Number of People

Chapter 1460: Xin Zijuan gradually rises, and the clouds begin to move

  Chapter 1460 Xin Zijuan wind gradually rises, and the clouds start to move

  Household Department Office.

  Huang Ruliang paced back and forth impatiently with his hands behind his back, while Wang Yongguang, who was sitting beside him, seemed to be really thinking about something.

  Yesterday's court meeting was full of smoke and smog, and there was a lot of quarrels. Even the cabinet ministers were quite critical, which increased Huang Ruliang's pressure dramatically.

  But the questions raised by the Ministry of War also made the cabinet princes and the emperor have to think twice.

  Guyuan Town has been abolished, so where will the tens of thousands of soldiers go?

  Part of the elite will go to Jingxiang Town in the south and merge into Jingxiang Town to participate in the Southwest War.

Because the Guyuan Army did not adapt to the geographical climate there in the southwest in the early stage, the battle situation was unfavorable and they were defeated by the rebels. Therefore, the remaining Guyuan Army was originally unwilling to go to the Southwest. In addition, it was abolished and incorporated into Jingxiang Town. There was a clamor and demanded to disband on the spot, refusing to go to the southwest to die.

And those soldiers who were eliminated even took the opportunity to coerce and demand higher severance fees. This also directly affected the merger and reorganization of Gansu Town and Ningxia Town. Leading to the paralysis of the entire three sides.

   This also made the Tumets, who had always kept themselves safe, a little bit around the corner.

Due to the severe drought in the Northwest in the past two years, the situation of the Tumot people outside the border wall is also not good, but because of the thunderous momentum shown by Da Zhou when Ningxia suppressed the rebellion before, the Tumote people temporarily Depressed the thought of wanting to commit a crime.

  But now there is a southwestern rebellion in Dazhou that has not yet been put down, and three of the four towns on the three sides are in chaos. This situation naturally makes the minds of the Tumets come alive again.

Although Yulin Town is still relatively stable, Yulin Town alone cannot support itself. In addition, after Dazhou regained Shazhou and Hami, the logistics line was too long, which greatly exacerbated the difficulty of logistical supplies, making the most remote Gansu Town. In a state of tight logistics, calls to abandon Hami and Shazhou came one after another in Gansu Town and the Ministry of War.

   This is also the original intention of merging Gansu Town and Ningxia Town, but now because of the mutiny of soldiers from the three towns, this plan has been shelved again.

  Governor Chen Jingxuan of the three sides failed to suppress the case, and the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate attacked him, demanding that the court dismiss Chen Jingxuan to calm the chaos in the three towns. But everyone knew that the most critical problem was that the court did not have enough money to solve the problem.

If financial resources are sufficient, the two towns of Gansu and Ningxia can not be merged, and even Shazhou and Hami can be kept, nothing more than a greater logistics consumption. Disbandment, if these soldiers want to go home, they will all face the problem of livelihood.

"Chen Jingxuan asked to resign. That's good. He threw the difficult problem to the court." Huang Ruliang said angrily, "This guy is simply shameless. He can't wait for the good time. When he encounters difficulties, he shrinks his head and puts down his picks. I don't know who he is. How do you do it in the position of the governor of the three sides, you have no prestige,..."

  Chen Jingxuan's resignation has been sent to the cabinet and reported to the emperor, but neither the emperor nor the cabinet has made up his mind yet.

  But the pressure was quickly transmitted to the Ministry of Accounting. Naturally, Huang Ruliang would not care about Chen Jingxuan's resignation, but Chen Jingxuan also stated the whole story in his resignation essay, which pushed the Ministry of Accounting to the forefront.

The severance fee is too low, the soldiers are clamoring, and because the imperial court has used troops to the southwest for more than a year, it has been continuously in arrears with the three sides and four towns. The arrears have fallen, and they have exceeded the Ningxia rebellion. How can the sergeants bear it?

Now that Guyuan Town was abolished and the two towns of Ningxia, Gansu merged, many soldiers who were already very resentful felt that their future was hopeless, so they simply mutinied. Come out, after a long time, it will be difficult to say.

  Chen Jingxuan's rebuttals and even criticisms in the memorial were directed at the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War naturally shifted the responsibility to the Ministry of Households. Huang Ruliang, Minister of the Ministry of Households, naturally became a target.

Although he, Huang Ruliang, has only been in charge of the Household Department for less than half a year, but at this time, no one cares if you want to push your predecessor on the head. Now that the Household Department is you, it should be your responsibility to solve these problems. What happened in the past Don't mention it, let you find a way to solve it now.

"Tomorrow, can you suspend Huaiyang Town, or slow down the progress of Huaiyang Town's establishment, and slow down the allocation of funds first? This will free up some money so that those who take care of the trilateral affairs can temporarily take care of the trilateral affairs. The situation has stabilized." Wang Yongguang, who had never spoken, couldn't help it.

This incident of the new household department stall really makes people feel hard to get better. He originally opposed the establishment of Huaiyang Town. The **** over there was frightening, and I don’t know what the guards in the south of the Yangtze River do. They are several times the size of the Japanese, but they were led by the nose by the Japanese. escaped.

This has also become the most sufficient reason for the Nanjing side to request the establishment of Huaiyang Town. In addition, the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are already powerful. Dare not to take this matter, Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Gao Panlong, Huang Ruliang and other scholars in the south of the Yangtze River were in favor at that time, but now it's all right, it's time to sit on the wax.

Hearing Wang Yongguang's suggestion, Huang Ruliang fell silent, and shook his head after a long time: "Youfu, this matter is inappropriate. The Nanjing side has always been worried about the imperial court's lack of attention to Jiangnan's defense, and attaches great importance to the establishment of Huaiyang Town. Now the originally agreed The matter has to be delayed again, I'm afraid it will arouse their anger and criticism even more."

  Wang Yongguang sneered, "It's not that we don't want to stop building, it's just a slow step. Now the imperial court is spending too much money, countering the rebellion in the southwest, and stabilizing the northwest. They all need money. Nanjing can't see these?"

"They can see that it's not Nanjing but the capital." Huang Ruliang couldn't help but slander, but the scholars in Jiangnan are united. Although there are internal differences, they can't collapse in front of outsiders, they can only smile Said: "Huaiyang Town will still be formed according to the established steps. The imperial court has selected candidates and will start it soon. This is the strategy determined by Ye Xiangfang and Fang Xiang, and it should not be changed again..."

"Then what about the Northwest side?" Wang Yongguang raised his head, "Now that the Ministry of War is in dire straits, and the ministers in the cabinet are still at loggerheads, can there be another Ningxia counter-insurgency? The money spent is probably more than the money spent to appease these mutinous soldiers Countless times more!"

   "Hey, the key point is that there is no suitable candidate for going to the northwest to preside over the overall situation." Huang Ruliang also knew that there were endless debates within the imperial court and could not recommend a suitable person to go to the northwest to preside over the overall situation, so he hesitated to agree to Chen Jingxuan's resignation.

Twenty years back in time, when the Jianzhou Jurchen had not yet become the greatest enemy of the Great Zhou, the Tumet people had always been the confidant of the Great Zhou, but with the rise of the Jianzhou Jurchen, the Mongolian right wing ushered in a period of low tide , especially the dispute between Bu Shitu and Su Nang has greatly dispersed the strength of the Tumed people, making it difficult for them to pose too much threat to the northwestern border of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

But this does not mean that the Tumets are no longer a threat. Once Dazhou shows its weakness and weakness in the northwest, these Mongols will immediately turn into wild wolves and rush towards Dazhou frantically, striving to be in Dazhou. A few pieces of flesh and blood were torn from their bodies to make up for the losses they suffered in the drought over the years.

  If there is no general who can stabilize the situation to sit on the three sides, the situation in the northwest will inevitably be corrupted.

"Zishu (Chai Ke) is actually not suitable." Wang Yongguang pondered: "Although he served as the governor of the three sides, but the time was very short, and it was just at the time when the imperial court's counter-insurgency ended and the morale was high. I thought it was necessary to have a veteran general who is used to fighting in order to stabilize the situation in the Northwest."

Huang Ruliang also agrees with Wang Yongguang's point of view. Civil servants can be in command temporarily, but this is under the circumstances that the soldiers below are serving. In a mess like the Northwest, it is not easy for anyone to go. They don't have enough prestige. Will be able to listen to you?

Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong are actually quite suitable, but the court dare not let go of it. Even Niu Jizong, the current Xuanda governor, the emperor, is jealous and always wants to change people, but firstly, he can't find a suitable candidate. Worried about causing unnecessary turmoil, so I forbear it for the time being.

"Then there is only Feng Tang." Huang Ruliang sighed softly, "But how can the situation in Liaodong be separated from Feng Tang? The situation in Liaodong finally stabilized and withstood the offensive of the Jianzhou Jurchen. Now Feng Tang is on good terms We have won over the Nekalka people and Haixi Jurchen, if he leaves, I am afraid that the situation will change again, and the imperial court cannot afford such a risk."

"Zi Shu's idea is to ask Feng Tang to rescue the emergency temporarily. When the war against the rebellion in the Southwest is over and the situation in the Northwest has calmed down, let Yang He take over, and Feng Tang will return to Liaodong." Wang Yongguang said in a deep voice, "I would rather I think this is okay, the court will do its best to resolve the Southwest War within a year, Feng Tang spent a year to sort out the three sides, and Yang He can almost take over."

   "Well, that's okay." Huang Ruliang was quite moved, and then smiled again, "You said that the two ministers of our household department are worried about the people in the military department..."

   "Hey, the country is in dire straits, so why do you and I still consider these sect views?" Wang Yongguang also sighed, "The emperor is not in good health, I am really worried that this year will be sad."

  Huang Ruliang frowned, "Youfu, you also have this premonition?"

  Wang Yongguang smiled bitterly: "The severity of the drought in the entire Northland this year will start tomorrow. Don't you know it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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