Number of People

Chapter 1447: Xin Zijuan Golden House

  Chapter 1447 Xin Zijuan Golden House

   "Master, do you need to go and have a look?" Ruixiang memorized the things that the uncle explained to him with his heart, and he had to record them in a book later, so as not to miss them.

This is also a habit he has developed. Firstly, he can practice calligraphy, and secondly, he can familiarize himself with the situation. This is also taught by the uncle. He lives to learn, and he only needs to learn a few words, a sentence of scriptures and a poem every day. There will be small achievements in a few years.

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment.

I didn't want to go to see it at first, Ruixiang is still very relieved when doing things, but after all, it is a woman's thing, if I don't go to see it once, it would be too hasty, Busia Mara is better, I don't care about it , but Wang Xifeng's side is hard to say.

  If Sister Feng knew that she hadn’t even read it and chose it for her, I’m afraid that there will be pimples in her heart, and there may be a quarrel if she finds something wrong, so it’s better to go and have a look, so as to avoid further troubles.

   "Well, let's go and have a look. Choosing a date is worse than hitting the sun. Then today, you make arrangements first. When the time here is about the same, I will go and have a look in advance." Feng Ziying made up her mind.

   "Do you want to call Mr. Wu and them?" Ruixiang asked cautiously.

Usually when going out, as long as it is a fixed route, such as going to the seven yamen, or patrolling the city procuratorate, five city soldiers and horses, patrol camps, or going out of the city to counties, Wu Yaoqing will arrange personal guards there, waiting in the city Generally speaking, the safety of the city is not as dangerous as that outside the city.

If you want to go out of the city for a day or two and can't come back, in addition to strengthening the guard force, you will usually let Third Sister You follow, both as a bodyguard and as a bed servant, so as to save you from going to the county. It's not safe for all parties to please Shangguan and find some prostitutes, or they may be assassins, and if they are infected with a willow disease, it is difficult to explain to the mansion.

   "No need, let's call third sister." Feng Ziying thought for a while.

  The security problem in the capital city is not a big one. After Feng Ziying became the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, he clearly strengthened the security checks on all the workshops in the capital city, especially those surrounding the inner imperial city.

He also informed the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion, and he also consulted with Zhang Jingqiu and Qiao Yingjia for instructions. The company and the patrol battalion cooperated with Shuntian Prefecture to strengthen the inspection of some important road sections and the identity verification of suspicious persons.

  In Feng Ziying's mind, Third Sister You is no longer a concubine, but a dual-role identity.

On the one hand, she has to serve as a personal guard and attendant when she goes out. After all, Feng Ziying finds it difficult to accept a man to follow her in the same room. Unlike many colleagues, they like to choose a handsome young man as a personal attendant, like Ruixiang Baoxiang, although he was also raised with him since he was a child. But Feng Ziying still can't accept using them for such intimate behaviors as dressing, tying, and hair, so Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er, Qingwen Yunshang and Ying'er Xiangling are mostly at home, and only they are outside. Third Sister You.

On the other hand, it is sleeping, and sometimes it takes several days to go to the state or county, knowing that my husband-in-law cannot do without a woman. To be honest, even Shen Yixiu, Baochai, and Baoqin are not at ease, and they want to let Qingwen, Yun Chang or Yinger and Xiangling went with them, and felt that it would hinder the official voice. After all, they only went out temporarily for ten days and a half months, not every half a year, so the advantage of Third Sister You showed up. , and with extraordinary martial arts skills, he can be called the best candidate, so even Baochai and Baoqin acquiesced in this role.

Because of the special status of Third Sister You, Feng Ziying does not shy away from Third Sister You in many things, and although Sister You is straightforward, she doesn't like to tell tales, and she likes her current identity very much. She was the one Feng Ziying spent the longest time with, so over time, Feng Ziying didn't deliberately cover up some things that he still had reservations about other women, such as the affair with Yingchun, or Busia Mara and There was a bit of ambiguity between them, but Wang Xifeng's Third Sister You didn't know it yet.

  But as Wang Xifeng's belly got bigger, if he had to go there frequently, it was impossible to go out alone every time. That was indeed too dangerous, and it would be too conspicuous to bring other guards.

But even Feng Ziying himself was still a little worried about the power of the White Lotus Sect in the city. He knew that they were in the dark. He didn't dare to be careless about the assassination at the Guhe Ferry. He would rather let Third Sister You know some secrets. It's just that Third Sister You's mouth is tighter.

  Take another 10,000 steps back, if it is really going to spread, it will be much better than being stabbed to death.

  Come out from Shuntianfu Yamen, go up Shuntianfu Street, and walk eastward to Andingmen Street, which is one of the most spacious and lively streets in the entire capital city.

  Go south along Andingmen Street, passing Yuanen Temple and Daxing County Government, which are far away from each other, and Shuntianfu School is in front of you.

  After Feng Ziying took office as Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister, he only visited once. It was not his main job, so there is no need to be too concerned.

  Pass Shuntianfu School, then go further to Chaodouer Hutong entrance, this is the site of Zhaohui Jinggongfang, and another intersection is Tianshian Grass Farm, which is the site of Baodafang.

  Huimin Pharmaceutical Bureau is not far from Tianshi'an Grassland, and to the east is Zhongcheng Bingmasi.

   It took Ruixiang a lot of effort to find two connected courtyards.

   This was originally the residence of a retired Beijing official. His brother was a wealthy businessman who had been doing business in Beijing for a long time. The two lived next to each other.

  Later, after the official in Beijing wanted to return to his hometown in Shanxi, the two families returned home together. The two yards were vacant and have been listed for sale, but the price could not be negotiated.

  There is only one housekeeper here to deal with the aftermath, and there is no shortage of these money, so people are not in a hurry, and it will take two or three years.

  Because of the high price, Ruixiang did not dare to make up his mind, so he took Feng Ziying to have a look.

  Naturally, Feng Ziying was not required to negotiate prices for such trivial matters. Rui Xiang had practiced with Feng Ziying for so many years, and Feng Ziying took a quick look.

Feng Ziying was taken aback. Although he was very famous in the capital city, most people still hadn't seen his face. The butler of a rich Shanxi businessman could recognize him, which made him underestimate his influence. .

   "Who are you?" Feng Ziying asked, Third Sister You was already on guard with her sword, but it could be seen that the other party was not Lian Jiazi, but just habitually on guard.

   "Sure enough, it's Mr. Feng. The young Gao Chu is the housekeeper of the Gao family in Daizhou..." Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't deny it, the man quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"How do you know me?" Feng Ziying was very puzzled. Daizhou belonged to Taiyuan Prefecture, but her father did not have many connections in Shanxi Town (Taiyuan Town). Feng's family contacts in Shanxi were mainly in Datong Prefecture. Although the state is next to Datong Mansion, it does not belong to Datong after all, and he is still young when he leaves Datong, so no one should know him.

   "The younger one and the master once went to visit Mr. Sun, and happened to meet Mr. Sun to send him out, so I have an impression." Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't wake him up, the butler dared to kneel and raised his head.

"Oh? Boya? By the way, Boya is a member of Zhenwuwei in Daizhou. I have a little impression. One of you two masters is an official from Taipusi, right?" Feng Ziying suddenly realized, and nodded The head: "No wonder, Boya is considered a generation of elites in your Daizhou, a leader among young scholars."

Although Sun Chuanting is young, after Yonglong's eighth year of high school, he became famous in Daizhou after the second-class Jinshi in this subject, especially after the selection of Shujishi. Many merchants in Daizhou are also proud of it, and they always go to Beijing Get acquainted.

Feng Ziying's words are a little too old-fashioned, but Sun Chuanting was originally one of the few students who were younger than him in that Qingtan Academy, and he was a Jinshi one subject later, and the relationship has always been very close, and now He is already a member of the fourth rank, far from being comparable to Sun Chuanting, who is just a good scholar now, so it is reasonable to ask for a little more.

"Your Excellency, you can remember our Gao family, but it's a pity that my lord was too busy last time when I came to the capital, so I didn't have the chance to see my lord..." The butler was also very good at talking, Feng Ziying waved him to get up, "Well, it will be natural in the future. Chances are, this time when your master returns to Daizhou, these two houses are going to be sold, and it happens that a relative of mine needs to buy another house as a residence,..."

   "If it's a relative of an adult, then the price doesn't need to be said. The small one has limited authority, so I can only get 20% off the original price..." The butler hurriedly said after getting up.

   "It doesn't have to be like this. My relatives bought it. I just came to see what the price should be. I can take advantage of you..." Feng Ziying waved her hand.

  That being said, how could the housekeeper agree to charge the original price? Naturally, it was a dispute and push, and in the end it was agreed to pay 20% off the original price.

For the two mansions, this price can be described as a great discount. Originally, the asking price of the two mansions was 16,000 taels of silver and the other 12,000 taels of silver, totaling 28,000 taels. Wen refused to give up, and now he suddenly gave up more than five thousand taels. I have to say that the butler was really a little bold to mention the master's decision.

After negotiating the price, Feng Ziying asked Ruixiang to hand over Haitong Yinzhuang's bank note to the other party. It is said that such a large amount is the first time we have known each other. It is definitely not enough to rely on bank notes alone, and we need to go to Yinzhuang together to confirm. But the butler is also a bold person, so he recognized it openly, and there is no need to go to Yinzhuang.

  Before parting, the butler also presented his lord's name card to Feng Ziying respectfully, and Feng Ziying also accepted it with pleasure, and everyone was very happy.

  (end of this chapter)

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