Number of People

Chapter 1397: Xinzi roll gradually into

  Chapter 1397 Xin Zijuan gradually enters

Baochai and Baoqin are not used to drinking cow and goat milk like this, but Feng Ziying said it solemnly, especially when she said that having more bones is good, especially when pregnancy and childbirth need such nourishment, and she also said that it was what Master Zhang said , so it is dubious.

  I drink it occasionally in my normal life, and I gradually got used to it, but I can’t say how much I like it.

  Feng Ziying later got some rock sugar and granulated sugar from Guangzhou and added it in. The taste was quite different, and even the people in the house gradually liked it.

Later, Feng Ziying specially ordered a copy for Lin Daiyu, who lived in Rongguo Mansion, and gave Lin Daiyu a copy of the milk delivered from the village in the suburbs of Beijing every day, and then mixed it with honey and sugar to drink, which was also good for Lin Daiyu's body. Very beneficial.

Originally, Feng Ziying hoped that the old and young men of Rongguo Mansion would also like this hobby, but they failed to do so. People in the Jia family were not very interested in this kind of food that was considered to be the food of the barbarians, and the entire Grand View Garden was also not interested. It is only eaten in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion.

"Sister, my sister and I almost take a bowl every day, but it doesn't have the nourishing effect as you said." Baoqin sat beside Feng Ziying with her mouth pursed, "It's my husband who likes it so much, which drives us Even the wives and aunts in the mansion, as well as the eldest sister of the Shen family, have all started taking it."

"Naturally, everyone should enjoy good things together. They are good for the body, not to mention prolonging life, but at least they can strengthen the muscles and bones." Feng Ziying glanced at Baochai, "You two haven't eaten breakfast yet? You guys order in the back kitchen, eat with me, I will go to the Ministry of War after I eat."

   When Baochai heard that he was going to the Ministry of War, he was also shocked, but he must never talk about going to the army again.

Thinking that her husband is the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, the reasoning should not involve military affairs, but she thought that her husband was raped by the Ministry of War when he was writing in the Imperial Academy, and even went to the Ministry of War late at night when he returned to Beijing in Yongping Mansion, so she thought about it. Very sensitive.

Seeing Baochai's expression, Feng Ziying knew her worry, took her hand gently and smiled and said, "Don't think too much, I'm the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, it's not my turn to fight against the enemy, but it's Zunhua's side I’m going to talk to Master Shang Shu about my son’s problem with the Armament Bureau’s workshop to see if there is a solution, and I also want to ask Sun Shaozu about it.”

  Feng Ziying had no intention of concealing the matter of welcoming the spring from Baochai and Baoqin. This matter will basically be revealed by now, and any further concealment will hurt the relationship and trust between the husband and wife.

   "Sun Shaozu?!" Baochai was also slightly surprised, "Why are you related to this Sun family again?"

   "Well, it has something to do with Yun girl and the second younger sister." Feng Ziying said frankly.

   "Huh?" Baochai and Baoqin were both surprised.

   It was Baoqin who reacted quickly, rolled her eyes, pursed her lips and chuckled, "Could it be that the husband wants to marry the second sister?"

  Feng Ziying also laughed and nodded.

  Marrying and accepting are two completely different concepts. To be precise, only a regular wife can be said to be married.

   But how clever Baoqin is, it is nothing more than a verbal title, and there are no outsiders.

   Baochai also laughed. In fact, she and Baoqin had discussed Yingchun and Xiuyan a long time ago. Although her husband has always been evasive and didn't have a clear attitude, but not having a clear attitude is actually an attitude.

"Actually, my concubine and Baoqin have already guessed it. Although the second sister kept saying that she wanted to give it to the Sun family, she only heard the sound of footsteps and no one came down. The elder was also vague and uncertain. At that time, my concubine felt It's very strange, later there were rumors that the second sister had a crush on her husband,..."

Baochai pursed her lips and smiled, "Actually, Second Sister is quite a nice person, with a soft temper, but this can also avoid many unnecessary disputes. Of course, this has to be in our house. If you change to another house, maybe you will be bullied." temper."

Although Feng Ziying already knew that Baochai and Baoqin would not have any dissatisfaction with Yingchun, after all, after hearing these words, it was considered to be true. This restlessness is the biggest pain point of all men, and he does not want to become like this Well, three concubines and concubines are already complicated enough, if there is any discord between the concubine's room, then it is really inextricable.

"In front of the two virtuous wives, if I act coyly, it will appear that I don't trust or respect the two younger sisters. The second sister is also a coincidence. At the beginning, Uncle Xi also deliberately said that he would give the second sister to me. But what was said was full of untrue words, so my husband ignored it. At that time, it was more about the second sister who was going to be promised to the Sun family. Later, when I accidentally learned about Sun Shaozu's personality, I felt a little guilty for the second sister. The younger sister felt injustice and went to the Sun family with the temperament of the second younger sister, and met Sun Shaozu, a tyrannical and rough man, wouldn't it be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger?"

Feng Ziying took the milk handed over by Yu Chuan'er with her body, and a layer of creamy milky skin appeared on the surface of the boiled fresh milk. Feng Ziying took a sip, and it was slightly sweet and delicious. Yu Chuan'er put a lot of sugar, Feng Ziying likes to drink sweet milk.

   "So Xianggong intends to draw his sword to help when the road is injustice?" Baochai blinked.

   "That's not true. The two sisters know what kind of temperament the second sister is, so they went to ask for their husband, and the chess player..."

Baochai and Baoqin exchanged glances. Sure enough, it was Siqi. No matter how interested Yingchun was in her husband, Yingchun couldn't say it out loud. Only Siqi, a reckless girl, was not afraid of anything. She must have seen her daughter. Feeling happy, I took the initiative to find my husband.

Although there is some dislike for Siqi's behavior, Baochai and Baoqin still have to admit that if there is no Siqi, Yingchun's life will be ruined. From this perspective, Siqi is really a girl. Loyal to protect the master without fear of everything, having such a girl should be the luck of every master.

"The girl Siqi is a bit reckless, but she is loyal to her second sister..." Feng Ziying didn't say much, "I went to ask Uncle She, and he talked about her from left to right, and he didn't give him anything as a husband." Being polite, he explained the purpose of coming, and he hesitated,..."

  Baochai and Baoqin have already accepted this reality, and they don't have much emotion towards Yingchun. In fact, Yingchun is not threatening and combative. Now they are very curious about how they got involved with Shi Xiangyun again.

"Sanggong, since the old man promised his second sister to the old man, what about the Sun family? We heard that the old man asked for a lot of money from the Sun family, or should our family fill it in for him? "Bao Qin asked.

"Uncle Xi's temperament, how could he take out the money that went into his pocket?" Feng Ziying smiled, "I guess he also had this idea, but it happened that another matter came together, so there is some It has changed, that Yun girl's second uncle Shi Nai went to Datong Town to serve as a general, and happened to be under Sun Shaozu. Sun Shaozu is now the deputy commander of Datong Town. Shi Nai was also taken by Sun Shaozu in Datong. In order to please Sun Shaozu, Shi Nai intends to give Yun girl to fill in Sun Shaozu's house. Here, Shi Nai's lobbying for the pardon of Shibo, naturally hit it off. One side can pick out the second sister, and the other side can let Yun girl head over the head. Go up, isn't it the best of both worlds?"

  Both Baochai and Baoqin were taken aback, "Then the second uncle of the historian doesn't know about Sun Shaozu's virtue? Isn't it true that Yun girl entered Sun's house and entered the den of tigers and wolves?"

"Doesn't Shi Nai know? But these brothers from the Shi family are cold-hearted, and Yun Yatou's parents died young. If the two of them valued their friendship, how could they allow Yun Yatou to live in Rongguo Mansion for a few years, and Yun Yatou is also half-hearted." If you don’t mention the words of returning to the historian, don’t you think you can’t see the clues?”

Feng Ziying didn't have too much inclination in his words, but the behavior of the Shijia brothers made people feel cold, they ignored the only daughter left by his brother, and finally even hit his idea on Yun girl. can do it.

   "What should I do? Did girl Yun know about this situation?" Baochai was really worried for her best friend.

  Among the girls in the Grand View Garden, the relationship between Baochai and Daiyu is relatively delicate, while the others are on good terms with Baochai and Daiyu respectively.

Li Wan and Yingchun are closely related to Baochai, Tanchun and Xiuyan are closely related to Daiyu, Xiangyun is closely related to Baochai and Daiyu, and Xichun is closely related to Baochai and Daiyu. They all kept their distance, neither hot nor cold.

  Even maidservants also have closeness and estrangement. For example, Yuanyang and Baochai are friendly, and of course they are not bad for Daiyu, and Pinger is equidistant.

"Young girl Yun should know about it, but the old lady doesn't know about it yet, but this matter won't be hidden for long, and the creation will explode." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "I also said to find a time to meet with girl Yun and have a look. What is she thinking, anyway, girl Yun grew up with us, so we can't watch her fall into the sea of ​​fire without helping her, right?"

"Master, you must help girl Yun in this matter." Baochai held Feng Ziying's hand, looking forward to it, "Young girl Yun and we are very good friends, if she falls into a pit of fire, little sister will sleep She is not stable, and I also believe that you will definitely help her out of this calamity."

Feng Ziying sighed: "Why don't I want to do this, but it depends on the chance. Brother Shi Nai and Shi Ding are the real direct elders of Yun girl. We are all outsiders. It may not be good to intervene rashly, and it may even be counterproductive. There is still some time, I am still thinking about Sun Shaozu's thoughts, I am afraid that he may not only put it on Yun girl, Yun girl is just a step and a stepping stone to him, if he is provided with a better opportunity, maybe He will abandon the marriage with Yun girl without hesitation, just like he did not hesitate to abandon the matter with the second younger sister."

   There will be a wave at 12 o'clock tonight. Brothers, please prepare the guaranteed monthly pass for September and support Lao Rui!



  (end of this chapter)

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