Number of People

Chapter 1451: Xin Zijuan policy, cleaning

  Chapter 1451 Xinzijuan decision-making, cleaning

"Yaoqing, it's easy to introduce people in. Maybe they came in with enthusiasm and courage to do things, but in this environment, how long can they keep it? Those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black. In Shuntian Mansion In this yamen, I can’t even talk about whether I can keep my heart, let alone them?” Feng Ziying smiled, “In the final analysis, we still need to use the system to manage people. How can there be so many hundreds of officials? Control? How to urge them to do things seriously? It doesn’t just depend on us bringing in some people we think we can trust, but we need to have an arrangement in the system.”

Wu Yaoqing understands Feng Ziying's meaning. This Dong Weng seems to be very dissatisfied with the situation in the Shuntian Mansion, but this is the style of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It has been the same for hundreds of years. Can it be changed?

  It is too difficult to change the system, not to mention that it will not be achieved overnight, and even if it involves too many structural changes, can the court agree? Of course, it is definitely possible to make some detailed adjustments within the scope of one's own authority, but it is definitely not enough to change the structural framework.

   Unless there is a plan from top to bottom, does the current imperial court still have this ambition? Wu Yaoqing is not optimistic about it, nor does he believe it can be done.

   Seeing Wu Yaoqing's silence, Feng Ziying smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I've gone too far. Your suggestion is practical for now. Since you have this idea, then go ahead and do it. Li Wenzheng is there in the punishment room. I will go to say hello to him. Now the third class of yamen servants also It's too outrageous, those who steal, rape, and fool around, those who inform others and eat inside and outside, those who obey their own way, those who cheat and blackmail men and women outside, are too numerous to list. I don't know how Mr. Wu can tolerate these people , even if it’s just fooling around, at least you have to have a basic state, right? In this way, I don’t even dare to use people from my own yamen to handle cases. It's a shame to be on guard against your own people!"

Seeing that Feng Ziying was filled with righteous indignation, Wu Yaoqing also smiled wryly. In fact, this happens in every yamen, but especially in the Shuntian Mansion yamen. Dereliction of duty, this is the indulgence of the people below.

  If it is really necessary for the chief officer to supervise in place and hold officials at all levels accountable, how could this be the case?

   Really think this group of people don't want to eat this bowl of rice?

   This bowl of rice in this yamen is what countless people stare at and want to serve. Not to mention others, even Ni Er has mentioned it to him several times, explicitly or secretly, to see if he can arrange for some brothers to come in.

   These people dare not say that they are full-time officers in the yamen, but the roles of deputy officers and assistants are still no problem for local snakes.

  Especially in the past two years, the number of refugees from other cities who have poured into the city has increased greatly, and many of them have some martial arts skills. They really need to be polished to be fully qualified for these roles.

Ni Er was also not good at telling Feng Ziying, so he said it several times in front of Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing. Both Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing felt that there was nothing wrong with it. The **** who violates the rules is much stronger.

   "My lord said so, I know it in my heart, but my lord may have to make arrangements for the officials' room." Wu Yaoqing glanced at Feng Ziying.

Although the status of the third class of yamen servants is not as good as that of the clerks, the main and deputy clerks are all listed in the establishment of the Shuntian government office. It doesn't mean that it can be added or deleted at will. These procedures are all in charge of the officials and houses. Well, if this official and house secretary is deliberately causing trouble and dragging you around, it's really difficult for you.

"Well, I've thought about it, let Li Wenzheng go to be the secretary of the official house, and Li Jianxing will take over as the secretary of the criminal house." Feng Ziying obviously thought it through carefully. People in the yamen cannot do this, let alone direct the officials in the yamen to do things according to their own intentions.

He had already felt this deeply when he was investigating the big case of Tongcang. At that time, the matter was in a hurry, and he had no choice but to send people from Long Jinwei and Xiabian prefectures and counties. Now the case there is on the right track, and the situation is under control. Among them, then you can make some adjustments within your own scope of authority.

  Of course, this requires the support and approval of Wu Daonan.

  However, given Wu Daonan's current state, he should not object to it. It's just that some staff adjustments related to the specific work, as long as they can discuss it well, he should be able to accept it.

  According to Feng Ziying's judgment, Wu Daonan himself actually has no intention of continuing to work for too long in the position of Governor of Shuntian Prefecture. If it wasn't for the last round of adjustments by the court, he would not have stayed here.

This kind of local official with complicated affairs can be said to be the most grueling and tempering position. It depends on whether you are suitable, but Wu Daonan is obviously not suitable. The Ministry of Rites and the Imperial Academy are the best places for him. The hospital is better than staying here.

   "My lord, Situ Nan, the official secretary, is not easy. If you want to move him, Lord Wu may not agree." Wu Yaoqing hesitated and said: "His wife and uncle are Xie Zengmin, the doctor of the Ministry of Rites and Cleaning Officials."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying also thought that Situ Nan was polite to him on the surface, but he still had reservations in actual affairs.

If it is the official of other houses, he will bear it for the time being, but now he wants to take action against the third class of government officials to ensure that many affairs in the next stage will be executed, so he must firmly hold the position of official and house official. Take control in your own hands.

   "Ministry of the Ministry of Rites, fine food and clear officials?" Feng Ziying thought about it for a while, but he didn't have a deep impression. He didn't have much contact with the Ministry of Rites, but Wu Daonan used to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites.

   "That's easy. Does the Tongcang case involve Situ Nan?" Feng Ziying sneered.

"There has never been a direct point, this person is very cautious, even if there is, it is probably separated by a few floors, and it may not be easy to find out." Wu Yaoqing thought for a while and shook his head, "But this person is a secretary in the official room. For many years, I have had a lot of quarrels with the officials in the yamen, and this person is good-natured, and he especially likes women from good families, so some people offer their wives in order to get promoted,..."

   Hearing Wu Yaoqing say that she is sexually attractive, You Xiliang's wife, and Feng Ziying are a little uncomfortable. Why do they sound like they are pointing at themselves? Of course Wu Yaoqing would not insinuate himself, but he was really surprised that Situ Nan, a mere official, had such power.

Seeing the change in Feng Ziying's face, Wu Yaoqing thought he couldn't believe it, so he sighed, "My lord, although this Situ Nan is only a bureaucrat, he is in charge of the promotion of hundreds of thousands of government servants in the yamen. To put it bluntly, there are more than 400 officers and deputy officers in the entire mansion, except for the heads of the small and large squads who arrest heads and the 20 or 30 people who are more active or often show up in front of you, how many others do you know? Even if you know each other, you probably feel familiar, and you may not be able to call out the name,..."

"That's not counting the one or two thousand helpers who don't have a formal establishment. These people are the main force in doing things. They also want to become principal and deputy officers, but there are only so many places to enter and exit every year. Only one person who retires can add one. It has to be assessed by all parties, and the authority of assessment is in the hands of the officials. It is fine if they have some skills. Can you take these crooked paths?"

  Hearing Wu Yaoqing's detailed introduction of the situation, Feng Ziying knew that there was probably something tricky about it, "Then there is something wrong with the man who offered his wife?"

"Yes, this person has been found out. In the warehouse opening case, he made two reports and circulated the news to the outside world, and collected 1,200 taels of silver from the families of two grain merchants outside..." Wu Yaoqing nodded, "Yes Long Jinwei, Mr. Zhao and his people found out,..."

"Hehe, no wonder you are willing to offer your wife. You can get 1,200 taels of silver by selling two pieces of news at will. In the famine year of the Northland, when refugees come to Beijing, how many girls and daughters-in-law can this buy?" Feng Ziying sneered, "Sure enough, it's just a coincidence. You will handle this matter. If you use this person to crucify Situ Nan and offer up his wife, maybe you are threatening to force him to give up his wife?"

  Wu Yaoqing understood and nodded again and again, "Yaoqing also meant the same thing, following the clues, and it just happened to clean up the dirty things in this yamen, so as to correct the atmosphere."

"Well, cleaning the house is the best way to entertain guests. Our Shuntian Mansion is the best place in the world. I have been going all day to greet the people from the City Patrol Procuratorate and the Five Cities Military Division, and ask them to step up their investigations, but it turned out that our internal Things go wrong one after another, how do you want me to straighten my back and chest in front of others?" Feng Ziying also meant the same thing, "You and Wen Yan have a good plan, here I will talk to Li Wenzheng, he is in the Yamen It has been there for more than ten years, don't let him sit in this position but can't sit still, it will become a joke."

"That's not the case. Li Wen is also an official at any rate. It's just a change of position. If your lord gives him this opportunity, he will definitely go all out. Moreover, he has been in the torture room for a long time, and he is very familiar with all kinds of situations. After the room, you can be a good adviser for the adults."

Wu Yaoqing also knew that Li Wenzheng was also not a simple person, and he was also involved in this case of Tongcang, but since he voted for the adults, the issues involved were not of principle, almost everyone in this yamen was involved, So it's another matter. Of course, here he may have to find a suitable time to explain clearly to the adults.

  (end of this chapter)

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