Number of People

Chapter 1396: Xin Zijuan is arbitrary

  Chapter 1396 Xin Zijuan is arbitrary

  Wang Xifeng woke up suddenly from sleep, the hairs all over her body were almost standing on end.

I was still a little confused in my sleep before, but now I suddenly wake up, the hands behind my back have strangled my waist, and I am moving up to untie my bellyband, the heavy and fiery breathing in my ears, coupled with the The excitement felt by the buttocks, this is clearly a man!

  Suddenly she was about to scream out loud, but the sound of "Sister Feng" in her ear made her relax all of a sudden, this killer!

   No more talking, and I don't want to think about how the other party got in. I definitely can't get rid of Ping'er's help. Wang Xifeng doesn't want to think about what to do in the future. She just wants to enjoy this long-lost warmth to the fullest.

After taking a nap for a while, she woke up at this moment. It was the time when all kinds of perceptions in her whole body were the most acute. Her bellyband was loosened, her underwear was half taken off, and she was accompanied by murmurs, whispers and soft words. It was not humane. .

  Jade stove ice mat with mandarin duck brocade, powder melts and fragrant sweat flows into the mountain pillow.

  Gaotang Yunyumeng, both are even more crazy.


  Ping'er looked worriedly at the chime clock placed in the main room. It was a Western product bought at a high price.

It's already past the beginning of Hai, and the master has been in the house for almost half an hour. Ping'er is really afraid that Feng Ziying will fall asleep from overwork inside. Although the corner door of Rongguo Mansion is usually closed at Haizheng, it is already very late to go out now. It got attention.

   There was a lot of tossing and tossing inside, and Ping'er also blushed and went in, but saw that the two of them ignored it, so they had to back out, looking around carefully to prevent leakage.

In fact, Ping'er probably couldn't hide the truth from this girl Lin Hongyu, just now she poked her head there and forced her to gossip with her for a while before the girl went back into the house, obviously she must have noticed something, something Suspect.

  But doubts can only make her doubt, but not make her aware of the details, everyone tacitly.

   It took a long while inside before the sound slowly subsided. Ping'er waited for a while before he heard the door creak, and then went through with his legs crossed while blushing.

   But seeing Feng Ziying standing behind the door with her shirt on and bare legs, the door was half-closed, and the other party made a gesture, and Ping'er hurried in with the hot water she had prepared earlier.

  Wang Xifeng had already fallen into a deep sleep with her face inward. Feng Ziying rolled over and got out of bed, and even Wang Xifeng, who was facing outward on the bed, exposed most of her back.

  Warm and moist as a jade screen, the back presents a thrilling magnificence under the candlelight, the lower body is half-covered by a corner of brocade quilt, and the gourd-shaped waist and hip arc presents an exaggerated plumpness.

  Ping'er hurried forward to tuck Wang Xifeng's quilt first, and then carefully scrubbed Feng Ziying.

   "Master, where are you going to sleep now?" Ping'er asked carefully while wiping Feng Ziying.

   "Well, why do you want to stay, Pinger?" Feng Ziying smiled casually.

   "No, the smell of balm on your body is not light, I'm afraid it will disappear after you take a bath, and Qingwen or Yinger will notice it when you go back." Ping'er said that he was worried.

If you go to the long room after you go back, you must take a bath. Usually, Qingwen or Yunshang will serve you. If you go to the second room, you will basically be served by Yinger, Xiangling, or Lingguan. How can you hide this smell? Extraordinary? Obviously the man went outside to have sex.

This is a problem. I should have stayed at the second room tonight. If it was the long room, there would be Yunshang as a cover, or I could go directly to Eryou's side without worrying about Eryou's jealousy. But the second room Yinger, Xiangling, and Na Lingguan, Xiangling is reliable, but she is too honest, and she is afraid that Yinger will reveal her secrets if she is questioned casually.

  Why don't you just go to the study and take a shower? The two sisters, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, are safe, but they will certainly arouse suspicion.

  Looks like I can only pretend to be busy all night, let Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing take the blame and bear the grievances of Baochai and the others.

  Woke up, Feng Ziying couldn't recover for a while, whether this was a dream or a dream come true.

  In a dream, it is like looking at flowers on horseback, with clear or blurred figures and faces constantly appearing in my field of vision, mixed with gold and iron horses, which makes Feng Ziying sometimes excited, sometimes at a loss.

   It was a bit like the feeling of sleeping on the bed of Brother Rong's daughter-in-law that day. Feng Ziying didn't know what that meant.

  The last two figures that appeared were Yuan Chun and Qin Keqing, which made Feng Ziying a little baffled when she woke up.

  Whether Baochai, Daiyu, or even Yingchun or Qingwen, or Wang Xifeng can make sense, what does the appearance of Yuanchun and Qin Keqing mean? He was quite puzzled.

  He couldn't recall what the two women said at the time, but hugging his legs seemed to be begging for something, and he seemed to refuse.

  Why did you refuse, and what did you refuse? I can't remember either, anyway, the last scene seems to be that Yuan Chun and Qin Keqing suddenly changed color at the same time, drawing their swords to stab themselves, so shocked that they broke free and wanted to leave, but suddenly woke up.

  Lying on the bed, Feng Ziying thought about it carefully. The content here is so rich that for a while, his head became a mess like a paste, and he couldn't sort it out clearly.

  Thinking every day and dreaming at night, this must be a lot of news I got from Rongguo Mansion yesterday, combined with the situation of Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, so I have a sense of crisis.

   Both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing judged that Sun Yaozu's sudden promotion to the deputy commander of Datong Town was not a simple matter, and there must be some special reason for it.

  However, there are many people who can exert their strength in the position of deputy commander in Datong. It is not easy to judge which link is out of order, or that several parties have joined forces to make a game.

Governor Niu Jizong of Xuanda, Yuan Keli, the military officer of the Ministry of War, Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, the ministers of the cabinet, especially Li Sancai, Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe who are in charge of the Ministry of War, and of course Yonglong Emperor, can be regarded as the core figure who can exert strength.

  The appointment of the chief soldier will not be approved by the governor above, but the deputy chief soldier generally needs to seek the opinion of the governor, or Niu Jizong's recommendation is also very important.

   But the question is, if Niu Jizong dares to recommend it with all his strength, will he be recognized by the Ministry of War? What does the cabinet think? The most important thing is that Emperor Yonglong will definitely not nod, and vice versa, unless it is another compromise of various transactions.

  But Sun Shaozu passed without a hitch, so smooth that it was unbelievable.

  So Feng Ziying felt that there was some unknown secret hidden here.

  The next step is that Wu Yaoqing is going to inquire through various channels, but this is not easy to inquire about. It involves internal negotiations and transactions within the imperial court. Unlike others, Feng Ziying feels that he has to come forward to find out.

The Ministry of War is fairly familiar with itself, whether Zhang Huaichang or Yuan Keli can talk, the key is that people like Yang Sichang, Zheng Chongjian, and Shen Zizheng either work in the Ministry of War, or observe politics in the Ministry of War, and stay in the Ministry of War all day long. It's good to hear some news.

  I have to go to the Ministry of War to discuss the matter of the Zunhua Military Weapons Bureau, and I just went to meet Zhang Huaichang and Xu Dahua.

  By the time Baochai and Baoqin came over, Feng Ziying had already practiced in the small garden, and while Yu Chuaner was there, she finished washing and was ready for breakfast.

"Master stayed up late again yesterday?" Baochai and Baoqin knew that when Feng Ziying came back last night, they summoned two aides in the study to discuss, and later arranged for Jin Chuaner to come over and tell Baochai that it was too late in the study. Sleeping, let Baochai and the others rest early.

   "I took a break at the right time. There is no other way. I got some news and need to discuss it in time." Feng Ziying replied calmly without changing her face.

It is true that he did not stay up all night, and had a lingering relationship with Wang Xifeng in Haishi. Wang Xifeng was weak after drinking, so he was obviously not an opponent, so he could only let himself do whatever he wanted, but he enjoyed it a lot. It was Yu Yong Kejia who made love with them.

   Baoqin pouted, she should have rested in her room last night, her body has not responded, which made Baoqin a little anxious, of course, she knew that her sister was more anxious.

"Sir, don't work too hard." Baochai said with concern, and glanced at the red date and lotus seed soup served by Yu Chuan'er to Feng Ziying, as well as the heated raw milk that Feng Ziying specially asked for, and couldn't help frowning: " Xianggong thinks this milk is good for the body?"

"Well, you all should learn to drink Baochai and Baoqin. It is very beneficial to your health, especially for those with weak constitutions. I have already told Rongguo Mansion that Daiyu is now drinking this. You should also drink it. Don’t think it smells bad, goat’s milk and cow’s milk are both good things, just get used to them, isn’t there a farm in the suburbs of Beijing that raises them?”

  Feng Ziying came to this world and found out that there are no cows that specialize in milk production in Dazhou.

It took him a while to find out through the Taipu Temple that the Mongols entered the Central Plains in the Northern Yuan Dynasty. In fact, there was a history of raising cows and drinking milk. Therefore, in the Ming Dynasty, the custom of raising cows and drinking milk disappeared again.

Of course, that’s not to say that there were none at all. In such a huge capital city, there were many Mongols left in the capital city from the pre-Ming Dynasty. During the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, these Mongols were gradually sinicized, but many people still retained some of their original customs.

  For example, there are still many cows and milk drinkers in the suburbs of Beijing, but there is no general custom anymore, but their own habits.

Originally, the Feng family had a village in the suburbs of Beijing, so when Feng Ziying came here, she naturally asked the Mongolian who raised cows in the suburbs of Beijing to buy more than ten cows for milking, and then sent them to the city every day. , for their own practical use, and also encourage family members to drink this kind of fresh milk, and use Master Zhang's teaching as a basis.

  (end of this chapter)

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