Number of People

Chapter 1400: The Considerations of the Princes of the Imperial Court in Xinzijuan

  Chapter 1400 Xin Zijuan The Considerations of the Court Princes

   "Ziying, it seems that the Shanxi merchants from the Ministry of Industry have gone to negotiate?" Zhang Huaichang asked casually.

"I guess it should be almost the same. The Zunhua Iron Works' problems are more troublesome, and the deficit is even bigger. The Ministry of Industry has been crying for a long time. It is said that Shanshan businessmen paid 400,000 taels of silver to take 60% of the shares. Now Master Cui has reported to the cabinet. We will wait for the cabinet’s approval.”

  Feng Ziying didn't hide it either. The scale and investment of the Zunhua Iron Works are much larger than those of the Zunhua Workshop of the Ordnance Bureau, which cannot be compared.

   "Xihuan, what do you think?" Zhang Huaichang cast his eyes on Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War is not good at military affairs, so instead he is in charge of the arsenal department and the vehicle driving department.

   "My lord, it is true that Zunhua Workshop is in serious shortfall, but the military equipment is of great importance. Is it appropriate to sell it so easily?" Xu Dahua still planned to wait.

Feng Ziying glanced at Xu Dahua. He knew that this guy might want some benefits, but in order to save time and cost, it's okay to ask those Shanshan businessmen to pay some money, but if the lion opened his mouth, it would be a bit of a problem. After that, he had to suppress the other party's words.

"Master Xu, I'm not bragging. The firearms workshop in Yongping Mansion is about twice the size of Zunhua Workshop, and the level of craftsmanship is far higher than that of Zunhua Workshop. That's not to mention Foshan Zhuangji, the scale over there At least it is more than three times the combined size of Jingzhong and Zunhua of the Military Weapons Bureau, not to mention the craftsmanship. Zhuangji directly recruits Xiyi craftsmen from Nanyang, and then trains their own apprentices. The standard is higher. Now that self-generated guns can be produced on a large scale, and the level of imitation red cannons has also caught up with that of the Xiyi people, do you think it is necessary for the Military Weapons Bureau to cherish such wealth?"

   Being pushed up by Feng Ziying was a little uncomfortable, Xu Dahua's face darkened, "Ziying, why do these Shanshan businessmen still care so much about Zunhua Workshop? They might as well build their own workshops."

"My lord, these businessmen from Shanshan and Shanxi are not profitable. The Zunhua Iron Works is ready-made, and the Zunhua Firearms Workshop is also ready-made. There are a large number of skilled craftsmen and craftsmen. With a little modification, they can get started immediately. As for Foshan Although the scale over there is large, there is not enough iron in Foshan, so it has to be transported from outside. The freight costs are high, and the cost will be high. Moreover, our Dazhou military weapons are mainly used in the nine sides, all of which are in the north. The cost of transporting them is also high. Plus 10%, how can it be compared to building on the spot in the capital?"

Feng Ziying's attitude was also very casual. He was not used to the other party, but he was not too harsh. Instead, he reasoned with the other party peacefully and naturally, "Besides, it is agreed that the military workshop can be supervised by the imperial court. If there is any problem, there is also a veto, so that everyone can live in peace and get what they need, why not do it?"

Xu Dahua's mentality became a little calmer, and he also knew that he couldn't stop this incident, so he just set up some more obstacles, which were just to attract dissatisfaction from Shanxi businessmen and scholars from the central and northern regions, so it didn't make much sense, so he just Say no more.

And Zhang Huaichang already knew that Xu Dahua was such a character, and he didn't know how Ye Xianggao and Emperor Yonglong reached a compromise on this person and let him come to the Ministry of War. Don't ask too much, if he is really allowed to intervene in military affairs, then it will really be a big deal.

   After talking about the workshop of the Zunhua Military Weapons Bureau, Xu Dahua simply patted his **** and left, leaving only Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying.

  Yuan Keli is still in Yangzhou and has not come back. It seems that there are many problems in Huaiyang Township. If such a military town is to be established, there will be a very fierce dispute on the issue of the commander-in-chief.

  The cabinet, the emperor, the Ministry of War, the Six Ministries of Nanjing and the Jiangnan gentry behind them all have plans.

  Zhang Huaichang is from Liaodong, and he is not very interested in the formation of Huaiyang Town, but this is determined by the cabinet in order to appease the public opinion in Jiangnan. As Minister of the Ministry of War, he will not object.

The poor performance of Guyuan Town made him, the minister of the Ministry of War, inclined to abolish Guyuan Town and shrink Ningxia and Gansu Towns. Of course, in exchange, Huang Ruliang also promised Zhang Huaichang that Denglai Navy and Fujian Navy would be further strengthened, and Jingxiang Town would also ensure , the six towns of Liaodong, Jizhen, Xuanfu, Datong, Shanxi, and Yulin shall not reduce investment.

   Zhang Huaichang admired Feng Ziying very much, probably because of his love for Wu and Wu.

  Feng Tang's work in Liaodong was in line with Zhang Huaichang's wishes. Although there was a defeat in Fushun, it was the scourge left by Li Chengliang and could not be blamed on Feng Tang.

Feng Tang adopted military defense as the main focus, and economic infiltration and control. He adopted the method of winning over the Inner Kalkha, Horqin, and Haixi Jurchen on the Eastern Mongolian grassland to form a united front against the Jianzhou Jurchen, and achieved great success. effective.

   At least now Jianzhou Jurchen had to change direction. On the one hand, they attacked the wild Jurchen first, and on the other hand, they won over the Chahar people, but they failed to make much progress in Liaodong.

"My lord, I am afraid that the situation in the southwest needs to be treated with caution. I am worried that this is not limited to the southwest, and may involve other things." Feng Ziying has been thinking about this topic for a long time, and Wang Ziteng's strange behavior cannot but make people worry. He has already noticed it, but he feels that they are still a little careless.

   "Because of Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army?" Zhang Huaichang did not shy away from saying, "I am worried that they will have an affair with Yang Yinglong, um, including some people in our court?"

  Feng Ziying laughed, "My lord, Huaiyang Town makes people feel uneasy."

   "Ziying is so worried? The Nine-Border Elite, how can you not know the details?" Zhang Huaichang said proudly: "As long as the imperial court controls the Nine-Border Elite, everything will be under control."

"My lord, the elite of the nine sides will soon become the elite of the seven sides." Feng Ziying smiled wryly, "You know the performance of Guyuan Town in the southwest. Can this be called an elite? The mediocre performance is worrying."

"If the Nine Frontier Army can't do it, then there's no need to mention the others." Zhang Huaichang sighed, "Abolishing Guyuan and reducing Ganning, that's something that can't be helped. The issue of Huaiyang Town has already caused several quarrels within the imperial court. It's been a month, and it's not a solution to procrastinate. It is also a fact that Japanese pirates harassed Jiangnan. The imperial court and capital all depend on Jiangnan's water transportation. You also know that there have been rumors of civil uprisings in Jiangnan. We all know who are behind the scenes, but we need to take the overall situation into consideration. Get over the situation in front of you first."

"My lord, since I became an official, I have never felt that the court has been relaxed. Every year, something happened here, or it couldn't survive there. Every year, you said that you should get through the current difficult situation first. Then next year, if there is more What should I do if it's too bad?" Feng Ziying also had a serious expression on her face, "Treating the symptoms but not the root cause, I just want to be safe, and something will happen sooner or later."

   Zhang Huaichang didn't know, but the problem is that the current situation of the imperial court can only treat the symptoms first and control the situation before talking about other things.

"I know what Ziying you are worried about. The emperor and the cabinet should also think about it, but sometimes it is inconvenient for outsiders to comment on the affairs of the Tian family, and sometimes it is difficult for the cabinet." Zhang Huaichang rubbed his temples. When it is exposed, you can only wait and see what happens, otherwise, if you intervene early, it may be regarded as intentionally provoking and leading, and you and I can't afford this hat."

When Feng Ziying left the Ministry of War, Feng Ziying was in a very heavy heart. After all, the princes of the court were still reluctant to intervene in the affairs of the Tian family. More importantly, everyone was a little unclear about the future situation, so everyone Willing to sit and wait until the situation settles down.

  Anyway, no matter who sits on the throne, it is impossible to get around the scholars, so they are sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

  The problem is that this kind of delay may lead to many unexpected risks, and may even be taken advantage of by internal and external enemies. This point seems to be ignored intentionally or unintentionally.

  What should I do to save the situation? Feng Ziying thought hard. After she was in Shuntian Mansion, she had more power over specific matters, but her influence on the princes in the court was less. I don't want to be in the Imperial Academy. My main focus is to understand the situation and make plans, whether it is the six ministers It's still the princes, even the emperor, who can talk freely without worrying about others.

  But it’s different now. If you exceed the scope a little bit, other officials will think that you are ambitious or unreasonable. Those people also have a lot of resistance, so Feng Ziying has to think about it.

  After thinking about it, Feng Ziying still felt that he would go to Qi Yongtai's place for a while, and he would still find it hard to let go of his worries if he didn't tell the truth.

   "Are you worried that Prince Yizhong will revolt in Jiangnan, um, or raise the banner of rebellion?" Qi Yongtai's tone was not as surprised and nervous as Feng Ziying imagined, but seemed to be assessing the possibility of this.

"Master Qi, Jia Jing was the former chief think tank of Prince Yizhong, especially the financial area. It is said that Jia Jing was always in charge of it. Now he has faked his death and went to Jiangnan. Tang Binyin is also going to Jiangnan with him. And Master Han Jing, this is what I can be sure of. The King of Beijing must be among them. As a suffering prince, I am very worried that some unexpected incident will cause..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Qi Yongtai laugh. Seeing Qi Yongtai's relaxed smile, Feng Ziying felt much more relaxed for no reason.

   "Ziying, do you think we are aware of what you said?" Qi Yongtai asked back.

   "Should be aware of it?" Feng Ziying was not sure how much they judged this threat.

   "Well, I must have noticed it, but based on the current situation, do you think there is much hope for someone to raise the banner of rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River?" Qi Yongtai asked again.

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, then shook her head: "There is almost no hope, no righteousness, no military support, relying on Jiangnan alone, it is impossible."

   The third update!



  (end of this chapter)

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