but Shi Xiangyun and even Jia's mother don't have much say in Shi Xiangyun's marriage. If Shi Nai and Shi Ding brothers are determined to promise Shi Xiangyun to Sun Shaozu, then I'm afraid this matter No one can stop it.

  The point is that this matter seems to have something to do with me, and I'm even thinking about myself, don't I wholeheartedly want to take Yingchun as my concubine? Now as long as Jia Amnesty agrees, there is basically nothing to worry about.

   "This matter is really tricky, has it been confirmed now?" Feng Ziying frowned.

"Not yet. The problem is that Jia She is so active in making arrangements. Shi Nai Shi Ding already has a handle in Sun Shaozu's hands, and it is profitable. Sun Shaozu is also willing. Can the old ancestor stop it?" Wang Xifeng sneered: " With the current situation in the Rongguo Mansion, I think the ancestors are becoming more and more unable to suppress Jia She, and look at the Xing family, the arrogance has also become arrogant, this matter of Yun girl is difficult!"

"That is to say, Uncle She is only threading the needle, and the Sun family has not proposed marriage to the Shi family?" Feng Ziying asked again: "Since Shi Nai is under Sun Shaozu's command, as long as the two sides agree, then Sun Shaozu can directly ask Shi Nai. Nai proposes marriage."

"That's what I said, but it is estimated that the master of the historian still wants to ask the opinions of the ancestors. After all, Yun girl has been living in the Rongguo Mansion for so many years, and the ancestors also treat them like granddaughters. Whether it is etiquette or In terms of feelings, I'm afraid that the two masters of the historian will come here to talk to the ancestors." Ping'er's explanation is also reasonable.

  Feng Ziying is also thinking about how to deal with this matter.

  From a rational point of view, he certainly didn't want to see a girl as bold and free as Shi Xiangyun fall into the clutches of Sun Shaozu.

   Well, he didn't have much impression of Sun Shaozu, but he was able to gain a foothold in the army, and he also colluded with Jia She to sell goods embargoed by Dazhou outside the Great Wall. It can be imagined that this guy has good skills, but the bottom line of character is not high.

  Of course, it is a common phenomenon for caravans to sell embargoed materials to Mongols and Jurchens at the border, even when my father was in Datong and Yulin, but this requires a clear boundary.

  Although materials such as grain and salt are also embargoed, as long as it is not in wartime, they will be sold if they turn a blind eye to the selling point, but weapons and armor are absolutely not allowed.

  But as far as he knew, Sun Shaozu went far beyond the bottom line, and even some Long Jinwei, who was in charge of monitoring the whereabouts of the generals at the border, were dragged into the water.

Jia Lian mentioned very vaguely that he had been to Ping'an Prefecture several times under the order of Jia She, and twice he was escorting goods, which were grain in name, but according to what he learned later, there should be a lot of arrow clusters hidden inside. The other times were reconciliations with Sun Shaozu.

   But later, Sun Shaozu seemed to be more vigilant, or he found a more suitable partner, and the business with Jia She started to decrease, and this kind of business seems to have gradually stopped.

Moreover, this guy has a dark history. It is said that his ex-wife was often beaten violently by him after drinking, and finally died of a long illness. Although the matter was settled, Sun Shaozu's official career was still affected to some extent.

  If a woman like Shi Xiangyun marries into his family, the result can be imagined. It doesn't mean that she will definitely be able to advance in the future, but hardships and hardships are definitely indispensable.

   But the problem is that I don't seem to be suitable to intervene from any angle, and there is no reason to intervene.

  Things that even Jia Mu can hardly stop, how can I stop it, or why should I stop it, I am afraid that if I add a few words, people will doubt my intentions, who will make me famous?

   On the issue of Yingchun's marriage, I am afraid that Jia She and his wife have already identified themselves as this kind of person. If they still want to intervene in Shi Xiangyun's affairs, wouldn't it be more solid for this reputation?

Sensing that Wang Xifeng and Heping'er's eyes were all on her, Feng Ziying leaned on the pillow and spread her hands: "What are you doing watching me? I can only watch this kind of thing. Could it be that I can come forward and tell Uncle She Tell him not to get involved? Or go and say hello to Shi Nai and Shi Ding and tell them not to marry Sister Yun to Sun Shaozu?"

Wang Xifeng and Heping'er also sighed. They also knew that this was unreliable, there was no reason, and their identities were not suitable. If it was a woman from Jia's family, Feng Ziying could still intervene on the grounds of being entrusted by Jia Zheng, but Shi Xiangyun's identity It's different, it's never Feng Ziying's turn to speak up.

"But this matter is not without room for change." Feng Ziying was a little disappointed when she saw Wang Xifeng and Ping'er, especially Ping'er, who couldn't bear it, and felt sorry for her. One word.

  (end of this chapter)

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