Number of People

Chapter 1427: Xinzi rolls hands-on (3)

  Chapter 1427 Xinzi scroll hands-on (3)

  The sky turned white. Feng Ziying rubbed her eyes, stretched her waist, and then glanced at Wang Wenyan, who was still busy counting the situation, and went straight out of the hall without disturbing the other party.

  Thirty-three targets, twelve of them were on the Tongzhou side, but there were 21 people in the capital city. Among them, 19 people were captured and two escaped, but the news from Tongzhou has not yet come.

Although the two escaped, none of the seven core roles must be captured, so the impact is not great, especially among the five important figures, none of them slipped through the net, and significant progress has been made in their family. A large number of gold and silver goods, account books and other records were produced.

Gold, silver, and treasures are all secondary. The important thing is the account books and records. This is related to these people and the people behind them involved in the next step. It can even be said that the next step, how to fight the next battle, and whether the initiative can be It is firmly in my own hands, and it is all on these account books and related materials.

It is impossible to have no records for more than ten years of operation. On the one hand, it is kept in case, or for life-saving. Check the comparison, so as long as you catch them by surprise, many things can't get away.

   After learning about the situation, Feng Ziying sent Wu Yaoqing over.

  Several important account books must be watched carefully, and Wu Yaoqing must personally watch them and **** them back to the Yamen.

   It’s not that he doesn’t trust Zhao Wenzhao and He Huchen. What Feng Ziying is worried about is that if important people are involved, the two of them may not be able to withstand the pressure from the government. Wu Yaoqing belongs to his own private staff, and he doesn’t have to listen to anyone except himself.

   Judging from the current feedback, Feng Ziying feels that she still underestimated the greed and cruelty of these people.

Originally, he estimated that 70% of the grain and rice recorded in the current account of the warehouse, no matter whether it is good or bad, whether it is new or old, and whether it is mixed with sand, gravel or soil, is considered satisfactory, but now it seems that it is a deficit, or a black account. As shown in the above, the existing grain and rice in Tongcang are only 50% of the book value.

  If sand, gravel, soil and water have to be removed, it is estimated that it can only be calculated according to the standard. This gap is too big.

The grain stored in the warehouse is as high as 1.3 million shi, and the grain stored at the peak is 1.8 million shi, which is enough for all the officials and civilians in central Beijing to eat for half a year. The Beijing warehouse is slightly smaller, and the grain storage is about 600,000 to 800,000 shi Between the stones, it can be eaten by officials and people in the city for three months in case of emergency.

  However, according to the current situation, the grain reserves are less than half. In other words, in the event of an emergency, the available grain in Beijing can only be supplied for less than five months. This is extremely dangerous.

Of course, if you count the grain stocks of various private grain merchants in Beijing, it is estimated that there should be no problem in supporting them for a year and a half. , The guarantee of military rations in the five towns of Shanxi, once the water transportation in the south of the Yangtze River is interrupted, the first thing is to guarantee the military rations, otherwise, once the border towns break out, it will be a disaster for the country to die.

   "Aren't you going to rest for a while?" Fu Shi also yawned with dark circles around his eyes.

I didn't sleep all night, and each arresting team came back one after another. He needs to coordinate with Wang Wenyan to plan to deport different prisoners to the cells of Daxing, Wanping and Shuntian government offices, so as to facilitate interrogation and avoid being held in prisons Leaking rumors and colluding confessions together.

"Are you able to sleep?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "It is estimated that these two days will have to pass, until a few important criminals confess, and one of the relevant account books and information will be sorted out, and the family property of the confiscated criminal will be basically fixed. Only my heart can let it go."

Fu Shi also knew that last night was actually nothing. Although many people came to inquire about the news, they were all appetizers. The real big character has not yet shown up. They also need to evaluate the situation and see how serious the consequences are. Only when it is serious can we come up with corresponding countermeasures.

  Fu Shi hesitated for a moment, seeing that there was no one around, and then whispered: "My lord, I only read a part of the accounts, which is shocking. If this is the case, I am worried about the people behind them..."

Feng Ziying looked gloomy, and nodded: "Well, I was mentally prepared, but I still didn't expect the situation to be so bad, and the scope of the involvement is so wide. Although there is no trial yet, look at the activities that have lasted for more than ten years. The amount involved I am a little scared at such a big age, how dare they do this?"

"My lord, I took a rough look. There were small-scale cases as early as the 35th year of Yuanxi. It was a peak in the 39th year of Yuanxi. Then the current emperor restrained himself a little after he ascended the throne. After the third year of Yonglong It's back to its old ways, and it's becoming more and more rampant..." Fu Shi shook his head and sighed: "This has to be calculated back and forth. The grain and rice involved should be hundreds of thousands of stones, and the value should be more than five hundred thousand taels. Such a big case, I'm afraid..."

Fu Shi didn't go any further, but Feng Ziying understood the meaning inside and nodded: "We have no way out now, we can only go on. Fortunately, I also have arrangements, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate is also paying attention. If it involves a certain I don’t think anyone can sit still, if it’s just our Shuntian Mansion, I’m afraid it’s really bad, but Captain Long has already entered, I guess the Metropolitan Procuratorate is also suffering now, but in the end they have to enter the game.”

Fu Shi was a little moved, Feng Ziying even told herself such secret things, and her heart-to-heart was self-evident, and she nodded again and again: "Your Excellency, with Long Jinwei coming in, the emperor will at least support it. The hospital is now in a dilemma, but in the end, as long as the things we find out here are shocking enough, I believe they will not be able to stand idly by, and they will have to face it."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you want to be shameless. The key is that such a big case has nothing to do with them. You can criticize whoever you criticize, now it’s your turn, can you cut yourself with this knife? It’s too painful, so hurry up and find a more suitable target, divert the target, and avoid yourself from being the target.”

  After discussing for a while, Feng Ziying returned to her residence, and waited for all kinds of storms to come in this new day.

  Feng Ziying was slightly surprised by the arrival of the Zhongshun Palace, but it was expected.

  The staff in the warehouse are not high-ranking, but the interests involved are huge.

For so many years, they have used grain in their hands to have connections with many grain merchants in central Beijing, and most of the resold grain went to these grain merchants, whether it was old trade-in for new ones, second-best ones for good ones, or falsely reporting the surplus of insect bites and dehumidification for resale. With the cooperation of these grain merchants, otherwise such a matter, without a huge community of interests, how could it last for more than ten years, or even longer.

From the current point of view, the grain storage in Jingtong Second Warehouse should have been around 2 million shi, but if it is strictly checked and verified, it is afraid that there will be less than 1 million shi in existence. That is to say, there will be about 1 million shi The food was devoured by these moths colluding with each other.

There is no way to write off it and put it on the secret account. Of course, these people have not only had this kind of tricks for so many years, such as insect bites, fires, and dehumidification. There is still not enough evidence for one piece, and it needs to be checked slowly, compared with each other, and combined with the accounts to find out.

Feng Ziying believes that the amount of this piece will not be ridiculous. Thinking about it, it is true. In the past twenty years, grain grain has been continuously transported to the capital every year to support the officials and people of the capital, and to transfer military grain to the nine borders. These people's mouths, especially during the Yuanxi period and Yonglong's early years, were the most lenient, which gave these people an opportunity to take advantage of.

The current Tongcang ambassador and deputy envoy both took office in the seventh year of Yonglong. The previous Tongcang official took office in the second year of Yonglong, and left in the seventh year of Yonglong. The next term was pushed forward. The longest serving was Wonxi Thirty He took office for three years, and this Ambassador Zhou surnamed Tongcang served for eleven years. Although he was a donated official, he had a close relationship with Zheng Jizhi, then Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and he was also a member of the Huguang Township Party.

At present, the people of Long Jinwei have firmly locked this person, but because it involves the case more than ten years ago, many evidences have not yet been confirmed, and they need to be interrogated and verified among those arrested last night before they can do anything. It is the biggest fat sheep in this case.

The reason why he is so cautious is that although this person has already served as an official, his eldest son is the county magistrate of Jiangning, who was born in Juren, his second son is the Ministry of Officials, and he was a Jinshi in the thirty-sixth year of Yuanxi, and his in-laws are the former Dali Temple Cheng.

  In addition to this Ambassador Zhou Tianbao, Ambassador Mei Xiang, who succeeded him as Ambassador Tongcang, is also an extraordinary figure.

He is also a donating official, and Mei Xiang is also from Huguang. It is said that he can have some relationship with the Mei family in Macheng. A native of Luotian, Huangzhou prefecture, he could be counted as the distant cousin of Concubine Mei Gui in the palace, that is to say, even King Lu, who is now gaining power, should call this Ambassador Mei's uncle.

As far as I know, this person is not very greedy, but sitting in this position, if you don't get enough in your pocket, it is impossible. Even if you don't want to get it, the people below can't agree to it. If you don't get it, what should we do? ? Can we rest assured?

Mei Xiang is currently working as an official in Guangping Mansion, so he probably hasn't gotten any news from here, but when he gets the news, it won't help. In the camp, there are hardly many replacements, and even if they are replaced, the son inherits the father's business, which has formed a practice.

   Among the more than 30 people arrested here, there are less than ten officials, but as many as eighteen officials. From this, one can imagine how deep the tricks are here.

  (end of this chapter)

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