Number of People

Chapter 1431: Xinzi roll crushed

  Chapter 1431 Xinzi scroll crushed

  Feng Ziying, who had always been as stable as Mount Tai, couldn't sit still for a series of news coming from everywhere.

  Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he felt that he would be able to gain a lot from the identified big fish, but he still couldn't believe it.

But after thinking about it, the deputy envoy of An Jinrong Tongcang has never moved his home for nine years. It is said that in order to stay in this position, he spent more than ten thousand taels on several occasions. A non-influential position from the ninth rank, I am afraid that it is really only in places like Tongcang.

In another place, it would be a county magistrate of the seventh rank, which is only three to five thousand taels of silver. If it is a middle county, it is too poor, such as Shaanxi, Guizhou, and Guangxi, which may not be able to spend a few hundred taels of silver. The counties of Zhending and Damingfu in the Northern Direction are only two or three thousand taels of silver, and as long as they meet the basic conditions, they can come down to fill the vacancies.

   Can spend tens of thousands of taels of silver to secure this position without moving his nest, and usually have to make offerings in various routines. If he doesn’t make tens of thousands of taels of silver a year, how can he let it go?

So after this calculation, it seems that it is within the normal range to dig up one hundred and eighty thousand of the property, but I think that it is just an official from the ninth rank. There is no product, but because of the different positions, it has become a hot vacancy.

Feng Ziying is not too interested in these coins, but just thinks that the amount is considerable, including the guy from Zhao Wenzhao. Even if it is more or less, it is still impossible to count the mansions and money and goods hidden in various places, but according to Zhao Wenzhao and Wu Yaoqing's estimation, at least it starts with more than 100,000 taels.

A petty official, just because he is sitting in this key position, he has to do all kinds of tricks, so he has been deeply involved in all kinds of "fancy livelihood" of the outgoing ambassador and deputy envoy for so many years, Forcibly made a billions of dollars.

   This property of one hundred thousand taels of silver, in modern times, would really be a billionaire.

Counting the big girls in Rongguo Mansion like Qingwen and Jin Chuaner, the monthly allowance is only a penny of copper coins, which is less than a tael of silver. Even wages.

According to this calculation, combined with grandma Liu, a family in the suburbs of Beijing with twenty taels of silver, a family can live for a year. Compared with modern society, Feng Ziying estimates that the purchasing power of one tael of silver can reach about 2,000 to 3,000 yuan, that is, Say, one hundred thousand taels of silver is two or three hundred million.

A Grand View Garden cost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver. Well, the Jia family’s silver is equivalent to old money in modern society. Calculated according to purchasing power, it is one billion, which is the top few on the Forbes rich list in the modern world. Dare to do it?

  So it's no wonder that the Grand View Garden emptied the Jia family's wealth all at once, and owed a lot of foreign debts, including Lin Ruhai's decades of **** money.

   "Are you Tongcang Zandian Song Chuyang?" Feng Ziying looked at the man kneeling in front of her with her hands behind her back. It is indeed a bit different from ordinary people to be able to maintain such a state in his early fifties.

"Yes." After Song Chuyang saw Feng Ziying's glance, he felt that the previously tense aura seemed to be relaxed all of a sudden, and even his body was a little soft. Mention it, otherwise this guy will probably collapse to the ground.

"I heard you want to see me?" Feng Ziying can understand this kind of person, the more he looks willing to risk his life, it is often just a superficial phenomenon. The next thing I want to do is to die.

  With such a large family property, and so many women and children, how could anyone want to commit suicide so easily?

  Just like myself, surrounded by beautiful people, and with a daughter, how could she be willing to die so easily?

As long as there is a way to survive, I want to fight for it, and the reason why this guy refuses to tell the truth to Zhao Wenzhao and Wu Yaoqing is because he refuses to believe them. The result is still inevitable death.

If he wants to see himself, he probably wants to get a promise from himself, because he, the little Feng Xiu, who is well-known in the capital, and now he is the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, wants to get a promise from him, but as for whether he is willing to keep his promise, It's not a matter of making a decision by yourself, it's nothing more than a matter of whether it's worth it or not, I hope this fellow understands this truth.

   "Yes, the villain wants to see Master Feng." Song Chuyang clenched his teeth, "The villain knows that he deserves death, but he thinks that he is still useful to the adult, so the villain wants to buy his life."

"Buy a life?" Ruixiang had already brought the chair over. Feng Ziying sat down and straightened her official robes, "What do you use to sell your life? Silver, or the things you have in your hands? Do you think we can catch you? Can’t you dig out those things of yours? As for what you have mastered, maybe you have the most and the most comprehensive knowledge, but you still have to deal with people after all, even if you die, they will confess the same, nothing more than how much , but we can catch you, compared to you, you also know how many people we used last night, and few escaped from my palm, so, do you think your life is worth it?"

  Song Chuyang struggled a bit, but under the pressure of Long Jinwei Fanzi, he couldn't move at all.

"My lord, maybe you have arrested many people, but I want to say that if I don't tell you, the things you want will not be connected together. Without my link, many of your things will not be able to take shape. Scattered, I have worked in Tongcang for so many years, and I have served as several ambassadors and deputy envoys. No one can understand the situation in Tongcang as thoroughly as I do. You have spent so much effort to get me Catch it, you definitely don’t just want to see a dead body.”

  Song Chuyang has slowly recovered from the tense state of Feng Ziying at the beginning to the relaxed and soft state, and began to restore his usual shrewdness, and began to "introduce" himself and "show off" his value in an orderly manner.

"Oh?" Feng Ziying laughed, "Under the Three Trees, what can you ask for? You seem to have forgotten who you are facing. I am not good at this, but they are experts. If you want to be called Measure their level of means, I think you will get what you want."

  Feng Ziying stood up, "If you see me just to say these worthless nonsense, then your goal has been achieved. I heard it, but I don't want to accept it..."

   "My lord!" Song Chuyang felt that his mouth was dry and bitter. The other party didn't seem to be making a deal with him at all. In other words, what qualifications did he have to negotiate a deal with the other party? He just wanted political achievements, and what could he give him?

  Feng Ziying turned her head and walked out of the house. If she didn't completely dispel all kinds of small thoughts of this guy, how could this "cooperation" take the initiative?

   It's because he doesn't understand this interrogation technique, but he still understands it.

Since the other party insisted on seeing him, he must have come here for his own reputation, and all he could give him was an empty reputation, and if he wanted more, he would be gone, but the other party had to hand over everything Come.

   "My lord, you believe in the villain. The villain can give you everything you want, guaranteed to be more than you imagined!" Song Chuyang couldn't bear it anymore, and struggled violently.

He doesn't believe that these Long Jinwei, these cannibals who don't spit out their bones, will squeeze everything out of themselves, but in the end they will kill themselves; Empty your everything, but in the end nothing can be given to you.

He didn't want to die, so he could only gamble on this one. Although he had prepared a few caves, he was still too careless. He knew that he would run away decisively when he heard the news. If he left a few days earlier, he would be in Yangzhou now Or Jinling, it would be so leisurely to be a rich man with another identity, but it's a pity...

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying, who stepped out of the threshold with one foot, paused slightly, "There are more than I imagined. Is it gold and silver goods, or something else?"

  Song Chuyang continued to struggle, but Fanzi firmly pressed him to the ground, "Everything, I just ask you to save my life, it will definitely make you feel it is worth it!"

Feng Ziying turned her head, her eyes were cold, she just looked at him steadfastly, and said after a long time, "Do you know that An Jinrong wants to buy his life with one hundred thousand taels of silver, but I don't like it because I don't know enough. , but Song Chuyang, you make me a little bit more interested, because you know more things, understand?"

"The villain knows, the villain knows!" Song Chuyang didn't expect that An Jinrong would recruit him so soon, and he was willing to pay one hundred thousand taels of silver for his life. This guy is so stupid, isn't it thoughtful that you will be cowarded all of a sudden, isn't it? Does it mean that people can get more from you?

He didn't know that Feng Ziying just said this casually. An Jinrong had just been taken into prison at this time. Song Chuyang, who was already in a state of confusion, was blindsided.

Of course, this also has something to do with Song Chuyang's judgment of An Jinrong. An Jinrong should be the weakest link. Wei and the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion probably knew all about these situations long ago.

"Well, don't open your mouth yet, think about it carefully. If you want to say it, then I hope to hear it all at once, and don't hide it from me." Feng Ziying walked over, half-squatting and staring at the other party: "Since you want to see me specifically, you should know that you only have this chance. If you want to survive, as Mr. Zhao said before, only I can give you this chance!"

  (end of this chapter)

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