Number of People

Chapter 1426: Xinzi scroll hands-on (2)

  Chapter 1426 Xinzi Scroll Hands-On (2)

  Seeing Du Binsheng fleeing in disgrace, Fu Shi and Wang Wenyan looked at each other and smiled.

  How ridiculous is it to be condescending?

"It seems that Mr. Du has guessed something." Wang Wenyan chuckled, "They are all smart people, they can see through a little bit, and they wake up immediately without even needing to point it out. Just leave."

   "It doesn't matter if you guess something. The whole line is spread out. He just wants to report the news. It's too late, and he might have to trap himself, so he won't go."

  Fu Shi knew very well that these officials in Beijing were ruthless and timid. When they really encountered something related to their own interests, they would immediately think twice before acting, and talked about him.

   "Let's see who else will come to the door. I guess my lord will not be quiet tonight." Wang Wenyan glanced outside the dark gate of the government office, "It's another sleepless night."

Fu Shi is not familiar with the chief staff member of Mr. Fu Cheng, but he also knows that he is the former staff of his benefactor's sister-in-law Lin Ruhai, and there is also a man surnamed Wu. It seems that Mr. Fu Cheng has also fully accepted Lin's team .

   But thinking about it, Lin Ruhai's only daughter was promised to Lord Fucheng. The lineage of the Lin family is basically bound to Lord Fucheng. This is also a good thing, at least the relationship between the Jia family and the Feng family will be closer because of this level.

   "Mr. Wang used to work for Mr. Lin, the salt envoy of the Huaihe River, right?" Fu Shi was still very polite to Wang Wenyan.

   "Exactly, Wenyan was first served as an official in the punishment room of She County, and then went to Yangzhou to wander, and finally entered the Lin Gong shogunate. Unfortunately, Lin Gong died of illness, so he introduced Wen Yan to follow Master Feng."

  Wang Wenyan never shy away from talking about his past experiences, and it's not a secret. Anyone with a heart can understand it, especially since Lin Daiyu is still living temporarily in the Rongguo Mansion.

Fu Shi didn't care about this. The hero didn't ask where he came from. Although he was born in Juren, judging from the past few days of contact, Wang Wenyan was a character with some skills, so he shouldn't take it lightly. People are beneficial and not harmful.

  This person has a lot of experience, thinks clearly about things, has a meticulous and meticulous style of work, and is very familiar with the following affairs.

  It may also be because he has worked as an official in the county for many years, so he knows all kinds of evils and shady things like the back of his hand.

  The government officials and policemen in the government office were very afraid of Wang Wenyan, because they might not know what they were going to do, but they definitely couldn't hide it from Mr. Wang.

However, this Mr. Wang is not the kind of old-fashioned person. He also understands the difficulties of the officials below to catch the fast. Let some newcomers and not-so-flexible public officials respect and fear.

   "Mr. Wang, Mrs. Lin Weng is the niece of Mrs. Zheng. You and I have a certain fate. This time we can work together with Mr. Feng, so we can have a good discussion. I hope Mr. Wang will give you some advice."

  Fu Shi cupped his hands with a smile.

  Another person, these words might sound a bit provocative, but Wang Wenyan knew that Fu Tongpan didn't mean that.

This person is also a well-behaved person, he was recommended by Jia Zheng, and after that, he wanted to cling to Feng Ziying with all his heart, and he was diligent in doing things, Master Feng also thought highly of him, these words were naturally a way of showing favor to him, and he didn't have any intentions. Ask to know.

   But Wang Wenyan is also willing to make friends with each other.

What they said is correct, I am the former staff member of Mr. Lin, and the current staff member of Mr. Lin’s son-in-law, and the other party is the protégé of Mr. Lin’s brother-in-law. The relationship in Yangzhou can be extended to the capital city, so naturally there is a sense of closeness .

   What's more, Mr. Feng intends to support the other party, and the other party is also willing to work for Mr. Feng. With one goal, of course, we must work together.

"Mr. Fu is too polite. You are the judge of the government. Mr. Feng has always relied heavily on you. And as you said, you are a student of Mr. Zheng. Mr. Feng is the nephew and son-in-law of Mr. Zheng. Well, there is another relationship, Mr. Feng Nephew and son-in-law, having these two relationships is naturally unusual." Wang Wenyan quickly bowed in return, "Master Feng's ability to defy all opinions and ask you to supervise the battle this time shows that he values ​​you. If it is necessary Classical Chinese, please do not hesitate to order, classical Chinese should be effective."

"Hehe, Fu is ashamed to say that in classical Chinese." Fu Shi pursed his lips, and calmly changed the title of "Mr. Classical Chinese, I have been engaged in grain farming since I served as the general judge, and I have never dabbled in matters such as criminal name litigation. Many things are still a little unclear, so please teach me classical Chinese,..."

  Wang Wenyan felt that the other party really wanted to get acquainted with the official affairs related to criminal prosecution through this case.

  If Fu Shi can get started as soon as possible, he can also help Lord Feng share some affairs. After all, he is an aide rather than an official. For some affairs, especially those who have to deal with the outside world, it is more appropriate to have an identity.

Hence, Wang Wenyan also briefly introduced some matters needing attention in related matters. After all, Fu Shi is still just getting started, and he has only a half-knowledge about many things. Let him first tell him some basic practices, and then introduce what he needs to pay attention to in the process of doing things. Some key points, especially the tricks that need to be guarded against when dealing with these officials in the government.

  Many things Fu Shi had never heard of. It can be said that they are interlaced like mountains, and they are difficult to touch in the field affairs. It also opened Fu Shi's eyes and benefited a lot.

Before the time passed, news came from Zhao Wenzhao and He Huchen that Ambassador Tongcang and Cao Bingqianhu had been successfully captured, and along with them were two deputy envoys of Tongcang and a series of other officials. , Of course, it also includes more than a dozen grain merchants who have mastered in the early stage and colluded with inside and outside Tongcang to resell grain.

   All of a sudden, the entire capital city really became agitated as if it had been stabbed into a hornet's nest.

  The gates of Shuntianfu Yamen are brightly lit, there is an endless stream of carriages and official sedan chairs coming and going, as well as soldiers and horses entering and leaving one after another.

All the criminals who were escorted into the yamen wore black hoods specially created by Feng Ziying, so that outsiders could only see the criminals being brought into the yamen one after another, but they didn't know who these criminals were and whether they cared about them. Object.

   "Jing Er was arrested?" On a carriage far away from the Shuntian government office, the black curtain fell, and a hoarse voice came from inside.

"It's not clear yet. I only know that Chunluofang was raided at night. He used to spend the night in Chunluofang, but it's not certain, but two of his subordinates should have been arrested." The man outside the carriage reported with a gloomy face, "Chunluofang has 30% of our shares. If it is inspected,..."

The hoarse voice was furious, "Why do you still care about the little money at this time? Don't you see the situation clearly? This Feng Keng is going to dig the root. This will go back ten years, and even I can't escape, you know What was he paying attention to, what was he thinking? Jing Er must die!"

  The man outside the carriage shuddered, and subconsciously glanced around. The carriage was far away from the gate of the yamen, and the two guards on guard were vigilantly observing the situation a few feet away, and did not notice this side.

   "My lord, Jing Er is nowhere to be found now, and I don't know whether he was arrested or fled in the chaos. This guy is very cunning,..."

"Hmph, that's why he has to die! And he has to get those things back!" The hoarse voice in the carriage seemed a little irritable, "Tongcang's side is better, I'm worried about Jingcang Over there, this guy was too arrogant when he was the deputy envoy in Jingcang. If he has been in Tongcang for the past few years, he has become more cautious. I am worried that if he is arrested, he will also expose the affairs of Jingcang. When you come out, at least ten black hats will fall off, how many heads can hold them?"

  The man outside the carriage was silent.

It happened ten years ago. At that time, everyone was arrogant and unscrupulous. They didn’t have much scruples about what they did. They only focused on making money. Anyway, no one was in charge of it at that time. But now it doesn't work.

  Thinking of this, the man felt a little regretful.

  Actually, they had already noticed something was wrong a few days ago, but they still had a bit of luck, thinking to take a look first, and then wait. If the situation is not right, it is not too late to put all their eggs in one basket.

That Jing Er also patted his chest and said that everything was under control, which was good. He was caught off guard by others, not only was there no one in the Tongzhou Yamen, but the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion were also connected. I didn't hear any wind, it was all the princes and soldiers from the Jingying from several states and counties in the north, and there was Long Jinwei.

The gang of big soldiers in the Jingying camp are still country bumpkins from Baoding and Zhending, and they can't even give a word, and the Long Jinwei is all from Beizhen Fusi. This is a person who escaped by chance. information.

   "Why aren't you talking?" The people in the carriage asked impatiently.

"My lord, my subordinates don't know what to do. Jing Er disappeared. Either he was captured by the people of Shuntian Mansion and hid in secret for interrogation, or he escaped and hid. At this time, no one should think about it." If you find him, he won't believe anyone, and he must have expected what you said, so..."

The man's mouth was bitter. Indeed, Jing Er is so cunning and quick-witted. If he really wanted to escape, he would definitely run away. At this time, he might have already run out of Shuntian Mansion, or he was hiding in a hiding place that no one else could find. place.

"We have to find him even if we dig three feet!" The hoarse voice became colder and colder, "If he is taken by the Shuntian government office, I will find a way. The soldiers in the Beijing camp are only responsible for guarding and escorting. I guess the interrogator will still be Long. Forbidden Captain and Shuntian Mansion Yamen, I have access to Shuntian Mansion Yarn, and I will go to Long Jinwei to find a doorway, and we must solve this disaster."

  (end of this chapter)

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