Number of People

Chapter 1443: Xin Zijuan Sanya

  Chapter 1443 Xinzi Juan Sanya

Qingwen looked suspiciously at Ping'er, whose cheeks were still flushed, coming out of the small courtyard of the study, and couldn't help but cast another glance at Jin Chuan'er, who had the same strange expression, and couldn't help herself, and asked in a cold voice: "Ping'er, what are you doing?" What kind of trouble is this with the uncle? Why are you disheveled and red-faced? This is the study where the grandfather works!"

   Changed to the usual, even though Ping'er would not retort, she would still counterattack calmly, but this time she was indeed a little short of breath, and for a while, she didn't know how to deal with the aggressive Qingwen.

Originally, I was talking about grandma's pregnancy, and now I was intimate with Uncle Feng in the study for a while. Although it was not too messy, the pair of emerald jade earrings were hidden in my bosom, and the bellyband was almost taken off by the grandfather. Fortunately, I didn't feel dizzy, otherwise I wouldn't know how to explain to my grandma when I went back.

"Put this book in there, what else can I do with the uncle?" Ping'er calmed down, but his tone was very gentle, "Who is the uncle, you don't know yet? I'm here to talk to Uncle Feng, that's also grandma What else can you do?"

Qingwen snorted coldly, with her hands on her hips, "Ping'er, I know you have always been a self-respecting person, so don't lose your sense of proportion. Second Mistress has reconciled with Second Master Lian now. I'm afraid it's up to the Wang family to ask what you plan to do in the future. It's not Uncle Feng's turn to worry about it, right?"

Ping'er's heart trembled, Qingwen's little hooves have such a keen mind, although this trial was not successful, it was not far away, this time I really came to ask Uncle Feng how to arrange for grandma, and even With a piece of meat in the stomach.

"Hehe, Qingwen, what's the matter, Second Mistress needs your approval to talk to Uncle Feng?" Ping'er looked Qingwen up and down, and also began to fight back softly but hard: "I think You don't seem to be open to accepting the house yet, do you? Even if you accept the house, it's not your turn to speak about such things, right? "

"It's my business whether I open my face and confiscate the house. You don't need to worry about eating carrots. As for your second grandma, she is not counted as second grandma now. If you are asked to run here every day, it will naturally let you go." People are suspicious, Master is busy with official duties all day long, don’t you know what has been going on in the capital city for the past few days?” Qingwen also has an unforgiving temper, and she counterattacked unceremoniously: “Even my grandma and Bao Er In the past few days, grandma has learned not to bother the uncle as much as possible, and let the uncle focus on his business affairs, how can your grandma have any important affairs that can compare with the imperial court's big case of liquidation?"

  Ping'er got a little angry after being teased by Qingwen.

  She also knew that it was up to each other. Qingwen is Grandma Shen's personal maid now, so she naturally wants to protect her own grandma's interests. It's normal not to see other women meddling.

"Qingwen, I think you also know about the relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng. You don't know about the ransom of the soldiers of the Beijing camp, do you? If you think about it, you have to pick your nose and eyes, so you must be too lenient."

Ping'er's words didn't make Qingwen back down, she always felt that there was something weird about it, "Ping'er, the second grandma likes money, the uncle sees that he helped the second grandma because of his relationship with the second master Lian in the past. It makes sense, but how long has it been? How can there be so many things? Could it be that the second grandma has other matters to ask the uncle? Let me tell you, Ping'er, the second grandma is the most concerned about the big case of the imperial court's liquidation of warehouses. Don't get meddled, let the old man be embarrassed, if the court finds out, the old man will be blamed, you are also a person who understands the general situation, second grandma has such a temper, you should persuade me."

   I have to say that Qingwen's words have some truths, and she has a good understanding of Wang Xifeng. Even Ping'er admires her, but naturally she can't show weakness at this time.

"Qingwen, do you think that the uncle doesn't have a steelyard for this kind of thing? Don't say that grandma doesn't have these things. Even if there is, how can the uncle abolish the public because of the second mistress? Then you look down on the uncle too much, I advise you It's better to stop worrying about these things that you shouldn't care about, and it's serious to serve Grandma Shen well."

  Jin Chuaner looked at the two women fighting endlessly, which was an eye-opener.

Although Qingwen is sharp-tongued, she used to have a lot of cynical fights with herself in the past, and she is not a good quarrel, but Ping'er is well-known as a virtuous person in Rongguo Mansion. She usually looks gentle and pleasant, and is a She has a good temper, but she didn't expect that once she became impolite, she would be soft but hard, soft but tough, no less than Qingwen.

"Okay, take it easy, both of you, Qingwen, you should change your temperament. Ping'er is a guest from afar, and everyone is from the Rongguo Mansion anyway. Do you have to make a fuss and make a fuss about it? Everyone in the entire family knows that you are arguing here?"

  Jin Chuan'er couldn't stand it anymore, there were people in the outer courtyard looking here, and if this continued, people from the first room and the second room would definitely be recruited, and there was no way to make matters worse, so she had no choice but to intervene.

   "Besides, Ping'er also said just now that the uncle should decide what to do. Why was it your turn to intervene?"

"Hmph, Jin Chuan'er, the matter is naturally up to the uncle himself, and we should do our best, don't pretend to be reserved and cold all day long, but when you really encounter things, you are at a loss. You're in a daze, if something happens, you won't be able to bear it."

   Qingwen didn't give Jin Chuan'er any face, and retorted unceremoniously.

She doesn't have a deep friendship with the people in Rongguo Mansion, and Ping'er is still passable, so she was a little close before, but seeing Ping'er's strange appearance, she knew what she did at a glance, Qing Anyway, Wen also stayed in Feng's residence for so long, serving Shen Yixiu's side, and knew a lot about the relationship between men and women, which immediately brought out the sourness and hostility in her heart, which is why she started arguing peacefully.

  As for Jin Chuan'er was already at odds with her, she was naturally even more merciless.

  In the entire Rongguo Mansion, there are only one and a half people who can really convince Qingwen, one is mandarin ducks, the other half is Zijuan, and nothing else.

Being **** off by Qingwen, Jin Chuaner sneered repeatedly: "Yo, but I don't know why a housekeeper came out of our Feng residence, I don't know if it is from the Hulunhou residence or Yunchuanbo residence? Or is it from our entire Feng residence? Are you in charge of the house?"

"Hmph, Jin Chuan'er, don't say such useless things here. You are in charge of my master's study, and I also take care of your daily affairs a lot. I just remind you. As for whether you like to listen or not, it's up to you! "Qingwen ignored her, and turned her head: "Ping'er, we are all from the Rongguo Mansion, and in terms of love, you treat me well in the Rongguo Mansion, but now the second grandma's status is embarrassing. If it's really you, it's fine, if it's really you, you can come to the mansion to follow the uncle, but we all know that you are the second grandma's caring person, and you are also loyal. People think that there is something unclear about the relationship between the uncle and the second mistress, and those of us who are present now naturally have to remind them, I hope you will not be offended."

I have to say that Qingwen's words are reasonable and well-founded, and she also took care of her affection. Even Ping'er has to admire Qingwen in her heart. The eldest grandma has been training by her side for so long, and she has a bit of a look.

   Qingwen was just a reminder, but Second Mistress did have such an unclear relationship with Uncle Feng, and there was a piece of meat in her stomach, how could this be separated? How could he not come to see Uncle Feng?

  Not only did she come to look for her now, but she might also continue to make arrangements for the two parties in the future. When she met Qingwen who was serious, it seemed that she would have to continue to entangle her.

"Qingwen, you have your position, and I have my difficulties. Naturally, I will come to do what Second Mistress ordered, so don't take offense." Ping'er smiled gently, "The relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng It's better for us as servants to not meddle in the affairs of the house. If your grandma is really suspicious, you might as well ask Uncle Feng directly. Why do you need to make you come here? If Uncle Feng finds out, It's not appropriate to hurt their relationship as husband and wife."

   Qingwen sighed.

  Why doesn't she know this, her grandma never asks about this, and she doesn't even think about it, because she has never met Wang Xifeng at all, but Qingwen knows Wang Xifeng.

  This woman is very coquettish, don't think she was born as a lady, but now the hairy phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken, maybe she will play Uncle Feng's idea.

  After getting involved with Uncle Feng, wouldn't she have found support for those champerty lawsuits and usury activities she had done when she was in Rongguo Mansion? Wouldn't Uncle Feng's reputation be ruined by her?

   It's a pity that Ping'er, a rare and loyal woman, followed such a woman.

   Speaking of this, Qingwen didn't say much, so she turned and left, leaving only Jin Chuan'er and Ping'er.

   "Ping'er, don't you really want to enter our Feng's residence?" Jin Chuan'er suddenly asked, Ping'er was startled, "Jin Chuan'er, you think so too?"

"It's not that I think so, it's that you're doing this, and everyone would think so." Jin Chuan'er said in a very calm tone, "I like your temper very much, it's more suitable than my cold temper, but Ru Qingwen In other words, can you abandon your second grandmother? If the second grandmother and the second master Lian do not reconcile, it is still possible, but now, you are afraid that it is impossible to abandon your second grandmother. "

Ping'er raised her head slightly, as if making some kind of promise, "I came out of Wang's house with Second Grandma. Although Second Grandma is a bit irritable, she has a good heart. At least she is not mean to me. She is in trouble now." , how can I abandon her? This whole life is just guarding her. "

  (end of this chapter)

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