Number of People

Chapter 1401: Xin Zijuan's parents are short-sighted (seeking tickets for the fourth update!)

  Chapter 1401 Xin Zijuan's parents are short (seeking tickets for the fourth update!)

"By the way, what we want, those people also want to get. Everyone is waiting for an opportunity." Qi Yongtai said leisurely: "We have our cognition, and they also have their judgments, but no one will say it out. Before the matter is revealed or made clear, no one will admit it, and you can't even bring it up on the table. This seems to be a deadlock,..."

Feng Ziying was silent. Indeed, even Emperor Yonglong was wary, not absolutely sure, or worried that it might cause irreparable damage, and would rather take the strategy of procrastinating, because procrastination is obviously more beneficial to him, but the premise is that his body can bear it. Can live.

  But can Emperor Yonglong's body last forever?

  Will Prince Yizhong continue to procrastinate?

   These are all variables.

Feng Ziying has never been willing to pin his hope and destiny on such variables. According to his thinking, the imperial court, or the scholars in the North, should not respond passively like this, but should actively target them, even if they end up bearing some charges and responsibilities. It's better than doing nothing and being overwhelmed in the end.

  Perhaps the imperial court has also made some preparations in this regard, such as some layouts on the Six Departments of Nanjing, but Feng Ziying feels that this is far from enough.

Like Huaiyang Town, if it really cannot be stopped, the imperial court must firmly control the formation of the entire Huaiyang Army. On this point, Feng Ziying feels that the Ministry of War has not firmly grasped it, but adheres to the intention of the cabinet and is willing to Find a compromise in it.

  Not in his position but not seeking his own government, when Feng Ziying came out of Qi Yongtai's mansion, he could only keep repeating this sentence to comfort himself, but he still couldn't let it go.

   When the situation is really rotten, who can take care of himself alone? As the Chancellor of Shuntian Fu, he is afraid that he will face a worse situation. Of course, he is not willing to stand still and wait for death.

But Qi Shi is still limited by morality or the consistency and continuity of the cabinet's policies, and he is unwilling to criticize and argue too much to change the cabinet's established strategy. This kind of approach that takes the overall situation into account is sometimes necessary in Feng Ziying's view, but Sometimes it seems too pale.

  What can I do? Whether it is public or private, Feng Ziying is not willing to really have the situation that he is most worried about, but if he can't stop it, he has to make some arrangements for both public and private, and he has already done it before, but it is not enough .

Looking at the continuous flow of people on the street, the guys in the shop are talking and laughing in the last spare time, some have already started to close, the driver of the car, the hawker with the stall on his back, the entertainer who is looking for a suitable place to set up a night market juggler, and Idle people who are busy going out to have a drink, everything is so harmonious and peaceful,…

  The sky was gradually getting dark, but still the capital city could not be calmed down. Perhaps the hidden worries of the prosperous age were best reflected at this moment. Feng Ziying felt that she could not just sit back and watch.

  Shen Yixiu, Baochai, Baoqin and the others clearly felt that her husband was not in a good mood these two days, and looked a little unhappy. Obviously, this was related to official duties.

  At the age of 20, he was appointed as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. One can imagine how great the pressure is, especially when his resume is not rich, and the princes in the court have high expectations of him.

Going out early and returning late every day, coming and going in a hurry, maybe the only time he can relax is when he goes home and rests. Shen Yixiu and Baochai Baoqin, who are aware of this, are doing their best to fulfill their responsibilities as wives and try their best to Let the husband have another warm and comfortable atmosphere after returning home, so that the husband can relax as much as possible.

After dinner, Feng Ziying leaned on the kang, Yunshang knelt behind him, massaged his shoulders and neck, rested her head in the arms of the beauty, the fragrance was fragrant, Feng Ziying's eyes were half closed, and when he heard footsteps coming in, he opened his eyes. However, Eryou came in with Shen Yixiu, and Qingwen followed behind with her daughter in her arms.

   "Msister-in-law is at ease, and I will take a rest tomorrow, what arrangements can my husband make?" Shen Yixiu sat down at the other end of the kang table.

"Oh? What are Wanjun's arrangements?" Feng Ziying also thought that she hadn't gone out for a long time. This early summer season, the weather in central Beijing is just right, neither too hot nor too cold. Here, it is indeed a bit depressed, I am busy with official duties, and I am still a little negligent in caring for them.

"The concubine just went to talk to the two younger sisters, Baochai and Baoqin, that they also really want to go out for an outing with Xianggong, to relax, it depends on Xianggong's interest." Shen Yixiu carefully observed the complexion between her husband's brows, " If the husband is interested, we as a family can go out to the Haichao Nunnery on the side of Xunhechang tomorrow. ,..."

Feng Ziying thought for a while, although Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng, the lords in the Rongguo Mansion, didn't go out very often, or basically didn't go out with their family members, but people like Jia Lian and Jia Baoyu still went out with Jia's mother from time to time. Yes, of course this is more like the younger generation accompanying the elders to go out.

  However, the Feng family doesn't seem to have developed this habit. Both mother and aunt are used to going out by themselves, occasionally accompanied by themselves, and most of them go to temples to burn incense and pray for blessings. Such simple outings are really rare.

Seeing Shen Yixiu's expectant eyes, Feng Ziying certainly would not refuse, it was rare to take a bath, the wives and concubines were all interested, of course he would not disappoint, he simply called his mother and aunt, and the whole family went out for a stroll and a rest Fan.

   "Second and third sisters also want to go?" Feng Ziying asked, taking a look at the second and third sisters You who had been with Shen Yixiu all the time.

   "Yes." Second Sister You nodded, but Third Sister You didn't care, anyway, except for Feng Ziying who was in the yamen, she would find a way to accompany her whenever possible, such as going to other counties, of course, not in the capital city.

   During this period of time, Second Sister You has been somewhat neglected.

After the separation of the first room and the second room, Second Sister You only had a short period of happiness. That was more than a month after returning to Yongping Mansion. After returning to the capital city, Shen Yixiu's body had not yet recovered, so she could pamper the queen alone. room, but after three or four months, Shen Yixiu recovered, so the rules must be followed.

  Because the long room and the second room come according to the order of pairs, Feng Ziying rests on the side of the long room every single, and rests on the side of the second room every time, so the time when the second sister You can get favors is much less.

  However, Feng Ziying still likes Second Sister You's meekness and flattery, and occasionally finds a noon to go to her room to take a nap.

"Then let's all go, call mother and aunt, and let the whole family have a good rest." Feng Ziying generously promised: "I promised you, I must keep it once, so as not to always say that I broke my promise and became fat in the future. .”

"Sister-in-law, don't say that, everything should be done first." Shen Yixiu shook his head, "Actually, concubines and sisters are fine at home. They can draw, write, kick the shuttlecock, throw pots, play chess, etc. There is mahjong invented by Xianggong. Now the two younger sisters Baochai and Baoqin are here. We can play a game after lunch break. Baochai and Baoqin are very good, but the concubine needs a helper. honest,…"

  Feng Ziying was very interested, and looked at Second Sister You: "Why is Second Sister not good at this?"

  Second Sister You was also quite ashamed, her fair and plump face was blushing to her ears, "It's all because I am stupid and can't remember the cards. Every time I go to play mahjong with my sister, I lose, and my sister's reputation is ruined..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help clapping her hands and laughing, "Second Sister, what you said is a little funny. It's not a skill, it's just a leisurely game for fun. If you blindly judge a hero by winning or losing, it will be inferior."

"What Xianggong said is, but now that you are sitting at the table, no one wants to be the loser. Money is a trivial matter. Everyone still has a determination to win or lose. It's fine once or twice, but if you lose all the time, you must be upset." Not happy,..." Shen Yixiu also laughed, "The second sister is just too honest, the two younger sisters Baochai and Baoqin, especially the younger sister Baoqin, is easy to tell the truth,..."

That's true, playing cards is all about staying at the top and not changing color. The second sister You is a concubine herself, her status is slightly lower, and she can't compare with the others economically. If you care too much about winning or losing, you will inevitably do everything Yu Se, when he gets a good card, he smiles brightly, and when he gets a bad card, he sighs. Naturally, he will be watched by others. Although luck is the main thing, it will show up over time.

"Well, the second sister should do the opposite next time. If she gets a good card, she will frown and sigh, and if she gets a bad card, she will look up and be aggressive. In this way, they will keep Baochai and Baoqin, and they will win..." Feng Ziying laughed. To give advice to Second Sister You.

   "Master, this is a bad idea. If the second sister can change her expression like acting like this, then there is no need for me to say it?" Third sister You smiled and shook her head: "My sister is a loser,..."

  Hearing her younger sister teasing herself, Second Sister You was not happy, "You are not much better than me, Third Sister. I see that you have fought a few times and you have lost all of them?"

   "That's because I didn't pay attention,..." Third Sister You quibbled, "I really need to pay attention, I don't know who will win."

  The room was full of laughter and laughter, which woke up Feng Qiwu, who was already asleep, and started crying.

Qingwen hurriedly hugged and coaxed the little girl to sleep, but there was nothing she could do for a while, Yunshang got out of bed to take it, and coaxed it well, the little girl stopped crying and poked her mouth a few times to fall asleep, but Feng Ziying I was very surprised, I didn't expect Yunshang to have such abilities.

   "Don't you know, sir? This girl likes Yunshang the most, she always falls asleep with Yunshang in her arms, and as long as Yunshang is with her at night, everyone can sleep soundly." Shen Yixiu couldn't help but praise Yunshang.

   Lao Rui is still working hard, so many votes, brothers!



  (end of this chapter)

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