Number of People

Chapter 1448: Xin Zijuan is in danger

  Chapter 1448 Xin Zijuan is in danger

  The house in Gongxian Hutong is much smaller, but it is also much more exquisite and beautiful. It can be seen that people have spent a lot of time building and decorating it, but they have changed the big house, so they sold it.

  Feng Ziying didn't show up in this small courtyard, but just looked outside and thought it was suitable, so she asked Ruixiang to buy it.

After completing these two matters, Feng Ziying felt much more at ease. At any rate, she had an explanation for Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara, and the capital city gave them a place to live. How to arrange it is up to Wang Xifeng to decide. Of course, Feng Ziying prefers to go to Linqing.

Linqing has convenient transportation, a bustling market, and the old house has been renovated, so it is very luxurious. Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, Wang Xifeng looks a bit conspicuous when he lives in it. After all, this is Feng's house. Everyone knows that this is the old house of Feng's family in the capital. You, a woman with a big belly, came here to hide and give birth, so your identity is self-evident.

  Now the people guarding the house in the old house are old servants of the Feng family. They must be tight-lipped, but they are also outsiders.

  If it is to Feng Ziying's father and mother. It is certainly impossible for them to hide it.

  What's more, in their view, this is a good thing, to spread branches and leaves for the Feng family, regardless of her status as a woman, whether she is a concubine or an illegitimate child, as long as she is Feng Ziying's seed.

  The Feng family has so few heirs, the older generation is looking forward to the stars and the moon, hoping to have more children. At this time, who cares about who the mother is.

The only thing that is worrying is that this stay will definitely last for a year or a half. When I come here after my belly is big, I guess I will hide here at least in four or five months, and then wait until the delivery is over, at least until the child is half a year old. Only after the age of one can we talk about returning to Beijing or not.

   During this year, Wang Xifeng's temperament might not be able to curl up in Linqing Feng's house all the time. For Wang Xifeng, hiding in the house for a year, looking up and bowing to those servants, the feeling might be too difficult.

   Moreover, these people in the capital city will also be suspicious. If they disappear for a year, there must be a reason. It is best to show their faces and even meet guests.

   But it is also troublesome to meet customers. After giving birth to a child and still breastfeeding, as long as the appearance is experienced or shrewd, you can see some clues, but it is more likely to make people suspicious if you don't see customers.

   All in all, there will be a lot of troubles in the future, and Feng Ziying is too lazy to think about it. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the soil. Who let me only want to be happy at the time, and you made people's stomachs bigger by you, what can I do?

   You can’t kill the child, it’s even more impossible, so you can only take one step at a time like this, and dig the road after driving to the front of the mountain.

  Feng Ziying came out after seeing the house in Gongxian Hutong, got into the carriage with Third Sister You, and then returned to the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion.

  When getting on the bus, both Feng Ziying and Third Sister You felt a pair of gazes looking over them, subconsciously looking back, only saw a few people passing by in a hurry, without much impression.

  Sister You was very vigilant, her eyes followed the slowly passing back of the other party, Feng Ziying also shook her head subconsciously, was she guilty of being a thief and too sensitive? It seems that everyone is a little suspicious.

"Sir, my family sees that those people just now are all Lianjiazi. Didn't they all make a special agreement with Wucheng Bingmasi and Patrol Battalion to strengthen the inspection in Fangshi here? Why are there still so many people from the rivers and lakes swaggering in? Really? Is there no one in Jingshi City? Why don’t the servants follow and take a look?”

In addition to guarding Feng Ziying, Third Sister You is also in frequent contact with Wu Yaoqing to get information at any time, and even contacted Zhao Wenzhao to learn about the progress of the assassination case at Guhe Ferry. Too much progress.

"No need, the capital city has a population of one million, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and it is the center of our Great Zhou. It is normal for a few more Jianghu people to come in. If you leave, what if they take the opportunity to assassinate me?" Feng Ziying opened Joking, but still a little dissatisfied inside.

   To say that there are still some talents in the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion, he has dealt with both the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion, and has also learned about these two forces through Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

The soldiers and horses of the five cities are mainly masters selected and cultivated by the military system. Among them, there are not only those who join the army from the Jianghu sect who want to fight for their backgrounds, but also those who have been born in the military for generations. All in one.

The five-city soldiers and horses are not the same as the frontier guards and even the Beijing camp. It is originally positioned as a security force, similar to the armed police of later generations. expertise.

The patrol battalion is similar to the special police patrol, and also has some responsibilities as a criminal policeman. Arresting, chasing, and even fighting are also their strengths. Their source of personnel is also different from that of the five city soldiers and horses, because the patrol battalion does not belong to the military. Therefore, most of the patrolling camp personnel are from the Wulin Jianghu Sect Gang in the North, and of course there are also members of the Jianghu Sect Gang from other regions. After all, being able to gain a foothold in the patrolling camp is also a status for the sect gang itself. and a symbol of strength.

  The status of the Patrol Battalion is slightly lower than that of the Wucheng Bingma Division, and is in a subordinate position, but whether it is the Wucheng Bingma Division or the Patrol Battalion, they are all under the supervision and jurisdiction of the patrolling censors of the Xuncheng Procuratorate.

  The institution of Xuncheng Procuratorate is also a bit special, and Xuncheng Yushi is also a bit similar to Xunyan Yushi.

  Generally speaking, city patrol censors come from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they are different from other censors.

  Other censors are all Jinshi backgrounds, approved by the cabinet, and appointed by the official department. The emperor generally will not intervene in individual cases, otherwise it will easily attract criticism from scholars.

The Xuncheng Yushi is different, because in fact, he is in charge of the security of the entire capital city, even the Shuntian government office has to give up one end, so the five Xuncheng Yushi of the Xuncheng Procuratorate are all from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, but in the end it is necessary for the emperor to Personally sign for approval.

Moreover, the difference between Xuncheng Yushi and Xunyan Yushi is that it is extremely mobile. Few of the five Xuncheng Yushi have worked for three years, and even basically change every year. It is very rare to work for two years. , This is also the consensus formed by the emperor and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which is to prevent a certain person from working in this position for too long, forming a chain of interests, and even endangering the safety of the court.

Because of this, although the Xuncheng Yushi has great power, the commanders and deputy commanders of the Wucheng Bingmasi have more say in specific affairs. This is also a normal restriction mode of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The commander of the soldiers and horses of the five cities and the patrol battalion restrict each other, the censor of the patrol and the commander of the soldiers and horses of the five cities restrict each other, and in the end they can only listen to the emperor.

Of course, this is only a theory. For specific cases, not to mention the emperor, even the city patrol censor and military commander may not be able to take care of it. Entering the city early, leaving the city at sunset, and traveling merchants coming and going, such a complicated metropolis, but still a relatively primitive management model, how can it be managed?

   I don’t know how many cases of rape, robbery, robbery and abduction occur every day, even homicides happen every day.

Whether it is the Wucheng Bingma Division, the Patrol Battalion, the Shuntian Prefecture Government and the Daxing and Wanping County Governments, it can only be said that they are trying their best to avoid vicious cases that have too great an impact and are vicious. Even so, it is not normal for there to be a few horrific and major cases that shock the government and the public every year in this capital city.

Third Sister You still couldn't help but looked at the figures that were gradually going away, and said unwillingly: "Sir, there must be something wrong with those few people. Even if ordinary people from the Jianghu entered the capital city, they would try to avoid three to five percent of them. The purpose of getting together in groups is to prevent being targeted by the soldiers and horses of the five cities, the patrol battalion and the people from the Yamen of Shuntian Prefecture, but they are so bold, either they are unscrupulous, or they want to do something, anyway, there is a problem..."

  Feng Ziying's heart trembled when she heard Third Sister You's words, and she suddenly felt a little vigilant, "Then let's go quickly, speed up, get off at the corner, and leave Ruixiang sitting alone on the shaft..."

  The carriage speeded up suddenly, and even Third Sister You and Ruixiang panicked.

   Third Sister You said it casually, but she reminded Feng Ziying.

During this period of time, the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion stepped up their inspections and patrols of the cities along the imperial city line. Originally, the Patrol Battalion mainly carried out night patrols, but considering that many people in the Patrol Battalion came from the rivers and lakes, this aspect was even more important. He is good at it, so he also specially dispatched some plainclothes patrolling battalions to stay around the imperial city and interrogate them. As long as they find suspicious persons, they can be captured first.

Because of this, even the gang of bachelors and tigers under Ni Second Hand have restrained a lot, and usually avoid the street, but now these few people have rushed to Andingmen Street, which is a bit unbelievable, such as Third Sister You In other words, apart from having a plan to take this risk, I can't think of any other reason why I have to go to Andingmen Street in broad daylight.

  As soon as the carriage passed the corner, Feng Ziying and Third Sister You jumped out of the carriage lightly, but the carriage didn't even stop, and went directly along Tieshi Alley to Jixian Street.

  Feng Ziying took Third Sister You and squatted down behind the gate of a house next to Iron Lion Alley, observing carefully.

  As expected, several figures quickly followed up from behind, and quickly chased into the Iron Lion Alley.

  Feng Ziying and Third Sister You exchanged horrified expressions, and Third Sister You turned pale. Although even if they encounter several people from each other, the other party may not succeed, but the risk is too great.

  Sister You wanted to follow up to take a look, but was held back by Feng Ziying.

  People come prepared, so there will naturally be a backup, maybe there will be someone behind, so if you go out like this, isn't it self-discovery, and the other party finds out that you have already noticed it?

  Feng Ziying's face was stern, she stared at the depths of Iron Lion Alley, motionless.

  (end of this chapter)

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