Number of People

Chapter 1444: Anton

  Chapter 1444 Xin Zijuan Settlement

  The arrival of Busia Mara and Wang Xifeng's pregnancy did add a lot of worries to Feng Ziying.

Although there is some joy in my heart, it does not mean that these things will not take up energy. Fortunately, the investigation of the major case of Tongcang is still progressing smoothly. The Tianfu Yamen shared a lot of pressure, which also prevented Feng Ziying from even daring to go home.

The combination of Fu Shi, Wang Wenyan and Zhao Wenzhao cooperated very tacitly. Fu Shi coordinated the entire Shuntian government office affairs, Wang Wenyan planned internally, and Zhao Wenzhao was responsible for the specific investigation and progress. With Wu Yaoqing's external intelligence support, the entire communication The investigation of the Cangda case began to shift from the key target in the early stage to the systematic collection of nets. More and more people were involved, but they all belonged to Xiaoyu and Xiami.

But if there are too many small fish and shrimps, they are no less than big fish. Feng Ziying is deeply touched by this. Looking at the list in his hand, the confession, and the seized assets, each stroke is shocking and makes people feel shocked. Emotion.

A small soldier leader, through collusion with the officials in the storehouse, adopted internal and external exchanges, mixed with sand and gravel, and gained more than 11,000 taels of profit from it in eight years, an average of 1,400 taels per year. Two, and the annual salary of a soldier leader is no more than thirty-five taels, which means that the silver he earns through this method is equivalent to forty times his regular income, and the four soldiers who followed him in this business They also got more than two thousand taels respectively.

   This is just one of the microcosms.

Judging from the current investigation situation, almost no one in the whole warehouse is not greedy, it's just a degree, and the lightest person also gets 300 taels from it, which is equivalent to nearly ten years' income, just the greed of these small fish and shrimp The income was more than 400,000 taels, so after this calculation, the amount involved in the whole warehouse corruption case has exceeded 1.8 million taels, which is much higher than the second estimate.

  I don't have much interest in this Feng Ziying anymore, but of course I have a lot of love for the emperor, the court, and especially the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Huang Ruliang, Minister of the Household Department, and Wang Yongguang, the left servant of the Household Department, invited Feng Ziying to meet twice to discuss the recovery and surrender of related money. I hope that Feng Ziying can intensify his efforts and strive to get all the money corrupted by ink before the end of the year. This method is used to realize cash and turn it over to the treasury of the Ministry of Households.

  This is a hard task indicator issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs, even more important than the autumn tax.

Feng Ziying pondered, and since the situation of Jingcang and Tongcang are similar, if the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment can go as smoothly as Shuntian Mansion's side, it seems that this wave will really "increase" more than two million taels of silver for the court by the end of the year Is it a bit like fattening and killing pigs?

   Such a case brought a lot of trouble and pressure, but it also brought a lot of resources. Countless people flocked here, hoping to get acquainted and cling to Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who has become more popular.

The people involved in these cases are not only related officials and soldiers, but more of these grain merchants who are closely related to the noble families in the capital city. Most of them are either rich or noble in the capital city. Groups, even the old royal clans such as Zhongshun Wang and Zhen Guogong and Wu Xun are not immune, so if you win a favor from Feng Ziying, you will naturally be rewarded in the future.

   "Master." Ruixiang entered the room and saluted.

   "Okay, I don't need so much courtesy here, how is my arrangement for you?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

"The young one has been running for the past few days according to the master's order. You mean that it should be far away from our west city, but it should not be too far away, and the residents should not be too mixed, so the small one is mainly located in Renshoufang, Dongcheng, Baodafang, Nanxunfang, Mingzhaofang, Clarifyingfang, Dashiyongfang and Shixiaoyongfang in the south city, Zhaohui Jinggongfang and Rizhongfang in the north city.”

  Ruixiang made some guesses about the intentions of some uncles looking for a house.

  Second Grandma is going to move out of Rongguo Mansion. I haven't seen Ping'er and Xiaohong come to the mansion a few times. I guess they want to ask Uncle Feng for advice or arrangements. Who will let Uncle Feng and Second Mistress be entangled.

   Speaking from the bottom of his heart, Ruixiang doesn’t agree with Grandpa and Second Mistress getting involved. We all know that Second Mistress Lian in Rongguo Mansion is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Ruixiang has followed Feng Ziying to the Rongguo Mansion dozens of times over the years, not to mention that Rongguo Mansion is as familiar as the Feng Mansion, at least the maids, servants, servants, women and even the housekeepers there have also known a rough idea. , I also have some friends who are relatively stable and close, like the resident of the second grandmother's house, Qianhua from the Rongguo Mansion, **** medicine from the Yihong Courtyard, lotus flowers from the Jinlou Building, Mrs. Xia on the back door of the Grand View Garden, and the mansion Pan Youan, who was originally with Jia Zheng, but stayed in the mansion and did not go to Jiangxi with him, and Xi'er, who originally followed Jia Zhen in Ningguo Mansion, and later followed Jia Rong, gradually became acquainted.

Like Qian Hua, Zhu'er, Pan You'an, Hue Yao, and Xi'er, Ruixiang also came and went frequently, and Feng Ziying also told him that he knew more people from Rongning and Ningfu, so he could be more generous in his actions. Ruixiang naturally understood, If there is nothing to do and have a drink together, they will naturally become close.

   But Lianhuaer and Xia Pozi are coincidences or people's deliberate flattery.

For example, Lianhua'er got acquainted because Ruixiang went to Zhuijinlou once and accidentally bumped Lianhua'er, who was thin, into a somersault and fell. He would inevitably have to make an apology and apply medicine, so she became familiar with her. Now the maids in Zhuijinlou We all know that the layer of tulle between the uncle and the second girl is almost torn, and Siqi, who was tasted by the uncle, is also deliberately wooing, so the relationship between the two is even closer.

  As for Mrs. Xia, it was Ruixiang who went to the back door twice to get familiar with the situation of the Grand View Garden. After knowing Ruixiang's identity, Mrs. Xia deliberately flattered her.

Ruixiang also felt that my uncle often went in and out of the Grand View Garden. With such a knowledgeable and sensible gatekeeper woman as an acquaintance, many things would be much easier for me. After all, in principle, men are not allowed in and out of the Grand View Garden, except for the uncle and the second master Bao. It is not very convenient for people like Huan Sanye to come in and out.

  Because of having so many acquaintances and friends, Ruixiang also goes to Rongguo Mansion to walk around when he is not on business.

When these three friends and four friends eat wine and brag, and occasionally go to spend some time with Mrs. Xia during New Years and holidays, and when they meet and talk with Lianhuaer, they will inevitably talk about people and things in Rongning Second Mansion. As soon as he became familiar with the situation of Rongning Second Mansion, all kinds of stories about Wang Xifeng would inevitably fall into Ruixiang's ears.

This Second Mistress Lian is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. The girl married, but she is still the cousin of Lian's second grandpa. This is not counting as the second girl who may be the uncle's concubine. This complicated relationship, if there is an omission in the future, they will find out the relationship between Lian's second grandma and the uncle. With this level of relationship, why not fry the pot?

  Thinking of this kind of Shura field, Ruixiang was worried for the uncle, but the uncle seemed to be calm, and even enjoyed it.

It's just that the uncle's affairs are not up to those of the current people to comment on, but the uncle is wise and powerful in public affairs, but he may not be good at such private matters, especially the things in the crotch, how can he talk to the uncle? Compared with the future?

   What are a few women to the uncle, as the uncle, why not ask for it? Why bother to get entangled with a broken flower?

Even if you sleep with a few servant girls in Rongguo Mansion, it doesn't matter to the overall situation, they can't say anything, and they even feel happy that it is a blessing to be seen by the uncle, but Lian's second mistress is a woman who has given birth to a child. People, what is it?

  If the reputation is affected by this, it is really not worthwhile.

   Ruixiang can only swallow these words, but he still has to find a suitable time to talk to the uncle quietly, whether the uncle listens or not is his business.

   "Oh, you are very attentive. How is your inquiry?" Feng Ziying nodded.

   It is reasonable to find two houses.

Busia Mara had to be settled in one place. Although the Yehe tribe also had a place to stay in the capital city, Busia Mara also came to Beijing with her entourage, so it was inconvenient to do some things, and now Busia Mara Mara is obsessed with getting pregnant, so she will inevitably have to "work hard" during this period. Naturally, she needs to find a safe and comfortable place. Once Busia Mara is pregnant, she must be suitable for living and living. To avoid those Yehe tribesmen who followed her to Beijing.

  There is another place on Wang Xifeng's side.

Although Wang Xifeng keeps saying that she wants to find a house by herself, but she has her own seeds in her belly, Feng Ziying has to express it no matter what, arranging a house is the minimum, and future generations do not need to have a mistress so what? What's more, this "Lian's mistress" is now loaded in her stomach.

"In the northern city, the conditions of Zhaohui Jinggongfang and Rizhongfang are not good. As long as the social security is still a bit chaotic, there are two houses in Rizhongfang that are in good condition. On the Jishuitan and Shichahai, Dingyuan, Jingyuan, Shichahai Temple is not far away, but if you go back to Jinggong Square, you won’t be able to…”

  Ruixiang introduced, "The conditions in Yongfang are the best, the most lively and prosperous in the south,..."

"I don't think about Yongfang, it's too lively there." Feng Ziying waved his hand. The Yongfang is where all the yamen are located. Among the seven ministries, except the Ministry of Punishment, the Imperial Academy, the Mansion of the Governor of the Five Armies, and the Mansion of the Clan. Over there, people come and go, and it is too easy to meet acquaintances.

"Then there is only the east side of the city. The east side of the city also has the largest choice. Nanxunfang, Baodafang, Mingzhaofang, and Qingmingfang have many houses to choose from, but the prices are not cheap,..." Ruixiang Basically determined the mind of the uncle.

  (end of this chapter)

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