Number of People

Chapter 1456: Talented women of Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1456 Xin Zijuan Talented Women

   After being spared for a long time, Jia Amnesty finally explained his intention of coming here to find someone.

  Feng Ziying is also very helpless. There is indeed a lot of leeway for this kind of thing. The people involved in the case are guaranteed to go back first, but they need to return the stolen goods and pay a certain deposit first.

  Of course, if you pay a deposit in the Yamen, it will be very difficult to get it back. There will always be countless routines and reasons for your money to be confiscated.

   Regarding Jia Amnesty's request, Feng Ziying was equally simple. It had to be determined by Long Jinwei and the Shuntian government office after studying the case, and a Tai Chi push hand was pushed to Long Jinwei's side.

  Jia She was not discouraged either. The money was not so easy to earn, but as long as he found the right person, it could be done well. He had identified Feng Ziying.

  Since Feng Ziying refused to agree immediately, Jia Amnesty didn't dare to entangle too much, but changed the topic to Yingchun.

"Ziying, the second girl is not young, so let me tell the truth in front of you. Originally, I planned to promise the second girl to Sun Shaozu, but you gave me a problem. A few days ago, I let you My aunt went to ask the second girl, and it took a long time for this girl to say that she was willing to be your concubine. I don't understand. The Sun family is also a family of officials and eunuchs. Although they are military officials, they are not comparable to your Feng family. As a wife and big wife, if your son is a concubine, where will I put my face?"

Jia Amnesty finally let go, and Feng Ziying laughed secretly. This guy had been evading all kinds of excuses before, and he was still unwilling to give a promise. Although he was very sure in his heart, after all, in this era, marriages cannot be accomplished without the approval of their parents. If Jia Amnesty really wanted to compete against him, it would be really difficult, so he still felt a little uneasy.

  At this moment, he finally took the initiative to mention this matter, which means that the initiative has begun to be in his own hands.

If you want face, then don't ask for money, Feng Ziying muttered in her heart, but there was a faint smile on her face, "Uncle Shi, I know the Sun family. Datong has a deputy chief soldier, he is not young, he is in his thirties? Continuation, and I heard that his ex-wife was tortured to death by him, but he hid it well, no one testified against him, and the government Didn't dig into it,..."

  Jia She's face changed slightly.

  Of course he knows about Sun Shaozu's situation, he is not a good match, that guy has a gloomy and irritable personality, the second girl must have suffered in the past.

   It's just that the second girl is a concubine, so it's not easy to find someone else, like being a concubine for Feng Ziying, wouldn't it be fine?

  Look at how many women there are in his house, not to mention the third wife, the main wife, and the wife, who is the concubine.

  Before seeing Feng Ziying, I felt that Feng Ziying was really interested in the second girl, and I guessed that Feng Ziying was willing to spend a lot of money. Why does it sound like he is here to "lower the price"?

   No way, I can’t be led by Feng Ziying. In this way, it’s like being a second girl to be his concubine or taking advantage of him, so it’s still okay?

Clearing his throat, Jia She shook his head again and again, "Ziying, do you believe these rumors? Sun Shaozu's ex-wife died of illness. I also went to inquire about it. He was only thirty-five or sixteen years old. Although he can't compare with you, he is also one of us." The best of martial arts, the deputy chief soldier, your father was also a deputy chief soldier when he was in his thirties, right?"

  Feng Ziying listened amusedly, it was obvious that Jia Amnesty had also sensed his intentions, and this meant raising the price.

Of course, he had no intention of repeatedly entangled with Jia She for a little money because of Yingchun's entry, which seemed to belittle Yingchun's identity. Although Yingchun is honest, if these words reach his ears, he will definitely feel uncomfortable in his heart. To be a concubine, to be honest, I still feel a little wronged. Yingchun doesn't care about it. She has an infatuation attached to her, and she still cares about these things. It's too scumbag.

   It's just that it's really annoying to be taken advantage of by Jia She, so if you want to get someone, you won't let him succeed easily, at least you have to talk about the introduction of Yingchun.

"Shibo, my nephew and you both know what kind of person Sun Shaozu is, but my nephew can say with certainty that he is definitely not a good match for the second sister. As for the second sister who followed me, you know me, uncle." For my temperament, I must not let the second sister suffer wronged in my house, keeping her happy and happy every day, and Baochai, Baoqin, and sister Lin will all be acquainted with her when they pass through the door in the future. She will definitely be happy, and if she can give birth to a boy and a half girl for the Feng family in the future, Jiaci will definitely like it very much..."

  Feng Ziying's words were sincere. Although Jia Amnesty was cunning and mean, Feng Ziying's sincerity could be heard.

  He didn't understand how Feng Ziying fell in love with him, the second girl. This girl was too dull and honest, even her mother didn't like it, and he didn't know if it was the same in front of Feng Ziying.

   If you want to say that Feng Ziying’s conditions are to accept concubines, I’m afraid that countless people in this capital city will rush forward. This is Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, who is well-known in the capital!

   If it's for sex, although the second girl is also beautiful, but in this capital city, as long as one doesn't care about one's background, can't you pick out a few who are beautiful and beautiful?

  Maybe it's the love between the big and the small? Jia Amnesty could only think so, the second girl really couldn't treat her badly after following Feng Ziying.

"Forget it, Ziying, I don't care too much about you. Since she doesn't care about her status and is willing to be your concubine, then you have to weigh it carefully. Being a concubine is being a concubine, but the concubine has to be divided into several parts." Wait, you must not be lower than Nayou's and the like..." Jia She changed the subject and pondered for a while, "Besides, because I did have business plans with the Sun family in this regard before, and because I also I have business dealings with the Sun family, so I borrowed some money from the Sun family,..."

  Feng Ziying sneered in her heart.

  The previous few sentences sounded like human speech, at least we should fight for the Spring Festival. Feng Ziying felt that Jia She had changed his temper, but these two sentences turned a corner again.

It is true that concubines should be divided into noble concubines, good concubines, and lowly concubines. People like Yingchun feel a little wronged by being a concubine, so they are naturally noble concubines, while those like Eryou, who are brought in by women from good families, are good concubines, and if they come from a brothel A concubine who was redeemed, or a concubine who was brought up by a housekeeper because she gave birth to a child, is a concubine.

  He was going around and talking about taking money from the Sun family, and it seemed that he had to pay it back for him.

Feng Ziying's complexion remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "Sun Shaozu is not short of money, right? I'm afraid he doesn't care about these things now. He just became the deputy commander of Datong Town, and his mind should be on military affairs. How can he have the energy to ask these things?" ? There is no rush, let’s have a look first, then..."

   Jia Amnesty is a little dazed, what does this mean? I have made it very clear, but this kid is pretending to be crazy and stupid in front of me, and he refuses to take the bait, but he doesn't seem to refuse. Could he force Sun Shaozu to give up the money?

   For a while, Jia Amnesty was not easy to answer, because he was afraid that he might misunderstand Feng Ziying's intentions.

  Feng Ziying ignored him, so what does such a thing have to do with him?

  Sun Shaozu would not look for himself if he wanted to get back the silver, he would only look for Jia Amnesty. You can't say that because you want to take Yingchun as a concubine, you should look for yourself?

"Uncle Shi, I want to talk about the matter of the second sister in detail some time. You also know the third room in my house and which room the second sister lives in. I also want to ask the second sister's opinion..." Feng Ziying thought to herself Go away without giving Jia Amnesty a chance to think too much, "I don't think the second sister is necessarily willing to go to the first room, but Baochai is definitely willing to go to the second room, let alone sister Lin from the third room. They were originally blood sisters, but they might have to wait until next year when Sister Lin passed through the door,..."

Jia Amnesty's thinking was also brought over by Feng Ziying, "Well, that's true. I think Er Yatou and Bao Yatou are also very good. Of course, Lin Yatou's side is better. It's this time. Er Yatou is not young. Hope to let her go out this year,..."

  Yingchun is indeed not young, even older than Baochai. This is what Yingchun is most worried about. It is really rare for people who are not married at this age. Even if Baochai is married at that age, they are considered old.

   "So my nephew is going to meet the second sister sometime, and listen to her thoughts..." Feng Ziying smiled, "After all, I want the second sister to marry happily and go through the door happily..."

  Concubine can’t actually use the word married, but Feng Ziying didn’t care about it, and Jia She still felt a little bit touched when she heard it.

   It seems that Feng Ziying really likes the second girl. Although she is a concubine, she treats it like marrying a wife inside and out. Of course, this is impossible, but at least she likes it in her heart.

   After dismissing Jia She, he still didn't give him a definitive answer, but this time Jia She was very uncompromising, which surprised Feng Ziying.

  Baoxiang then brought Yuanyang and another woman in a hooded hat, but as soon as the woman took off her cloak and hat, Feng Ziying recognized her.

  He has an oval face, a straight nose, narrow and elongated eyes slightly hooked upwards, and his hands are particularly distinctive, slender and slender but full of aura. It is said that he is very good at both Yaoqin and Pipa, which is said to be no less than Yuanchun.

  Yuan, Ying, Tan, and Xi (should be sighing) Sichun are all talented women.

  Yuanchun heard that the level of playing the piano has reached the level of a master, but it is a pity that he has never heard of it.

  Although Yingchun is honest and honest, her chess skills are unrivaled among all the girls. Even Daiyu and Baochai have to give up a few pieces. It's a pity that Feng Ziying is a stinky chess basket, and she rarely plays chess when she goes to Yingchun.

Tanchun is a master of calligraphy, with iron and silver hooks in one brush stroke, cursive script has the style of Huaisu, madness like a storm, regular script follows the charm of Zhong Shaojing, round and charming, but also has strong connotation, and is also good at Zhao Ji's thin gold style , when there is a level of falsehood, Feng Ziying's words dare not appear in front of Tanchun.

Xichun, on the other hand, is outstanding in her painting skills. Feng Ziying has seen two paintings by her, and they are not inferior to Shen Yixiu in terms of standards, but the styles of the two women are very different. Clear, meaningful and beautiful, with a touch of coldness.

  (end of this chapter)

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