Number of People

Chapter 1429: Xin Zijuan big fish, impress

  Chapter 1429 Xin Zijuan Big Fish, Impressed

Zhao Wenzhao looked at the thin man in front of him who was panting heavily and hadn't had time to get up from the bed. His eagle-like gaze lingered on him, but there was an intriguing smile on his mouth. His palm was on the narrow front embroidered spring knife at his waist. Rubbing.

  Twenty years of Zandian, no wonder Mr. Feng wants to keep an eye on this person, even more important than Ambassador Tongcang and deputy envoys. Winning this person is the key to handling this case well.

   It’s no wonder that someone offered 30,000 taels of silver for this person’s head, or to put this person to shut up and his account books.

   I have to admit that the pre-arranging work of the Shuntian government office was quite accurate, and this guy didn't escape.

The cunning rabbit has three caves, this guy probably has five caves and six caves, two in Tongzhou, three in Jingshi City, and houses in Yangzhou and Jinling. It is said that this person usually lives in Tongzhou, but in fact no one can tell what this person is doing at night. After all, where he lived, there were not many wives and concubines, one wife and three concubines, but there were many outhouses, and there were five children for him. This is not counting Yangzhou and Jinling, but Tongzhou and the capital. This side of the city.

Zhao Wenzhao didn't know that Wu Yaoqing led a group of people behind him and used various resources. It took two or more three months to find out the details of this person and figure out his habit of staying overnight. It's the people in Shuntian government office's punishment room who have outstanding abilities.

The woman hiding in the quilt is not young anymore, at least she is in her early thirties, and she can only be said to be good in terms of beauty, not a beautiful girl, but she is said to be a good singing girl who can play the pipa well, and she has been with him for more than ten years but bore him two sons.

"Okay, Song Zandian, you don't have to be so coy anymore. You should know who we are and why we are here at this moment." Zhao Wenzhao waved his hand lightly, his eyes clear and stern, "You If you really have the intention of committing suicide, it won’t be like this, how about it, cooperate for a while, maybe we can give you a chance.”

   "Opportunity? If you give me a chance, will those people give me a chance?"

  This strong man in his early fifties is completely different from the usual old man who is over fifty.

   According to the portrait and news that Zhao Wenzhao got, this person is already fifty-two years old, but he looks agile and vigorous, and his bare upper body still has some sinewy bumps, obviously he is also a trainer.

But Zhao Wenzhao is not afraid of the other party. There are many masters from Jianghu martial arts on Long Jinwei's side. Ordinary fans are all first-class masters in the Jianghu. This time, four or five people came to take this person, and Mr. Feng In order to ensure everything is safe, he also arranged for two personal guards who were originally his bodyguards to come together to ensure stability.

Wearing only a pair of trousers on his lower body, he was half-squatting and half-kneeling on the bed. There were people guarding outside the window, and two Jingying soldiers were holding firecrackers aiming at them. In addition to Zhao Wenzhao and Wu Yaoqing, there were two guards and a fan in the room. .

  Song Chuyang knew that he might not be able to escape. The firecracker, the self-generated firecracker, is a soldier of the Shenji Battalion. In order to catch him, even the Shenji Battalion was dispatched?

The man who spoke saw the taste of his words, and Song Chuyang knew that he must be the ruthless character of Long Jinwei Beizhen Fusi. His sharp eyes and whole body seemed to be relaxed, but he was always on the verge of being ready to go. Be the real master.

  The martial arts level of the fan behind him is much better than his own. With these few crop moves, he can be king among the soldiers, but he is not on the same level when he really meets the people in the rivers and lakes.

The calm-faced man standing behind the speaker was also looking at himself all the time, as if he was still assessing something, and occasionally tilted his head, as if he was listening to the noise outside. He couldn't tell the identity of this guy, but he looked no different than this The role of Zhenfusi is low, is this from the Shuntian government office? Not like it.

  Actually, Song Chuyang got the news a few days ago that the Shuntian government office might be investigating the problem of Tongcang.

  Three Tongcang ambassadors, all of them have a lot of background behind them. Whoever wants to stir the muddy water here must be prepared to splash his head and face.

  Of course he knows Xiao Feng Xiuzhu's name, but he has only been here for less than half a year, so he dares to stab this hornet's nest, and he is not afraid of stinging himself to death?

  Even if there are people inside him, but who has no one inside? Not only are there people in the court, but there are also people in the palace. What am I? Those ambassadors are probably more anxious than me. What are you afraid of?

  Even so, he still made full preparations, as long as he couldn't hold himself in the first place, then he could fly away.

As for those in Tongzhou and Jingshi City, he can abandon them. He does not lack money and wealth, even children, and it doesn't matter if he leaves a few. Then you can have a good life for the rest of your life.

It's just that he never expected that his whereabouts were so secretive, and he was directly caught by the other party, and he had hardly mentioned this place to anyone in recent years, and no one knew that he stayed here at night. On the surface, it seems that they are all in the other most favored outer room, but they will leave after Haishi.

  Could it be that Long Jinwei had his eye on him a few years ago, if so, he would have been wronged. Thinking of this, Song Chuyang felt chills in his heart.

   This is a guy who cherishes his life. Zhao Wenzhao is also trying to figure out the other party's thoughts. As long as the other party will not deliberately seek death, then it will be easy to handle.

After so many years of immersion in the Dragon Guard, he has also come into contact with too many criminals of all kinds. Zhao Wenzhao still understands the thoughts of these people very well, but he never underestimates his opponents. Until the last moment, no one dares to say that it is safe. .

  This person doesn't want to die, but he also knows how dangerous he will face if he cooperates with his own side. Even if his own side gives him a way out, he may not be able to survive in the hands of those people. This is probably the most tangled place for this guy right now.

  So the other party's words were also full of teasing, but this was a good sign. If you want to ask for your life, it's easy to say, and you will have a chance to let the other party see hope. On this point, Long Jinwei has no shortage of tricks.

"Song Zandian, I don't know if they will give you a chance, but if we give you a chance, they may not be able to intervene." Zhao Wenzhao leisurely removed his hand from the handle of the narrow front embroidered spring knife, showing himself With confidence, "The Great Zhou is so big, where can we not support people? Besides, let alone the territory of the Great Zhou, why can't we go to the new establishment in the east? Now that Luzon and Guangzhou are so close, the imperial court intends to set up in Luzon. Is it not possible to go to the mansion to compete with the Frangji people? This is not to say that North Korea and Japan are really not possible. Liaodong is bitterly cold, but there is still room for movement. Except for us, Long Jinwei, who can reach into Liaodong? Well, the governor of Jiliao may be named Feng."

Dongfan Xinli, Song Chuyang knew about it, and it was promoted by that little Feng Xiuzhuan. It is said that Dongfan's salt is better than that of Changlu Salt Field, and it has already begun to be sold in the North, and Jiangyou merchants wantonly moved. The people settled in Dongfan, opened gold mines, felled large trees, and improved the habitat, making it quite lively. It seems that it will be a matter of time before Dongfan establishes a mansion.

As for Song Chuyang in the south of Nanyang, he also had contact with the grain transported by water from Huguang, but the imperial court also considered the possibility of transporting grain from Guangdong and Guangxi by sea, but it involved too many issues and involved too many people, so this proposal has always been there, but Not implemented.

  Liaodong, what this guy is talking about is nothing more than Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's father Feng Tang.

Liaodong is indeed a border town that cannot be splashed with water. Feng Tang is the governor of Jiliao and the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town. You didn't even know you died in that deep mountain and old forest, and if you were killed by a horse thief or a Jurchen ranger, you wouldn't be able to complain of injustice.

  Song Chuyang is of course not someone who can talk easily. The other party's purpose is also very simple. He is afraid that he will risk his life, and he will not cooperate with them to dig deeper. He also has ideas. Now the question is can he believe it?

   If you use yourself up and kill yourself, what can you do? What's more, the big warehouse case is about to break the sky right now, and I am the key person in it, who can, who dares to protect me?

  This guy was just trying to deceive himself, Song Chuyang's face was uncertain.

  Zhao Wenzhao was also a little nervous.

It is true that the opponent can be controlled at this time, but Zhao Wenzhao is also very clear that if the opponent is an old Jianghu, if he cannot let the opponent wholeheartedly cooperate with his side, and the opponent pretends to agree, it will be easy to find opportunities to die in the future, but it is very difficult to say these things by himself. Gaining the other party's trust, Long Jinwei's reputation is not that good.

"I don't think so. Song Zandian may find it hard to believe me. I will ask Mr. Feng to meet you at that time. Anyway, I am not in a hurry. If you think Mr. Feng is not trustworthy, then you can do whatever you want." It's up to you, how about it?" Zhao Wenzhao knew that he needed to divert the other party's attention at this time, and asked the other party's husband to save his life, "But now, all your property in the capital city and Tongzhou must be handed over to us. , but you should be clear that we don't value this,..."

Song Chuyang nodded. Of course he knew that his family was rich, but a considerable part of it had been transferred to the south. Of course, it was also very impressive in Tongzhou and Jingshi City. The other party spoke loudly, but it made him feel relieved. Said that everything can be kept, then he would suspect that the other party had no intention of saving his life.

   "Forget it, I'm afraid you all know a general idea about my family background,..."

   "Probably not enough. We want all of it. As for whether you can keep some in the future, or how much you will leave, I can't decide. You can talk to Master Feng." Zhao Wenzhao said coldly.

   "When did Captain Long take orders from the Shuntian government office?" Song Chuyang also sneered.

   "This is not something you should care about." Zhao Wenzhao was impatient on the surface, but he was relieved in his heart. At least there was some room for maneuver, and that's good.

  (end of this chapter)

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