Number of People

Chapter 1432: Xin Zi roll choice

  Chapter 1432 Selection of Xinzi Scroll

  Professional interrogation and interrogation skills Feng Ziying is not professional, any prison official or head arrester in Shuntian Prefecture is better than him.

   And these people of Long Jinwei are the best of the best, especially because they have a fierce reputation outside. Many people who have not experienced this kind of experience, even if they hear the name of Long Jinwei, their bones will be a little bit crisp.

  The next thing Feng Ziying only needs to do is to deal with inquiries, pressure and cooperation from the outside world and from all aspects of the court.

This is what Feng Ziying is good at. Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up, and it's just a trick. Feng Ziying has long been mentally prepared, it can't be done overnight, and it's impossible to sweep it away without leaving any room. Even she herself needs to surrender. Part of the results will be shared with all parties.

   Among other things, can you ignore the emperor's personal greeting? Feng Ziying hadn't thought about being a direct minister, especially since the power and support came from the emperor.

  Can you turn a deaf ear to the overt or covert interference of the cabinet ministers and important officials in the court? Among other things, Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, and the scholars in the North are his foundation, and the Huguang faction represented by Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke are his loyal allies, how can he ignore it?

  The greetings of relatives and old friends also need to be determined according to the situation. It is impossible to turn a deaf ear to the words of the father-in-law, right?

  That's why Feng Ziying thought of making the plate as big as possible first, and involving as many people as possible, so that later on, he can properly hand over part of the benefits while ensuring that the main goals are implemented and the main interests are guaranteed.

Feng Ziying lived in the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion for five days. During these five days, she lived and boarded in the Yamen. She didn’t even go home. Baoxiang even brought her old lady’s message. Well, it involved a certain grain. business.

  Feng Ziying almost thought that her own grain store was also involved. Fortunately, it was just a partner who had been in business with the Feng family for many years.

Shen Zizheng also came to the yamen, which made Feng Ziying think that something happened at home. After some conversation, Shen Zizheng coyly explained the reason for his visit. It turned out that his brother Shen Ziji's wife and brother were also involved. Although the Shuntian government office has not yet arrested him, the government office has already issued an order to go to the shore immediately and explain the situation.

  The family was so frightened that they couldn't sleep at night. They didn't dare to run away, and they were afraid that they would never return after entering the yamen, so they came to Shen Zizheng.

Feng Ziying also knew about his wife's elder brother, because Shen Yixiu had always been close to his younger brother Shen Zizheng. This elder brother was a few years older, and he was usually in Suzhou, but when he was studying in Beijing, he made an appointment for a marriage. It is a family of local scholars, so there is such entanglement.

Feng Ziying is not familiar with this brother-in-law, but he also knows that this brother-in-law is quite talented, but he is not very enthusiastic about official career. Poetry is a good idler.

   However, something happened to his wife's family, and he was traveling again, and he hadn't returned home, so only Shen Zizheng, the little brother, came to ask for help.

In just a few days, at least ten or twenty groups of people came to the door, and all of them were considered to be able to talk and get connected. There were also many scholars in the North, and Feng Ziying deeply felt this. Follow-up troubles caused by such things.

  He can neither push it off with a word, nor dare to make a generous promise. He can only treat it according to the situation as much as possible. As for whether he can satisfy others in the end, Feng Ziying herself has no idea.

   These are the various contradictions that will inevitably be entangled while bringing huge benefits and benefits. If they are not handled properly, it will be a double-edged sword and will definitely hurt themselves.

  Feng Ziying left the Shuntian government office for the first time in the past few days and went directly to the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

   Both Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia are waiting for the censors. This is a privilege that even the six ministers can't enjoy, and it is comparable to the old cabinet.

  Although neither of the elders was summoned, Feng Ziying also knew that it was time for her to visit.

The involvement is so great, if Shuntian Mansion also rejects the Metropolitan Procuratorate, then the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will really come to deal with him, even Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia cannot resist such a huge group voice.

This involves too many interests, and the initial clues came from the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Who would have thought that Feng Ziying could use the topic to make use of it, not only to bring in Long Jinwei, but also to win the approval of the emperor, and to create such a big momentum all at once. It made the Metropolitan Procuratorate a little embarrassed.

   Properly handing over the accounts and records obtained from the interrogation and seizure in the past few days to the two people sitting above, Feng Ziying picked up the teacup and sipped the tea carefully.

This thick stack of interrogation records and various books and books, you can't read it all in half an hour. Even if you choose the key point, it will take a few cups of tea. Feng Ziying can take it easy Enjoy the tea of ​​Duchayuan.

To be honest, the plain tea in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is really bland and tasteless, coupled with a group of censors who look like black-eyed chickens staring at thieves, no wonder people are reluctant to visit the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and would rather go to the Dali Temple next door or the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. Sitting down, Feng Ziying felt bad.

Among the three judiciaries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate is the most unpopular institution, but it is also the most powerful institution. It is scolded by others, but everyone wants to come in. Without him, the future is bright when he enters here. From the position of censor It is not uncommon to go to other seven ministries and places, and it is not uncommon to even be promoted to the third level, especially to go to the local area, it is even more common to be promoted to two levels. Of course, the premise is that you have enough qualifications in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, or get Get a decent grade.

Zhang Jingqiu read it very carefully, almost carefully reading every page, while Qiao Yingjia was much faster, skimming through it roughly. Even so, when Qiao Yingjia finished reading, Feng Ziying was already asking someone to pour water for him twice .

"Okay, Ziying, don't pretend to be in front of Mr. Zhang and me. To be honest, how many people are involved, how much money is involved, er, how many officials are involved? Tell us Let’s get to the bottom of it first, you have disturbed the capital city in the past few days, and we have been scolded a lot by the Procuratorate,..."

  Qiao Yingjia's complexion is not very good-looking either.

  Although Feng Ziying had reported to him specifically before, no one expected to make such a big mess.

  The influence has been spread out, and the results of the battle seem to be getting bigger and bigger. How can this make everyone sit still? He is also under pressure from the censors below.

  Zhang Jingqiu has only just come to be the censor of Zuodu, but he is a senior censor of Youdu.

Seeing that the Shuntian Mansion has robbed the Metropolitan Procuratorate of its limelight and achievements, if it continues like this, several of their capital censors, deputy capital censors, and Qiandu censors will not be able to sit still. The key is It was his proud disciple who provoked the turbulent waves, what should we do?

"My lord, it's hard to explain. It's only been a few days now, and the whole picture has not been formed at all, but considering the current situation, it's shocking." Of course, Feng Ziying will not lie in front of Qiao Yingjia, but she will also have reservations. The initial number of people we arrested and investigated was 33 people. In the past few days, 18 people have come to the case one after another. It is estimated that there will be more people in the future. The amount of money involved is hard to say. Some people are still stubbornly resisting. , Some people are still waiting to watch the silence, and some people are hiding to watch the wind,..."

"However, forty-two mansions in the capital have been seized and 280,000 taels of gold and silver have been confiscated. It is difficult to discount other goods one by one, and it is not easy to evaluate. The estimated value is about 200,000 taels, but This is only preliminary, and it is expected that there will be more in the next few days,..."

   "As for the officials..." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "The Ministry of Household Affairs should be the hardest hit area. The Ministry of Industry and the Governor's Mansion of Water Transportation are involved a lot. The government offices of Tongzhou and Shuntian, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Finance..."

   "There are also the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Shizhong?" Even Zhang Jingqiu, who hadn't asked much, was taken aback, and couldn't help but raised his head and asked.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, we are all mortals. It is inevitable that we will have relatives and old friends. It is inevitable that we will be involved. We can only say that we are involved. As for how deep the case is, we will only find out after the investigation. .” Feng Ziying said with a smile.

Both Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia looked a little ugly, and they said they wanted to step in to take over. This is great, even their own insiders have been involved. It is inevitable that Captain Long will report to the emperor. Isn't this stabbed in the back of the Metropolitan Procuratorate? Is it a knife?

The two exchanged glances, and it was Qiao Yingjia who said, "Ziying, you have turned this warehouse upside down. Now the capital is shaking, and even Nanjing and Huai'an are restless. I am afraid that too many people will be involved in this case." Deep, but the attitude of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is also very firm, that is, since it has been opened, it still needs to be investigated clearly. As for how to finalize the case, it is up to the emperor and the cabinet to decide, and the three judicial departments will all intervene..."

"No problem, the intervention of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is a good thing. I am worried that Shuntian Mansion and Long Jinwei are not strong enough, and they are stretched. There are a series of clues pointing to Jingcang. It is estimated that Jingcang's situation is not better than Tongcang. Where did it go? Even worse, I have now asked the Shuntian government office and Long Jinwei to keep a close eye on several key figures in Jingcang to prevent them from escaping and destroying evidence. I can do it right away. I am just worried. The power needed for investigation is not enough, and I am wondering if the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Justice can help,..."

  Feng Ziying looked at the two happily, and his attitude was so enthusiastic that both Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia couldn't help being a little surprised.

   It was still Qiao Yingjia who laughed and said haha, with a little more appreciation in his eyes, "Ziying, don't you mind if the Procuratorate steals your merits from Shuntian Mansion?"

  (end of this chapter)

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