Number of People

Chapter 1450: Xin Zijuan Shun Tian Mansion Yamen

  Chapter 1450 Xin Zijuan What happened in the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion

   Just as Zheng Sizhong, Feng Shimian and others took stock of the gains and losses of today's follow-up assassination, Feng Ziying had already returned home.

   Ask Ruixiang to call Wu Yaoqing, and Feng Ziying informs him of today's situation, which immediately arouses Wu Yaoqing's high vigilance.

"My lord, you can't go out like today when you go out in the future. Although San Yiniang is superb in martial arts, her experience is very different. I specially recruited this group of people from Baoding, Hejian, Yangzhou and Xuzhou. The masters of the sects and guilds are familiar with many people in the patrol camp, if they can cooperate perfectly, the Jianghu people will not dare to enter the city on the line of the imperial city."

  Wu Yaoqing was extremely worried about what happened today.

Although the law and order in the capital city is tight, the situation has improved a lot, especially after Mr. Feng urged the soldiers and patrol camps of the five cities to mobilize. There are martial arts masters like people in the Jianghu, most of them are ordinary fools and foolish women, so if the opponent comes forward as an ordinary congregation, it is really not easy for you to notice.

   "Yaoqing, I'm also aware of this situation, but I still feel that the other party is not simple. What does it mean to be able to know so accurately that I went to Baodafang?" Feng Ziying brought back the topic.

"Your Excellency, do you think that the other party has put eyeliner outside the government office?" Wu Yaoqing pondered and said, "Not everyone in Shuntianfu Street can stay here for a long time, and there are details of all the shops and residents here. When guests come, there are clear directions, routes, and origins. Generally, Jianghu people are unwilling to take risks here, but this kind of situation shows that the other party has a big conspiracy..."

Wu Yaoqing also began to think about this issue, and spread out the map, "I'm going to check it out carefully. If they really stayed here for a long time to guard the whereabouts of the adults, there must be clues left behind. Shuntianfu Street and Fengcheng Hutong are all around. They are business owners and residents, and there is no reason for irrelevant personnel to allow these people to stay here, unless these people have infiltrated the area."

Feng Ziying leaned her body back a little, with a smirk on her lips: "I didn't expect that I would become a thorn in the side of some people, and spare no effort to deal with me. I even doubt whether these forces are from the court. Is it still the people who are suspicious of the outside world, or maybe there is a joint venture between them? Oh, that's too scary. I have become such a feared figure. It's an honor."

Wu Yaoqing also laughed, "Your Excellency is a bit overwhelmed. From Yaoqing's point of view, I'm afraid that these people are more likely to belong to the White Lotus Sect. Your Excellency's various actions in Yongping Mansion have severely impacted and restricted the White Lotus Sect. As far as I know, many gentry in Yongping Mansion are inextricably linked with these White Lotus Sects, at least their attitudes are ambiguous, and they even blackmail the government on the grounds of public dissatisfaction. My lord once said that these gentry are playing with fire. I take it very seriously, now that your lord is making moves, many gentry are still beginning to change their attitudes, so the situation in Yongping Mansion has changed,..."

Lian Guoshi followed Feng Ziying's policy, and continued to force the local gentry to draw a line with those secret societies by means of lure and coercion, and achieved good results. Now the situation in the northern counties has improved, at least after the White Lotus Sect was suppressed. Stagnant, many local Bailian believers were expelled by the gentry or sent to the government, and the focus of practicing state affairs began to shift to Laoting and Changli counties.

"The Bailian lineage has great influence in the entire Gyeonggi and even the North Zhili area, and it spreads quickly. If Yongping Prefecture is suppressed, it will definitely be transferred to other prefectures, and I can assert that Shuntian Prefecture must be them. It is an important point for him, but now that your lord is an official in Shuntian Mansion, he will definitely become the first choice for them to get rid of,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying grin, "Yeah, now I and the White Lotus Sect have become irreconcilable, irreconcilable, and it's okay, a life-and-death hunting drama, I like to be the leading actor."

"So my lord, we can't underestimate these people. They are inextricably linked with the local government, so I think it is still necessary to use their own methods to deal with them. We also need to use various local connections. , including the gang sects on the rivers and lakes, to deal with it. The martial arts in Beizhili is very prosperous. Cangzhou, like Hejian Prefecture, is the place where the gangs and gangs gather. Zhending also has many sects eager to enter the capital to develop,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying frown. He is the Chancellor of Shuntian Fu, and he is forbidden by martial arts. These Jianghu sects and gangs have entered the capital city in a large scale. How is it proper? What will be the consequences?

Seeing Feng Ziying frowning, Wu Yaoqing certainly knew the other party's worries and taboos, and laughed: "My lord, in fact, the Criminal Ministry and Long Jinwei have long cooperated with these Jianghu factions and gangs. People, most of them are people from Jianghu. Similarly, several big arresters in the Ministry of Criminal Justice and many of the heads of Long Jinwei are also from Jianghu sect gangs. This does not affect anything. The imperial court is willing to abide by the law, but every sect and gang must survive, so it is inevitable to make a living, and with the help of force, it is inevitable that they will act a little arrogantly, so they have a bad impression in the local government."

Feng Ziying also laughed, "Yaoqing, you don't need to explain to them. When I was on business in Yangzhou, I still relied a lot on these Jianghu sects and gangs, and I also know their difficulties and ways of doing things. Scooping rice in the same pot, you don't have any strength or advantage, so why should people ask you to scoop rice? But the situation in Gyeonggi is special, and I can't afford it if something goes wrong."

"My lord, you can be more demanding and strict when choosing. In fact, when I first followed you, I thought about it. If you want to form personnel on the intelligence and security line, people from the Jianghu are the natural best choices. You are not like that." Some officials are so prejudiced against people in the Jianghu, and if these people are used well, it will really be a help, especially if you are in the position of Shuntian Mansion Cheng, it will be more suitable."

   Seeing Wu Yaoqing's spare no effort to recommend, Feng Ziying felt more and more interesting, "Yaoqing, why is there someone in Yangzhou who wants to go north, or is there an acquaintance here in the north who wants to have a chance to be promoted?"

Wu Yaoqing was not ambiguous, "My lord, there are all of them, but I still think these people are the most suitable. When you first came to the capital city, there are not many old officials in the yamen available, and they have been in this environment for a long time. You may not be able to use them." Not to mention being completely trustworthy, and without the passion to do things, introducing a group of newcomers can also form a competitive effect,..."

  Shuntianfu has a lot of three-class yamen establishments, and the three-class yamen servants refer to the Zaoli in the station class, the fast hands in the catch class, and the strong people in the strong class.

  For example, the three classes of yamen servants have a total of more than 600 people, of which there are more than 200 full-time officers, and there are about 400 deputy officers and standing guards.

  For example, there are about 50 or 60 servants on the station shift. They are mainly responsible for the station shift in the lobby, guarding and guarding, including some miscellaneous tasks, such as signing and sending documents, and criminals with the cane.

  The arresting class Kuaishou is the largest and the most important yamen official force. There are more than 300 officers and assistants in total, and this does not include their helpers.

Each officer and deputy officer basically has a few helpers. These helpers are not formally established in the yamen, so-called "temporary workers", which are close to the auxiliary force of the modern police, but they are basically yamen servants. Those recruited and invited by themselves have been reviewed and filed by the yamen, and there will be a special expenditure in the yamen every year for the expenses of these people.

  Of course, these people’s livelihoods don’t depend on this, as long as they use this identity, they can do many things.

  As for the Zhuang Ban Minzhuang, because it is at the foot of the Son of Heaven and the root of the four or nine cities, the Zhuang Ban Minzhuang exists in other prefectures, such as Yongping Mansion, but in Shuntian Mansion it is only a fake, and it is generally recruited when needed.

  The most common official, or collectively referred to as official, is also the role of the yamen that ordinary people deal with the most, and is commonly known as the catcher.

  Catcher actually refers to the collective name of catcher and fast hand. It turns out that Feng Ziying didn't understand it. It was only when she became a Tongzhi in Yongping Mansion that she understood this truth.

"Catching and serving, the official service of catching bandits; Kuaishou, the official service of catching thieves." This is the explanation in "Da Liubu Idiom Notes Xingbu". For criminals, detectives are investigations and arrests, while Kuaishou mainly focuses on arresting current criminals.

In fact, there is not much difference between the two. They are collectively called catching fast, and they are also divided into several categories according to the situation. The most basic classification is step fast and horse fast. The leaders at all levels are commonly known as squad leaders and catchers.

Theoretically, these three classes of yamen servants are under the jurisdiction of the punishment room, but in fact, the officials in the punishment room are only business guides, and the real managers of these people are the Zhengyin officials, that is, officials at all levels have the jurisdiction. In the Shuntian government office, The main ones who can command this group of people are Feng Ziying, the co-presbyterian, Song Xian, the official who promoted him, and Li Wenzheng, the secretary of the punishment room.

Like Tuiguan Song Xian, although the current relationship with Feng Ziying is still good, Li Wenzheng, the official of the punishment room, wants to become Feng Ziying's hardcore, but the hundreds of people under his command and their assistants are one or two thousand people, a mixed bag , and because of the long-term absence of Fu Yin Wu Daonan and the original Fu Cheng, the combat effectiveness of this group has been greatly reduced. Therefore, if the most important group of "civil servants" in Shuntian Fu Yamen is not adjusted, it will be difficult for Feng Ziying to put herself The policy system and ideas are carried out.

  (end of this chapter)

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