Number of People

Chapter 1404: Xin Zijuan Yinfeng

  Chapter 1404 Xin Zijuan Yinfeng

"Under normal circumstances, only Yu Chuan and I can come in." Jin Chuan'er couldn't hide her pride in her words, "There is a row of study rooms, reception rooms, and my grandfather's lunch room over there. My grandfather is often there, and Yu Chuan and I You can only go in at regular intervals, or only when you are called by the master, do you see the attics on the roofs of the wing rooms on both sides?"

  Zijuan had also seen the attics at both ends that were obviously higher than one end, and she nodded without asking.

"There are people staring at it day and night, and that's the most secret place for me." Jin Chuan'er smiled, "I also said that it's not the most important thing, but I don't like outsiders to disturb me, so even the grandmas can't be bothered." Come, come, and won’t go into that row of houses.”

Zijuan joked, "Hey, you said you were fat, and you were panting. You are really a caring person. Only you two can go in, not even the grandma. Isn't it just to show that you two are in the grandpa?" Is it unusual in your mind?"

  Jin Chuaner blushed at Zi Juan's words, and quickly explained: "No, the main reason is that the grandmas won't come over at all, and of course the others won't come."

"Okay, I'm not here for Chagang, you don't need to explain to me." Zijuan laughed, "You have a birthday at the end of the month, and there are still a few days left. My girl also said that you are working hard by your side. Let me bring you a present, here, take it, this is specially bought by my girl from Sun Jinji, you can also hang it next to your body,..."

  Zi Juan stuffed a ring-shaped jade pendant into Jin Chuan'er's hand. Jin Chuan'er was startled, and quickly declined: "How can this be done? I am grateful for Miss Lin's kindness to me, but this..."

"Okay, I know that you have always been unwilling to accept things from others, but my girl is different. You also know that her temperament is like that, but she treats people with heart. You are sincere by your side. I also understand, there is no other meaning, are you still worried that Uncle Feng will be dissatisfied with my girl for everything?" Zijuan laughed, "Don't worry, my girl will talk to you when she finds a chance, no Make it difficult for you, besides, my girl will pass through the door next year, and it is a family, why bother to see outsiders?"

  Jin Chuaner hesitated.

She also knew that the master's love for Miss Lin was always different, it was different from Grandma Shen and the Xue family, it was a fate of life and death, and it is said that the master was also the first to be engaged to Miss Lin at the beginning, It was also because Ms. Lin was too young, and the wife and the others were looking forward to the early marriage of the master to continue the incense, so they chose Grandma Shen. Whether this statement is true or not is unknown, but it is enough to show that the relationship between the master and Ms. Lin is not good. generally.

Just when Jin Chuan'er was hesitating, Zijuan stuffed the jade pendant into Jin Chuan'er's hand, and then took out her own gift, a feather-white silk handkerchief with a string of red cherries embroidered on it. , It's really cute, "This is mine, it's not as good as my girl's, it's just a wish."

   As for Zijuan's gift, Jin Chuan'er accepted it without hesitation, thanked her, and hid it preciously.

"Then Zijuan, you thanked Miss Lin for me. I also want to report to Uncle Ming. Tomorrow, the uncle and his wife and grandma will go to Xunhechang Haichao Nunnery, and I will follow. Find a time I'll make it clear to you." Jin Chuan'er nodded.

"Oh? Are you going to Xunhechang Haichao Nunnery?" Zijuan's eyes lit up, "My girl has long said that the Xunhechang Haichao Temple has beautiful scenery and beautiful mountains and rivers. Miss San and Miss Yun said it before, but they haven't chosen a time,..."

  Jin Chuaner glanced at Zijuan with a half-smile, "Zijuan, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day. Maybe you girls think tomorrow is the right day?"

  Zijuan blinked her eyes: "Yes, the almanac says that tomorrow is just right for traveling, and the weather is good these days. I think my girls probably chose tomorrow for traveling."

   Both of them laughed.

Jin Chuaner inadvertently revealed to Feng Ziying and her party the travel dates, and Zijuan naturally understood. Although it is not suitable for the unmarried couple to meet in private, this kind of public outing meeting has little effect. If there are other people together, then it will be no problem. Yes, this is also an opportunity to meet together, far better than girls coming to Feng's residence to meet Grandma Shen and Grandma Xue.


"What's the matter, we agreed to go to Xunhechang Haichao Nunnery for an outing, but you didn't go? Is this deliberately to please your grandma, or to please your father?" Feng Ziying looked at the dark circles under her eyes. Qingwen's pretty face seems to be sharper. It is obvious that the arrival of her biological parents in the past few days has brought her a lot of trouble. She doesn't think about food, food, and sleep, which is why she looks like this.

"My lord, this servant is always not at ease, and I don't know why, but I am upset. Although the servants understand what the lord said, I just can't get over that hurdle." Qingwen bit her lip, twisted her sweat towel with her fingers , standing in front of Feng Ziying, short of breath and guilty.

"If you can't pass this hurdle, let's put it there for the time being. After a long time, your mind will become calm. If you see a lot of mortals in the world, you will feel that there is nothing you can't pass." Feng Ziying smiled faintly. I don't force you to accept anything, just understand your own affairs, and you will eventually understand, but it can't affect the mood of the master. If you don't follow me today, if there is one less, then the master will not be happy. "

   This is playing arbitrarily and domineeringly, but Feng Ziying likes this tune, and he can't do whatever he wants. Isn't it a waste of time?

  Qing Wen's heart warmed up, regardless of whether the other party's words were sincere or false, she felt touched by being able to take herself so seriously.

She knew that she was handsome, and this master probably came here because of her looks at the beginning, but after coming out of Rongguo Mansion and coming to Feng Mansion, the more she got in touch with this master, the more she admired this master's talent and ability At the same time, Qingwen felt that she was becoming more and more unable to understand this master's mind.

I have agreed a long time ago, even my grandma has agreed, and Qingwen has long been ready to be confiscated. From the bottom of my heart, she is also willing. Which of her daughter's homes is not good enough? I miss Baoyu, but now Baoyu's impression in Qingwen's eyes has become dim and pitiful. This man is his backbone, a man who can rely on him for a lifetime.

   "My lord said so, if the slave girl wants to say more, it will be ignorant of flattery. Then the slave girl will go and talk to her parents." Qingwen nodded slightly, blessed, and prepared to go down.

Feng Ziying thought for a while, "There is still some time now, and they still have to clean up, Qingwen, go and call your parents, I will meet and talk, don't say your parents are here, but I am stingy When I saw you, I lost my courtesy."

  Qingwen was taken aback, "Master, don't you need it?"

   "Go, it's your parents after all. I'll see you sooner or later. It's better to see you sooner than later, so as to make a good impression." Feng Ziying waved her hand indifferently.

  Qingwen was more and more moved, she bit her lip and nodded, and hurried down.

  Shen Yixiu also came in, and asked with a little surprise: "Master, do you want to meet Qingwen's parents?"

   "Well, it's good to meet you. There is a severe drought in Yizhou. I will also know about the situation there." Feng Ziying nodded.

Several large prefectures around Gyeonggi, Baoding, Hejian, and Zhending are densely populated and narrow. Once a flood or drought occurs, the pressure of the refugees will be quickly transmitted to Jingshi City. In the past few years, the weather in the entire northern region, including Northern Zhili Not so good. There are fewer good years and more disasters. Not only small families can't survive, but some middle-class families are also on the verge of extinction. If there is another severe drought this year, it is really easy to cause big problems.

Shen Yixiu also sighed. Northern Zhili is facing the severe pressure of the drought, and Shuntian Prefecture bears the brunt. Not only does it have to bear the pressure of Shuntian Prefecture itself, but it also inevitably encounters the impact of the surrounding prefectures. This is the responsibility that the capital must bear. .

  It was the first time for my husband to serve as the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, and he met a governor who didn't take care of him and didn't catch him. Naturally, he had to shoulder the responsibility. One can imagine how much pressure my husband will have this winter.

   Soon Qingwen came in with a middle-aged man and woman.

  Feng Ziying's first impression was not bad.

Although the couple's clothes are shabby, they are still clean and tidy. Maybe it's because they are thinking about coming to their daughter's master's house, or because Qingwen ordered them to tidy up. The man was a little shy, but the woman was quite shrewd.

  Feng Ziying briefly asked about the situation at home. The man almost asked and answered each sentence, but the woman was more generous and said a few more words. After Feng Ziying finished asking, she changed the subject and began to ask about the situation in Yizhou.

  As soon as this topic was brought up, the man’s attitude became more positive. He introduced that since last year, there has been little rain in Yizhou. Especially this spring, there was almost no rain, and the summer grain harvest has become a reality.

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "Wheat is planted in spring and millet is planted in summer in Yizhou. If the season for planting millet in May and June improves and the rain is suitable, it should still be able to maintain it?"

In this era, corn, as the largest autumn tax in the Northland, still accounts for more than 60%, which means that in the Northland, wheat planting continues to expand and its importance continues to increase, but it still has not replaced corn as the largest taxpayer. , the collection of corn in the autumn tax in the north is the largest household.

  So, what really determines whether the common people can survive or survive depends on the corn harvest in autumn.

  The man was a little surprised, but when he thought about it, this is the grand master of Shuntian Mansion, and the stars of Wenqu and music descended from the sky, so he naturally knows about farming time and farming.

"Back to the master, autumn grain is of course the most important thing, but if wheat is the life-saving grain for our farm this year, the autumn tax is all for the government and the masters, how can there be much left, and I heard from the old people , this year's weather is similar to that of the 28th year of Yuanxi and the 3rd year of Yonglong. It seems that the rain is scarce, and the harvest of autumn grain must be difficult,..."

The man babbled on, sometimes making some local accents, which made it difficult for Feng Ziying to hear, but he still insisted on asking a few questions, mainly to understand if there was a problem in Baoding Mansion in Yizhou. In the case of harvest or even no harvest, when the government's relief cannot keep up, the common people generally have those options.

  No surprise, the man didn't understand Feng Ziying's intentions at first, and it took a while to figure out that what Feng Ziying wanted to ask was their habits after the disaster.

He also honestly said that borrowing money, fleeing from famine, selling himself, or running directly to Baoanzhou and Wanquandusi in the north, mainly refers to young and strong laborers. Stationing requires a large number of teachers. Although it is difficult and there is a risk of death in battle, they can always fill their stomachs so that they will not starve to death. Even those who are brave enough to go to the Mongols can directly climb over the side wall to beg for food.

  Of course, the old and the weak, women and children definitely don't have the physical strength to go over the mountains and run to the frontier.

   "That means that people on your side ran to the side when they couldn't make it through? Well, there are still people who climbed over the side wall and left the customs?" Feng Ziying asked calmly, "How is this the case?"

"Back to the master, there is no way to do this. There is no land, and the borrower is not willing to borrow money, and there is nothing to sell at home, what else can I do?" They have to stop them, but if they run to the north, the government will turn a blind eye and close their eyes..."

  Feng Ziying nodded, asked a few more questions, and then sent the two of them out.

The middle-aged men and women went out, and honestly led by Qingwen to a cramped dormitory in the backyard. After saying a few words, Qingwen left, and exchanged fearful glances with each other. But he was already sweating through his heavy clothes.

   Keep working hard to get a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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