Number of People

Chapter 1457: Xinzi roll conditions

  Chapter 1457 Xin Zijuan Conditions

   "Hold the piano?! Why did you leave the palace?" Feng Ziying was taken aback.

   Baoqin is Yuanchun's personal servant girl. It is not impossible to go out of the palace, but there will be strict approval procedures, and it cannot be too frequent. The servants in the palace are all watching closely.

And generally speaking, this kind of maid can only go back to the imperial concubine's home when she leaves the palace, either with a letter or something, and rarely goes to other places. Once she is discovered, it will inevitably cause trouble, such as coming to her , there will be suspicion of traffic in the inner palace.

"Returning to your lord, this servant is out of the palace at the order of your mother. I went back to Rongguo Mansion earlier, so I just came to your lord's place now." Feng Ziying waved her hand and said a little irritably: "I know, I didn't mean it , you dare not come out, I mean, why did you come to my house? Don't you understand that if someone finds out, it will bring a lot of trouble to the empress and me?"

   "Your Majesty told you that your slaves should see you as soon as possible and bring the letter with you. In addition, this is also the meaning of Manager Qiu." Baoqin was also aggrieved. She also told her about it, but she insisted. Maybe this was also Manager Qiu's request.

  Mandarin ducks are so smart, they understood as soon as they heard Baoqin's words, and immediately stood up and gave a blessing, "The servant is waiting in the outer courtyard."

  Feng Ziying didn't want to be courteous with Yuanyang at this time, she wanted to say a few more words to Yuanyang, but now she didn't have the heart, so she nodded.

   Yuanyang went out, and Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "What is so urgent? When did Qiu Shi'an get involved with the empress again?"

"I don't know." Baoqin timidly said: "Some time ago, Manager Qiu invited Cheng En to go to him many times. After Cheng En came back, he also told the empress about Concubine Mei. Later, the empress went out to At Concubine Su's place,..."

  Feng Ziying frowned, what did Jia Yuanchun do with these things? Can you, a noble concubine without heirs, compete with concubines who have grown sons? Why?

Concubine Xu Huang has King Shou, Concubine Su has King Fu and King Li, Concubine Mei has King Lu, and Concubine Guo has King Gong. She has capital, or in other words, she must fight for her son. To reach the position of Great Treasure, you have to fight even if you go all out. What qualifications do you, Jia Yuanchun, have to wade into this muddy water?

   "Why, is Concubine Su and Empress on good terms?" Feng Ziying didn't believe it.

In the past, Concubine Su was very favored. The two adult heirs of King Fu and King Li came from her belly. In addition, Concubine Xu Huang had a lot of grievances because she was in charge of the harem for a long time. Su, Mei, Guo and several other concubines who had no children They were all dissatisfied with Concubine Xu Huanggui, which inevitably affected the direction of the palace.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Shou Wang was not cautious in doing things, and several things failed to satisfy the emperor, so the great momentum suddenly fell.

   Only then did Concubine Su gain favor, and King Fu and King Li also rose to become the most dazzling ones.

Who would have thought that after ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi, King Lu would suddenly show up, saying that he was the most similar to Emperor Yonglong, and he was also intelligent and used to please the emperor, so he immediately suppressed the mediocre King Fu and King Li After going on, he became the most promising inside and outside the palace.

Faced with Feng Ziying's sharp gaze, Baoqin couldn't resist: "My lord, your empress's situation in the palace has not been very good. Before that, it was Concubine Xu Huanggui who suppressed her, and later Concubine Su did the same. Now Concubine Mei is even more arrogant. They were all targeted by Concubine Mei, and it all depended on Concubine Su to be on the sidelines. It was also rumored in the palace that Concubine Mei had encountered some troubles. It was said that her elder brother was suspected of corrupting ink, and the Mei family was involved, so..."

   "So Concubine Su instigated Empress to let you come out for a visit, and wanted Shuntian Mansion to properly handle the case of the Mei family. It would be best to involve Concubine Mei?"

  Feng Ziying couldn't help feeling that Jia Yuanchun was a little naive. What could this kind of thing affect? Mei Xiang is just a brother of Concubine Mei, so it is far-fetched to get involved, is she trying to drag the Mei family into this ink corruption case?

Seemingly hearing the sarcasm in Feng Ziying's words, Baoqin shrank and said: "My lord, your majesty may not be very clear about the situation inside, but Director Qiu and Concubine Su still feel that they can use this opportunity to suppress Concubine Mei Momentum, um, it is said that it can give Su Guifei's Fu Wang and Li Wang a chance to breathe, this is what the empress said to Qiu Boss and Su Guifei,..."

   Taking chestnuts out of the fire for others? What did Jia Yuanchun think?

  Feng Ziying can roughly understand Jia Yuanchun's current situation in the palace. It must be very difficult. He has no heirs, and he is almost sitting there waiting to grow old.

The emperor is not even willing to set foot on these concubines for a while, they are almost hopeless, but at such a young age, they have to stay in their own palace every day, day after day, year after year, I'm afraid people will be driven crazy.

   This is going to be bullied again, and once that kind of revenge is ignited, it will definitely be extraordinarily hot.

  Whether it is good to report to the group to keep warm, or to help each other, maybe Concubine Su gave Jia Yuanchun some unrealistic hopes, which is why Jia Yuanchun made such a move.

  But isn’t life in the palace like this? Besides her, Jia Yuanchun, Concubine Zhou, Concubine Zheng, didn't they also enter the palace with her to become concubines? No, it's the same without heirs, so people have to live like this.

  Be it the Jia family back then, or your Jia Yuanchun, since they were going to enter the palace, they should have these mental preparations. It would be too late to regret it now.

   In front of Baoqin, Feng Ziying couldn't bear to speak too harshly, but she was very disappointed with Jia Yuanchun's performance.

  Battle games in the palace are inevitable, but from a long-term perspective, you must have a goal, and from a short-term perspective, it should also be profitable. Otherwise, what's the point of getting involved like this?

  Wave the flag for Concubine Su Gui, after King Fu or King Li came to power, can you still respect you as a queen mother?

   Well, of course, it is possible to give you a gimmick, but is this the end result you Jia Yuanchun wants?

  Hmm, like in the palace, watching the morning sun early and watching the lights at night, counting fireflies and stars to pass the day, decades like a day, and then getting old and finally disappearing?

  Feng Ziying couldn't figure out what Jia Yuanchun was thinking. He thought that with Jia Yuanchun's intelligence and years of experience in the palace, he shouldn't be so unwise, or even stupid.

"Baoqin, why is the empress willing to do things for Concubine Su? There must be a reason? Don't talk about friendship, the empress and Concubine Su are not yet at that level, let alone Qiu Shi'an can force her to talk about it , Qiu Shi'an doesn't have the guts yet." Feng Ziying said lightly, "Tell me, what wish did Concubine Su Gui make?"

Baoqin hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "This servant really doesn't know, but I heard that Fu Wang and Li Wang are very supportive of Bao Erye, and every time the poetry and literature will call Bao Erye, and say In the future, Second Master Bao can join the Economic and Economic Bureau of Zhan Shifu,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh, Baoyu entered Zhan Shifu's Department of Economics and Economics? What are you kidding?

Zhan Shifu is an institution that teaches princes, not to mention whether King Fu and Li Wang have the opportunity to become princes. Ren's transition steps.

  Of course, it doesn’t mean that all of them are from Jinshi. There are also Gongsheng from Guozijian transferred in, but I have never heard of scholars who are not Gongsheng or Jinshi.

  Jia Baoyu doesn’t read the scriptures, but just writing some legendary scripts or drama scripts, or gaining a reputation with Fu Wang Li Wang’s poems and essays in the capital is definitely no problem.

Writing scripts, even acting, is an elegant thing for the young people of the upper class, but you said that you need to rely on this reputation to become an official, especially if the Bureau of Economics and Economics of Zhan Shifu is doing a horse cleaning, school book, etc. For officials of the orthographic category, I am afraid that is not possible.

  Although Zhan Shifu is basically a formal transitional step now, the court also needs face. If you are not a scholar, you will go in and be an official who "teach the prince", that would be too embarrassing for the court.

   Unless Jia Baoyu first went to the Imperial College for a year or so, it would be better if he could get a scholar status, then going to the Bureau of Economics and Economics could barely be justified.

Seeing Feng Ziying's disapproving expression, Baoqin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty still wants to seek a tribute for Second Master Bao, go to the Imperial College to study, and then find a chance to let Second Master Bao go to the Economic and Economic Bureau of Zhan Shifu. ..."

   Guozijian wants to talk about going in, it’s easy to go in if it’s good, and it’s not good to go in if it’s not good.

Jia Lian and Jia Rong both entered the Imperial College, Feng Ziying herself was in the Imperial College, Han Qi, Wei Ruolan and Chen Yepin also spent a few years in the Imperial College, but there is a premise here, that is, these people are basically Only the eldest son of the Wu Xun family has this qualification, but Jia Baoyu is not. The eldest son of Rongguo Mansion is Jia She, the eldest son of Jia She is Jia Lian, and that of Ningguo Mansion is Jia Rong.

If he is not the eldest son, then basically he can only follow the path of Engong. The Great Zhou Engong is different from the former Ming Dynasty. There are two types. One is that the new emperor ascends the throne and there is a unified Engong. There is no doubt that Jia Baoyu may want to go the second way, but with Jia Yuanchun's current influence, it may be difficult to do so, so Concubine Su may use this as a condition to force Jia Yuanchun to come to her.

  Zhan Shifu's Department of Economics and Economics Bureau is a small official of the school book and orthography, which can be regarded as a bit of face. Although he has no power, he is better at leisure and ease, which is very suitable for idlers like Jia Baoyu.

  Looking at it this way, it seems that it is really reliable, but the price is to tie Jia Yuanchun, and even the Jia family and Concubine Su, is it worthwhile? Just for a ninth-rank official of Baoyu? If you don't care about face, donate an official, and then run it again, Baoyu can still be an official, of course, the reputation may not be very good, and the position is not that good.

  (end of this chapter)

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