Number of People

Chapter 1430: Great Harvest of Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1430 The Great Harvest of Xin Zijuan

  He Huchen, Shi Zhengheng, another head of Long Jinwei, and the official of the Shuntian government office are cleaning up the house of this guy who has been the deputy envoy of Tongcang for nine years.

"Returning to my lord, my subordinates separately interrogated several servants and concubines in his family. Finally, two servants and one concubine each explained that there should be darkrooms and cellars under the stables near the back garden and the left ear room." Couldn't bear it. He licked his lips for a while, his face was full of satisfaction, Fanzi who came to report couldn't help but clenched his fists.

  Shi Zhengheng glanced at He Huchen who was looking around, coughed lightly and said, "Master He, what do you think?"

He Huchen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that the other party wanted to discuss with him. He weighed it in his heart, remembered Feng Ziying's explanation before leaving, and nodded: "Then dig, I will arrange a few people to cooperate. After opening, you and I The two handle it together."

  Shi Zhengheng nodded. It seems that this job is not that simple. This guerrilla master seems to be a person who wants to go up with his mind, and he is not willing to give others a handle on this.

   But it doesn’t matter, just because he doesn’t want to get rich, doesn’t mean he wants to stop others from getting rich. Judging by his posture, it seems that he should understand his own meaning, and if he didn’t reject it, that’s fine.

Soon the fans and sergeants became agitated. No one is stupid about this kind of work of digging back gardens and stables. What, even if they may not be able to get much meat, but this sensory stimulation alone is enough to make people's blood rush.

He Huchen and Shi Zhengheng returned to the room. There are a lot of sons and daughters of the deputy envoy here. I'm afraid there are dozens of them. Shi Zhengheng snorted softly: "You have all seen it, you don't want to say It doesn't mean that people don't say it, I will give you another chance, and now I take the initiative to say that I will record it in the file. At that time, it can be regarded as a meritorious performance. Your father is hopeless, but it does not mean that they will be buried with them. People have to live, think about it for yourself, come and take them down separately, I believe there will always be smart people who go ahead, and those who fall behind will be embarrassed if they are told by others..."

This kind of sleight of hand is simply more than enough for the people of Long Jinwei. The sons and concubines will definitely not be monolithic. The servants and concubines still have to plan for the future when they see the tree has fallen. The window effect can also be demonstrated here.

   As expected, when it was learned that gardens and stable cellars were being dug, there were soon concubines and **** willing to report more hiding places.

"The house in Santiao Hutong you mentioned, we know, isn't it just opposite the original Zhuji Youfang at the end of the alley? Unfortunately, someone said it before you. Only you know that others don’t know, your father has three legitimate sons and seven concubines, how old are you? Your mother has been by his side for several years, has there been no rumors, please persuade your mother, the husband and wife are from the same forest Birds, when the catastrophe comes, they will fly separately. Your old mother is just a concubine, old and decrepit. The crime in this case involves your father alone. Don't you think about your old mother and yourself,..."

All kinds of rhetoric and lobbying were constantly refreshed by a group of family members and servants. He Huchen looked at the time impatiently. There is an explanation to the superior, but on the other hand, it is natural to want to act first, so that you can get a little dirty after a while, which can be seen from the previous intention to please yourself.

  When the water is clear, there will be no fish. He Huchen is also a little disdainful, but he can accept it. Master Feng specifically explained that as long as it is not excessive, it is also the practice of Captain Long.

In two hours, three cellars were dug up, and two other mansions were revealed at the same time. It is estimated that there should be some gains there, but that has nothing to do with this group. Who will dig deep in the future? It's not their turn to think.

  However, the opening of the three cellars in the main house still made He Huchen, Shi Zhengheng and the others take a deep breath.

  For Shi Zhengheng, it's not that he has never seen a big scene of ransacking his home. If you say that the deputy envoy of Tongcang is nothing, he is just a character from the ninth rank.

There are several third- and fourth-rank officials who have passed his hands to raid their homes, and there are countless fifth- and sixth-rank officials. However, a ninth-rank character is actually richer than some third- and fourth-rank officials. He has to be impressed. I also couldn't help but smack my lips at the oil and water of the warehouse.

   It’s no wonder that you want to attack this group of people. If it’s me, it won’t work for anyone. It’s just a deputy, but it’s enough to drive people crazy.

  He Huchen pressed his knife and looked at the dug-up stone door with a complicated expression. The things inside were being moved out one by one and counted. This is the official of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In the three years of Qing Dynasty, the magistrate would not change one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver.

  The prison clerk has already begun to grind his ink and pen, ready to record.

   "One hundred and ninety-two pieces of Hangzhou silk in various colors, of which forty-six pieces are plain brocade with cloud patterns, thirty-two pieces are wide-width flame brocades with lotus and lotus patterns,..."

He Huchen couldn't help but took a deep breath. He was not a rich man, so he didn't have much idea about these things. Looking at Shi Zhengheng's gasping posture beside him, they were probably worth a lot. He asked with a crooked mouth, "Master Shi, How much are these items worth?"

"Hehe, Mr. He, you are asking the right person. The cloud pattern brocade in front is nothing more than one or twenty taels of silver, but the flame brocade in the back is not simple. It is from Hangzhou Xuji. There is a ration every year, and even the palace often uses this thing. It is only a few thousand horses a year, and this guy can actually catch thirty-two horses and sell them. No matter what, one horse costs two to three hundred Two silver coins?"

He Huchen's eyeballs were about to bulge. He also bought silks and satins for his concubines. He probably knew the market price. An ordinary piece of brocade satin was only a few taels of silver in the market. Why did the most common items here cost a tael? Twelve taels? There are hundreds of taels of silk and satin, can this stuff soar in the daytime?

Seeing He Huchen's unbelievable expression, Shi Zhengheng was also laughing at the Beijing camp turtle in his heart, but on the surface he still had a serious face: "Master He, you don't know, this ordinary silk satin is only three or five taels of silver, but it can make you feel better." Do you think the things that are specially hidden in the cellar are cheap? You see, there are special moisture-proof and insect-proof crafts, but this cellar cannot be made without a few hundred taels of silver..."

  He Huchen was so emotional that he could only nod his head.

   "One hundred and sixteen horseshoe red gold ingots, of which fifty-two and thirty-two, twenty-two and eighty-four,..."

   This thing is easy to estimate. The pure gold is more than three thousand taels, and it is more than thirty thousand taels when converted into silver. He Huchen can only count these best estimates.

   "One hundred and twenty pieces of golden scorpions, five taels each,..."

  He Huchen's eyes fell on the top, even the shape was the same, either it was specially smelted and customized in the gold shop, or it was specially given by someone, six hundred taels of gold, and six thousand silver.

   "Seventy-six lake pearls, including nineteen large black pearls,..."

  He Huchen looked at Shi Zhengheng again, and Shi Zhengheng couldn't help frowning. The price of this black pearl is hard to estimate, it depends on how full the market is.

But looking at the size and luster, each one should be more than three hundred taels, and even the average lake beads are between ten and twenty, and the dozens of lake beads in front of us are obviously top-grade. The price is at least thirty taels of silver.

   "Sixty-five bolts of Western scarlet woolen cloth,..."

   "Two landscape and jade screens,..."

   "Ivory whalebone fan with three handles,..."

   "1,865 silver ingots, of which 250 are fifty taels of silver ingots, seven hundred are thirty taels of silver ingots, eight hundred are twenty taels of silver ingots,..."

   "Twelve pairs of premium deer antlers,..."

   "Two tiger skins,..."

   "Thirty-eight roots of 100-year-old wild ginseng, fifty-five roots of 50-year-old wild ginseng,..."

The boring numbers and brilliant things made He Huchen a little numb later on. He had never seen many things, or even heard of them. There were also many things that came from Xiyi, and he didn't even know when he saw them. What is the use.

  But it is certain that all of them are worth a lot of money. After all, I am afraid that there will be no less than 100,000 families.

  It would be fine if he was an official of the third and fourth ranks, but this guy is an official of the ninth rank, how could he be able to make such a fortune?

  Even Shi Zhengheng couldn't help sighing with emotion. This was an eye-opener. Originally, it was a bit of a loss to investigate and deal with a ninth-rank official, but after looking at it this way, he immediately felt that it was worth it.

He made a rough estimate, not to mention other things, but the two items of gold and silver are worth five to sixty thousand taels. Counting it, definitely more than one hundred thousand taels of property is more than enough.

   It’s no wonder that he has been working as the deputy envoy for so many years and never moves. Even if he can’t be promoted to ambassador, he won’t go if he gets another promotion, and he has to spend money to stay in his current position.

   It's no wonder Master Feng and Master Zhao specifically told this guy to be a big fish and he must not get away.

  One hundred thousand families are pawned, even the emperor has to be moved, right? Shi Zhengheng thought maliciously.

  Even if other people don’t have this guy’s net worth, there are at least a few who are similar to this guy, and with the roles of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, isn’t the Shuntian government going to have a good harvest this time?

  Then how should my brothers share the benefits of this wave? Shi Zhengheng couldn't help but be heartbroken when he thought of this, even if he had to hand it in, but the big guys are busy once, staying up all night so hard, they have to think a little bit, they have to make a good deal with Mr. Zhao, and talk to Mr. Feng .

  (end of this chapter)

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