Number of People

Chapter 1408: I will carry the responsibility of Xin Zijuan!

  Chapter 1408 The responsibility of Xin Zijuan, I will recite it!

   "Young master, I'm afraid it's not easy to move." The man standing beside Wang Haoli is also Wang Haoli's most important arm, Du Fu.

  Wang Haoli brought a group of people from Yongping Mansion, Wu led by Du Fu and Zheng Sizhong, Wen led by Xie Zhongbao and Liang Sanniang, and also began to integrate the entire White Lotus Sect (Dong Mahayana Sect, Wenxiang Sect) forces in Gyeonggi.

   With the full support of my father's high-student Zhang Cuihua, it has also achieved good results, and even began to extend to the surrounding prefectures of Shuntianfu.

Among them, Du Fu and Xie Zhongbao contributed a lot, and they can be regarded as the great heroes second only to Zhang Cuihua, but compared with Zhang Cuihua, Du Fu and Xie Zhongbao are their own people, so Wang Haoli relies heavily on Du Fu, Xie Zhongbao and others deep.

Du Fu observed carefully for a while, and finally shook his head: "This guy is so afraid of death, one assassination scares him like this, even if he is with a woman, there are two or three good fighters around him to protect him at any time, and the surrounding area There are still three or four who are on guard from a distance, our people will not be able to get close at all, unless at all costs..."

   "No way!" Wang Haoli flatly refused, "We can't take any risks anymore, and if we can't bear it, we will make big plans."

  After the assassination at Guhe Ferry, he failed to succeed, but he lost two good players on his side. The key point is that it seemed to make Feng Keng more vigilant, and even left some clues.

  Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Justice have been investigating Pan Guanying for a long time, which made the two brothers Wang Haoli and Wang Haoyi terrified. Even their father scolded them very much, thinking that they were reckless and almost alarmed the snake, and ruined the big event.

  Later, our side did a lot of cutting off traces of heels and feet, but for Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Justice, as long as they have these clues, they can find clues, it depends on how much energy they are willing to spend.

After all, the time has dragged on. Although it is said that the government has put it down temporarily, it has been registered after all, and it will never be canceled. Moreover, I heard that there are still people investigating secretly, and I don’t even know where it is. I only know that it is not Long Jinwei and the Ministry of punishment People, but they should have something to do with the government, or Feng Keng himself, after all, his father is Governor Ji Liao, and he has this power in his hands.

   "But my lord, this guy is too dangerous, and my subordinates think..." Du Fu was still a little unwilling to give up, and his intuition told him that this guy was very dangerous and might bring great harm to the holy cause.

"Well, don't worry, let's take a look first. Jingzhong is no better than Yutian and Yongping Mansions. Be careful in everything. After becoming the Shuntian Mansion, this guy will have a bigger ostentation, more bodyguards around him, and a higher standard. We must ensure that We are safe."

  Wang Haoli's face was gloomy, and a hint of ferocity appeared on his fair face, and he couldn't help baring his teeth.

"The important thing is that this guy's arrival in Shuntian Mansion will greatly reduce the pressure on our activities in Yongping Mansion. There are many affairs in Beijing and China. He should not be thinking about us now. I heard that he is now on Tongzhou in Tongzhou. Cang and the Xishan kiln on the Xishan side are both interested, so that's good..."

"Do we need to push it, let our people at Tongzhou warehouse or Xishan kiln do something, let the Shuntian government government pay more attention, lest this guy keeps staring at us." Du Fu hesitated for a moment, "I heard that there are still people in Yongping Mansion who are investigating. The details of Cao Jin and Feng Shimian in Panguanying have been carefully checked, including all their relatives. Cao Jin is dead. Well, Feng Shimian doesn't dare to go back to Yongping Mansion now, for fear of being found out..."

Wang Haoli took a deep breath, and couldn't help feeling angry. If the second child hadn't insisted, he wouldn't have agreed at the time. It's a good thing now, Yongping Mansion has also been messed up, but fortunately Feng Keng finally left, but he came to Shuntian Mansion. If the clues were really dug out there and extended to Beijing, then there would be a big problem.

"Don't act rashly, our people in Tongzhou Cang and Xishan Kiln have been recruited with great difficulty, and they can only be used at critical times, so we can't be easily exposed." Wang Haoli shook his head, "This game is too big, we need to play it well. "

"My subordinates understand." Du Fu also knew that after so many years of careful preparation, the capital city is the most important link, and the young master and the dharma master have deeper and higher considerations and arrangements, and some of them only vaguely know some superficial aspects , such as a higher-level connection with the government, but the master and the young master never want to use that relationship, even if they make some sacrifices.

"Tell Feng Shimian not to show up again during this period, let alone return to Yongping Mansion." Wang Haoli said in a dark voice: "I don't believe they can find out anything, all related clues should be cut off. ?”

"It's all cut off. Don't worry about this, young master. I also believe that I have asked Shimian. There is nothing wrong with his hometown." Du Fu still trusts Feng Shimian. They are all old brothers who struggled together. One point is very reliable. In Beijing, I still have to play games with Sister Zhang's gang, so I can't do without these capable old brothers.

"Well, that's good. I know Feng Keng is a culprit, and it needs to be resolved as soon as possible." Wang Haoli took a deep breath, "But his status is extraordinary now, and you have also seen the strength of the bodyguards around him. It is even more dangerous here, but he is not without flaws, it seems that he is still a dutiful son, he always takes his mother with him when he goes out,..."

   "Young master, this subordinate observes a lot of women around him, and he really lives up to his reputation of being flirtatious. Can we start with her women?" Du Fu narrowed his eyes.

"Well, it's a way, but you have to remember that there are many women, which means that this guy may not take these women to heart, and he may be able to give up decisively at critical moments..." Wang Haoli snorted softly, "It's his mother. We can still use this line at Hongfa Temple,..."

  Du Fu frowned, "Young Master, Hongqing Temple is not easy to control. That Renqing is not easy to deal with, he is very cunning..."

"Don't be afraid, he doesn't know about our situation, but we are holding him to death, and have you checked out the situation of his family?" Wang Haoli sneered, "If he is just waiting for someone, I will despise him. After ten or twenty years in Beijing, how can an ordinary monk in Datong play such a big battle? The deputy capital gang of Seng Gangsi has a good status. We also have many congregants in the temple in Beijing. One can do what he does?"

  Du Fu smiled wryly, this was what he was most worried about.

If this guy is really a member of the sect, then he is really a piece of material to make, but it is a pity that this guy has to cooperate with his side just because he is caught by the sect, and he is also rebellious, making his side It is also very tricky, but this person is very useful, and Hongqing Temple is also a very good place to stay, so I have to use it.

   "The situation in his family has been found out, but I feel that this guy still has some secrets. It's just that the time is short, and we don't have much energy to pay attention to him." Du Fu shook his head.

"Well, don't pay attention to him. If he dares to act recklessly, we can kill him with a letter. He doesn't have the courage yet." Wang Haoli is full of confidence, "Just do our own thing, Feng Keng's mother I often go to Hongqing Temple, so I can think of a way here."

Seeing the young master's confident face, Du Fu felt more at ease, "Well, don't worry, young master, the situation in the capital is gradually under control. Although Senior Sister Zhang has been somewhat resistant during this period, overall, I still care about the overall situation. On the other hand, Mi Bei and Zhang Hailiang still need to pay more attention. The subordinates feel that Senior Sister Zhang may not be able to control these two disciples very well. Well, they seem to go their own way, but it is just a pretense Act in our name."

"Well, I know this too, and I have also reported it to my father. Our focus is still in Shuntian Mansion, in the capital, and we will not fight for one day or one night, and accumulate strength to wait for the opportunity." Wang Haoli nodded lightly: "Father also wrote back and said , he will arrange for people to go to Baoding and Zhending,..."

"It's good that the young master understands, and the subordinates also feel that we must focus on Shuntian Mansion, but the area of ​​Beizhili has always been united with each other, and everyone responds to it. The unexpected surprise of Yizhou this time is something we have never thought of. Can open a gap here,…”

  Du Fu rubbed his hands quite proudly, Wang Haoli gave him a glance, Du Fu immediately came to his senses, "This subordinate has made a slip of the tongue."

   "Well, remember, this matter must never be mentioned in front of outsiders. This chess piece will be of great use to us in the future." Wang Haoli warned.

   "My subordinates will remember." Du Fu nodded quickly, the young master's gaze was so cold that even he, who had been with the young master for a long time, felt a murderous intent, maybe this is the one who really does great things.

When Wang Haoli and his group were observing the situation in Haichao Temple on the high ground outside Haichao Temple, Feng Ziying was still immersed in the romance of Qingqing and me, and it was rare for her to get along with Daiyu so alone, and it was still in the wild, with a warm wind, It is hard to express the joy of walking among the stone paths amidst the waves of pines.

It's just that time like this often passes quickly, and although Daiyu is reluctant to let go, she still misses Xiangyun's affairs. She still hopes that Brother Feng and Xiangyun will meet, ask about the situation face to face, and bring Xiangyun to him by the way. A piece of consolation, so that Xiangyun can feel at ease.

Feng Ziying also thought it would be good to meet and talk, after all, girls of sixteen or seventeen faced such sudden bad news, and those with weaker minds might collapse, and it was not easy for Shi Xiangyun to hold on, so I gave It is also necessary for the other party to comfort and reassure the other party.

Seeing Shi Xiangyun, Tanchun and Baochai and Baoqin having a happy conversation, Feng Ziying felt very emotional in her heart. When Qianhong cried, Wanyan felt sad together. This ending seemed to be her dream in Qin Keqing's room that she vowed to break. Moreover, he also arrested the so-called police fantasy fairy and threw them out of the house. It seems that Shi Xiangyun should also be one of them, or should the responsibility fall on himself?

  (end of this chapter)

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