Number of People

Chapter 1407: Xin Zijuan in the flowers

  Chapter 1407 Xin Zijuan Among the Flowers

   Duan, big and small, have met these three girls, but that was a year or two ago.

  This woman has undergone eighteen changes, especially when she is sixteen or seventeen years old, when she is growing up, almost once a month. Seeing the three women, Duan, big and small, were all amazed for a while.

Mrs. Duan thinks that her two daughter-in-laws are outstanding women. Not to mention their talents, but also their appearance, they are all one-of-a-kind. , and Eryou is a Hu girl with a strong exotic style. It goes without saying that she can be taken as a concubine by Feng Ziying.

But the three girls in front of her still made her feel awe-inspiring. It's not that Lin Daiyu's three girls are much better than Shen Yixiu and Er Xue. It's been a long time, but seeing this suddenly, the visual impact is naturally extraordinary.

  Duan's impression of Lin Daiyu was weak and cowardly, like a sick beauty, so she was reluctant at the time, because she was worried that if Lin Daiyu became her daughter-in-law, it would be difficult for her to give birth to a male heir.

But when I saw her today, I found that Lin Daiyu had grown a lot suddenly. Not only was her palm-sized face much bigger and softer, although she still had a duck-egg face, her cheeks were plump and her figure was even bigger. He is much more well-proportioned, his face is not like before, it is more like an oval face, it is a bit thinner, his body is thinner, and more importantly, his complexion is much better, this is what makes Duan the most happy.

She nodded secretly in her heart, so it seems that if this girl is expected to grow a little by the time she gets married next year, she can basically look forward to it. Good is dystocia.

As for the latter two, Duan also thinks they are very beautiful and elegant. At first glance, they are all ladies from everyone. She also has some impressions. Cloud says hello.

Lin Daiyu and the three daughters first went to meet the big and small Duan, and then exchanged greetings with Feng Ziying, Shen Yixiu, and Er Xue. If it is said that it is not appropriate for these unmarried couples to meet each other, but they have reached this level, Feng Ziying has never paid much attention to this, so they He called the three girls to sit down, and sat down next to Erxue. Anyway, they all lived in the same garden and were familiar with each other, but this Baoqin sat next to Daiyu.

Feng Ziying did not expect to meet Daiyu and her party outside the Haichao Nunnery, and she was also very happy. During this time, she was too busy to go to Jia's mansion, and there were Baoyu's marriage and Wang Xifeng's leaving the mansion. It bothered him a little.

It seems that the Rongguo Mansion has an idea about Jia Baoyu's marriage, and if I want to say more, I'm afraid it won't be of much use. It depends on whether Yuan Chun's letter from the palace can persuade me. It doesn't have to be as good as imagined. Once something breaks out, it will inevitably be involved, and it will depend on people's attitude at that time.

  Of course, the Jia family also has the ideas of the Jia family, and it’s not even bad.

King Jing of Beijing and Lord Zhen Guo are considered the top nobles in Beijing, especially Niu Jixun is married to the eldest princess. Perhaps the big tree of the princess can have both sides, and which side can stand upright?

  So I also do my best. Speaking of which, even if I have a clear conscience, the decision-making power still rests with Jia's elders after all, and I am an outsider after all.

  Wang Xifeng's matter also depends on Wang Xifeng herself, but her own responsibility is much heavier.

Now that she has agreed to others, Feng Ziying has no habit of breaking promises, but if Wang Xifeng wants to stay in the capital city, there will definitely be some troubles. To deal with it well, not only time management masters are needed, but also Wang Xifeng and Hepinger must be reminded not to miss out. It's a tell-tale.

After all, Wang Xifeng and Baochai are cousins, and they can also be related to Daiyu. Although Wang Xifeng is experienced in doing things, after all, it must be somewhat shameful to do such a thing. When facing Baochai and Daiyu, only I am afraid that I will also feel a little guilty.

But Daichai is all in this capital city, Wang Xifeng will not leave the capital city, and she is a "lonely" woman who wants to make a living in the capital, Daichai will definitely not bear it, and will inevitably have to move around frequently, like Baochai and Daiyu. If you want to visit Wang Xifeng frequently, it will test Wang Xifeng's mental state even more.

This kind of outing is actually more of a kind of communication. Like scholars traveling, most of them are to invite friends, find a place with beautiful scenery, recite poems and compose poems, and have a lot of fun. Traveling is to find a place to sit and taste some local snacks, and then talk and chat, providing an opportunity for everyone to communicate and communicate.

  The purpose and meaning of this kind of outing is the same in ancient and modern times, and there is not much difference, but there is a slight change in the method.

For example, the reason why Feng Ziying chose to travel for an outing and brought the whole family out was because Shen Yixiu had a hard time raising the children, and Eryou was not in a good mood during this time, and Er Xue was similar, not being able to conceive a child as soon as possible. For any woman who married into the Feng family, it was a great pressure.

After all, this is the third house of the Feng family, especially when Er Xue and Er You learned that Yingchun was very likely to marry in, judging from Yingchun's tall, slender figure, it really looks like a multi-children Yifu's physique, Although she is just a concubine, if she really wants to marry in and **** her husband's son, it will be extraordinary.

  Going out for a walk like this can relieve your inner irritability and relax yourself. It can also be regarded as an opportunity for the family to have a harmonious relationship.

For example, the big and small Duan sisters don’t usually go out, and even if they go out, they are not willing to go with their daughters-in-law. Basically, the big and small Duan sisters go to the temple to burn incense and pray for blessings, or catch up with temple fairs and watch big plays. With the daughters-in-law around, they feel restrained and not free. This is still a bit different from the Rongguo Mansion, where there are not so many etiquettes.

Seeing Daiyu sitting with Tanchun and Xiangyun, Feng Ziying also had a strange feeling in her heart. Tanchun had some feelings for her, and she was also a little moved. There is a feeling of tacit understanding, but Shi Xiangyun and Feng Ziying have never thought about it.

  Although he also admired Shi Xiangyun's boldness and boldness, but because it was mentioned in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions" that Shi Xiangyun was married to his good friend Wei Ruolan, so he never thought about it.

But in this reality of time and space, this marriage is obviously impossible. Wei Ruolan is the eldest son of the eldest princess. She is talented and extremely popular in Beijing. A wealthy family who wants to marry her is like a crucian carp crossing the river. How can she see it? For historians, it's almost as good as being a concubine, but historians may think it's an insult again.

  Now Shi Nai and Shi Ding even want to promise Shi Xiangyun to Sun Shaozu's fellow, making Feng Ziying sigh, but also thinking about how to help Shi Xiangyun get through this disaster.

   It’s just that this is a purely housework of the historian. Shi Xiangyun’s parents died early, so it is only natural that her two uncles should be in charge of her. Others can’t get in the way, even Jia’s mother, let alone herself.

   This requires an opportunity.

   This is also the suggestion given by Feng Ziying when Feng Ziying and Lin Daiyu walked outside alone and talked together after the meal.

Both Shen Yixiu and Baochai were very knowledgeable and expressive. Seeing that Daiyu had caught up with her, they naturally wanted to leave the two of them a chance to be alone, so after eating vegetarian food in Haichao Nunnery, Feng Ziying accompanied Daiyu. A circle can be regarded as a chat to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

"Brother Feng, but the fire is imminent now, and you still say you have to wait for the right time, do you want to wait until the Sun family comes to propose marriage, or even make an engagement?" Daiyu was a little anxious, "If you make an engagement, you will be like Xue Baoqin, and your reputation is certain If it is affected, it will be difficult to marry a good family in the future."

"Sister Yu's worry is not unreasonable, but you have missed Sun Shaozu. This person is not simple. He may not only focus on Yun girl, or historians. Based on my understanding of Sun Shaozu's mind, if I were him , would not marry Shi Xiangyun."

  Feng Ziying seemed very determined.

"Sun Shaozu's foundation in the army is too shallow. Although he doesn't know what path he has taken to climb up to the position of deputy commander-in-chief, he will definitely not be satisfied with the position of deputy commander-in-chief. He definitely wants to go one step further. To be honest, the historian I can't help him on this issue, but She Shibo originally wanted to promise his second sister to him. No matter how well the Shi family has some contacts in the army, it is naturally more influential than the Jia family in the army, so he He will abandon his second younger sister and aim at Miss Yun, but he may not make a decision so early, in my opinion, he may hang around like this for a while, to see if there is a better target..."

   Daiyu suddenly realized, "Brother Feng, are you saying that Sun Shaozu is going to use marriage as a springboard as a step? Yun girl is not the most suitable, but he is only temporarily used as a backup?"

   "That's what it means." Feng Ziying almost said that this is a standard spare tire.

   "What if...?" Daiyu was still a little worried.

"Sister Yu, there are no absolutes in everything. This is a family matter of the historians. What do you want Brother Wei to say?" Feng Ziying held Daiyu's hand, feeling a little cold, "Don't worry, sister, I'm sure , In addition, I will have a good fight with Sun Shaozu,..."

Daiyu was seized by Feng Ziying's hand, and she panicked immediately. Seeing that Feng Ziying was sure of what she said, she stopped pressing her and wanted to withdraw her hand, but Feng Ziyin was not as strong as Feng Ziying. In his arms,...

  In the distance, Wang Haoli in a gray shirt led a few people standing on the other side of the river, looking at this side.

  Wang Haoli couldn't help shaking his head as he looked at the curtains and guard posts around him. This guy is always so cautious when he goes out for an outing, and he's so afraid of death. It's useless to call himself a hero.

  (end of this chapter)

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