Number of People

Chapter 1461: Xinzi roll top cover

  Chapter 1461 Xin Zi Scroll Upper Set

Huang Ruliang's face was also bitter, he subconsciously rubbed his temples, and sighed, "Why don't I know it? The drought in Shaanxi has been rare in the past ten years, and the situation in the northern Zhili prefectures is not much better. The two prefectures of Baoding and Zhending The situation is worrying, and the situation in your hometown is not optimistic, right?"

  Wang Yongguang's face was gloomy, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "A letter from relatives in my hometown said that the situation in Daming Mansion is probably worse than Zhending and Baoding. Many people are already making up their minds to flee famine."

  Wang Yongguang is a native of Dongming County, Daming Prefecture. It is located in Daming Prefecture and the southernmost point of the entire North Zhili, at the junction of the three provinces of North Zhili, Shandong and Henan.

  Huang Ruliang's face is even more ugly. The northern provinces have been suffering from drought for the past ten years, but this year it has been particularly severe. I caught up with him when I first took office. I have to say that I am not very lucky.

Drought means refugees, tax reduction and exemption, and even a large amount of relief. The Jingtong Second Warehouse case has been solved, and a lot of money can even be collected, but the food that is in short supply is real. Yes, money is also needed to make up for it, which means that this year's grain price may rise sharply, and the collected money will be greatly reduced if it is exchanged for grain.

The Ministry of Household Affairs is already stepping up efforts to clear up the specific amount of deficit after the Jingtong Second Warehouse case, and has started to purchase grain from Huguang and Jiangnan. Even if it is old grain in previous years, you must at least have enough reserves, otherwise it will really come this winter and next spring. At that time, there was not enough food to suppress the bottom. Once refugees flooded into Gyeonggi, it would be fatal.

"Youfu, do you think our big week is not going well this year? The drought is so severe and the southwest war has not progressed. Countless food and money were wasted. The abolition of the three-sided military town also caused such a big shock, but our treasury It's empty, why?"

The relationship between Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang is pretty good. The two of them didn't have much intertwining before. One was the leader of scholars in the north, and the other was a leader in Fujian scholars. The north and the south were at odds. As far as the current situation is concerned, although the Ministry of Household Affairs has a high position and weight, it is also facing various difficulties and has to join hands to tide over the difficulties.

   To realize the intentions of the emperor and the cabinet, the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Household Affairs, one in charge of people and the other in charge of money, are indispensable.

But at the moment, it’s easier to talk about people, but the money is shy in the pocket. When the Minister of the Ministry of Accounts and the Minister of the Ministry of Finance are the focus of everyone’s fire, any department is asking for money, and any place finds it difficult. Ministry, how to strategize depends on your ability to be the Minister's servant.

  Under such circumstances, Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang could only help each other to survive this difficult situation.

Feng Ziying was recruited today, which meant that Youshun government government had to hand over one million taels of silver before the end of June as agreed in the previous court meeting. 1.2 million taels will be sold at the end of June, 1.3 million taels will be recovered at the end of September, and the rest will be sold and recovered before the end of the year.

"Who said it wasn't?" Wang Yongguang also had a serious face, "I came to find Ziying today, and I also want to have a good talk with him. I heard that there are many people involved in the case of Tongcang. If the Shuntian government office and Long Jinwei can Be ruthless and dig a little deeper, you may not be able to recover more, these are accumulated by the imperial court, but they are colluded by these moths and profiteers, can it be said that these profiteers just withdraw some stolen money and let it go?"

  Huang Ruliang looked at Wang Yongguang with flowing eyes, "I heard that the emperor and you elders mean that the most important thing is to pass the three courts to review the case..."

   "In principle, this should be the case, but it is an extraordinary time. The current state affairs are so difficult, so why be so rigid? If you can recover some money to solve the problem, the officials will be fine. Can the grain merchants consider it?"

  Wang Yongguang's words made Huang Ruliang slightly frown, "Replacing the law with punishment? Is this inappropriate? Besides, this is probably more likely to attract criticism from the outside world than making donations, right?"

Wang Yongguang sighed, "So I also feel embarrassed, but the establishment of Huaiyang Town cannot be postponed. The war in the southwest is spent every day, and the situation in the northwest is turbulent. Whoever sits in the town, even if it is Feng Tang, if you don't give He is three to five million taels of silver, and he is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice,..."

  While the two of them were sighing, they heard someone greeting from outside, "Master Feng is here, and the two adults have been waiting for you inside for a long time."

   "Oh, I'm not late, am I? I came here non-stop when I received the invitation from the two adults. It must be a good thing for the household department to recruit." Feng Ziying walked in cheerfully, "I have seen the two adults."

"Ziying, Shuntian Mansion has really made a big splash this time. The Tongcang case is well-known. As far as I know, Shuntian Mansion has not handled such a beautiful and big case in the past twenty years. Mr. Huang was still saying that At present, the household treasury is empty, and it depends on the performance of your Shuntian Prefecture."

  Wang Yongguang, Huang Ruliang and Feng Ziying are very familiar, so they are not polite. One of them belongs to the northern scholars. Huang Ruliang was Feng Ziying's minister of rites who was in charge of the academy when he was in the Imperial Academy, and he was regarded as his boss.

"It's all thanks to the Emperor Hong Fu, and the full support of Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Since the court has agreed to take back one million taels of silver before the end of June, everyone in the Shuntian Mansion will risk their lives." We have to take care of this matter." Feng Ziying had long expected that it would be bad for the two of them to come to him, so he hurriedly wanted to seal the other's mouth first.

How could Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang accept Feng Ziying's tricks? Huang Ruliang said unceremoniously: "Ziying, Ming people don't say dark words, and one million taels of silver is not enough. Before the end of the month, you have to get a hundred and fifty for my household department." One hundred thousand taels, another one and a half million taels before the end of September, this is the bottom line!"

  Wang Yongguang was also taken aback by Huang Ruliang's temporary "price increase". Wasn't it the promised 1.2 million taels? Why did it suddenly increase by another three hundred thousand taels?

   Seeing Huang Ruliang winking at himself, Wang Yongguang took back the words that came to his lips, and see how Huang Ruliang negotiated with Feng Ziying.

As expected, Feng Ziying was also taken aback by Huang Ruliang's lion's mouth, "Master Huang, this is not in line with what was agreed at the court meeting. Didn't we agree on one million taels? I need to do my best to see if I can get it all together." Now, the price has suddenly increased by another 500,000 taels. Where can I get it? There are houses, farms, and shops, but it will take time to realize them, and another 1.5 million taels will be required in September, which is even more impossible, Jing On the other side of the warehouse, I think the current posture is quite awkward,..."

Huang Ruhao calmly said: "Ziying, the situation is different now. The northwest is turbulent and the situation is worrying. Chen Jingxuan submitted his resignation. The imperial court needs a reputable veteran general to stabilize the northwest, but no matter who goes there, they will face a situation of arrears of payment. If the imperial court How can he stabilize the situation if he cannot prepare three to five million taels of silver for his backup?"

Feng Ziying was stunned and immediately said: "This has nothing to do with me. Shuntian Mansion is only following the requirements set by the court. It can't be said that if there is any shortage of money, the Shuntian Mansion will pay for it? There are only so many cases involved, so we can't beat them into tricks, right? "

"Ziying, I believe you can understand the difficulties of the imperial court. Huaiyang Town costs money, the war in the southwest costs money, and the situation in the northwest costs money. What's more troublesome is that you have also seen that this year's severe drought in the north, Shaanxi What's more, the household department needs to prepare half a million shi of grain for Shaanxi as an emergency reserve,..."

  Huang Ruliang's tone was a little low and depressing, and Feng Ziying was also shocked when he heard it, "Shaanxi is suffering a severe drought, Mr. Huang, I'm afraid the problem cannot be solved by 500,000 shi of grain, right?"

"Of course, Brother Youfu and I are also discussing. The tax reduction and exemption for this year and the next two years, the food relief will only be 500,000 shi..." Huang Ruliang sighed, "I also want to give more, but the imperial court does not agree. Fang owes everything, it's hard to do."

Of course, Feng Ziying knew that Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang were trying to sell their poor and complain in front of him. They wanted to "tap their potential" and spend more time on the Jingtong Ercang case, and they wanted to be tighter in time. He deliberately shirked it. However, he was moved by the severe drought in Shaanxi mentioned by Huang Ruliang. The peasant uprising at the end of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life was partly caused by the severe drought in northern Shaanxi. Well, in case Huang Ruliang is unfortunate enough to say that the severe drought in Shaanxi really triggered a big uprising, Dazhou would not be able to stand such a toss anymore.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's hesitation and silence, Huang Ruliang was overjoyed. This guy was actually fooled by him. It seems that it is really feasible to tap the potential.

"Master Huang, of course I am willing to share the court's worries, but you have taken such a big step that I am really not sure." Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying: "I expect to find a way to sell more than two hundred thousand taels of silver at most. Come on, this is already the limit, and the situation in September is similar,..."

"Okay, then it's settled, 1.2 million taels at the end of June, and 1.3 million taels in September!" Huang Ruliang agreed, "Ziying, a gentleman is hard to follow, but I will follow your advice." It was planned according to this standard, and it almost didn’t work, please!”

  Huang Ruliang got up and made a bow, which scared Feng Ziying to get up and return: "My lord, you are doing this for the public, why should you do this? Students can't afford it."

"Ziying, who is not the public? In his position to seek his own government, in this position, it is convenient to work together for state affairs." Huang Ruliang waved his hand and motioned Feng Ziying to sit down, "I was talking to Youfu earlier. , the Northwest is in chaos, and it is difficult for the imperial court to choose candidates, I am afraid that it will still fall on your father's head."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback again. Today, there were a series of accidents. "The court needs it, and my father is naturally duty-bound. It's the same everywhere, but the Liaodong side can't be ignored. I'm afraid Nurhachi is especially dangerous."

  (end of this chapter)

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