Number of People

Chapter 1449: Xinzi Roll Viper

  Chapter 1449 Xin Zijuan Viper

The group of people was divided into two groups and walked quickly, the speed was no slower than the carriage, especially at the moment when the corner was turned, the two groups of people suddenly increased their speed, and suddenly approached the person who slowed down because they were facing the people coming out of Iron Lion Alley. carriage.

When the first person was approaching the carriage, he suddenly slowed down and followed for a while, then took a deep breath, seemed a little unwilling, quietly pretended to flick his sleeves, and the wind lifted the carriage. The curtain was swung open, and at that moment, that person saw that there was no one in the carriage, his face changed slightly, and he immediately made a gesture that outsiders could not detect.

  The other group immediately slowed down, approached the storefront on the left, drilled into an oil mill and looked outside by asking about the price of oil.

  The street was still very calm, and there was no other abnormality. The man in front also slowed down, gradually distanced himself from the carriage, and walked to the edge of Yuhe, and then issued another gesture to release his alert.

  A group of people met at the Buliang Bridge outside the Gunpowder Bureau, then turned to Xiangfusi Street, walked along Chaodouer Alley, turned again on Andingmen Street, went south, and returned to Cuihua Hutong where they lived.

   "Brother Zheng, what's the matter?" Upon returning to the dormitory, Feng Shimian, the group behind him, couldn't wait to ask, "Why didn't you do it?"

"Do it? No one is in the carriage, why do you do it?" Zheng Sizhong's face was extremely ugly, he took a deep breath, and finally calmed down, "Today we are too careless, there are too many people, I guess it caused his The concubine's vigilance, that woman is a master of Kongtong, she has been following him for several years, she is very vigilant, but when we passed by, someone probably took a second look, which aroused the other party's vigilance,..."

"Ah?" Feng Shimian was the man who shot with a bow and crossbow at the Guhe Ferry. Because he exposed his whereabouts and was almost found out because of Pan Guanying's background, he has been hiding in Beijing for more than half a year. The beard and beard have been changed, just because they are afraid of being recognized by the people who fought at that time.

   "How is it possible? We clearly saw him getting into the car with a woman, how could it be an empty car?" Feng Shimian didn't seem to believe it.

"Hmph, Shi Mian, you are already familiar with it, haven't you noticed this yet? Did you see that guy sitting on the cowl? Although he seemed calm, his knuckles were white as he pinched the cowl. Oh, and those eyes are also wandering around, and the expression on the face is a little deformed,..."

  Zheng Sizhong snorted, "This is on Andingmen Street, and the person sitting inside is Shuntian Fucheng. What situation makes this guy so nervous and scared?"

  Feng Shimian was speechless, speechless.

"So I became suspicious. When I got close to the carriage, I used my sleeve wind to open the curtain on the carriage, and there was no one at all!" Zheng Sizhong continued: "As for when the other party got off the carriage, I guess it was when we turned around and reflected. At the corner of the carriage when we chased back, the speed of the carriage was very slow, and the corner blocked our sight. Needless to say, Feng Keng's concubine, he himself was born in a martial arts family, and he also practiced martial arts since he was a child. , no problem,..."

  Zheng Sizhong's analysis was precise and meticulous, and almost inferred all the thinking and considerations of Feng Ziying and You Sanjie.

   "Boss Zheng, do you mean that Feng knew we were going to kill him?" Another younger man couldn't help asking.

"That's not necessarily the case, this guy is just too vigilant, and he is always followed by several bodyguards with outstanding martial arts skills. His concubine is said to be very immature, but there have been great changes in the past six months, and he is very vigilant. It’s probably the consequences of the assassination at Guhe Ferry.” Zheng Sizhong sighed, “But this time, I’m afraid the other party will be a little alert again. From tomorrow onwards, we can no longer go to Shuntianfu Street to wait for the spot. I guess The surname Feng will definitely use his people to investigate the people who have been in and out of Shuntianfu Street during this period of time, and arrest suspicious people. If we go there again, we can only throw ourselves into the trap."

   "Are we just letting go of this opportunity for nothing?" Another young man was still a little unwilling.

"Opportunity? I'm afraid it may not be an opportunity now, and it may even become a trap." Zheng Sizhong said decisively: "We will not be able to get close to Shuntianfu Street for a month, but this time Feng Keng did not let the other guards Follow, but just let her concubine go to Gongxian Hutong together, what do you think it means?"

   "Visitor?" Feng Shimian hesitated.

   "No, visitors should also be accompanied by bodyguards." Zheng Sizhong shook his head.

"If you go to meet a woman, you shouldn't bring that concubine with you." A young man said with some frustration: "We have been guarding for these two months, and this guy has a fixed way to come and go, either go home or go to the university. At that time, the ministries of the imperial court at Yongfang either went to the two county government offices, neither participated in the poetry and literature meetings held by those literati, and rarely went out to drink and meet guests,..."

"It's not exactly like that." Feng Shimian shook his head, "During this period of time, the surname Feng went to the Daguan Tower to watch a play, and also went to Hongqing Temple to accompany his mother and family members to burn incense and pray for blessings, and he also went to Rongguo Mansion twice. trip,…"

   "This Rongguo Mansion seems to have a close relationship with the Feng family?" Zheng Sizhong rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

   "Feng Keng married the niece of the second room of the Rongguo Mansion, and also made an engagement with his niece, so the relationship is naturally close." They still have some knowledge of the situation in Beijing, and it's not a secret.

   "When he went to Rongguo Mansion, did he ever have bodyguards accompanying him?" Zheng Sizhong asked in deep thought.

"Yes." Feng Shimian shook his head, "This guy is very cautious. He is almost followed by three or four bodyguards when he goes out, and he never fails. For so long, this is the only time I saw him without bodyguards, but there was also that The concubines follow."

  Feng Shimian was very helpless. This guy was young, but he did everything without leaking. He didn't give him the slightest chance.

Zheng Sizhong shook his head and put aside some unrealistic thoughts, "Let's not talk about this for now, we will naturally do it if we have the opportunity, but the opportunity is not ripe, we must not take risks, the young master is here in Beijing to handle big things, and we will decide We can’t expose ourselves because of this incident. After Feng Keng entered Beijing, he has taken a series of measures to clean up the squares and cities along the imperial city. Even Senior Sister Zhang sent a special message to us to be careful, young master I also repeatedly said that we can't delay the big event. I'm afraid we'll let this assassination go for a while. Shi Mian, you just leave someone to watch Shuntian Mansion and Fengcheng Hutong. Don't invest too much, and don't follow too closely. To prevent being discovered by them,..."

"But Boss Zheng, this Feng Keng has adopted a series of methods. I feel that he is targeting us at Wenxiangjiao. On the surface, he is banning people from the rivers and lakes, but look at what they did in the first-tier cities of the imperial city. The thing is, although the Jianghu people are under surveillance, they have not taken any special measures. I even heard that they are collecting and recruiting some of them, scouting around for information, and paying special attention to those who have something to do with our Bailian. This is clearly aimed at We, if we don't get rid of this curse as soon as possible, I'm afraid..."

  Feng Shimian's words made Zheng Sizhong sigh heavily. In fact, he and Du Fu had discussed this matter. Feng Keng is the biggest obstacle for the Bailian lineage to develop smoothly in the capital.

   This person doesn't know why he has such great malice towards Bailian's lineage, and he keeps making moves against Bailian's lineage in Yongping Mansion.

All mines and workshops established by merchants from Shanshan and Shaanxi must undergo identity checks, and personnel who participate in the aisle gate clubs are not allowed to enter, and they are also cleaned up in military households. To clean up, all those who have ever joined the Daomen Club must register and make a book, which has greatly affected Wenxiangjiao's activities in Yongping Mansion.

  In addition, the new Tongzhi is said to be a classmate of Feng Keng, and he also followed his practice. In this way, the continuous promotion has forced the activities of the current Jiaozhong in Yongping Prefecture to stagnate and dormant, and the situation is very difficult.

It was especially difficult in Qian'an, Funing, Lulong, and Luanzhou counties in the north, because many of the gentry there had been drawn into the iron ore and coal mining industries by Shanxi businessmen, and they were bound together. He no longer conflicted with the opinions put forward by Shanshan businessmen who had always followed Feng Keng's lead, and even began to cooperate actively.

Only in Changli and Laoting near Hejian, the situation is slightly better, but it is said that the fellow surnamed Lian has started to intensify investigations in Changli and Laoting again, and it is estimated that there will be a big problem in the next step. trouble.

The reason why Feng Keng was so hostile to Bailian's lineage was said to be related to the fact that he encountered a civil uprising organized by Bailian's lineage in Shandong many years ago, and almost died because of it. The specific situation of the Qing people's changing times, how did they form a deep hatred with this little Feng Xiuzhuan.

Zheng Sizhong and Du Fu also suggested to Xie Zhongbao, who is in charge of the development and management of educational affairs, that Feng Keng's threat should be taken seriously, but Xie Zhongbao said that the leader and the young master have big plans in Gyeonggi. Although Feng Keng is dangerous, he just needs to be careful , When the situation gradually takes shape, when the time comes, it will naturally be able to deal with the opponent without any scruples.

Zheng Sizhong and Du Fu are not very clear about what kind of grand plan the leader and the young master are operating, especially what the so-called time refers to, which is the top secret in the sect. Only Xie Zhongbao knew the whole picture, while the others only knew a small part of it, including Zhang Cuihua, the land snake who was originally on the Gyeonggi side, and Mi Bei, Zhang Hailiang and others who developed in several other prefectures in Northern Zhili.

However, Du Fu and Zheng Sizhong also know that the leader and the young leader are connected with some high-ranking officials and dignitaries in Beijing, not even limited to ordinary state and county officials, whether it is Shuntian Mansion, Wucheng Bingmasi, or even the imperial court. Well, there are officials who are friendly with the leader and the others, but it is very secretive.

  Including the fact that the young master and his party were able to settle down in the capital city smoothly, it was not unrelated to the help of these people.

  (end of this chapter)

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