Number of People

Chapter 1405: Xin Zijuan Encounter

  Chapter 1405 Coincidence of Xin Zijuan

   Just after Qingwen left with her parents, Feng Ziying frowned, "Wan Jun, what do you think of Qingwen's parents?"

  Shen Yixiu was a little surprised, she heard that Feng Ziying's words seemed a little dissatisfied, and said in a deep voice, "Why, what does your husband think of this couple?"

"I can't say it. It is reasonable to say that I met Qingwen. After leaving for so many years, there should be some feelings of guilt and anxiety in it. Well, I feel that this couple seems to be uneasy, but it is more of a kind of feeling. Nervous, even vigilant, uh, I don’t know if I’m being too sensitive. Is it possible that a daughter who hasn’t seen her for more than ten years and doesn’t care about her is now coming to seek help? Is there a relationship between mother and daughter? Or is my request too high?"

Feng Ziying was actually purely expressing emotion and emotion. Shen Yixiu heard it and sighed, "Poor couples are sad about everything, just like poor people in the countryside. They are busy with making ends meet all day long. How can there be so much sorrow for spring and autumn? They are all reduced to the situation of selling their children and selling their daughters. After more than ten years, how much of the relationship between parents and children can survive here? Don’t they come here for their livelihood? "

  Feng Ziying was silent.

  After coming to this world for so many years, he can be considered to have come into contact with all kinds of grassroots, and deeply felt the sufferings of the people.

  From the perspective of the previous life, it has become a luxury to struggle and struggle to survive, and to only have a half-filled belly.

  For a while, he didn't know what words to use to describe the peasants of this era. The people were really in dire straits, and if there were any natural or man-made disasters, it would be a catastrophe.

   It’s no wonder that people’s life expectancy is so short in this era, and diseases are so easy to kill children. Many of them are due to poor physical condition caused by malnutrition, and some small diseases can destroy a person’s body.

The various uprisings in northern Shaanxi at the end of the Ming Dynasty really had no choice but to starve to death, or to rebel and die instead, early death and late death, late death is better than early death, why not give it a try, in case Chen Sheng Wu Guang or Like Zhu Yuanzhang, it is better to fight for glory and wealth than to die aggrieved by a wimp.

  Chinese people never have the courage to take risks, it depends on whether there is suitable soil and environment for germination.

  However, the destructiveness to social structure and wealth caused by rebellion is often difficult to assess, so in order to curb this destructive impulse, it is first necessary to kill and quell it from the bud.

   As for the method and method to be adopted, it is a matter of opinion, or it can be said that the combination of hard and soft is the best way to suppress and appease.

"Forget it, it's no wonder that Qingwen is entangled. When encountering such a thing, it always messes up her mood. I don't know whether it will be a disaster or a blessing for her to find her parents back for her. Only she can go slowly. Taste it." Feng Ziying clapped her hands and sighed.

"Xianggong, no matter what Qingwen thinks in the end, but this matter of Xianggong is for her sake. As for how she will deal with it, it is purely a matter of her own mentality, and has nothing to do with what Xianggong did. She can't tell the difference anyway, our Feng family is really not suitable for her." Shen Yixiu said coldly.

Feng Ziying thinks it is true, Qingwen's temperament is a little stubborn, in a good way, it is called staunch and perseverance, in her arms, it is called stubbornness, if this kind of person is a little bit more knowledgeable about current affairs, he is a good hand , but if it goes to extremes, it is troublesome.

  From the current point of view, Qingwen has not yet reached the worst step, but she has to grind it out. I hope she can change after this incident.


   Daiyu got up early.

After Zijuan brought back the news last night, Daiyu was very happy, but she also struggled for a long time on whether she should call Shangtan girl, and whether she should call someone else, and finally she still felt that she should call Yun girl as well. call.

  The reason why Shi Xiangyun was also called was because Daiyu thought that girl Yun was in an extremely bad mood during this period, especially since Shi Nai had already stated that he wanted to promise her to Sun Shaozu, which made Shi Xiangyun even more terrified.

It just so happened that the old ancestor was not in good health during this time, and Shi Xiangyun was unwilling to bother the old ancestor because of this matter, and she also vaguely felt that even if the old ancestor wanted to intervene in this matter, the two uncles might not give up. I know the virtues of my two uncles, especially the two aunts who are more worry-free.

  That's why Daiyu wanted to take Yun girl to relax together. If Brother Feng could give me an idea, it would be great.

   "The girl is really kind-hearted, but she may also cause trouble." Zijuan said while combing Daiyu's hair.

   "How to say?" Daiyu said calmly.

"I know that the second girl finally got rid of the Sun family, but Miss Smith was actually harmed by the historian and the old man..." Zijuan pursed her lips and said, "If you call Miss Smith, you will definitely meet Uncle Feng Do you want Uncle Feng to give you an idea? Uncle Feng is so capable, if Uncle Feng really tells Smith about it, maybe the sons and grandsons will turn around and turn around again, the second girl what to do?"

Daiyu was taken aback, thinking about it, the fact that the second sister wanted to join the Feng family as a concubine was a bit semi-public, that is to say, the elders above were unwilling to say it, but in fact, the people below and the sisters did not know each other. It's announced, after so much tossing, if the second sister can really go to Feng's house, she might have jumped out of the cage and gained freedom and happiness.

  With Brother Feng's temperament, even if Second Sister is his concubine, he will definitely not treat her badly. For Second Sister's temperament, it is actually the best way out.

  Then if Sun Shaozu didn't succeed with Yun Yatou, maybe he really wanted to come back and talk to his uncle about the second sister, wouldn't that hurt the second sister?

   Thinking of this, Daiyu couldn't help frowning: "Then Sun Shaozu isn't so boring, is he?"

"Girl thinks too much about people's hearts. I'm afraid there are not many warriors who hang out in the borderlands who are not cruel, merciless and thick-skinned characters. They only care about immediate interests, so how can they care too much about other things?" Zi Juan pursed her mouth. , "What's more, as long as you have money, the old man..."

Daiyu turned her head and patted Zijuan's hand, and said with a serious face: "Damn girl, be careful with what you say, what kind of warriors are messing around on the sidelines, why don't you overturn a boat of people with a single pole? And uncle is also on your side Can you evaluate it?"

Zijuan stuck out her tongue, the first half of the sentence did imply that Uncle Feng's father was involved, but the second half of the sentence was about the old man, and even her own girl knew it well, and she was usually quite embarrassing. The second girl fights against injustice, but it's definitely not appropriate to say it by herself at this moment.

Daiyu sighed again, "Second sister is a pitiful person, if she really married into the Sun family, she would definitely not be able to survive, she is so honest, even any servant can ride on her head to make a fool of herself." Domineering, Brother Feng's place is her best home."

  Zijuan was also a little touched. Her daughter was indeed kind-hearted. Although she was unwilling to forgive others, she was a typical knife-mouthed tofu.

   "The girl thinks what should I do?" Zijuan also hesitated, "Maybe talk to Uncle Feng, and Uncle Feng will definitely be considerate."

   Daiyu glanced at Zijuan, "What do you think, girl Yun?"

"The girl finds an opportunity to avoid Smith and Uncle Feng for the time being." Zijuan said naturally: "Miss Smith is not ignorant, she must know that Miss has something to say to Uncle Feng alone, Naturally, I will take the initiative to avoid it."

   "You will arrange it." Daiyu just said one sentence, but didn't say anything more.

After a while, Tanchun and Xiangyun arrived hand in hand. Although Xiangyun was not in a good mood, under the relief of Daiyu and Tanchun, he temporarily let go of his worries. The group of people also went out to get in the car and headed to Gaoliang. The river patrol factory on the other side of the river is here.

  Here Feng Ziying and his party are also mighty, with seven or eight horse-drawn carriages meandering continuously, plus guards and servants, there are no less than thirty people. This is the largest outing for the Feng family in so long.

This great week followed the Ming system, and there were a lot of officials traveling during this rest period, most of them brought their families with them. There are also many places to visit in this capital city, such as the pine forest at the Temple of Heaven, the willow forest at the Gaoliang Bridge, and the water in Deshengmen. Guan and Andingmen are full of wells, which are good places to visit. In April, you can also visit Tantuo Temple Buddha Snake, West Lake View, Yuquan Mountain, Xiangshan Mountain, and Biyun Temple. They are all places that people in Beijing like to go to.

  The river patrol factory is surrounded by willow forests, the river is winding, and the water is gurgling.

After finding an open place, the guards naturally went to the indigo curtain, surrounded it, separated a large open space, and unloaded various things from the carriage, including tables, chairs and benches. There are specially brought all kinds of snacks, laid out, just like a small gathering at home, and they sit along the long table.

Naturally, the big and small Duan families sat at the top, Feng Ziying took the first one on the left, Shen Yixiu sat on the opposite side, Baochai Baoqin and Eryou also sat down next to each other, and the maids also went to the benches and sat down with their masters behind.

Seeing this scene, Da Duan was also very happy, but remembering that Feng Ziying still has no male heirs, this is what bothered Da Duan the most, even though he knew that such an occasion was not the time to say these things, it was still unavoidable I want to beat Shen Shi, Xue Shi and Eryou, and ask them to hurry up and give birth to Lin'er for the Feng family as soon as possible, so that the Feng family can continue their incense as soon as possible.

  Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin could only nod their heads shyly and ashamedly. It was only natural for the mother-in-law to wait for her words.

It just so happened that Baoxiang came in and reported that he had met Miss Lin and her party outside, which also moved Da Duan's heart. It's no good to come in with two wives. I heard that Lin Daiyu's concubine sister was It is a person with a rich personality,…

   Keep working hard, the goal is 1000!



  (end of this chapter)

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